SMAPI log parser

Log info

Game info:
Stardew Valley: 1.6.8 build 24119 on Microsoft Windows 10 Home
SMAPI: 4.0.8
Folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley
Log started: 2024-05-06 03:52 UTC ({{localTimeStarted}} your time)

Installed mods:
game 1.6.8 build 24119 no errors
SMAPI 4.0.8 Pathoschild no errors
Automate 2.0.7 Pathoschild no errors
Better Chests 2.18.2 LeFauxMatt no errors
Better Crafting 2.9.0 Khloe Leclair no errors
Chests Anywhere 1.23.3 Pathoschild no errors
CJB Cheats Menu 1.36.2 CJBok and Pathoschild no errors
CJB Item Spawner 2.4.1 CJBok and Pathoschild no errors
Console Commands 4.0.8 SMAPI no errors
Content Patcher 2.0.6
+ (CP) GH's Peach Body type (female) 4.3.0
+ (CP) Seasonal Grass Path Vibrant Pastoral 1.0.1
+ Animated Fish 1.2.0
+ Babies Take After Spouse v1 1.6.0
+ Cask Enabled Sheds 2.0.0
+ Cuter Coops and Barns - Unofficial Update 2.1.0
+ Elle's Cat Replacements 1.1.0
+ Elle's New Barn Animals 1.1.3
+ Elle's New Coop Animals 1.1.5
+ Elle's Seasonal Buildings 1.3.5
+ Elle's Town Animals 1.4.2
+ grapeponta's Vanilla Interiors 1.9.1
+ Joja Clearance Bin CP 1.0.0
+ Seasonal Cute Characters 5.0.2
+ Vibrant Pastoral Recolor 1.13.1
+ Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP) 2.2.4
+ Vintage Interface v2 - 1.6 fix 1.2.0
+ VPR Temporary Fix for 1.6 1.0.8
(+ 18 content packs)
+ GH
+ VendettaDuck
+ Gervig91
+ lakoria
+ DoctorHadley
+ sunsetsodas
+ Elle/Junimods
+ Elle/Junimods
+ Elle/Junimods
+ Elle/Junimods
+ Elle/Junimods
+ grapeponta
+ CopperSun
+ Poltergeister with assets by various artists
+ grapeponta
+ ManaKirel
+ Nom0ri
+ Pooh
no errors
Content Patcher Animations 1.2.4 spacechase0 no errors
Custom NPC Exclusions 1.6.0 Esca no errors
Esca's Modding Plugins 1.2.4 Esca no errors
Event Lookup 0.2.9 shekurika no errors
Expanded Preconditions Utility 1.0.2-alpha.20240225 Cherry no errors
Expanded Storage 3.0.5 LeFauxMatt no errors
Farm Type Manager 1.19.0 Esca no errors
Farmhouse Fixes 1.7.9 CyanFire no errors
Fashion Sense 6.3.4
+ (FS) Cafe Clothes 1.0.0
+ (FS) Churpy's Vivid Hair - Flower Garden v2 2.0.0
+ (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set7 1.0.0
(+ 3 content packs)
+ sugarmaples
+ Churpix
+ luoli
no errors
Fast Animations 1.11.10 Pathoschild no errors
FauxCore 1.1.1 LeFauxMatt no errors
Generic Mod Config Menu 1.12.0 spacechase0 no errors
GMCM Options 1.6.0 Jamie Taylor no errors
Json Assets 1.11.8 spacechase0 no errors
Lookup Anything 1.42.0 Pathoschild no errors
Mail Framework Mod 1.17.1 Digus no errors
Mod Update Menu 2.6.0-unofficial-1 Cat no errors
NPC Map Locations 3.1.0 Bouhm no errors
Remote Fridge Storage 1.10.1 EternalSoap no errors
Reset Terrain Features for NET 6 1.4.0-unofficial-Lake1059 MabelSyrup no errors
Save Backup 4.0.8 SMAPI no errors
Shop Tile Framework 1.0.10-alpha-20240227
+ Joja Clearance Bin STF 1.0.0
(+ 1 content packs)
+ CopperSun
no errors
SpaceCore 1.23.1 spacechase0 no errors
To-Dew 2.1.1 Jamie Taylor no errors
Tractor Mod 4.17.3 Pathoschild no errors
UI Info Suite 2 2.3.2 Annosz no errors
Weapons on Display 1.0.3 Anthony Hilyard no errors
[21:52:49 INFO  SMAPI] SMAPI 4.0.8 with Stardew Valley 1.6.8 build 24119 on Microsoft Windows 10 Home
[21:52:49 INFO  SMAPI] Mods go here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods
[21:52:49 TRACE SMAPI] Log started at 2024-05-06T03:52:49 UTC
[21:52:51 DEBUG SMAPI] Waiting for game to launch...
[21:52:53 DEBUG SMAPI] Loading mod metadata...
[21:52:53 DEBUG SMAPI] Loading mods...
[21:52:53 TRACE SMAPI]    Content Patcher (from Mods\ContentPatcher\ContentPatcher.dll, ID: Pathoschild.ContentPatcher)...
[21:52:53 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote ContentPatcher.dll to fix ClickableTextureComponent.draw (added missing optional parameters)...
[21:52:53 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading ContentPatcher.dll (rewritten)...
[21:52:53 TRACE SMAPI]    Cask Enabled Sheds (from Mods\(CP) Cask Enabled Sheds, ID: DoctorHadley.CaskEnabledSheds) [content pack]...
[21:52:53 TRACE SMAPI]    Automate (from Mods\Automate\Automate.dll, ID: Pathoschild.Automate)...
[21:52:53 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote Automate.dll to fix ClickableTextureComponent.draw (added missing optional parameters)...
[21:52:53 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading Automate.dll (rewritten)...
[21:52:54 TRACE SMAPI]    Generic Mod Config Menu (from Mods\GenericModConfigMenu\GenericModConfigMenu.dll, ID: spacechase0.GenericModConfigMenu)...
[21:52:54 TRACE SMAPI]       Failed loading PDB for 'GenericModConfigMenu.dll'. Technical details:
Mono.Cecil.Cil.SymbolsNotMatchingException: Symbols were found but are not matching the assembly
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadSymbols(ISymbolReader reader, Boolean throwIfSymbolsAreNotMaching)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.ReadSymbols(ModuleDefinition module, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.CreateModule(Image image, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModLoading.AssemblyLoader.GetReferencedLocalAssemblies(FileInfo file, HashSet`1 visitedAssemblyNames, IAssemblyResolver assemblyResolver)+MoveNext() in E:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Framework\ModLoading\AssemblyLoader.cs:line 281
[21:52:54 TRACE SMAPI]    FauxCore (from Mods\FauxCore\FauxCore.dll, ID: furyx639.FauxCore)...
[21:52:54 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading SimpleInjector.dll...
[21:52:54 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote FauxCore.dll to fix Game1.showRedMessage (added missing optional parameters)...
[21:52:54 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly FauxCore.dll.
[21:52:54 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading FauxCore.dll (rewritten)...
[21:52:54 TRACE SMAPI]    Better Crafting (from Mods\BetterCrafting\BetterCrafting.dll, ID: leclair.bettercrafting)...
[21:52:54 TRACE SMAPI]       Failed loading PDB for 'BetterCrafting.dll'. Technical details:
Mono.Cecil.Cil.SymbolsNotMatchingException: Symbols were found but are not matching the assembly
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadSymbols(ISymbolReader reader, Boolean throwIfSymbolsAreNotMaching)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.ReadSymbols(ModuleDefinition module, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.CreateModule(Image image, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModLoading.AssemblyLoader.GetReferencedLocalAssemblies(FileInfo file, HashSet`1 visitedAssemblyNames, IAssemblyResolver assemblyResolver)+MoveNext() in E:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Framework\ModLoading\AssemblyLoader.cs:line 281
[21:52:54 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly BetterCrafting.dll.
[21:52:55 TRACE SMAPI]    Better Chests (from Mods\BetterChests\BetterChests.dll, ID: furyx639.BetterChests)...
[21:52:55 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected direct console access (System.Console type) in assembly Pidgin.dll.
[21:52:55 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading Pidgin.dll...
[21:52:55 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly BetterChests.dll.
[21:52:55 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading BetterChests.dll...
[21:52:55 TRACE SMAPI]    Chests Anywhere (from Mods\ChestsAnywhere\ChestsAnywhere.dll, ID: Pathoschild.ChestsAnywhere)...
[21:52:55 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote ChestsAnywhere.dll to fix ClickableTextureComponent.draw (added missing optional parameters)...
[21:52:55 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading ChestsAnywhere.dll (rewritten)...
[21:52:55 TRACE SMAPI]    CJB Cheats Menu (from Mods\CJBCheatsMenu\CJBCheatsMenu.dll, ID: CJBok.CheatsMenu)...
[21:52:55 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote CJBCheatsMenu.dll to fix ClickableTextureComponent.draw (added missing optional parameters)...
[21:52:56 TRACE SMAPI]    CJB Item Spawner (from Mods\CJBItemSpawner\CJBItemSpawner.dll, ID: CJBok.ItemSpawner)...
[21:52:56 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote CJBItemSpawner.dll to fix ClickableTextureComponent.draw (added missing optional parameters)...
[21:52:56 TRACE SMAPI]    Console Commands (from Mods\ConsoleCommands\ConsoleCommands.dll, ID: SMAPI.ConsoleCommands)...
[21:52:56 TRACE SMAPI]    Content Patcher Animations (from Mods\ContentPatcherAnimations\ContentPatcherAnimations.dll, ID: spacechase0.ContentPatcherAnimations)...
[21:52:56 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote ContentPatcherAnimations.dll to fix BuildableGameLocation.buildings field, Building.input field, Building.output field, Chest.items field, Farmer.get_Items method, FarmerTeam.junimoChest field, FruitTree.fruitSeason field, Game1.playSound method, JunimoHut.output field, LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCodeString method, OverlaidDictionary.get_Keys method, OverlaidDictionary.get_Pairs method, SpriteText.drawString method, StardewValley.Buildings.Mill type, StardewValley.ModDataDictionary type, StardewValley.Network.OverlaidDictionary/KeysCollection type, StardewValley.Network.OverlaidDictionary/KeysCollection/Enumerator type, StardewValley.Network.OverlaidDictionary/PairsCollection type, StardewValley.SpecialOrder type...
[21:52:56 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly ContentPatcherAnimations.dll.
[21:52:56 TRACE SMAPI]    Custom NPC Exclusions (from Mods\CustomNPCExclusions\CustomNPCExclusions.dll, ID: Esca.CustomNPCExclusions)...
[21:52:57 TRACE SMAPI]       Failed loading PDB for 'CustomNPCExclusions.dll'. Technical details:
Mono.Cecil.Cil.SymbolsNotMatchingException: Symbols were found but are not matching the assembly
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadSymbols(ISymbolReader reader, Boolean throwIfSymbolsAreNotMaching)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.ReadSymbols(ModuleDefinition module, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.CreateModule(Image image, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModLoading.AssemblyLoader.GetReferencedLocalAssemblies(FileInfo file, HashSet`1 visitedAssemblyNames, IAssemblyResolver assemblyResolver)+MoveNext() in E:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Framework\ModLoading\AssemblyLoader.cs:line 281
[21:52:57 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly CustomNPCExclusions.dll.
[21:52:57 TRACE SMAPI]    Esca's Modding Plugins (from Mods\EscasModdingPlugins\EMP.dll, ID: Esca.EMP)...
[21:52:57 TRACE SMAPI]       Failed loading PDB for 'EMP.dll'. Technical details:
Mono.Cecil.Cil.SymbolsNotMatchingException: Symbols were found but are not matching the assembly
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadSymbols(ISymbolReader reader, Boolean throwIfSymbolsAreNotMaching)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.ReadSymbols(ModuleDefinition module, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.CreateModule(Image image, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModLoading.AssemblyLoader.GetReferencedLocalAssemblies(FileInfo file, HashSet`1 visitedAssemblyNames, IAssemblyResolver assemblyResolver)+MoveNext() in E:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Framework\ModLoading\AssemblyLoader.cs:line 281
[21:52:57 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly EMP.dll.
[21:52:57 TRACE SMAPI]    Event Lookup (from Mods\EventLookup\EventTable.dll, ID: shekurika.EventLookup)...
[21:52:58 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote EventTable.dll to fix ClickableTextureComponent.draw (added missing optional parameters)...
[21:52:58 TRACE SMAPI]    Expanded Preconditions Utility (from Mods\ExpandedPreconditionsUtility\ExpandedPreconditionsUtility.dll, ID: Cherry.ExpandedPreconditionsUtility)...
[21:52:58 TRACE SMAPI]       Failed loading PDB for 'ExpandedPreconditionsUtility.dll'. Technical details:
Mono.Cecil.Cil.SymbolsNotMatchingException: Symbols were found but are not matching the assembly
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadSymbols(ISymbolReader reader, Boolean throwIfSymbolsAreNotMaching)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.ReadSymbols(ModuleDefinition module, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.CreateModule(Image image, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModLoading.AssemblyLoader.GetReferencedLocalAssemblies(FileInfo file, HashSet`1 visitedAssemblyNames, IAssemblyResolver assemblyResolver)+MoveNext() in E:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Framework\ModLoading\AssemblyLoader.cs:line 281
[21:52:58 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote ExpandedPreconditionsUtility.dll to fix Game1.getCharacterFromName method...
[21:52:58 TRACE SMAPI]    Expanded Storage (from Mods\ExpandedStorage\ExpandedStorage.dll, ID: furyx639.ExpandedStorage)...
[21:52:58 TRACE SMAPI]       Failed loading PDB for 'ExpandedStorage.dll'. Technical details:
Mono.Cecil.Cil.SymbolsNotMatchingException: Symbols were found but are not matching the assembly
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadSymbols(ISymbolReader reader, Boolean throwIfSymbolsAreNotMaching)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.ReadSymbols(ModuleDefinition module, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.CreateModule(Image image, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModLoading.AssemblyLoader.GetReferencedLocalAssemblies(FileInfo file, HashSet`1 visitedAssemblyNames, IAssemblyResolver assemblyResolver)+MoveNext() in E:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Framework\ModLoading\AssemblyLoader.cs:line 281
[21:52:58 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote ExpandedStorage.dll to fix Game1.showRedMessage (added missing optional parameters)...
[21:52:58 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly ExpandedStorage.dll.
[21:52:58 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading ExpandedStorage.dll (rewritten)...
[21:52:59 TRACE SMAPI]    SpaceCore (from Mods\SpaceCore\SpaceCore.dll, ID: spacechase0.SpaceCore)...
[21:52:59 TRACE SMAPI]       Failed loading PDB for 'SpaceCore.dll'. Technical details:
Mono.Cecil.Cil.SymbolsNotMatchingException: Symbols were found but are not matching the assembly
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadSymbols(ISymbolReader reader, Boolean throwIfSymbolsAreNotMaching)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.ReadSymbols(ModuleDefinition module, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.CreateModule(Image image, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModLoading.AssemblyLoader.GetReferencedLocalAssemblies(FileInfo file, HashSet`1 visitedAssemblyNames, IAssemblyResolver assemblyResolver)+MoveNext() in E:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Framework\ModLoading\AssemblyLoader.cs:line 281
[21:52:59 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly SpaceCore.dll.
[21:52:59 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected possible save serializer change (StardewValley.SaveGame.farmerSerializer field, StardewValley.SaveGame.locationSerializer field, StardewValley.SaveGame.serializer field) in assembly SpaceCore.dll.
[21:52:59 TRACE SMAPI]    Farmhouse Fixes (from Mods\FarmhouseFixes\FarmhouseFixes.dll, ID: CF.FarmhouseFixes)...
[21:53:00 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly FarmhouseFixes.dll.
[21:53:00 TRACE SMAPI]    Farm Type Manager (from Mods\FarmTypeManager\FarmTypeManager.dll, ID: Esca.FarmTypeManager)...
[21:53:00 TRACE SMAPI]       Failed loading PDB for 'FarmTypeManager.dll'. Technical details:
Mono.Cecil.Cil.SymbolsNotMatchingException: Symbols were found but are not matching the assembly
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadSymbols(ISymbolReader reader, Boolean throwIfSymbolsAreNotMaching)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.ReadSymbols(ModuleDefinition module, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.CreateModule(Image image, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModLoading.AssemblyLoader.GetReferencedLocalAssemblies(FileInfo file, HashSet`1 visitedAssemblyNames, IAssemblyResolver assemblyResolver)+MoveNext() in E:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Framework\ModLoading\AssemblyLoader.cs:line 281
[21:53:00 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly FarmTypeManager.dll.
[21:53:00 TRACE SMAPI]    Fashion Sense (from Mods\FashionSense\FashionSense.dll, ID: PeacefulEnd.FashionSense)...
[21:53:01 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly FashionSense.dll.
[21:53:01 TRACE SMAPI]    Fast Animations (from Mods\FastAnimations\FastAnimations.dll, ID: Pathoschild.FastAnimations)...
[21:53:02 TRACE SMAPI]    GMCM Options (from Mods\GMCMOptions\GMCMOptions.dll, ID: jltaylor-us.GMCMOptions)...
[21:53:02 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote GMCMOptions.dll to fix Farmer.changePants method, Farmer.changePantStyle method, Farmer.changeShirt method, IClickableMenu.drawToolTip method...
[21:53:02 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly GMCMOptions.dll.
[21:53:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Json Assets (from Mods\JsonAssets\JsonAssets.dll, ID: spacechase0.JsonAssets)...
[21:53:03 TRACE SMAPI]       Failed loading PDB for 'JsonAssets.dll'. Technical details:
Mono.Cecil.Cil.SymbolsNotMatchingException: Symbols were found but are not matching the assembly
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadSymbols(ISymbolReader reader, Boolean throwIfSymbolsAreNotMaching)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.ReadSymbols(ModuleDefinition module, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.CreateModule(Image image, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModLoading.AssemblyLoader.GetReferencedLocalAssemblies(FileInfo file, HashSet`1 visitedAssemblyNames, IAssemblyResolver assemblyResolver)+MoveNext() in E:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Framework\ModLoading\AssemblyLoader.cs:line 281
[21:53:03 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly JsonAssets.dll.
[21:53:03 TRACE SMAPI]    Lookup Anything (from Mods\LookupAnything\LookupAnything.dll, ID: Pathoschild.LookupAnything)...
[21:53:03 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading LookupAnything.dll...
[21:53:03 TRACE SMAPI]    Mail Framework Mod (from Mods\MailFrameworkMod\MailFrameworkMod.dll, ID: DIGUS.MailFrameworkMod)...
[21:53:04 TRACE SMAPI]       Failed loading PDB for 'MailFrameworkMod.dll'. Technical details:
Mono.Cecil.Cil.SymbolsNotMatchingException: Symbols were found but are not matching the assembly
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadSymbols(ISymbolReader reader, Boolean throwIfSymbolsAreNotMaching)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.ReadSymbols(ModuleDefinition module, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.CreateModule(Image image, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModLoading.AssemblyLoader.GetReferencedLocalAssemblies(FileInfo file, HashSet`1 visitedAssemblyNames, IAssemblyResolver assemblyResolver)+MoveNext() in E:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Framework\ModLoading\AssemblyLoader.cs:line 281
[21:53:04 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly MailFrameworkMod.dll.
[21:53:04 TRACE SMAPI]    NPC Map Locations (from Mods\NPCMapLocations\NPCMapLocations.dll, ID: Bouhm.NPCMapLocations)...
[21:53:05 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading NPCMapLocations.dll...
[21:53:05 TRACE SMAPI]    Remote Fridge Storage (from Mods\RemoteFridgeStorage\RemoteFridgeStorage.dll, ID: EternalSoap.RemoteFridgeStorage)...
[21:53:05 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote RemoteFridgeStorage.dll to fix ClickableTextureComponent.draw (added missing optional parameters)...
[21:53:05 TRACE SMAPI]    Reset Terrain Features for NET 6 (from Mods\ResetTerrainFeatures_NET6\ResetTerrainFeatures_NET6.dll, ID: MabelSyrup.ResetTerrainFeatures)...
[21:53:05 TRACE SMAPI]    Save Backup (from Mods\SaveBackup\SaveBackup.dll, ID: SMAPI.SaveBackup)...
[21:53:05 TRACE SMAPI]    Shop Tile Framework (from Mods\ShopTileFramework\ShopTileFramework.dll, ID: Cherry.ShopTileFramework)...
[21:53:06 TRACE SMAPI]       Failed loading PDB for 'ShopTileFramework.dll'. Technical details:
Mono.Cecil.Cil.SymbolsNotMatchingException: Symbols were found but are not matching the assembly
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadSymbols(ISymbolReader reader, Boolean throwIfSymbolsAreNotMaching)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.ReadSymbols(ModuleDefinition module, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.CreateModule(Image image, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModLoading.AssemblyLoader.GetReferencedLocalAssemblies(FileInfo file, HashSet`1 visitedAssemblyNames, IAssemblyResolver assemblyResolver)+MoveNext() in E:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Framework\ModLoading\AssemblyLoader.cs:line 281
[21:53:06 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote ShopTileFramework.dll to fix ItemStockInformation..ctor (added missing optional parameters)...
[21:53:06 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly ShopTileFramework.dll.
[21:53:06 TRACE SMAPI]    To-Dew (from Mods\ToDew\ToDew.dll, ID: jltaylor-us.ToDew)...
[21:53:06 TRACE SMAPI]       Failed loading PDB for 'ToDew.dll'. Technical details:
Mono.Cecil.Cil.SymbolsNotMatchingException: Symbols were found but are not matching the assembly
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadSymbols(ISymbolReader reader, Boolean throwIfSymbolsAreNotMaching)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.ReadSymbols(ModuleDefinition module, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.CreateModule(Image image, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModLoading.AssemblyLoader.GetReferencedLocalAssemblies(FileInfo file, HashSet`1 visitedAssemblyNames, IAssemblyResolver assemblyResolver)+MoveNext() in E:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Framework\ModLoading\AssemblyLoader.cs:line 281
[21:53:06 TRACE SMAPI]    Tractor Mod (from Mods\TractorMod\TractorMod.dll, ID: Pathoschild.TractorMod)...
[21:53:07 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote TractorMod.dll to fix ClickableTextureComponent.draw (added missing optional parameters)...
[21:53:07 TRACE SMAPI]    UI Info Suite 2 (from Mods\UIInfoSuite2\UIInfoSuite2.dll, ID: Annosz.UiInfoSuite2)...
[21:53:07 TRACE SMAPI]       Failed loading PDB for 'UIInfoSuite2.dll'. Technical details:
Mono.Cecil.Cil.SymbolsNotMatchingException: Symbols were found but are not matching the assembly
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadSymbols(ISymbolReader reader, Boolean throwIfSymbolsAreNotMaching)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.ReadSymbols(ModuleDefinition module, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.CreateModule(Image image, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModLoading.AssemblyLoader.GetReferencedLocalAssemblies(FileInfo file, HashSet`1 visitedAssemblyNames, IAssemblyResolver assemblyResolver)+MoveNext() in E:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Framework\ModLoading\AssemblyLoader.cs:line 281
[21:53:07 TRACE SMAPI]    Mod Update Menu (from Mods\UnofficialModUpdateMenu\ModUpdateMenu.dll, ID: cat.modupdatemenu)...
[21:53:08 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading ModUpdateMenu.dll...
[21:53:08 TRACE SMAPI]    Weapons on Display (from Mods\WeaponsOnDisplay\WeaponsOnDisplay.dll, ID: com.anthonyhilyard.WeaponsOnDisplay)...
[21:53:08 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly WeaponsOnDisplay.dll.
[21:53:08 TRACE SMAPI]    Animated Fish (from Mods\[CP-A] Animated Fish, ID: Gervig91.AnimatedFish) [content pack]...
[21:53:08 TRACE SMAPI]    Vibrant Pastoral Recolor (from Mods\[CP] 00Vibrant Pastoral Recolor, ID: grapeponta.VibrantPastoralRecolor) [content pack]...
[21:53:08 TRACE SMAPI]    Babies Take After Spouse v1 (from Mods\[CP] Babies Take After Spouse v1, ID: lakoria.BabiesTakeAfterSpousev1) [content pack]...
[21:53:08 TRACE SMAPI]    Cuter Coops and Barns - Unofficial Update (from Mods\[CP] Cuter Coops and Barns - Updated, ID: sunspots.ccabunofficial) [content pack]...
[21:53:08 TRACE SMAPI]    Elle's Cat Replacements (from Mods\[CP] Elle's Cat Replacements, ID: Elle.Cats) [content pack]...
[21:53:08 TRACE SMAPI]    Elle's New Barn Animals (from Mods\[CP] Elle's New Barn Animals, ID: Elle.NewBarnAnimals) [content pack]...
[21:53:08 TRACE SMAPI]    Elle's New Coop Animals (from Mods\[CP] Elle's New Coop Animals, ID: Elle.NewCoopAnimals) [content pack]...
[21:53:08 TRACE SMAPI]    grapeponta's Vanilla Interiors (from Mods\[CP] grapeponta's Vanilla Interiors, ID: grapeponta.VanillaInteriors) [content pack]...
[21:53:08 TRACE SMAPI]    VPR Temporary Fix for 1.6 (from Mods\[CP] Vibrant Pastoral Recolor Temporary fix for 1.6, ID: poohnhi.VPRTempFix) [content pack]...
[21:53:08 TRACE SMAPI]    Elle's Seasonal Buildings (from Mods\[CP] Elle's Seasonal Buildings, ID: Elle.SeasonalBuildings) [content pack]...
[21:53:08 TRACE SMAPI]    Seasonal Cute Characters (from Mods\[CP] Seasonal Cute Characters, ID: Poltergeister.SeasonalCuteCharacters) [content pack]...
[21:53:08 TRACE SMAPI]    Elle's Town Animals (from Mods\[CP] Elle's Town Animals, ID: Elle.TownAnimals) [content pack]...
[21:53:08 TRACE SMAPI]    (CP) GH's Peach Body type (female) (from Mods\[CP] GH's Peach Body type (female), ID: GH.Pitch.female) [content pack]...
[21:53:08 TRACE SMAPI]    (CP) Seasonal Grass Path Vibrant Pastoral (from Mods\[CP] Seasonal Grass Path for Vibrant Pastoral, ID: VendettaDuck.GrassPathVibrantPastoral) [content pack]...
[21:53:08 TRACE SMAPI]    Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP) (from Mods\[CP] Vintage Interface v2, ID: ManaKirel.VintageInterface2) [content pack]...
[21:53:08 TRACE SMAPI]    Vintage Interface v2 - 1.6 fix (from Mods\[CP] Vintage Interface v2 1.6 Fix, ID: Nom0ri.VintageUIfix) [content pack]...
[21:53:08 TRACE SMAPI]    Joja Clearance Bin CP (from Mods\[CS] Joja Clearance Bin\[CP] Joja Clearance Bin, ID: CopperSun.JojaClearanceCP) [content pack]...
[21:53:08 TRACE SMAPI]    Joja Clearance Bin STF (from Mods\[CS] Joja Clearance Bin\[STF] Joja Clearance Bin, ID: CopperSun.JojaClearanceSTF) [content pack]...
[21:53:08 TRACE SMAPI]    (FS) Churpy's Vivid Hair - Flower Garden v2 (from Mods\[FS] Churpy's Vivid Hair - Flower Garden Set v2, ID: churpysflowergarden.FS) [content pack]...
[21:53:08 TRACE SMAPI]    (FS) Cafe Clothes (from Mods\[FS] Sugarmaple's Cafe Clothes, ID: sugarmaples.FScafeClothes) [content pack]...
[21:53:08 TRACE SMAPI]    (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set7 (from Mods\[FS] 洛离的上衣与裙子35, ID: luoli.FSLuoliHappySkirtSet7) [content pack]...
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI] Loaded 35 mods:
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Automate 2.0.7 by Pathoschild | Lets you automate crafting machines, fruit trees, and more by connecting them to chests.
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Better Chests 2.18.2 by LeFauxMatt | Framework that adds new features to chests.
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Better Crafting 2.9.0 by Khloe Leclair | Replaces the vanilla crafting menu with an improved reimplementation with support for favorites, categories, and that doesn't lock nearby chests in multiplayer.
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Chests Anywhere 1.23.3 by Pathoschild | Access your chests from anywhere and organize them your way.
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    CJB Cheats Menu 1.36.2 by CJBok and Pathoschild | Simple in-game cheats menu!
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    CJB Item Spawner 2.4.1 by CJBok and Pathoschild | Simple in-game item spawner!
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Console Commands 4.0.8 by SMAPI | Adds SMAPI console commands that let you manipulate the game.
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Content Patcher 2.0.6 by Pathoschild | Loads content packs which edit game data, images, and maps without changing the game files.
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Content Patcher Animations 1.2.4 by spacechase0 | Lets Content Patcher packs animate textures.
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Custom NPC Exclusions 1.6.0 by Esca | Allows modders to exclude custom NPCs from quests and events via Content Patcher.
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Esca's Modding Plugins 1.2.4 by Esca | Adds new data assets, map/tile properties, and features for other mods to use.
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Event Lookup 0.2.9 by shekurika | Allows event lookup in an ingame menu or console. Also adds an ingame display of currently available heart events
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Expanded Preconditions Utility 1.0.2-alpha.20240225 by Cherry | A condition checking system designed for use by other mods, in the format of event preconditions
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Expanded Storage 3.0.5 by LeFauxMatt | Framework for adding new types of chests to the game.
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Farm Type Manager 1.19.0 by Esca | Allows custom spawning of content from each farm type: forage, large objects, ore, and monsters
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Farmhouse Fixes 1.7.9 by CyanFire | Various fixes/QOL improvements for farmhouse/cabins
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Fashion Sense 6.3.4 by PeacefulEnd | Framework which adds hair animation and more into Stardew Valley.
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Fast Animations 1.11.10 by Pathoschild | Speeds up many animations in the game (configurable).
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    FauxCore 1.1.1 by LeFauxMatt | Framework that provides shared functionality for all of my mods.
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Generic Mod Config Menu 1.12.0 by spacechase0 | Adds an in-game UI to edit other mods' config options (for mods which support it).
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    GMCM Options 1.6.0 by Jamie Taylor | Provides complex Option types for Generic Mod Config Menu
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Json Assets 1.11.8 by spacechase0 | Lets content packs add custom content to the game.
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Lookup Anything 1.42.0 by Pathoschild | View metadata about anything by pressing a button.
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Mail Framework Mod 1.17.1 by Digus | Utility classes to send mail in the game.
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Mod Update Menu 2.6.0-unofficial-1 by Cat | Shows an in game menu on the title screen about mods that need updates.
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    NPC Map Locations 3.1.0 by Bouhm | Shows NPCs and farmers on a modified map page for accurate tracking.
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Remote Fridge Storage 1.10.1 by EternalSoap | Allows you to use ingredients inside chests while cooking
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Reset Terrain Features for NET 6 1.4.0-unofficial-Lake1059 by MabelSyrup | Allows you to regenerate terrain features from the map - useful for when you change a map during a game
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Save Backup 4.0.8 by SMAPI | Automatically backs up all your saves once per day into its folder.
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Shop Tile Framework 1.0.10-alpha-20240227 by Cherry | Define new shops as custom tile properties
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    SpaceCore 1.23.1 by spacechase0 | A framework mod used by some of my other mods.
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    To-Dew 2.1.1 by Jamie Taylor | An in-game To-do list
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Tractor Mod 4.17.3 by Pathoschild | Lets you buy a tractor to more efficiently work with crops, clear twigs and rocks, etc.
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    UI Info Suite 2 2.3.2 by Annosz | Adds a useful information to the user interface. Based on Cdaragorn's excellent UI Info Suite.
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Weapons on Display 1.0.3 by Anthony Hilyard | Allows weapons to be placed on tables for display purposes.

[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI] Loaded 22 content packs:
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    (CP) GH's Peach Body type (female) 4.3.0 by GH | for Content Patcher | This mode applies the female pitch body type.
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    (CP) Seasonal Grass Path Vibrant Pastoral 1.0.1 by VendettaDuck | for Content Patcher | Replaces Gravel path with Vibrant Pastoral style grass path
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    (FS) Cafe Clothes 1.0.0 by sugarmaples | for Fashion Sense | Cute cafe item themed clothes for Fashion Sense!
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    (FS) Churpy's Vivid Hair - Flower Garden v2 2.0.0 by Churpix | for Fashion Sense | 5 variants of 20 hairstyles for a total of 100. FS version.
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set7 1.0.0 by luoli | for Fashion Sense | 除本人QQ群以及N网以外上传的地方均为倒卖和二传,请认准洛离.
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Animated Fish 1.2.0 by Gervig91 | for Content Patcher | Animates fish and fishing related items
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Babies Take After Spouse v1 1.6.0 by lakoria | for Content Patcher | Changes the baby and toddler spritesheets based on your spouse.
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Cask Enabled Sheds 2.0.0 by DoctorHadley | for Content Patcher | Enables the use of casks inside of sheds
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Cuter Coops and Barns - Unofficial Update 2.1.0 by sunsetsodas | for Content Patcher | Unofficial update of Erasercat's Cuter Coops and Barns. Makes coops and barns cuter and cleaner.
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Elle's Cat Replacements 1.1.0 by Elle/Junimods | for Content Patcher | A CP replacement for your pet cat!
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Elle's New Barn Animals 1.1.3 by Elle/Junimods | for Content Patcher | A CP replacement for all your barn animals!
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Elle's New Coop Animals 1.1.5 by Elle/Junimods | for Content Patcher | A CP replacement for all your coop animals!
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Elle's Seasonal Buildings 1.3.5 by Elle/Junimods | for Content Patcher | A replacement for all buildings on your farm for each season!
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Elle's Town Animals 1.4.2 by Elle/Junimods | for Content Patcher | Replaces most animals throughout Stardew Valley!
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    grapeponta's Vanilla Interiors 1.9.1 by grapeponta | for Content Patcher | Moderately recolored interiors
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Joja Clearance Bin CP 1.0.0 by CopperSun | for Content Patcher | Adds a clearance bin to JojaMart selling random seeds out of season. (Content Patcher)
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Joja Clearance Bin STF 1.0.0 by CopperSun | for Shop Tile Framework | Adds a clearance bin to JojaMart selling random seeds out of season. (Shop Tile Framework)
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Seasonal Cute Characters 5.0.2 by Poltergeister with assets by various artists | for Content Patcher | Seasonal outfits with the slightly cuter character aesthetic.
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Vibrant Pastoral Recolor 1.13.1 by grapeponta | for Content Patcher | A general recolor mod
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP) 2.2.4 by ManaKirel | for Content Patcher | A cream-brown menu interface for CP
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Vintage Interface v2 - 1.6 fix 1.2.0 by Nom0ri | for Content Patcher | Adds mising UI elements from 1.6 update
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    VPR Temporary Fix for 1.6 1.0.8 by Pooh | for Content Patcher | Temporary force the new 1.6 tilesheets to match VPR recolored from grapeponta.

[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI] Found 20 mods with warnings:
[21:53:08 WARN  SMAPI]    Changed save serializer
[21:53:08 WARN  SMAPI]    --------------------------------------------------
[21:53:08 WARN  SMAPI]       These mods change the save serializer. They may corrupt your save files, or make them unusable if
[21:53:08 WARN  SMAPI]       you uninstall these mods.

[21:53:08 WARN  SMAPI]       - SpaceCore

[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    Patched game code
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]    --------------------------------------------------
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]       These mods directly change the game code. They're more likely to cause errors or bugs in-game; if
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]       your game has issues, try removing these first. Otherwise you can ignore this warning.

[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]       - Better Chests
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]       - Better Crafting
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]       - Content Patcher Animations
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]       - Custom NPC Exclusions
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]       - Esca's Modding Plugins
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]       - Expanded Storage
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]       - Farm Type Manager
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]       - Farmhouse Fixes
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]       - Fashion Sense
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]       - FauxCore
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]       - GMCM Options
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]       - Json Assets
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]       - Mail Framework Mod
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]       - Shop Tile Framework
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]       - SpaceCore
[21:53:08 INFO  SMAPI]       - Weapons on Display

[21:53:08 DEBUG SMAPI]    No update keys
[21:53:08 DEBUG SMAPI]    --------------------------------------------------
[21:53:08 DEBUG SMAPI]       These mods have no update keys in their manifest. SMAPI may not notify you about updates for these
[21:53:08 DEBUG SMAPI]       mods. Consider notifying the mod authors about this problem.

[21:53:08 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (CP) GH's Peach Body type (female)
[21:53:08 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (FS) Cafe Clothes
[21:53:08 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (FS) Churpy's Vivid Hair - Flower Garden v2
[21:53:08 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set7
[21:53:08 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Weapons on Display

[21:53:12 DEBUG SMAPI] Launching mods...
[21:53:12 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI).
[21:53:12 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (Pathoschild.Stardew.Automate.Framework.AutomateAPI).
[21:53:12 TRACE Better Crafting] Registering event ModEntry.OnGameLaunched for event GameLaunched
[21:53:12 TRACE Better Crafting] Registering event ModEntry.OnSaveLoaded for event SaveLoaded
[21:53:12 TRACE Better Crafting] Registering event ModEntry.OnReturnToTitle for event ReturnedToTitle
[21:53:12 TRACE Better Crafting] Registering event ModEntry.OnAssetInvalidated for event AssetsInvalidated
[21:53:12 TRACE Better Crafting] Registering event ModEntry.OnObjectsChanged for event ObjectListChanged
[21:53:12 TRACE Better Crafting] Registering event ModEntry.OnAssetRequested for event AssetRequested
[21:53:12 TRACE game] Registered Data/Triggers action: leclair.bettercrafting_OpenMenu
[21:53:13 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (Pathoschild.Stardew.ChestsAnywhere.Framework.ChestsAnywhereApi).
[21:53:13 TRACE CJB Cheats Menu] Started with menu key Q.
[21:53:13 TRACE CJB Item Spawner] Started with menu key I.
[21:53:13 TRACE Custom NPC Exclusions] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_IslandVisit": prefixing SDV method "IslandSouth.SetupIslandSchedules()".
[21:53:13 TRACE Custom NPC Exclusions] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_IslandVisit": prefixing SDV method "IslandSouth.CanVisitIslandToday(NPC)".
[21:53:13 TRACE Custom NPC Exclusions] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_MovieInvitation": transpiling SDV method "NPC.tryToReceiveActiveObject(Farmer, bool)".
[21:53:13 TRACE Custom NPC Exclusions] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_Greetings": prefixing SDV method "NPC.sayHiTo(Character)".
[21:53:13 TRACE Custom NPC Exclusions] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_Fix_NullSoldItems": prefixing SDV method "Game1.UpdateShopPlayerItemInventory(string, HashSet<NPC>)".
[21:53:13 TRACE Esca's Modding Plugins] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FishLocations": postfixing every implementation of method "GameLocation.GetCrabPotFishForTile".
[21:53:13 TRACE Esca's Modding Plugins] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_CustomOrderBoards": postfixing method "GameLocation.PerformAction(string[], Farmer, Location)".
[21:53:13 TRACE Esca's Modding Plugins] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_CustomOrderBoards": postfixing method "SpecialOrder.UpdateAvailableSpecialOrders(bool)".
[21:53:13 TRACE Esca's Modding Plugins] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_DestroyableBushes": postfixing method "Bush.isDestroyable()".
[21:53:13 TRACE Esca's Modding Plugins] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_BedPlacement": postfixing method "GameLocation.CanPlaceThisFurnitureHere(Furniture)".
[21:53:13 TRACE Esca's Modding Plugins] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_PassOutSafely": transpiling method "Farmer.performPassoutWarp(Farmer, string, Point, bool)".
[21:53:13 TRACE Esca's Modding Plugins] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_AllowMiniFridges": prefixing method "Object.placementAction(GameLocation, int, int, Farmer)".
[21:53:13 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (EscasModdingPlugins.EmpApi).
[21:53:13 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (ExpandedPreconditionsUtility.Framework.ConditionsChecker).
[21:53:13 TRACE game] Registered Data/Triggers action: spacechase0.SpaceCore_PlaySound
[21:53:13 TRACE game] Registered Data/Triggers action: spacechase0.SpaceCore_ShowHudMessage
[21:53:13 TRACE game] Registered Data/Triggers action: spacechase0.SpaceCore_PlayEvent
[21:53:13 TRACE game] Registered Data/Triggers action: spacechase0.SpaceCore_DamageCurrentFarmer
[21:53:13 TRACE game] Registered event command: damageFarmer
[21:53:13 TRACE game] Registered event command: giveHat
[21:53:13 TRACE game] Registered event command: setDating
[21:53:13 TRACE game] Registered event command: setEngaged
[21:53:13 TRACE game] Registered event command: totemWarpEffect
[21:53:13 TRACE game] Registered event command: setActorScale
[21:53:13 TRACE game] Registered event command: cycleActorColors
[21:53:13 TRACE game] Registered event command: flash
[21:53:13 TRACE game] Registered event command: setRaining
[21:53:13 TRACE game] Registered event command: screenShake
[21:53:13 TRACE game] Registered event command: setZoom
[21:53:13 TRACE game] Registered event command: smoothZoom
[21:53:13 TRACE game] Registered Data/Triggers trigger type: spacechase0.SpaceCore_OnItemUsed.
[21:53:13 TRACE game] Registered Data/Triggers trigger type: spacechase0.SpaceCore_OnItemEaten.
[21:53:14 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: inserting mul at 36
[21:53:14 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: inserting mul at 42
[21:53:14 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: inserting mul at 47
[21:53:14 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: replacing Color.White at 139
[21:53:14 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: replacing Color.White at 277
[21:53:14 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: inserting vec2 mul at 303
[21:53:14 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: replacing SpriteBatch.Draw at 324
[21:53:14 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.DrawBreathing: replacing Color.White at 283
[21:53:14 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.DrawBreathing: inserting vec2 mul/add at 308
[21:53:14 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.DrawBreathing: replacing Draw at 329
[21:53:14 TRACE SpaceCore] Found crafting recipe constructor in Void layoutRecipes(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String])!
[21:53:14 TRACE SpaceCore] Found first ldloc.s for ClickableTextureComponent in Void layoutRecipes(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String]); storing potential override w/ recipeLocal=StardewValley.CraftingRecipe (9)
[21:53:14 TRACE SpaceCore] Found crafting recipe constructor in System.String createDescription(System.String)!
[21:53:14 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (SpaceCore.Api).
[21:53:14 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_DisableFurniturePickup": postfixing 3 implementations of SDV method "Furniture.canBeRemoved(Farmer)".
[21:53:14 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FrogEggImmunity": prefixing SDV method "HungryFrogCompanion.tongueReachedMonster".
[21:53:14 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_OptimizeMonsterCode": prefixing SDV method "GameLocation.isCollidingPosition".
[21:53:14 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_OptimizeMonsterCode": prefixing SDV method "Monster.findPlayer".
[21:53:14 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_OptimizeMonsterCode": postfixing SDV method "Monster.findPlayer".
[21:53:14 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_ToggleExtraLoot": postfixing 12 implementations of SDV method "Monster.getExtraDropitems()".
[21:53:14 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_UpdateCursorOverPlacedItem": postfixing SDV method "Utility.canGrabSomethingFromHere(int, int, Farmer)".
[21:53:15 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (FashionSense.Framework.Interfaces.API.Api).
[21:53:15 TRACE GMCM Options] TooltipHelper installed pre and postfix patches on GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.SpecificModConfigMenu:draw
[21:53:15 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (JsonAssets.Api).
[21:53:15 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (MailFrameworkMod.Api.MailFrameworkModApi).
[21:53:15 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (RemoteFridgeStorage.API.RemoteFridgeApi).
[21:53:15 INFO  Shop Tile Framework] Adding Content Packs...
[21:53:15 INFO  Shop Tile Framework] Loading: Joja Clearance Bin STF by CopperSun | 1.0.0 | Adds a clearance bin to JojaMart selling random seeds out of season. (Shop Tile Framework)
[21:53:15 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (ShopTileFramework.Framework.Apis.ShopTileFrameworkApi).
[21:53:15 TRACE Tractor Mod] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'.
[21:53:15 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[21:53:15 DEBUG SMAPI] Mods loaded and ready!
[21:53:15 TRACE SMAPI] Checking for known software conflicts...
[21:53:15 TRACE SMAPI]    None found!
[21:53:16 TRACE SMAPI] Checking for updates...
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/BigCraftables
[21:53:16 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/BigCraftables.
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Objects
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Crops
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Characters
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/CustomNPCExclusions
[21:53:16 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions loaded asset 'Data/CustomNPCExclusions'.
[21:53:16 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[21:53:16 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[21:53:16 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[21:53:16 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[21:53:16 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[21:53:16 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Achievements
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Buildings
[21:53:16 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[21:53:16 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Buildings.
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/FarmAnimals
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/FloorsAndPaths
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/FruitTrees
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/LocationContexts
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Pants
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Pets
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Shirts
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Tools
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Weapons
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/NPCGiftTastes
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/CraftingRecipes
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/CookingRecipes
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/JukeboxTracks
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/Concessions
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/birds
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/daybg
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/nightbg
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/MenuTiles
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/MenuTilesUncolored
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/Lighting/lantern
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/Lighting/windowLight
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/Lighting/sconceLight
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/Lighting/greenLight
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/Lighting/indoorWindowLight
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/shadow
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/Cursors
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/Cursors2
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/Cursors_1_6
[21:53:16 TRACE SMAPI]    SMAPI okay.
[21:53:16 TRACE SMAPI]    Checking for updates to 55 mods...
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/Giftbox
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/ControllerMaps
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/animations
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/springobjects
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/Objects_2
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/bobbers
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/crops
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/emotes
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/debris
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/Craftables
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/rain
[21:53:16 TRACE SMAPI]    All mods up to date.
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/BuffsIcons
[21:53:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/weapons
[21:53:17 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Farmer/hairstyles
[21:53:17 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Farmer/shirts
[21:53:17 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Farmer/pants
[21:53:17 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Farmer/hats
[21:53:17 TRACE Save Backup] Backed up to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\save-backups\2024-05-06 - SMAPI 4.0.8 with Stardew Valley
[21:53:17 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Farmer/accessories
[21:53:17 TRACE Save Backup] Deleting 2024-04-13 - SMAPI 4.0.6 with Stardew Valley
[21:53:17 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/ChairTiles
[21:53:17 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/font_bold
[21:53:17 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/font_colored
[21:53:17 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/Projectiles
[21:53:17 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Fonts/SpriteFont1
[21:53:17 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Fonts/SmallFont
[21:53:17 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Fonts/tinyFont
[21:53:17 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Strings/StringsFromCSFiles
[21:53:17 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Furniture
[21:53:17 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Boots
[21:53:17 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/hats
[21:53:17 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Mannequins
[21:53:17 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Trinkets
[21:53:17 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/AdditionalWallpaperFlooring
[21:53:17 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Strings/Weapons
[21:53:17 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/PlayerStatusList
[21:53:17 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/AudioChanges
[21:53:17 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/AudioChanges.
[21:53:17 TRACE game] setGameMode( 'titleScreenGameMode (0)' )
[21:53:17 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Minigames/Clouds
[21:53:17 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Minigames/TitleButtons
[21:53:18 TRACE SMAPI] Running on GPU: Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics
[21:53:18 TRACE game] Steam logged on: True
[21:53:18 TRACE game] Initializing GalaxySDK
[21:53:18 TRACE game] Requesting Steam app ticket
[21:53:19 INFO  SMAPI] Type 'help' for help, or 'help <cmd>' for a command's usage
[21:53:19 TRACE Automate] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:53:19 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Strings/Objects
[21:53:19 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Machines
[21:53:20 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Strings/BigCraftables
[21:53:20 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Strings/1_6_Strings
[21:53:20 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Strings/Buildings
[21:53:20 TRACE FauxCore] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Crafting] [ThemeManager] Using Theme Manager 3.0.0
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Crafting] [ThemeManager] Content Patcher is present. Asset redirection will be enabled.
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Crafting] [ThemeManager] Found Embedded Theme At: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\BetterCrafting\assets\themes\Example
[21:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Better Crafting created dynamic content pack 'Better Crafting' (unique ID: leclair.bettercrafting.theme-loader, path: BetterCrafting).
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Crafting] [ThemeManager] Found Embedded Theme: Example (embedded.Example)
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Crafting] [ThemeManager] Found Embedded Theme At: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\BetterCrafting\assets\themes\Example.Dark
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Crafting] [ThemeManager] Found Embedded Theme: Example Dark (embedded.Example.Dark)
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Crafting] [ThemeManager] Found Embedded Theme At: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\BetterCrafting\assets\themes\OvergrownFlowery
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Crafting] [ThemeManager] Found Embedded Theme: Overgrown Flowery Interface (embedded.OvergrownFlowery)
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Crafting] [ThemeManager] Found Embedded Theme At: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\BetterCrafting\assets\themes\StarrySky
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Crafting] [ThemeManager] Found Embedded Theme: Starry Sky (embedded.StarrySky)
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Crafting] [ThemeManager] Found Embedded Theme At: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\BetterCrafting\assets\themes\VintageInterface1
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Crafting] [ThemeManager] Found Embedded Theme: Vintage Interface 1 (embedded.VintageInterface1)
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Crafting] [ThemeManager] Found Embedded Theme At: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\BetterCrafting\assets\themes\VintageInterface2
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Crafting] [ThemeManager] Found Embedded Theme: Vintage Interface 2 (embedded.VintageInterface2)
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Crafting] [ThemeManager] Found 6 Embedded Themes.
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Crafting] [ThemeManager] Found 0 External Themes
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Crafting] [ThemeManager] Selected Theme: automatic => Vintage Interface 2 (embedded.VintageInterface2)
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Crafting] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[21:53:20 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Fences
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Crafting] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Crafting] Accessed mod-provided API (SpaceCore.Api) for SpaceCore.
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Chests] Accessed mod-provided API (StardewMods.FauxCore.Framework.FauxCoreApi) for FauxCore.
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Chests] Config changed:
AccessChestsShowArrows: True
CarryChestLimit: 3
CarryChestSlowAmount: -1
CarryChestSlowLimit: 1
HslColorPickerHueSteps: 29
HslColorPickerSaturationSteps: 29
HslColorPickerLightnessSteps: 29
HslColorPickerPlacement: Right
LockItem: Default
LockItemHold: True
SearchItemsMethod: GrayedOut
StorageInfoHoverItems: Icon, Name, Type, Capacity, TotalValue
StorageInfoMenuItems: Type, Location, Position, Inventory, TotalItems, UniqueItems, TotalValue
AccessChests: V
AccessNextChest: RightTrigger
AccessPreviousChest: LeftTrigger
ClearSearch: Escape
ConfigureChest: End
LockSlot: LeftAlt
OpenCrafting: K
OpenFoundChest: LeftShift + Enter, RightShift + Enter
ScrollDown: DPadDown
ScrollPage: LeftShift, RightShift
ScrollUp: DPadUp
StashItems: OemPipe
ToggleCollectItems: LeftControl + Space, RightControl + Space
ToggleInfo: LeftShift + OemQuestion, RightShift + OemQuestion
ToggleSearch: LeftControl + F, RightControl + F
TransferItems: LeftShift, RightShift
TransferItemsReverse: LeftAlt, RightAlt

Default Options
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Disabled
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Enabled
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Enabled
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Enabled
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Enabled
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Enabled
StorageInfoHover: Enabled

BigCraftables: 130
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 232
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 256
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 213
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Large
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 248
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigStoneChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 165
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 208
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 216
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Location
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Large
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Junimo Hut
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Mill
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Shipping Bin
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Locations: FarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Locations: IslandFarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 704
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 709
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 714
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 719
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: GrayJojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: WizardDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JunimoDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: RetroDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2304
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2312
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2322
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2400
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2414
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JungleTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: CCFishTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

[21:53:20 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/BigCraftables'.
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (BC) cache.
[21:53:20 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/BigCraftables
[21:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/BigCraftables.
[21:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/BigCraftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/BigCraftables).
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'.
[21:53:20 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Buildings
[21:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[21:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Buildings.
[21:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Buildings).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Buildings).
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'.
[21:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Furniture'.
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (F) cache.
[21:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Furniture).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Furniture).
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Chests] Activating feature AutoOrganize
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Chests] Activating feature CarryChest
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Chests] Activating feature CollectItems
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Chests] Activating feature ConfigureChest
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Chests] Activating feature CraftFromChest
[21:53:20 DEBUG Better Crafting] Creating specific API instance for Better Chests (furyx639.BetterChests)
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Chests] Accessed mod-provided API (Leclair.Stardew.BetterCrafting.ModAPI) for Better Crafting.
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Chests] Activating feature HslColorPicker
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Chests] Activating feature InventoryTabs
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Chests] Activating feature LockItem
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Chests] Activating feature OpenHeldChest
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Chests] Activating feature ResizeChest
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Chests] Activating feature ShopFromChest
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Chests] Activating feature SortInventory
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Chests] Activating feature StashToChest
[21:53:20 TRACE Better Chests] Activating feature StorageInfo
[21:53:20 TRACE Chests Anywhere] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:53:20 TRACE CJB Cheats Menu] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:53:20 TRACE CJB Item Spawner] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:53:20 TRACE Esca's Modding Plugins] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:53:20 TRACE Event Lookup] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:53:20 TRACE Expanded Storage] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:53:20 TRACE Expanded Storage] Accessed mod-provided API (StardewMods.FauxCore.Framework.FauxCoreApi) for FauxCore.
[21:53:20 TRACE Expanded Storage] Patching Chest.checkForAction with ModPatches.Chest_checkForAction_transpiler Transpiler.
[21:53:20 TRACE Expanded Storage] Patching Chest.<checkForAction>b__60_0 with ModPatches.Chest_checkForAction_delegate_transpiler Transpiler.
[21:53:20 TRACE Expanded Storage] Patching Chest.draw with ModPatches.Chest_draw_prefix Prefix.
[21:53:20 TRACE Expanded Storage] Patching Chest.draw with ModPatches.Chest_drawLocal_prefix Prefix.
[21:53:20 TRACE Expanded Storage] Patching Chest.getLastLidFrame with ModPatches.Chest_getLastLidFrame_postfix Postfix.
[21:53:20 TRACE Expanded Storage] Patching Chest.OpenMiniShippingMenu with ModPatches.Chest_OpenMiniShippingMenu_transpiler Transpiler.
[21:53:20 TRACE Expanded Storage] Patching Chest.ShowMenu with ModPatches.Chest_SpecialChestType_transpiler Transpiler.
[21:53:20 TRACE Expanded Storage] Patching Chest.UpdateFarmerNearby with ModPatches.Chest_UpdateFarmerNearby_transpiler Transpiler.
[21:53:20 TRACE Expanded Storage] Patching ItemGrabMenu..ctor with ModPatches.ItemGrabMenu_constructor_postfix Postfix.
[21:53:20 TRACE Expanded Storage] Patching ItemGrabMenu..ctor with ModPatches.ItemGrabMenu_SpecialChestType_transpiler Transpiler.
[21:53:20 TRACE Expanded Storage] Patching ItemGrabMenu.draw with ModPatches.ItemGrabMenu_SpecialChestType_transpiler Transpiler.
[21:53:20 TRACE Expanded Storage] Patching ItemGrabMenu.gameWindowSizeChanged with ModPatches.ItemGrabMenu_gameWindowSizeChanged_postfix Postfix.
[21:53:20 TRACE Expanded Storage] Patching ItemGrabMenu.gameWindowSizeChanged with ModPatches.ItemGrabMenu_SpecialChestType_transpiler Transpiler.
[21:53:20 TRACE Expanded Storage] Patching ItemGrabMenu.setSourceItem with ModPatches.ItemGrabMenu_setSourceItem_postfix Postfix.
[21:53:20 TRACE Expanded Storage] Patching ItemGrabMenu.setSourceItem with ModPatches.ItemGrabMenu_SpecialChestType_transpiler Transpiler.
[21:53:20 TRACE Expanded Storage] Patching ItemGrabMenu.snapToDefaultClickableComponent with ModPatches.ItemGrabMenu_SpecialChestType_transpiler Transpiler.
[21:53:20 TRACE Expanded Storage] Patching Object.placementAction with ModPatches.Object_placementAction_postfix Postfix.
[21:53:20 TRACE SpaceCore] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:53:20 TRACE SpaceCore] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher.
[21:53:20 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading spacechase0.SpaceCore/TextureOverrides
[21:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/TextureOverrides'.
[21:53:20 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading spacechase0.SpaceCore/CraftingRecipeOverrides
[21:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/CraftingRecipeOverrides'.
[21:53:20 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading spacechase0.SpaceCore/CookingRecipeOverrides
[21:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/CookingRecipeOverrides'.
[21:53:20 TRACE SpaceCore] Accessed mod-provided API (SpaceCore.Api) for SpaceCore.
[21:53:20 TRACE Farmhouse Fixes] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher.
[21:53:20 TRACE Farmhouse Fixes] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:53:20 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:53:20 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Optional API found: Generic Mod Config Menu (GMCM).
[21:53:20 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Accessed mod-provided API (ExpandedPreconditionsUtility.Framework.ConditionsChecker) for Expanded Preconditions Utility.
[21:53:20 TRACE Farm Type Manager] API found: Expanded Preconditions Utility (EPU).
[21:53:20 TRACE Farm Type Manager] API not found: Dynamic Game Assets (DGA).
[21:53:20 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher.
[21:53:20 TRACE Farm Type Manager] API found: Content Patcher (CP).
[21:53:20 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Mod not found: Monsters The Framework (MTF).
[21:53:20 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Optional API not found: Item Extensions.
[21:53:20 TRACE Fashion Sense] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher.
[21:53:20 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Successfully hooked into Pathoschild.ContentPatcher.
[21:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Fashion Sense created dynamic content pack 'FS - Local Pack' (unique ID: PeacefulEnd.FashionSense.LocalPack, path: FashionSense\Framework\Assets\Local Pack).
[21:53:20 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: (FS) Churpy's Vivid Hair - Flower Garden v2 2.0.0 by Churpix
[21:53:20 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: (FS) Churpy's Vivid Hair - Flower Garden v2 2.0.0 by Churpix
[21:53:20 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:20 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:20 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:20 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:20 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:20 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:20 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:20 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:20 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:20 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:20 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:20 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:20 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:20 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:20 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:20 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:20 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:20 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:21 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: (FS) Churpy's Vivid Hair - Flower Garden v2 2.0.0 by Churpix
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Accessories folder found for the content pack (FS) Churpy's Vivid Hair - Flower Garden v2
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: (FS) Churpy's Vivid Hair - Flower Garden v2 2.0.0 by Churpix
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hats folder found for the content pack (FS) Churpy's Vivid Hair - Flower Garden v2
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: (FS) Churpy's Vivid Hair - Flower Garden v2 2.0.0 by Churpix
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shirts folder found for the content pack (FS) Churpy's Vivid Hair - Flower Garden v2
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: (FS) Churpy's Vivid Hair - Flower Garden v2 2.0.0 by Churpix
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Pants folder found for the content pack (FS) Churpy's Vivid Hair - Flower Garden v2
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: (FS) Churpy's Vivid Hair - Flower Garden v2 2.0.0 by Churpix
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack (FS) Churpy's Vivid Hair - Flower Garden v2
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: (FS) Churpy's Vivid Hair - Flower Garden v2 2.0.0 by Churpix
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack (FS) Churpy's Vivid Hair - Flower Garden v2
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading bodies from pack: (FS) Churpy's Vivid Hair - Flower Garden v2 2.0.0 by Churpix
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Bodies folder found for the content pack (FS) Churpy's Vivid Hair - Flower Garden v2
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading outfit presets from pack: (FS) Churpy's Vivid Hair - Flower Garden v2 2.0.0 by Churpix
[21:53:22 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: (FS) Cafe Clothes 1.0.0 by sugarmaples
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: (FS) Cafe Clothes 1.0.0 by sugarmaples
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack (FS) Cafe Clothes
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: (FS) Cafe Clothes 1.0.0 by sugarmaples
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Accessories folder found for the content pack (FS) Cafe Clothes
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: (FS) Cafe Clothes 1.0.0 by sugarmaples
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hats folder found for the content pack (FS) Cafe Clothes
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: (FS) Cafe Clothes 1.0.0 by sugarmaples
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: (FS) Cafe Clothes 1.0.0 by sugarmaples
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: (FS) Cafe Clothes 1.0.0 by sugarmaples
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack (FS) Cafe Clothes
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: (FS) Cafe Clothes 1.0.0 by sugarmaples
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack (FS) Cafe Clothes
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading bodies from pack: (FS) Cafe Clothes 1.0.0 by sugarmaples
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Bodies folder found for the content pack (FS) Cafe Clothes
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading outfit presets from pack: (FS) Cafe Clothes 1.0.0 by sugarmaples
[21:53:22 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set7 1.0.0 by luoli
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set7 1.0.0 by luoli
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set7
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set7 1.0.0 by luoli
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Accessories folder found for the content pack (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set7
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set7 1.0.0 by luoli
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hats folder found for the content pack (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set7
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set7 1.0.0 by luoli
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set7 1.0.0 by luoli
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[21:53:22 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set7 1.0.0 by luoli
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set7
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set7 1.0.0 by luoli
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set7
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading bodies from pack: (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set7 1.0.0 by luoli
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Bodies folder found for the content pack (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set7
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading outfit presets from pack: (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set7 1.0.0 by luoli
[21:53:23 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: FS - Local Pack 6.3.4 by PeacefulEnd
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: FS - Local Pack 6.3.4 by PeacefulEnd
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack FS - Local Pack
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: FS - Local Pack 6.3.4 by PeacefulEnd
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Accessories folder found for the content pack FS - Local Pack
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: FS - Local Pack 6.3.4 by PeacefulEnd
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hats folder found for the content pack FS - Local Pack
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: FS - Local Pack 6.3.4 by PeacefulEnd
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shirts folder found for the content pack FS - Local Pack
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: FS - Local Pack 6.3.4 by PeacefulEnd
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Pants folder found for the content pack FS - Local Pack
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: FS - Local Pack 6.3.4 by PeacefulEnd
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Sleeves.SleevesContentPack
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Sleeves.SleevesContentPack
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: FS - Local Pack 6.3.4 by PeacefulEnd
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shoes.ShoesContentPack
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shoes.ShoesContentPack
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading bodies from pack: FS - Local Pack 6.3.4 by PeacefulEnd
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Body.BodyContentPack
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Body.BodyContentPack
[21:53:23 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading outfit presets from pack: FS - Local Pack 6.3.4 by PeacefulEnd
[21:53:23 TRACE Fast Animations] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:53:23 TRACE Json Assets] Accessed mod-provided API (ExpandedPreconditionsUtility.Framework.ConditionsChecker) for Expanded Preconditions Utility.
[21:53:23 TRACE Json Assets] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher.
[21:53:23 TRACE Json Assets] Accessed mod-provided API (JsonAssets.Api) for Json Assets.
[21:53:23 TRACE Lookup Anything] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:53:23 TRACE Mail Framework Mod] Accessed mod-provided API (ExpandedPreconditionsUtility.Framework.ConditionsChecker) for Expanded Preconditions Utility.
[21:53:23 TRACE NPC Map Locations] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:53:23 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Accessed mod-provided API (JsonAssets.Api) for Json Assets.
[21:53:23 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Accessed mod-provided API (ExpandedPreconditionsUtility.Framework.ConditionsChecker) for Expanded Preconditions Utility.
[21:53:23 INFO  Shop Tile Framework] BFAV API not detected. This is only an issue if you're using custom BFAV animals and a custom shop that's supposed to sell them, as custom animals will not appear in those shops.
[21:53:23 TRACE To-Dew] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:53:23 TRACE To-Dew] Accessed mod-provided API (GMCMOptions.Framework.API) for GMCM Options.
[21:53:23 TRACE GMCM Options] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:53:23 TRACE Tractor Mod] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:53:23 TRACE UI Info Suite 2] Registered Sound: UIInfoSuite.sounds.LevelUp
[21:53:23 TRACE UI Info Suite 2] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:53:23 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Strings/credits
[21:53:23 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/yellowLettersLogo
[21:53:23 TRACE Better Chests] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:53:23 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Furniture
[21:53:23 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Strings/Furniture
[21:53:23 TRACE Better Chests] Patching Chest.addItem with ContainerHandler.Chest_addItem_prefix Prefix.
[21:53:23 TRACE Better Chests] Patching ChestContainer.Store with ContainerHandler.Automate_Store_prefix Prefix.
[21:53:23 TRACE Better Chests] Patching IClickableMenu.SetChildMenu with MenuHandler.IClickableMenu_SetChildMenu_postfix Postfix.
[21:53:23 TRACE Better Chests] Patching InventoryMenu.draw with MenuHandler.InventoryMenu_draw_prefix Prefix.
[21:53:23 TRACE Better Chests] Patching InventoryMenu.draw with MenuHandler.InventoryMenu_draw_postfix Postfix.
[21:53:23 TRACE Better Chests] Patching ItemGrabMenu..ctor with MenuHandler.ItemGrabMenu_constructor_transpiler Transpiler.
[21:53:23 TRACE Better Chests] Patching ShippingBinContainer.CanAcceptItem with MenuHandler.ChestsAnywhere_CanAcceptType_Postfix Postfix.
[21:53:23 TRACE Better Chests] Patching Object.placementAction with CarryChest.Object_placementAction_postfix Postfix.
[21:53:23 TRACE Better Chests] Patching Debris.collect with CollectItems.Debris_collect_transpiler Transpiler.
[21:53:23 TRACE Better Chests] Patching ItemGrabMenu.RepositionSideButtons with ConfigureChest.ItemGrabMenu_RepositionSideButtons_postfix Postfix.
[21:53:23 TRACE Better Chests] Patching DiscreteColorPicker.draw with HslColorPicker.DiscreteColorPicker_draw_prefix Prefix.
[21:53:23 TRACE Better Chests] Patching DiscreteColorPicker.getColorFromSelection with HslColorPicker.DiscreteColorPicker_getColorFromSelection_postfix Postfix.
[21:53:23 TRACE Better Chests] Patching DiscreteColorPicker.getSelectionFromColor with HslColorPicker.DiscreteColorPicker_getSelectionFromColor_postfix Postfix.
[21:53:23 TRACE Better Chests] Patching DiscreteColorPicker.receiveLeftClick with HslColorPicker.DiscreteColorPicker_receiveLeftClick_prefix Prefix.
[21:53:23 TRACE Better Chests] Patching Chest.addItem with OpenHeldChest.Chest_addItem_prefix Prefix.
[21:53:23 TRACE Better Chests] Patching Chest.GetActualCapacity with ResizeChest.Chest_GetActualCapacity_postfix Postfix.
[21:53:23 TRACE Better Chests] Patching CarpenterMenu.ConsumeResources with ShopFromChest.CarpenterMenu_ConsumeResources_prefix Prefix.
[21:53:23 TRACE Better Chests] Patching CarpenterMenu.DoesFarmerHaveEnoughResourcesToBuild with ShopFromChest.CarpenterMenu_DoesFarmerHaveEnoughResourcesToBuild_postfix Postfix.
[21:53:23 TRACE Better Chests] Patching CarpenterMenu.draw with ShopFromChest.CarpenterMenu_draw_transpiler Transpiler.
[21:53:23 TRACE Better Chests] Patching ShopMenu.ConsumeTradeItem with ShopFromChest.ShopMenu_ConsumeTradeItem_prefix Prefix.
[21:53:23 TRACE Better Chests] Patching ShopMenu.HasTradeItem with ShopFromChest.ShopMenu_HasTradeItem_postfix Postfix.
[21:53:23 TRACE game] Signing into GalaxySDK
[21:53:24 TRACE Content Patcher] Farmhouse Fixes added 3 custom tokens with prefix 'CF.FarmhouseFixes/': CabinUpgrade, IsDarkOut, PreviousLocation.
[21:53:24 TRACE Content Patcher] Fashion Sense added a custom token with prefix 'PeacefulEnd.FashionSense/': Appearance.
[21:53:24 TRACE Content Patcher] Json Assets added 36 custom tokens with prefix 'spacechase0.JsonAssets/': BigCraftableId, BigCraftableSpriteTilesheet, BigCraftableSpriteX, BigCraftableSpriteY, BootsId, BootsSpriteTilesheet, BootsSpriteX, BootsSpriteY, CropId, CropSpriteTilesheet, CropSpriteX, CropSpriteY, FruitTreeId, FruitTreeSpriteTilesheet, FruitTreeSpriteX, FruitTreeSpriteY, HatId, HatSpriteTilesheet, HatSpriteX, HatSpriteY, ObjectId, ObjectSpriteTilesheet, ObjectSpriteX, ObjectSpriteY, PantsId, PantsSpriteTilesheet, PantsSpriteX, PantsSpriteY, ShirtsId, ShirtsSpriteTilesheet, ShirtsSpriteX, ShirtsSpriteY, WeaponId, WeaponSpriteTilesheet, WeaponSpriteX, WeaponSpriteY.
[21:53:24 TRACE Content Patcher] SpaceCore added 4 custom tokens with prefix 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/': BooksellerInTown, CurrentEventId, CurrentlyInEvent, QuestionsAsked.
[21:53:24 INFO  Content Patcher] Some content packs haven't been updated for Stardew Valley 1.6.0. Content Patcher will try to auto-migrate them, but compatibility isn't guaranteed.

Affected content packs:
- (CP) Seasonal Grass Path Vibrant Pastoral
- Animated Fish
- Cuter Coops and Barns - Unofficial Update
- Elle's Cat Replacements
- Elle's New Barn Animals
- Elle's New Coop Animals
- Elle's Town Animals
- grapeponta's Vanilla Interiors
- Joja Clearance Bin CP
- Vibrant Pastoral Recolor
- Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)

For mod authors, see how to update a mod:
[21:53:24 TRACE game] Registered Data/Triggers action: Pathoschild.ContentPatcher_MigrateIds
[21:53:25 TRACE Mod Update Menu] SMAPI: 4.0.8
[21:53:25 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:53:25 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/birds
[21:53:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/birds (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack).
[21:53:25 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/daybg
[21:53:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/daybg (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[21:53:25 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/nightbg
[21:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/nightbg (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[21:53:26 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/MenuTiles
[21:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/MenuTiles (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[21:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/MenuTiles (for the 'Vintage Interface v2 - 1.6 fix' content pack).
[21:53:26 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/MenuTilesUncolored
[21:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/MenuTilesUncolored (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[21:53:26 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/Cursors
[21:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'VPR Temporary Fix for 1.6' content pack).
[21:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Elle's Cat Replacements' content pack).
[21:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Elle's New Barn Animals' content pack).
[21:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Elle's New Coop Animals' content pack).
[21:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'grapeponta's Vanilla Interiors' content pack).
[21:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Elle's Seasonal Buildings' content pack).
[21:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack).
[21:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[21:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Vintage Interface v2 - 1.6 fix' content pack).
[21:53:29 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/Cursors2
[21:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors2 (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors2 (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack).
[21:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors2 (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[21:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors2 (for the 'Vintage Interface v2 - 1.6 fix' content pack).
[21:53:29 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/Cursors_1_6
[21:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors_1_6 (for the 'VPR Temporary Fix for 1.6' content pack).
[21:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors_1_6 (for the 'Vintage Interface v2 - 1.6 fix' content pack).
[21:53:29 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/ControllerMaps
[21:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/ControllerMaps (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[21:53:29 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/animations
[21:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/animations (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:29 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/springobjects
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/springobjects (for the 'Animated Fish' content pack).
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/springobjects (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/springobjects (for the 'Elle's New Barn Animals' content pack).
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/springobjects (for the 'Elle's New Coop Animals' content pack).
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/springobjects (for the '(CP) Seasonal Grass Path Vibrant Pastoral' content pack).
[21:53:30 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/emotes
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/emotes (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[21:53:30 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/Craftables
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/Craftables (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/Craftables (for the 'Cuter Coops and Barns - Unofficial Update' content pack).
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/Craftables (for the 'Elle's Seasonal Buildings' content pack).
[21:53:30 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/BuffsIcons
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/BuffsIcons (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[21:53:30 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Farmer/accessories
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Farmer/accessories (for the '(CP) GH's Peach Body type (female)' content pack).
[21:53:30 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/ChairTiles
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/ChairTiles (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/ChairTiles (for the 'grapeponta's Vanilla Interiors' content pack).
[21:53:30 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/font_bold
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/font_bold (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/font_bold (for the 'Vintage Interface v2 - 1.6 fix' content pack).
[21:53:30 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/font_colored
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/font_colored (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/font_colored (for the 'Vintage Interface v2 - 1.6 fix' content pack).
[21:53:30 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/PlayerStatusList
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/PlayerStatusList (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[21:53:30 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Minigames/TitleButtons
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Minigames/TitleButtons (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack).
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Minigames/TitleButtons (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 20 asset names (Characters/Farmer/accessories, LooseSprites/birds, LooseSprites/ControllerMaps, LooseSprites/Cursors, LooseSprites/Cursors2, LooseSprites/Cursors_1_6, LooseSprites/daybg, LooseSprites/font_bold, LooseSprites/font_colored, LooseSprites/nightbg, LooseSprites/PlayerStatusList, Maps/MenuTiles, Maps/MenuTilesUncolored, Maps/springobjects, Minigames/TitleButtons, TileSheets/animations, TileSheets/BuffsIcons, TileSheets/ChairTiles, TileSheets/Craftables, TileSheets/emotes).
Propagated 20 core assets (Characters/Farmer/accessories, LooseSprites/birds, LooseSprites/ControllerMaps, LooseSprites/Cursors, LooseSprites/Cursors2, LooseSprites/Cursors_1_6, LooseSprites/daybg, LooseSprites/font_bold, LooseSprites/font_colored, LooseSprites/nightbg, LooseSprites/PlayerStatusList, Maps/MenuTiles, Maps/MenuTilesUncolored, Maps/springobjects, Minigames/TitleButtons, TileSheets/animations, TileSheets/BuffsIcons, TileSheets/ChairTiles, TileSheets/Craftables, TileSheets/emotes).
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:53:30 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of grapeponta.VibrantPastoralRecolor
[21:53:30 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of lakoria.BabiesTakeAfterSpousev1
[21:53:30 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of sunspots.ccabunofficial
[21:53:30 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Elle.Cats
[21:53:30 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Elle.NewBarnAnimals
[21:53:30 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Elle.NewCoopAnimals
[21:53:30 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of grapeponta.VanillaInteriors
[21:53:30 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of poohnhi.VPRTempFix
[21:53:30 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Elle.SeasonalBuildings
[21:53:30 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Poltergeister.SeasonalCuteCharacters
[21:53:30 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Elle.TownAnimals
[21:53:30 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of GH.Pitch.female
[21:53:30 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of VendettaDuck.GrassPathVibrantPastoral
[21:53:30 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of ManaKirel.VintageInterface2
[21:53:30 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Nom0ri.VintageUIfix
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 TRACE Content Patcher Animations] Loading animated patch from content pack Gervig91.AnimatedFish
[21:53:30 INFO  Json Assets] Loading content packs...
[21:53:30 TRACE Json Assets] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:53:30 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Fences
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/Fences.
[21:53:30 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Boots
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/Boots.
[21:53:30 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/hats
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/hats.
[21:53:30 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (O) cache.
[21:53:30 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (S) cache.
[21:53:30 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (P) cache.
[21:53:30 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (BC) cache.
[21:53:30 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (H) cache.
[21:53:30 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (W) cache.
[21:53:30 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (B) cache.
[21:53:30 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/BigCraftables
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/BigCraftables.
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/BigCraftables.
[21:53:30 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Objects
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/Objects.
[21:53:30 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Crops
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/Crops.
[21:53:30 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/FruitTrees
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/FruitTrees.
[21:53:30 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Pants
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/Pants.
[21:53:30 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Shirts
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/Shirts.
[21:53:30 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Weapons
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/Weapons.
[21:53:30 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/CraftingRecipes
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/CraftingRecipes.
[21:53:30 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/CookingRecipes
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/CookingRecipes.
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 12 asset names (Data/BigCraftables, Data/Boots, Data/CookingRecipes, Data/CraftingRecipes, Data/Crops, Data/Fences, Data/FruitTrees, Data/hats, Data/Objects, Data/Pants, Data/Shirts, Data/Weapons).
Propagated 11 core assets (Data/BigCraftables, Data/Boots, Data/CookingRecipes, Data/CraftingRecipes, Data/Crops, Data/FruitTrees, Data/hats, Data/Objects, Data/Pants, Data/Shirts, Data/Weapons).
[21:53:30 TRACE Json Assets] Event: ItemsRegistered
[21:53:30 TRACE Expanded Storage] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher.
[21:53:31 TRACE game] Galaxy auth success
[21:53:31 TRACE game] Galaxy signed in
[21:53:31 TRACE game] Galaxy logged on
[21:53:32 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/AdditionalLanguages
[21:53:32 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Mods/GenericModConfigMenu/ConfigButton
[21:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Generic Mod Config Menu loaded asset 'Mods/GenericModConfigMenu/ConfigButton'.
[21:53:32 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1920 Height:1080}
[21:53:32 TRACE game] Successfully set GOG Galaxy profile name.
[21:53:45 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Find Save Games' task...
[21:53:46 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/HairData
[21:53:46 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Farmer/hairstyles2
[21:53:46 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[21:53:46 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Strings/UI
[21:53:46 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Farmer/farmer_girl_base
[21:53:46 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Farmer/farmer_girl_base (for the '(CP) GH's Peach Body type (female)' content pack).
[21:53:46 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Farmer/skinColors
[21:53:46 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Farmer/skinColors (for the '(CP) GH's Peach Body type (female)' content pack).
[21:53:46 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Farmer/shoeColors
[21:53:46 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Strings/Shirts
[21:53:47 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Farmer/farmer_girl_base (for the '(CP) GH's Peach Body type (female)' content pack).
[21:53:47 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Farmer/skinColors (for the '(CP) GH's Peach Body type (female)' content pack).
[21:53:47 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Strings/Pants
[21:53:47 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Farmer/farmer_girl_base (for the '(CP) GH's Peach Body type (female)' content pack).
[21:53:47 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Farmer/skinColors (for the '(CP) GH's Peach Body type (female)' content pack).
[21:53:49 TRACE game] gameMode was 'titleScreenGameMode (0)', set to 'loadingMode (6)'.
[21:53:49 TRACE SMAPI] Game loader synchronizing...
[21:53:49 TRACE game] getLoadEnumerator('LonLon_370981025')
[21:53:49 TRACE game] regular stream detected...
[21:53:49 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Load_Deserialize' task...
[21:53:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[21:53:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/PassiveFestivals
[21:53:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Animals/dog
[21:53:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Animals/cat
[21:53:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Animals/cat (for the 'Elle's Cat Replacements' content pack).
[21:53:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Strings/Characters
[21:53:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Animals/dog3
[21:53:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Animals/turtle
[21:53:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Animals/turtle1
[21:53:51 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TerrainFeatures/hoeDirt
[21:53:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TerrainFeatures/hoeDirt (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:51 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TerrainFeatures/hoeDirtDark
[21:53:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TerrainFeatures/hoeDirtDark (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:51 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TerrainFeatures/hoeDirtSnow
[21:53:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TerrainFeatures/hoeDirtSnow (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:51 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/FarmHouse
[21:53:51 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/townInterior
[21:53:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/townInterior (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/townInterior (for the 'grapeponta's Vanilla Interiors' content pack).
[21:53:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/townInterior (for the 'VPR Temporary Fix for 1.6' content pack).
[21:53:51 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/farmhouse_tiles
[21:53:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/farmhouse_tiles (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/farmhouse_tiles (for the 'grapeponta's Vanilla Interiors' content pack).
[21:53:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/farmhouse_tiles (for the 'VPR Temporary Fix for 1.6' content pack).
[21:53:51 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/walls_and_floors
[21:53:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/walls_and_floors (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/walls_and_floors (for the 'grapeponta's Vanilla Interiors' content pack).
[21:53:51 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/raccoon
[21:53:51 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Gil
[21:53:51 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading spacechase0.SpaceCore/NpcExtensionData
[21:53:51 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/NpcExtensionData'.
[21:53:51 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Strings/NPCNames
[21:53:51 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Bundles
[21:53:52 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/fruitTrees
[21:53:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/fruitTrees (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:52 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/GemBird
[21:53:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/GemBird (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack).
[21:53:52 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[21:53:52 TRACE Json Assets] Event: IdsAssigned
[21:53:52 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[21:53:52 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:53:52 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/birds
[21:53:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/birds (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack).
[21:53:52 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/Cursors
[21:53:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'VPR Temporary Fix for 1.6' content pack).
[21:53:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Elle's Cat Replacements' content pack).
[21:53:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Elle's New Barn Animals' content pack).
[21:53:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Elle's New Coop Animals' content pack).
[21:53:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'grapeponta's Vanilla Interiors' content pack).
[21:53:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Elle's Seasonal Buildings' content pack).
[21:53:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack).
[21:53:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[21:53:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Vintage Interface v2 - 1.6 fix' content pack).
[21:53:55 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/Cursors2
[21:53:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors2 (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors2 (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack).
[21:53:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors2 (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[21:53:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors2 (for the 'Vintage Interface v2 - 1.6 fix' content pack).
[21:53:55 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/Cursors_1_6
[21:53:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors_1_6 (for the 'VPR Temporary Fix for 1.6' content pack).
[21:53:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors_1_6 (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors_1_6 (for the 'Vintage Interface v2 - 1.6 fix' content pack).
[21:53:55 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Minigames/TitleButtons
[21:53:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Minigames/TitleButtons (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack).
[21:53:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Minigames/TitleButtons (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[21:53:55 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/townInterior
[21:53:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/townInterior (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/townInterior (for the 'grapeponta's Vanilla Interiors' content pack).
[21:53:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/townInterior (for the 'VPR Temporary Fix for 1.6' content pack).
[21:53:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/townInterior (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:55 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Gil
[21:53:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Gil (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:55 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 7 asset names (LooseSprites/birds, LooseSprites/Cursors, LooseSprites/Cursors2, LooseSprites/Cursors_1_6, Maps/townInterior, Minigames/TitleButtons, Portraits/Gil).
Propagated 7 core assets (LooseSprites/birds, LooseSprites/Cursors, LooseSprites/Cursors2, LooseSprites/Cursors_1_6, Maps/townInterior, Minigames/TitleButtons, Portraits/Gil).
[21:53:55 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/AdditionalFarms
[21:53:55 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Load_LoadForNewGame' task...
[21:53:55 TRACE Json Assets] Loading stuff early (really super early)
[21:53:55 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/chatBox
[21:53:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/chatBox (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[21:53:55 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/emojis
[21:53:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/emojis (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/emojis (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[21:53:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/emojis (for the 'Vintage Interface v2 - 1.6 fix' content pack).
[21:53:55 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Farm
[21:53:55 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/spring_outdoorTileSheet_extra
[21:53:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/spring_outdoorTileSheet_extra (for the 'VPR Temporary Fix for 1.6' content pack).
[21:53:55 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/paths
[21:53:55 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/spring_outdoorsTileSheet
[21:53:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/spring_outdoorsTileSheet (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/spring_outdoorsTileSheet (for the 'VPR Temporary Fix for 1.6' content pack).
[21:53:55 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/spring_outdoorsTileSheet2
[21:53:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/spring_outdoorsTileSheet2 (for the 'VPR Temporary Fix for 1.6' content pack).
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/bushes
[21:53:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/bushes (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Locations
[21:53:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations.
[21:53:56 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Locations.
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/FarmHouse
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading spacechase0.SpaceCore/ObjectExtensionData
[21:53:56 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/ObjectExtensionData'.
[21:53:56 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited spacechase0.SpaceCore/ObjectExtensionData.
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/furniture
[21:53:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/furniture (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/furniture (for the 'grapeponta's Vanilla Interiors' content pack).
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/FarmCave
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Mines/mine
[21:53:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Mines/mine (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Town
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/spring_town
[21:53:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/spring_town (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/spring_town (for the 'VPR Temporary Fix for 1.6' content pack).
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/spring_Shadows
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/spring_Waterfalls
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/JoshHouse
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/townInterior_2
[21:53:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/townInterior_2 (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/townInterior_2 (for the 'grapeponta's Vanilla Interiors' content pack).
[21:53:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/townInterior_2 (for the 'VPR Temporary Fix for 1.6' content pack).
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/HaleyHouse
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/SamHouse
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Blacksmith
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/ManorHouse
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/SeedShop
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Saloon
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Trailer
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Hospital
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/HarveyRoom
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Beach
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/spring_beach
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Fish
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Beach-NightMarket
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/night_market_tilesheet_objects
[21:53:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/night_market_tilesheet_objects (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/night_market_tilesheet_objects (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/night_market_tilesheet_objects (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack).
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/ElliottHouse
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/ElliottHouseTiles
[21:53:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/ElliottHouseTiles (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/ElliottHouseTiles (for the 'grapeponta's Vanilla Interiors' content pack).
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Mountain
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/ScienceHouse
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/SebastianRoom
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Tent
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Forest
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Animals/BabyBrown Cow
[21:53:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Animals/BabyBrown Cow (for the 'Elle's New Barn Animals' content pack).
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/WizardHouse
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/AnimalShop
[21:53:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/townInterior (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/townInterior (for the 'grapeponta's Vanilla Interiors' content pack).
[21:53:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/townInterior (for the 'VPR Temporary Fix for 1.6' content pack).
[21:53:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/townInterior (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/AnimalShop (for the 'Joja Clearance Bin CP' content pack).
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/LeahHouse
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/BusStop
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Mine
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Sewer
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/SewerTiles
[21:53:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/SewerTiles (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/BugLand
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/bugLandTiles
[21:53:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/bugLandTiles (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Desert
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/DesertTiles_Extended
[21:53:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/DesertTiles_Extended (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/DesertTiles
[21:53:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/DesertTiles (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/DesertTiles (for the 'grapeponta's Vanilla Interiors' content pack).
[21:53:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/DesertTiles (for the 'VPR Temporary Fix for 1.6' content pack).
[21:53:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/DesertTiles (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Club
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/SandyHouse
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/ArchaeologyHouse
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/WizardHouseBasement
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/AdventureGuild
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Woods
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Railroad
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/WitchSwamp
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/witchSwampTiles
[21:53:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/witchSwampTiles (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/WitchHut
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/WitchHutTiles
[21:53:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/WitchHutTiles (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/WitchHutTiles (for the 'grapeponta's Vanilla Interiors' content pack).
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/WitchWarpCave
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Mines/mine_dark
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Summit
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/FishShop
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/BathHouse_Entry
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/bathhouse_tiles
[21:53:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/bathhouse_tiles (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/bathhouse_tiles (for the 'grapeponta's Vanilla Interiors' content pack).
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/BathHouse_MensLocker
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/BathHouse_WomensLocker
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/BathHouse_Pool
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/CommunityCenter_Ruins
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/JojaMart
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Greenhouse
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/SkullCave
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Mines/mine_desert
[21:53:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Mines/mine_desert (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Mines/mine_desert (for the 'VPR Temporary Fix for 1.6' content pack).
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Backwoods
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/spring_monsterGraveTiles
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Tunnel
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Trailer_big
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Cellar
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/MermaidHouse
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/mermaid_house_tiles
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Submarine
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/submarine_tilesheet
[21:53:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/submarine_tilesheet (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/submarine_tilesheet (for the 'grapeponta's Vanilla Interiors' content pack).
[21:53:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/submarine_tilesheet (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/AbandonedJojaMart
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/JojaRuins_TileSheet
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/MovieTheater
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/MovieTheater_TileSheet
[21:53:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/MovieTheater_TileSheet (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/MovieTheater_TileSheet (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Movies
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/MoviesReactions
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Sunroom
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/CarolineGreenhouseTiles
[21:53:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/CarolineGreenhouseTiles (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/CarolineGreenhouseTiles (for the 'grapeponta's Vanilla Interiors' content pack).
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/BoatTunnel
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/boatTunnelTiles
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Island_S
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/island_tilesheet_1
[21:53:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/island_tilesheet_1 (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/island_tilesheet_1 (for the 'VPR Temporary Fix for 1.6' content pack).
[21:53:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/island_tilesheet_1 (for the 'Elle's Seasonal Buildings' content pack).
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/summer_outdoorsTileSheet
[21:53:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/summer_outdoorsTileSheet (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/summer_outdoorsTileSheet (for the 'VPR Temporary Fix for 1.6' content pack).
[21:53:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/summer_outdoorsTileSheet (for the 'Elle's Seasonal Buildings' content pack).
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/parrots
[21:53:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/parrots (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack).
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Island_SE
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/island_tilesheet_2
[21:53:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/island_tilesheet_2 (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/island_tilesheet_2 (for the 'VPR Temporary Fix for 1.6' content pack).
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/IslandSouthEastCave
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Island_E
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Island_W
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/summer_outdoorsTileSheet2
[21:53:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/summer_outdoorsTileSheet2 (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/summer_outdoorsTileSheet2 (for the 'VPR Temporary Fix for 1.6' content pack).
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Island_N
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Island_Hut
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Island_Hut_tilesheet
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/IslandWestCave1
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/cave
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/IslandNorthCave1
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Island_FieldOffice
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Island_FieldOffice_Tilesheet
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/IslandFarmHouse
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading spacechase0.SpaceCore/FurnitureExtensionData
[21:53:57 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/FurnitureExtensionData'.
[21:53:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Island_CaptainRoom
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Island_Shrine
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Island_FarmCave
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Caldera
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Mines/volcano_dungeon
[21:53:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Mines/volcano_dungeon (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Mines/volcano_caldera
[21:53:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Mines/volcano_caldera (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/LeoTreeHouse
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/LeoTreeHouse_Tilesheet
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/QiNutRoom
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/qiNutRoom_tilesheet
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/MasteryCave
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/masteryCaveTilesheet
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Desert-Festival
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/desert_festival_tilesheet
[21:53:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/desert_festival_tilesheet (for the 'VPR Temporary Fix for 1.6' content pack).
[21:53:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/desert_festival_tilesheet (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/desert_festival_tilesheet_text
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/LewisBasement
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading spacechase0.SpaceCore/FarmExtensionData
[21:53:58 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/FarmExtensionData'.
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Quests
[21:53:58 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: OnBlankSave
[21:53:58 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[21:53:58 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Load_Farmer' task...
[21:53:58 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/summer_Shadows
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/summer_Waterfalls
[21:53:58 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Load_Locations' task...
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/spousePatios
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/ChairTiles
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/FarmHouse2_marriage
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/FarmHouse_Cellar
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/spouseRooms
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/wallpapers_2
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Forest_RaccoonHouse
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/CommunityCenter_Refurbished
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Island_Resort
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Island_House_Restored
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Island_House_Bin
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Island_House_Cave
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Island_W_Obelisk
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Farm Obelisk
[21:53:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Farm Obelisk (for the 'Elle's Seasonal Buildings' content pack).
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Island_Bridge_Repaired
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/Lighting/fishTankLight
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Coop3
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/coopTiles
[21:53:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/coopTiles (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/coopTiles (for the 'Cuter Coops and Barns - Unofficial Update' content pack).
[21:53:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/coopTiles (for the 'grapeponta's Vanilla Interiors' content pack).
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/paths
[21:53:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Coop3' (for the 'Cuter Coops and Barns - Unofficial Update' content pack).
[21:53:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/coopTiles (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/coopTiles (for the 'Cuter Coops and Barns - Unofficial Update' content pack).
[21:53:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/coopTiles (for the 'grapeponta's Vanilla Interiors' content pack).
[21:53:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Coop3' (for the 'Cuter Coops and Barns - Unofficial Update' content pack).
[21:53:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Coop3' (for the 'Cuter Coops and Barns - Unofficial Update' content pack).
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Animals/Duck
[21:53:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Animals/Duck (for the 'Elle's New Coop Animals' content pack).
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Animals/White Chicken
[21:53:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Animals/White Chicken (for the 'Elle's New Coop Animals' content pack).
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Animals/Rabbit
[21:53:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Animals/Rabbit (for the 'Elle's New Coop Animals' content pack).
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Animals/Void Chicken
[21:53:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Animals/Void Chicken (for the 'Elle's New Coop Animals' content pack).
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Animals/Blue Chicken
[21:53:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Animals/Blue Chicken (for the 'Elle's New Coop Animals' content pack).
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Animals/Brown Chicken
[21:53:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Animals/Brown Chicken (for the 'Elle's New Coop Animals' content pack).
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Animals/Dinosaur
[21:53:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Animals/Dinosaur (for the 'Elle's New Coop Animals' content pack).
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Barn3
[21:53:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/townInterior
[21:53:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/townInterior (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/townInterior (for the 'grapeponta's Vanilla Interiors' content pack).
[21:53:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/townInterior (for the 'VPR Temporary Fix for 1.6' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/townInterior (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Barn3' (for the 'Cuter Coops and Barns - Unofficial Update' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Barn3' (for the 'Cuter Coops and Barns - Unofficial Update' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Barn3' (for the 'Cuter Coops and Barns - Unofficial Update' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Animals/Ostrich
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Animals/Ostrich (for the 'Elle's New Barn Animals' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Animals/Pig
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Animals/Pig (for the 'Elle's New Barn Animals' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Animals/Goat
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Animals/Goat (for the 'Elle's New Barn Animals' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Animals/Brown Cow
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Animals/Brown Cow (for the 'Elle's New Barn Animals' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Animals/White Cow
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Animals/White Cow (for the 'Elle's New Barn Animals' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/SlimeHutch
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Shed2
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/townInterior (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/townInterior (for the 'grapeponta's Vanilla Interiors' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/townInterior (for the 'VPR Temporary Fix for 1.6' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/townInterior (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/walls_and_floors
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/walls_and_floors (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/walls_and_floors (for the 'grapeponta's Vanilla Interiors' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Shed2' (for the 'Cask Enabled Sheds' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Shed2' (for the 'Cask Enabled Sheds' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Shed2' (for the 'Cask Enabled Sheds' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Shed2' (for the 'Cask Enabled Sheds' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Shed2' (for the 'Cask Enabled Sheds' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Shed2' (for the 'Cask Enabled Sheds' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Shed2' (for the 'Cask Enabled Sheds' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Shed2' (for the 'Cask Enabled Sheds' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Shed2' (for the 'Cask Enabled Sheds' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Monsters/Green Slime
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Abigail
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Abigail (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Abigail
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Abigail (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Abigail
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/animationDescriptions
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/George
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/George (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/George
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/George (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/George
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Evelyn
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Evelyn (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Evelyn
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Evelyn (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Evelyn
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Alex
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Alex (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Alex
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Alex (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Alex
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Haley
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Haley (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Haley
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Haley (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Haley
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Emily
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Emily (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Emily
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Emily (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Emily (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Emily
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Kent
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Kent (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Kent
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Kent (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Kent
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Jodi
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Jodi (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Jodi
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Jodi (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Jodi
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Vincent
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Vincent (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Vincent
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Vincent (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Vincent
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Sam
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Sam (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Sam
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Sam (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Sam
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Clint
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Clint (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Clint
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Clint (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Clint
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Lewis
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Lewis (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Lewis
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Lewis (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Lewis
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Pierre
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Pierre (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Pierre
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Pierre (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Pierre
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Caroline
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Caroline (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Caroline
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Caroline (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Caroline
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Gus
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Gus (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Gus
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Gus (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Gus
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Harvey
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Harvey (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Harvey
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Harvey (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Harvey
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Elliott
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Elliott (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Elliott
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Elliott (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Elliott
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Maru
[21:53:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Maru (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:53:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Maru
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Maru (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Maru
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Demetrius
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Demetrius (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Demetrius
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Demetrius (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Demetrius
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Robin
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Robin (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Robin
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Robin (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Robin
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Sebastian
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Sebastian (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Sebastian
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Sebastian (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Sebastian
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Linus
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Linus (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Linus
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Linus (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Linus
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Wizard
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Wizard (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Wizard
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Wizard (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Wizard
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Jas
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Jas (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Jas
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Jas (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Jas
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Shane
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Shane (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Shane
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Shane (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Shane
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Marnie
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Marnie (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Marnie
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Marnie (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Marnie (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Marnie
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Leah
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Leah
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Leah
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Dwarf
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dwarf
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dwarf (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Dwarf
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Krobus
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Krobus (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Krobus
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Krobus (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Krobus
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/MrQi
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/MrQi (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/MrQi
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/MrQi (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Mister Qi
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Sandy
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Sandy (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Sandy
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Sandy (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Sandy
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Gunther
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Gunther (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Gunther
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Gunther (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Gunther
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Marlon
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Marlon (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Marlon
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Marlon (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Marlon
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Willy
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Willy (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Willy
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Willy (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Willy
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Penny
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Penny (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Penny
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Penny (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Penny
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Pam
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Pam (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Pam
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Pam (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Pam
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Birdie
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Birdie (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Birdie
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Birdie (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Birdie
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Fizz
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Fizz (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Fizz
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Fizz (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Fizz
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/ParrotBoy
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/ParrotBoy (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/ParrotBoy
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/ParrotBoy (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Leo
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[21:54:00 TRACE Json Assets] Fixing IDs
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/WildTrees
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/summer_outdoorTileSheet_extra
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/summer_outdoorTileSheet_extra (for the 'VPR Temporary Fix for 1.6' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/summer_town
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/summer_town (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/summer_town (for the 'VPR Temporary Fix for 1.6' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/summer_beach
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/summer_beach (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/summer_monsterGraveTiles
[21:54:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/summer_monsterGraveTiles (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:54:00 TRACE game] gameMode was 'loadingMode (6)', set to 'playingGameMode (3)'.
[21:54:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/MonsterSlayerQuests
[21:54:01 TRACE game] getLoadEnumerator() exited, elapsed = '00:00:11.9749355'
[21:54:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/summer22
[21:54:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/FarmHouse
[21:54:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/AquariumFish
[21:54:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/AquariumFish
[21:54:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/critters
[21:54:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/critters (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack).
[21:54:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/FarmHouse_Bedroom_Normal
[21:54:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/FarmHouse_SouthernRoom_Add
[21:54:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/FarmHouse_CornerRoom_Add
[21:54:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/FarmHouse_DiningRoom_Add
[21:54:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/FarmHouse_Cubby_Add
[21:54:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/FarmHouse_FarUpperRoom_Add
[21:54:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/FarmHouse_ExtendedCornerRoom_Add
[21:54:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/FarmHouse_DiningRoomWall_Add
[21:54:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/FarmHouse_Crib_1
[21:54:01 TRACE SMAPI] Game loader done.
[21:54:01 TRACE Json Assets] Adding default recipes
[21:54:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/MrsRaccoon
[21:54:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogueAbigail
[21:54:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogue
[21:54:01 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1920 Height:1080}
[21:54:01 TRACE game] Vsync toggled: False
[21:54:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/wizard_furniture
[21:54:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/junimo_furniture
[21:54:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Farmer/farmer_girl_base
[21:54:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Farmer/farmer_girl_base (for the '(CP) GH's Peach Body type (female)' content pack).
[21:54:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Farmer/shoeColors
[21:54:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Farmer/skinColors
[21:54:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Farmer/skinColors (for the '(CP) GH's Peach Body type (female)' content pack).
[21:54:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/companions
[21:54:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/furniture_3
[21:54:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/furniture_2
[21:54:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/FreeCactuses
[21:54:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/tools
[21:54:01 TRACE SMAPI] Context: loaded save 'LonLon_370981025', starting summer 22 Y2, locale set to . Single-player.
[21:54:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Mods/leclair.bettercrafting/Themes/embedded.VintageInterface2/buttons.png
[21:54:01 TRACE SMAPI] Better Crafting loaded asset 'Mods/leclair.bettercrafting/Themes/embedded.VintageInterface2/buttons.png'.
[21:54:01 TRACE Better Crafting] [RecipeManager] Loaded category data file after 0ms.
[21:54:01 TRACE Better Crafting] [RecipeManager] Finished hydrating category data file after 3ms.
[21:54:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Mods/leclair.bettercrafting/Rules
[21:54:01 TRACE SMAPI] Better Crafting loaded asset 'Mods/leclair.bettercrafting/Rules'.
[21:54:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Farm
[21:54:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Farm (for the 'Joja Clearance Bin CP' content pack).
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/FarmCave
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Town
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/JoshHouse
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/HaleyHouse
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/SamHouse
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Blacksmith
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/ManorHouse
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/SeedShop
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Saloon
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Trailer
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Hospital
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/HarveyRoom
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Beach
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/BeachNightMarket
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/ElliottHouse
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Mountain
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/ScienceHouse
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/SebastianRoom
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Tent
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Forest
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/WizardHouse
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/AnimalShop
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/LeahHouse
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/BusStop
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Mine
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Sewer
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/BugLand
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Desert
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Club
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/SandyHouse
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/ArchaeologyHouse
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/WizardHouseBasement
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/AdventureGuild
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Woods
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Railroad
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/WitchSwamp
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/WitchHut
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/WitchWarpCave
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Summit
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/FishShop
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/BathHouse_Entry
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/BathHouse_MensLocker
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/BathHouse_WomensLocker
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/BathHouse_Pool
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/CommunityCenter
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/JojaMart
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Greenhouse
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/SkullCave
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Backwoods
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Tunnel
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Trailer_Big
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/MermaidHouse
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Submarine
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/AbandonedJojaMart
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/MovieTheater
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Sunroom
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/BoatTunnel
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandSouth
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandSouthEast
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandSouthEastCave
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandEast
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandWest
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandNorth
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandHut
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandWestCave1
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandNorthCave1
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandFieldOffice
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandFarmHouse
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/CaptainRoom
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandShrine
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandFarmCave
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Caldera
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/LeoTreeHouse
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/QiNutRoom
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/MasteryCave
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/DesertFestival
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/LewisBasement
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar2
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar3
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar4
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar5
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar6
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar7
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar8
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Event collection took 491ms
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Mods/Bouhm.NPCMapLocations/NPCs
[21:54:02 TRACE SMAPI] NPC Map Locations loaded asset 'Mods/Bouhm.NPCMapLocations/NPCs'.
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Mods/Bouhm.NPCMapLocations/Locations
[21:54:02 TRACE SMAPI] NPC Map Locations loaded asset 'Mods/Bouhm.NPCMapLocations/Locations'.
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/WorldMap
[21:54:02 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Updating current language settings: en
[21:54:02 TRACE To-Dew] Accessed mod-provided API (ToDew.ToDoApiImpl) for To-Dew.
[21:54:02 INFO  UI Info Suite 2] Setting up icon sheet
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/TV/CookingChannel
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] repopulation took 2ms
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/PeacefulEnd/FashionSense/AppearanceData
[21:54:02 TRACE SMAPI] Fashion Sense loaded asset 'Data/PeacefulEnd/FashionSense/AppearanceData'.
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Mines/VolcanoTemplate
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading VolcanoLayouts/Layouts
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Mines/Volcano_SetPieces_4
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Monsters/Hot Head
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Monsters
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Monsters/Lava Lurk
[21:54:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Monsters/Tiger Slime
[21:54:02 TRACE NPC Map Locations] Unknown locations: LewisBasement
[21:54:02 DEBUG Shop Tile Framework] Refreshing stock for all custom shops...
[21:54:02 DEBUG Shop Tile Framework] Generating stock for JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:02 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Updating JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 WARN  game] Unknown precondition for event -5005: JojaMember
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cheese Broccoflower" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Smothered Garlic Potatoes" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 WARN  game] Unknown precondition for event -5005: JojaMember
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Broccoflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cauliflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Corn (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cranberry (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Melon (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Parsnip (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Poppy (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Potato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Pumpkin (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Radish (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Sweet Joja Berry Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tomato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tulip (Joja) Bulbs" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Wheat (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Winterstar Fruit (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 WARN  game] Unknown precondition for event -5005: JojaMember
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Broccoflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cauliflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Corn (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cranberry (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Melon (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Parsnip (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Poppy (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Potato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Pumpkin (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Radish (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Sweet Joja Berry Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tomato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tulip (Joja) Bulbs" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Wheat (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Winterstar Fruit (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 WARN  game] Unknown precondition for event -5005: JojaMember
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Broccoflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cauliflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Corn (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cranberry (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Melon (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Parsnip (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Poppy (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Potato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Pumpkin (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Radish (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Sweet Joja Berry Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tomato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tulip (Joja) Bulbs" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Wheat (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Winterstar Fruit (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 WARN  game] Unknown precondition for event -5005: JojaMember
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Broccoflower (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cauliflower (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Corn (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cranberry (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Melon (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Parsnip (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Poppy (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Potato (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Pumpkin (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Radish (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Sweet Joja Berry" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tomato (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tulip (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Wheat (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Winterstar Fruit (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 WARN  game] Unknown precondition for event -5005: JojaMember
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Broccoflower (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cauliflower (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Corn (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cranberry (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Melon (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Parsnip (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Poppy (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Potato (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Pumpkin (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Radish (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Sweet Joja Berry" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tomato (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tulip (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Wheat (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Winterstar Fruit (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 WARN  game] Unknown precondition for event -5005: JojaMember
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Broccoflower (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cauliflower (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Corn (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cranberry (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Melon (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Parsnip (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Poppy (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Potato (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Pumpkin (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Radish (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Sweet Joja Berry" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tomato (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tulip (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Wheat (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Winterstar Fruit (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 WARN  game] Unknown precondition for event -5005: JojaMember
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Joja Apricrop" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Joja Cherry Cute" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Joja Dwarf Orange" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Joja Peatree" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Joja Applemini" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Joja Pominiature" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[21:54:03 DEBUG Shop Tile Framework] Generating stock for ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Updating ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Broccoflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cauliflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Corn (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cranberry (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Melon (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Parsnip (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Poppy (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Potato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Pumpkin (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Radish (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Sweet Joja Berry Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tomato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tulip (Joja) Bulbs" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Wheat (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Winterstar Fruit (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Broccoflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cauliflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Corn (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cranberry (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Melon (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Parsnip (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Poppy (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Potato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Pumpkin (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Radish (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Sweet Joja Berry Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tomato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tulip (Joja) Bulbs" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Wheat (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Winterstar Fruit (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Broccoflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cauliflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Corn (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cranberry (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Melon (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Parsnip (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Poppy (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Potato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Pumpkin (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Radish (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Sweet Joja Berry Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tomato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tulip (Joja) Bulbs" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Wheat (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Winterstar Fruit (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Large Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Large Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Large Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Large Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Large Goat Milk" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Large Goat Milk" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Joja Apricrop" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Joja Cherry Cute" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Joja Dwarf Orange" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Joja Peatree" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Joja Applemini" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Joja Pominiature" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Mods/Pathoschild.TractorMod/tractor
[21:54:03 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod loaded asset 'Mods/Pathoschild.TractorMod/tractor'.
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Mods/Pathoschild.TractorMod/garage
[21:54:03 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod loaded asset 'Mods/Pathoschild.TractorMod/garage'.
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Mods/Pathoschild.TractorMod/buffIcon
[21:54:03 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod loaded asset 'Mods/Pathoschild.TractorMod/buffIcon'.
[21:54:03 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Day is starting. Loading config data.
[21:54:03 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Beginning file loading process...
[21:54:03 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All available content packs checked.
[21:54:03 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Loading files from FarmTypeManager/data
[21:54:03 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Validating data from FarmTypeManager/data
[21:54:03 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking for duplicate UniqueAreaIDs...
[21:54:03 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Assigning new UniqueAreaIDs to any blanks or duplicates...
[21:54:03 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Validation complete for data from FarmTypeManager/data
[21:54:03 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking file conditions...
[21:54:03 TRACE Farm Type Manager] FarmTypeManager/data farm data loaded successfully.
[21:54:03 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking for saved objects that went missing overnight.
[21:54:03 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Missing objects: 0. Respawned: 0. Not respawned due to obstructions: 0. Skipped due to missing maps: 0. Skipped due to missing item types: 0.
[21:54:03 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting forage generation for this file: FarmTypeManager/data/LonLon_370981025.json
[21:54:03 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation is disabled for this file.
[21:54:03 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All files and content packs checked. Forage generation process complete.
[21:54:03 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting large object generation for this file: FarmTypeManager/data/LonLon_370981025.json
[21:54:03 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Large object generation is disabled for this file.
[21:54:03 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All files and content packs checked. Large object generation process complete.
[21:54:03 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting ore generation for this file: FarmTypeManager/data/LonLon_370981025.json
[21:54:03 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Ore generation is disabled for this file.
[21:54:03 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All files and content packs checked. Ore spawn process complete.
[21:54:03 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting monster generation for this file: FarmTypeManager/data/LonLon_370981025.json
[21:54:03 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster generation is disabled for this file.
[21:54:03 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All files and content packs checked. Monster generation process complete.
[21:54:03 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 600...
[21:54:03 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 600. Total objects spawned: 0.
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Buffs
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/FarmCave
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Blacksmith
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/BeachNightMarket
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/BugLand
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Desert
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Club
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/WizardHouseBasement
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/AdventureGuild
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/WitchSwamp
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/WitchHut
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/WitchWarpCave
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Summit
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/BathHouse_Entry
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/BathHouse_MensLocker
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/BathHouse_WomensLocker
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/JojaMart
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Greenhouse
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/SkullCave
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Tunnel
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/MermaidHouse
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Submarine
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/MovieTheater
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandSouthEast
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandSouthEastCave
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandEast
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandWestCave1
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandNorthCave1
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandFieldOffice
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/CaptainRoom
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandShrine
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandFarmCave
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Caldera
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/LeoTreeHouse
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/MasteryCave
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/LewisBasement
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar2
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar3
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar4
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar5
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar6
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar7
[21:54:03 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar8
[21:54:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Strings/SpecialOrderStrings
[21:54:05 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/SpecialOrders
[21:54:11 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/TV/TipChannel
[21:54:21 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/IncomingPhoneCalls
[21:54:21 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Pierre
[21:54:21 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Harvey
[21:54:21 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Demetrius
[21:54:21 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Raccoon
[21:54:21 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Shane
[21:54:21 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Krobus
[21:54:21 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Willy
[21:54:21 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 610...
[21:54:21 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 610. Total objects spawned: 0.
[21:54:25 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Abigail
[21:54:34 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Shops
[21:54:34 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading spacechase0.SpaceCore/ShopExtensionData
[21:54:34 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/ShopExtensionData'.
[21:54:34 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Sam
[21:54:34 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Caroline
[21:54:34 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Robin
[21:54:34 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Marlon
[21:54:34 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Pam
[21:54:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 620...
[21:54:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 620. Total objects spawned: 0.
[21:54:36 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:54:36 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[21:54:36 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[21:54:36 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Buildings/Shipping Bin
[21:54:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Buildings/Shipping Bin (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:54:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Buildings/Shipping Bin (for the 'Elle's Seasonal Buildings' content pack).
[21:54:36 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Buildings/Shipping Bin_PaintMask
[21:54:36 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Buildings/Pet Bowl
[21:54:36 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Buildings/Pet Bowl_PaintMask
[21:54:36 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Buildings/Silo
[21:54:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Buildings/Silo (for the 'Elle's Seasonal Buildings' content pack).
[21:54:36 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Buildings/Silo_PaintMask
[21:54:36 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Buildings/Fish Pond
[21:54:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Buildings/Fish Pond (for the 'Elle's Seasonal Buildings' content pack).
[21:54:36 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Buildings/Fish Pond_PaintMask
[21:54:36 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Buildings/Stone Pet Bowl
[21:54:36 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Buildings/Stone Pet Bowl_PaintMask
[21:54:36 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Buildings/Big Shed
[21:54:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Buildings/Big Shed (for the 'Elle's Seasonal Buildings' content pack).
[21:54:36 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Buildings/Big Shed_PaintMask
[21:54:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Buildings/Big Shed_PaintMask (for the 'Elle's Seasonal Buildings' content pack).
[21:54:36 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Buildings/Island Obelisk
[21:54:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Buildings/Island Obelisk (for the 'Elle's Seasonal Buildings' content pack).
[21:54:36 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Buildings/Island Obelisk_PaintMask
[21:54:36 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Buildings/Desert Obelisk
[21:54:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Buildings/Desert Obelisk (for the 'Elle's Seasonal Buildings' content pack).
[21:54:36 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Buildings/Desert Obelisk_PaintMask
[21:54:36 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Buildings/Water Obelisk
[21:54:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Buildings/Water Obelisk (for the 'Elle's Seasonal Buildings' content pack).
[21:54:36 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Buildings/Water Obelisk_PaintMask
[21:54:36 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Buildings/Earth Obelisk
[21:54:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Buildings/Earth Obelisk (for the 'Elle's Seasonal Buildings' content pack).
[21:54:36 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Buildings/Earth Obelisk_PaintMask
[21:54:36 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Buildings/Hay Pet Bowl
[21:54:36 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Buildings/Hay Pet Bowl_PaintMask
[21:54:36 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TerrainFeatures/Flooring
[21:54:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TerrainFeatures/Flooring (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:54:36 WARN  Content Patcher] Can't apply image patch "(CP) Seasonal Grass Path Vibrant Pastoral > EditImage TerrainFeatures/Flooring #2" to TerrainFeatures/Flooring: the FromFile file 'assets\GrassPath_summer_Clean.png' doesn't exist.
[21:54:36 WARN  Content Patcher] Can't apply image patch "(CP) Seasonal Grass Path Vibrant Pastoral > EditImage TerrainFeatures/Flooring #4" to TerrainFeatures/Flooring: the FromFile file 'assets\GrassPath_summer_green_clean.png' doesn't exist.
[21:54:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TerrainFeatures/Flooring (for the '(CP) Seasonal Grass Path Vibrant Pastoral' content pack).
[21:54:36 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Buildings/houses
[21:54:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Buildings/houses (for the 'Elle's Seasonal Buildings' content pack).
[21:54:36 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Buildings/houses_PaintMask
[21:54:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Buildings/houses_PaintMask (for the 'Elle's Seasonal Buildings' content pack).
[21:54:36 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Buildings/Mailbox
[21:54:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Buildings/Mailbox (for the 'Elle's Seasonal Buildings' content pack).
[21:54:38 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TerrainFeatures/grass
[21:54:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TerrainFeatures/grass (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:54:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TerrainFeatures/grass (for the 'VPR Temporary Fix for 1.6' content pack).
[21:54:38 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/mail
[21:54:38 TRACE SMAPI] Fashion Sense edited Data/mail.
[21:54:38 TRACE SMAPI] Mail Framework Mod edited Data/mail.
[21:54:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/mail (for the 'Joja Clearance Bin CP' content pack).
[21:54:38 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/letterBG
[21:54:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/letterBG (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[21:54:42 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/Fence5
[21:54:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Fence5 (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:54:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Fence5 (for the 'Elle's Seasonal Buildings' content pack).
[21:54:42 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/Fence1
[21:54:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Fence1 (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:54:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Fence1 (for the 'Elle's Seasonal Buildings' content pack).
[21:54:43 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TerrainFeatures/tree3_spring
[21:54:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TerrainFeatures/tree3_spring (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:54:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TerrainFeatures/tree3_spring (for the 'VPR Temporary Fix for 1.6' content pack).
[21:54:43 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Buildings/Greenhouse
[21:54:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Buildings/Greenhouse (for the 'Elle's Seasonal Buildings' content pack).
[21:54:43 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Buildings/Greenhouse_PaintMask
[21:54:43 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Buildings/Deluxe Coop
[21:54:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Buildings/Deluxe Coop (for the 'Elle's Seasonal Buildings' content pack).
[21:54:43 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Buildings/Deluxe Coop_PaintMask
[21:54:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Buildings/Deluxe Coop_PaintMask (for the 'Elle's Seasonal Buildings' content pack).
[21:54:46 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/George
[21:54:46 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Maru
[21:54:46 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Linus
[21:54:46 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Jas
[21:54:46 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Leah
[21:54:46 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Mister Qi
[21:54:46 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Sandy
[21:54:46 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/LeoMainland
[21:54:46 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 630...
[21:54:46 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 630. Total objects spawned: 0.
[21:54:47 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TerrainFeatures/tree1_summer
[21:54:47 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TerrainFeatures/tree1_summer (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:54:47 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TerrainFeatures/tree1_summer (for the 'VPR Temporary Fix for 1.6' content pack).
[21:54:48 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TerrainFeatures/tree2_summer
[21:54:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TerrainFeatures/tree2_summer (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[21:54:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TerrainFeatures/tree2_summer (for the 'VPR Temporary Fix for 1.6' content pack).
[21:54:53 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Emily
[21:54:53 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Fizz
[21:54:53 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 640...
[21:54:53 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 640. Total objects spawned: 0.
[21:55:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Kent
[21:55:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Clint
[21:55:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/MrsRaccoon
[21:55:00 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 650...
[21:55:00 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 650. Total objects spawned: 0.
[21:55:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Buildings/Deluxe Barn
[21:55:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Buildings/Deluxe Barn (for the 'Elle's Seasonal Buildings' content pack).
[21:55:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Buildings/Deluxe Barn_PaintMask
[21:55:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Buildings/Deluxe Barn_PaintMask (for the 'Elle's Seasonal Buildings' content pack).
[21:55:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading furyx639.BetterChests/UI
[21:55:02 TRACE SMAPI] FauxCore loaded asset 'furyx639.BetterChests/UI'.
[21:55:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading furyx639.BetterChests/HueBar
[21:55:02 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests loaded asset 'furyx639.BetterChests/HueBar'.
[21:55:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/textBox
[21:55:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/textBox (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[21:55:15 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Buildings/Slime Hutch
[21:55:15 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Buildings/Slime Hutch (for the 'Elle's Seasonal Buildings' content pack).
[21:55:15 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Buildings/Slime Hutch_PaintMask
[21:55:17 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 700...
[21:55:17 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 700. Total objects spawned: 0.
[21:55:25 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Birdie
[21:55:25 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 710...
[21:55:25 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 710. Total objects spawned: 0.
[21:55:32 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Vincent
[21:55:32 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Wizard
[21:55:32 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 720...
[21:55:32 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 720. Total objects spawned: 0.
[21:55:37 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Henchman
[21:55:37 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Henchman (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:55:37 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Henchman
[21:55:37 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/map_summer
[21:55:37 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/map_summer (for the 'VPR Temporary Fix for 1.6' content pack).
[21:55:37 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Mods/leclair.bettercrafting/CraftingStations
[21:55:37 TRACE SMAPI] Better Crafting loaded asset 'Mods/leclair.bettercrafting/CraftingStations'.
[21:55:37 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/SecretNotes
[21:55:37 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/SecretNotesImages
[21:55:37 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/SecretNotesImages (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[21:55:37 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/SecretNotesImages (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[21:55:37 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1920 Height:1080}
[21:55:41 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:55:41 TRACE game] Warping to Barn604799c2-96c3-4a13-9902-ee13a2948c81
[21:55:42 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[21:55:42 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Deluxe Barn
[21:55:55 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Alex
[21:55:55 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Elliott
[21:55:55 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian
[21:55:55 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 730...
[21:55:55 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 730. Total objects spawned: 0.
[21:55:56 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:55:56 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[21:55:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[21:55:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Strings/FarmAnimals
[21:56:01 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:56:01 TRACE game] Warping to Coop75d241f8-de8a-4cd9-b393-15c131d7eb9d
[21:56:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[21:56:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Deluxe Coop
[21:56:10 INFO  Better Chests] ConfigureChest: Configuring Auto-Grabber at Lon Lon Farm(5, 13)
[21:56:12 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Mods/GenericModConfigMenu/KeyboardButton
[21:56:12 TRACE SMAPI] Generic Mod Config Menu loaded asset 'Mods/GenericModConfigMenu/KeyboardButton'.
[21:56:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Changing to mod config page for mod Pathoschild.ChestsAnywhere
[21:56:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Changing to mod config page for mod leclair.bettercrafting
[21:56:32 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Changing to mod config page for mod Pathoschild.ChestsAnywhere
[21:56:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Changing to mod config page for mod furyx639.BetterChests
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests Key to open the menu for accessible chests.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Previous Chest Key to open the previous accessible chests.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Next Chest Key to open the next accessible chests.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Clear Search Key to clear the search bar.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently held chest.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Found Chest Key to open the menu for the nearest found chest.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Crafting Button Key to open the crafting menu for accessible chests.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash Items Button Key to stash items into accessible chests.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Up Key to scroll up in expanded inventory menus.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Down Key to scroll down in expanded inventory menus.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Page Key to scroll inventory one page at a time.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Key to lock an item so that the item in it will not be transferred or stashed.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Info Key to show or hide chest info.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Collect Items Key to toggle collecting items from the ground.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Search Key to show or hide the search bar.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Key to transfer items into or out of a chest.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Reverse Key to reverse the direction of item transfer
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Copy Copy the current selection
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Paste Paste into the current selection
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chest Show Arrows Show arrows on the screen to access the next and previous chest.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Limit Limits the number of chests that can be carried at once.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Amount The amount of slowness applied when carrying chests above the limit.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Limit The number of chests that can be carried before the slowness effect is applied.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hue Steps The number of steps in the hue color picker.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Saturation Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lightness Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hsl Color Picker Placement The placement of the HSL color picker.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Prevent an item from being transferred or stashed.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Hold Lock item key must be held down to lock an item.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Method The filter method used when searching for an item.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Items Determines the info that will be shown when hovering over storages.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Menu Items Determines the info that will be shown in the storage menu.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:13 TRACE Better Chests] Config changed:
AccessChestsShowArrows: True
CarryChestLimit: 3
CarryChestSlowAmount: -1
CarryChestSlowLimit: 1
HslColorPickerHueSteps: 29
HslColorPickerSaturationSteps: 29
HslColorPickerLightnessSteps: 29
HslColorPickerPlacement: Right
LockItem: Default
LockItemHold: True
SearchItemsMethod: GrayedOut
StorageInfoHoverItems: Icon, Name, Type, Capacity, TotalValue
StorageInfoMenuItems: Type, Location, Position, Inventory, TotalItems, UniqueItems, TotalValue
AccessChests: V
AccessNextChest: RightTrigger
AccessPreviousChest: LeftTrigger
ClearSearch: Escape
ConfigureChest: End
LockSlot: LeftAlt
OpenCrafting: K
OpenFoundChest: LeftShift + Enter, RightShift + Enter
ScrollDown: DPadDown
ScrollPage: LeftShift, RightShift
ScrollUp: DPadUp
StashItems: OemPipe
ToggleCollectItems: LeftControl + Space, RightControl + Space
ToggleInfo: LeftShift + OemQuestion, RightShift + OemQuestion
ToggleSearch: LeftControl + F, RightControl + F
TransferItems: LeftShift, RightShift
TransferItemsReverse: LeftAlt, RightAlt

Default Options
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Disabled
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Enabled
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Enabled
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Enabled
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Enabled
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Enabled
StorageInfoHover: Enabled

BigCraftables: 130
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 232
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 256
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 213
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Large
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 248
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigStoneChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 165
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 208
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 216
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Location
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Large
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Junimo Hut
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Mill
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Shipping Bin
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Locations: FarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Locations: IslandFarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 704
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 709
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 714
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 719
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: GrayJojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: WizardDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JunimoDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: RetroDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2304
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2312
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2322
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2400
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2414
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JungleTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: CCFishTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

[21:57:13 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/BigCraftables'.
[21:57:13 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (BC) cache.
[21:57:13 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/BigCraftables
[21:57:13 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/BigCraftables.
[21:57:13 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/BigCraftables.
[21:57:13 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/BigCraftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/BigCraftables).
[21:57:13 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'.
[21:57:13 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Buildings
[21:57:13 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[21:57:13 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Buildings.
[21:57:13 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Buildings).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Buildings).
[21:57:13 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'.
[21:57:13 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Locations).
Propagated 0 core assets ().
[21:57:13 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Furniture'.
[21:57:13 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (F) cache.
[21:57:13 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Furniture).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Furniture).
[21:57:13 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Furniture
[21:57:13 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Locations
[21:57:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations.
[21:57:13 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Locations.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests Key to open the menu for accessible chests.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Previous Chest Key to open the previous accessible chests.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Next Chest Key to open the next accessible chests.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Clear Search Key to clear the search bar.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently held chest.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Found Chest Key to open the menu for the nearest found chest.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Crafting Button Key to open the crafting menu for accessible chests.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash Items Button Key to stash items into accessible chests.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Up Key to scroll up in expanded inventory menus.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Down Key to scroll down in expanded inventory menus.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Page Key to scroll inventory one page at a time.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Key to lock an item so that the item in it will not be transferred or stashed.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Info Key to show or hide chest info.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Collect Items Key to toggle collecting items from the ground.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Search Key to show or hide the search bar.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Key to transfer items into or out of a chest.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Reverse Key to reverse the direction of item transfer
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Copy Copy the current selection
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Paste Paste into the current selection
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chest Show Arrows Show arrows on the screen to access the next and previous chest.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Limit Limits the number of chests that can be carried at once.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Amount The amount of slowness applied when carrying chests above the limit.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Limit The number of chests that can be carried before the slowness effect is applied.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hue Steps The number of steps in the hue color picker.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Saturation Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lightness Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hsl Color Picker Placement The placement of the HSL color picker.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Prevent an item from being transferred or stashed.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Hold Lock item key must be held down to lock an item.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Method The filter method used when searching for an item.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Items Determines the info that will be shown when hovering over storages.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Menu Items Determines the info that will be shown in the storage menu.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:57:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:57:56 TRACE Better Chests] Config changed:
AccessChestsShowArrows: True
CarryChestLimit: 3
CarryChestSlowAmount: -1
CarryChestSlowLimit: 1
HslColorPickerHueSteps: 29
HslColorPickerSaturationSteps: 29
HslColorPickerLightnessSteps: 29
HslColorPickerPlacement: Right
LockItem: Default
LockItemHold: True
SearchItemsMethod: GrayedOut
StorageInfoHoverItems: Icon, Name, Type, Capacity, TotalValue
StorageInfoMenuItems: Type, Location, Position, Inventory, TotalItems, UniqueItems, TotalValue
AccessChests: V
AccessNextChest: RightTrigger
AccessPreviousChest: LeftTrigger
ClearSearch: Escape
ConfigureChest: End
LockSlot: LeftAlt
OpenCrafting: K
OpenFoundChest: LeftShift + Enter, RightShift + Enter
ScrollDown: DPadDown
ScrollPage: LeftShift, RightShift
ScrollUp: DPadUp
StashItems: OemPipe
ToggleCollectItems: LeftControl + Space, RightControl + Space
ToggleInfo: LeftShift + OemQuestion, RightShift + OemQuestion
ToggleSearch: LeftControl + F, RightControl + F
TransferItems: LeftShift, RightShift
TransferItemsReverse: LeftAlt, RightAlt

Default Options
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Disabled
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Enabled
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Enabled
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Enabled
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Enabled
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Enabled
StorageInfoHover: Enabled

BigCraftables: 130
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 232
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 256
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 213
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Large
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 248
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigStoneChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 165
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 208
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 216
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Location
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Large
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Junimo Hut
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Mill
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Shipping Bin
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Locations: FarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Locations: IslandFarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 704
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 709
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 714
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 719
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: GrayJojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: WizardDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JunimoDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: RetroDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2304
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2312
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2322
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2400
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2414
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JungleTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: CCFishTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

[21:57:56 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/BigCraftables'.
[21:57:56 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (BC) cache.
[21:57:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/BigCraftables
[21:57:56 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/BigCraftables.
[21:57:56 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/BigCraftables.
[21:57:56 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/BigCraftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/BigCraftables).
[21:57:56 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'.
[21:57:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Buildings
[21:57:56 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[21:57:56 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Buildings.
[21:57:56 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Buildings).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Buildings).
[21:57:56 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'.
[21:57:56 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Locations).
Propagated 0 core assets ().
[21:57:56 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Furniture'.
[21:57:56 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (F) cache.
[21:57:56 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Furniture).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Furniture).
[21:57:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Furniture
[21:57:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Locations
[21:57:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations.
[21:57:56 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Locations.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests Key to open the menu for accessible chests.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Previous Chest Key to open the previous accessible chests.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Next Chest Key to open the next accessible chests.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Clear Search Key to clear the search bar.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently held chest.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Found Chest Key to open the menu for the nearest found chest.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Crafting Button Key to open the crafting menu for accessible chests.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash Items Button Key to stash items into accessible chests.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Up Key to scroll up in expanded inventory menus.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Down Key to scroll down in expanded inventory menus.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Page Key to scroll inventory one page at a time.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Key to lock an item so that the item in it will not be transferred or stashed.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Info Key to show or hide chest info.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Collect Items Key to toggle collecting items from the ground.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Search Key to show or hide the search bar.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Key to transfer items into or out of a chest.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Reverse Key to reverse the direction of item transfer
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Copy Copy the current selection
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Paste Paste into the current selection
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chest Show Arrows Show arrows on the screen to access the next and previous chest.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Limit Limits the number of chests that can be carried at once.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Amount The amount of slowness applied when carrying chests above the limit.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Limit The number of chests that can be carried before the slowness effect is applied.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hue Steps The number of steps in the hue color picker.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Saturation Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lightness Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hsl Color Picker Placement The placement of the HSL color picker.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Prevent an item from being transferred or stashed.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Hold Lock item key must be held down to lock an item.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Method The filter method used when searching for an item.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Items Determines the info that will be shown when hovering over storages.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Menu Items Determines the info that will be shown in the storage menu.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[21:58:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[21:58:40 TRACE Better Chests] Config changed:
AccessChestsShowArrows: True
CarryChestLimit: 3
CarryChestSlowAmount: -1
CarryChestSlowLimit: 1
HslColorPickerHueSteps: 29
HslColorPickerSaturationSteps: 29
HslColorPickerLightnessSteps: 29
HslColorPickerPlacement: Right
LockItem: Default
LockItemHold: True
SearchItemsMethod: GrayedOut
StorageInfoHoverItems: Icon, Name, Type, Capacity, TotalValue
StorageInfoMenuItems: Type, Location, Position, Inventory, TotalItems, UniqueItems, TotalValue
AccessChests: V
AccessNextChest: RightTrigger
AccessPreviousChest: LeftTrigger
ClearSearch: Escape
ConfigureChest: End
LockSlot: LeftAlt
OpenCrafting: K
OpenFoundChest: LeftShift + Enter, RightShift + Enter
ScrollDown: DPadDown
ScrollPage: LeftShift, RightShift
ScrollUp: DPadUp
StashItems: OemPipe
ToggleCollectItems: LeftControl + Space, RightControl + Space
ToggleInfo: LeftShift + OemQuestion, RightShift + OemQuestion
ToggleSearch: LeftControl + F, RightControl + F
TransferItems: LeftShift, RightShift
TransferItemsReverse: LeftAlt, RightAlt

Default Options
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Disabled
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Enabled
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Enabled
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Enabled
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Enabled
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Enabled
StorageInfoHover: Enabled

BigCraftables: 130
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 232
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 256
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 213
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Large
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 248
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigStoneChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 165
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 208
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 216
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Location
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Large
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Junimo Hut
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Mill
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Shipping Bin
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Locations: FarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Locations: IslandFarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 704
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 709
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 714
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 719
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: GrayJojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: WizardDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JunimoDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: RetroDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2304
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2312
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2322
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2400
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2414
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JungleTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: CCFishTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

[21:58:40 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/BigCraftables'.
[21:58:40 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (BC) cache.
[21:58:40 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/BigCraftables
[21:58:40 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/BigCraftables.
[21:58:40 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/BigCraftables.
[21:58:40 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/BigCraftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/BigCraftables).
[21:58:40 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'.
[21:58:40 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Buildings
[21:58:40 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[21:58:40 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Buildings.
[21:58:40 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Buildings).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Buildings).
[21:58:40 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'.
[21:58:40 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Locations).
Propagated 0 core assets ().
[21:58:40 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Furniture'.
[21:58:40 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (F) cache.
[21:58:40 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Furniture).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Furniture).
[21:58:40 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Furniture
[21:58:40 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Locations
[21:58:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations.
[21:58:40 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Locations.
[21:58:43 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Changing to mod config page for mod Pathoschild.ChestsAnywhere
[21:58:51 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Show hover tooltips Whether to show the chest name in a tooltip when you point at a chest.
[21:58:51 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Enable shipping bin Whether to enable access to the shipping bin.
[21:58:51 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Add organize player items button Whether to add an 'organize' button in chest UIs for the player inventory.
[21:58:51 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Range The range at which chests are accessible through the menu.
[21:58:51 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle UI The keys which show or hide the chest UI.
[21:58:51 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Edit chest The keys which edit the options for the current chest.
[21:58:51 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort items The keys which sort items in the current chest.
[21:58:51 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: previous chest The keys which navigate to the previous chest while the menu is open.
[21:58:51 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: next chest The keys which navigate to the next chest while the menu is open.
[21:58:51 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: previous category The keys which navigate to the previous category while the menu is open.
[21:58:51 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: next category The keys which navigate to the next category while the menu is open.
[21:58:51 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hold to scroll categories The keys which, when held, enable scrolling the category dropdown with the mouse scroll wheel.
[21:58:51 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hold to scroll chests The keys which, when held, enable scrolling the chests dropdown with the mouse scroll wheel.
[21:58:51 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Mines and Skull Cavern Whether to disable accessing chests while in the mines or Skull Cavern.
[21:58:51 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Custom location names The internal names (as shown by the Debug Mode mod) for locations from which to disable accessing chests. You can list multiple with commas.
[21:58:55 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Strings/EnchantmentNames
[21:58:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Gus
[21:58:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Marnie
[21:58:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Penny
[21:58:58 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 740...
[21:58:58 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 740. Total objects spawned: 0.
[21:58:58 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:58:58 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[21:58:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[21:59:20 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Dwarf
[21:59:20 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 750...
[21:59:20 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 750. Total objects spawned: 0.
[21:59:21 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:59:21 TRACE game] Warping to Coop75d241f8-de8a-4cd9-b393-15c131d7eb9d
[21:59:22 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[21:59:22 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Deluxe Coop
[21:59:30 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Evelyn
[21:59:30 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Jodi
[21:59:31 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Lewis
[21:59:31 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 800...
[21:59:31 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 800. Total objects spawned: 0.
[21:59:38 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 810...
[21:59:38 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 810. Total objects spawned: 0.
[21:59:45 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:59:45 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[21:59:45 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[21:59:46 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 820...
[21:59:46 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 820. Total objects spawned: 0.
[21:59:47 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:59:47 TRACE game] Warping to Barn604799c2-96c3-4a13-9902-ee13a2948c81
[21:59:48 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[21:59:48 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Deluxe Barn
[21:59:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Gunther
[21:59:56 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 830...
[21:59:56 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 830. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:00:01 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:00:01 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[22:00:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:00:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Changing to mod config page for mod Pathoschild.ChestsAnywhere
[22:00:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Show hover tooltips Whether to show the chest name in a tooltip when you point at a chest.
[22:00:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Enable shipping bin Whether to enable access to the shipping bin.
[22:00:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Add organize player items button Whether to add an 'organize' button in chest UIs for the player inventory.
[22:00:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Range The range at which chests are accessible through the menu.
[22:00:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle UI The keys which show or hide the chest UI.
[22:00:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Edit chest The keys which edit the options for the current chest.
[22:00:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort items The keys which sort items in the current chest.
[22:00:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: previous chest The keys which navigate to the previous chest while the menu is open.
[22:00:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: next chest The keys which navigate to the next chest while the menu is open.
[22:00:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: previous category The keys which navigate to the previous category while the menu is open.
[22:00:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: next category The keys which navigate to the next category while the menu is open.
[22:00:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hold to scroll categories The keys which, when held, enable scrolling the category dropdown with the mouse scroll wheel.
[22:00:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hold to scroll chests The keys which, when held, enable scrolling the chests dropdown with the mouse scroll wheel.
[22:00:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Mines and Skull Cavern Whether to disable accessing chests while in the mines or Skull Cavern.
[22:00:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Custom location names The internal names (as shown by the Debug Mode mod) for locations from which to disable accessing chests. You can list multiple with commas.
[22:00:18 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Changing to mod config page for mod furyx639.BetterChests
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests Key to open the menu for accessible chests.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Previous Chest Key to open the previous accessible chests.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Next Chest Key to open the next accessible chests.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Clear Search Key to clear the search bar.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently held chest.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Found Chest Key to open the menu for the nearest found chest.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Crafting Button Key to open the crafting menu for accessible chests.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash Items Button Key to stash items into accessible chests.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Up Key to scroll up in expanded inventory menus.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Down Key to scroll down in expanded inventory menus.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Page Key to scroll inventory one page at a time.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Key to lock an item so that the item in it will not be transferred or stashed.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Info Key to show or hide chest info.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Collect Items Key to toggle collecting items from the ground.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Search Key to show or hide the search bar.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Key to transfer items into or out of a chest.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Reverse Key to reverse the direction of item transfer
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Copy Copy the current selection
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Paste Paste into the current selection
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chest Show Arrows Show arrows on the screen to access the next and previous chest.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Limit Limits the number of chests that can be carried at once.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Amount The amount of slowness applied when carrying chests above the limit.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Limit The number of chests that can be carried before the slowness effect is applied.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hue Steps The number of steps in the hue color picker.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Saturation Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lightness Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hsl Color Picker Placement The placement of the HSL color picker.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Prevent an item from being transferred or stashed.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Hold Lock item key must be held down to lock an item.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Method The filter method used when searching for an item.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Items Determines the info that will be shown when hovering over storages.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Menu Items Determines the info that will be shown in the storage menu.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:44 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:44 TRACE Better Chests] Config changed:
AccessChestsShowArrows: True
CarryChestLimit: 3
CarryChestSlowAmount: -1
CarryChestSlowLimit: 1
HslColorPickerHueSteps: 29
HslColorPickerSaturationSteps: 29
HslColorPickerLightnessSteps: 29
HslColorPickerPlacement: Right
LockItem: Default
LockItemHold: True
SearchItemsMethod: GrayedOut
StorageInfoHoverItems: Icon, Name, Type, Capacity, TotalValue
StorageInfoMenuItems: Type, Location, Position, Inventory, TotalItems, UniqueItems, TotalValue
AccessChests: V
AccessNextChest: RightTrigger
AccessPreviousChest: LeftTrigger
ClearSearch: Escape
ConfigureChest: End
LockSlot: LeftAlt
OpenCrafting: K
OpenFoundChest: LeftShift + Enter, RightShift + Enter
ScrollDown: DPadDown
ScrollPage: LeftShift, RightShift
ScrollUp: DPadUp
StashItems: OemPipe
ToggleCollectItems: LeftControl + Space, RightControl + Space
ToggleInfo: LeftShift + OemQuestion, RightShift + OemQuestion
ToggleSearch: LeftControl + F, RightControl + F
TransferItems: LeftShift, RightShift
TransferItemsReverse: LeftAlt, RightAlt

Default Options
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Disabled
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Enabled
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Enabled
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Enabled
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Enabled
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Enabled
StorageInfoHover: Enabled

BigCraftables: 130
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 232
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 256
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 213
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Large
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 248
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigStoneChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 165
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 208
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 216
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Location
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Large
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Junimo Hut
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Mill
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Shipping Bin
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Locations: FarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Locations: IslandFarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 704
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 709
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 714
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 719
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: GrayJojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: WizardDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JunimoDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: RetroDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2304
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2312
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2322
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2400
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2414
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JungleTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: CCFishTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

[22:00:44 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/BigCraftables'.
[22:00:44 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (BC) cache.
[22:00:44 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/BigCraftables
[22:00:44 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:00:44 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:00:44 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/BigCraftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/BigCraftables).
[22:00:44 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'.
[22:00:44 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Buildings
[22:00:44 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[22:00:44 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Buildings.
[22:00:44 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Buildings).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Buildings).
[22:00:44 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'.
[22:00:44 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Locations).
Propagated 0 core assets ().
[22:00:44 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Furniture'.
[22:00:44 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (F) cache.
[22:00:44 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Furniture).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Furniture).
[22:00:44 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Furniture
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests Key to open the menu for accessible chests.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Previous Chest Key to open the previous accessible chests.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Next Chest Key to open the next accessible chests.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Clear Search Key to clear the search bar.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently held chest.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Found Chest Key to open the menu for the nearest found chest.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Crafting Button Key to open the crafting menu for accessible chests.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash Items Button Key to stash items into accessible chests.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Up Key to scroll up in expanded inventory menus.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Down Key to scroll down in expanded inventory menus.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Page Key to scroll inventory one page at a time.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Key to lock an item so that the item in it will not be transferred or stashed.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Info Key to show or hide chest info.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Collect Items Key to toggle collecting items from the ground.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Search Key to show or hide the search bar.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Key to transfer items into or out of a chest.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Reverse Key to reverse the direction of item transfer
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Copy Copy the current selection
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Paste Paste into the current selection
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chest Show Arrows Show arrows on the screen to access the next and previous chest.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Limit Limits the number of chests that can be carried at once.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Amount The amount of slowness applied when carrying chests above the limit.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Limit The number of chests that can be carried before the slowness effect is applied.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hue Steps The number of steps in the hue color picker.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Saturation Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lightness Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hsl Color Picker Placement The placement of the HSL color picker.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Prevent an item from being transferred or stashed.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Hold Lock item key must be held down to lock an item.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Method The filter method used when searching for an item.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Items Determines the info that will be shown when hovering over storages.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Menu Items Determines the info that will be shown in the storage menu.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:00:45 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:00:45 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/BigCraftables'.
[22:00:45 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (BC) cache.
[22:00:45 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/BigCraftables
[22:00:45 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:00:45 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:00:45 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/BigCraftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/BigCraftables).
[22:00:45 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'.
[22:00:45 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Buildings
[22:00:45 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[22:00:45 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Buildings.
[22:00:45 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Buildings).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Buildings).
[22:00:45 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'.
[22:00:45 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:00:45 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Furniture'.
[22:00:45 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (F) cache.
[22:00:45 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Furniture).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Furniture).
[22:00:45 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Furniture
[22:00:52 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Haley
[22:00:52 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 840...
[22:00:52 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 840. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:00:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 850...
[22:00:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 850. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:01:01 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:01:01 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[22:01:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Locations
[22:01:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations.
[22:01:01 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Locations.
[22:01:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:01:19 TRACE CJB Item Spawner] Received menu open key, but a 'ItemGrabMenu' menu is already open.
[22:01:43 INFO  Better Chests] ConfigureChest: Configuring Mini-Fridge at Lon Lon Farm(10, 23)
[22:02:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Name The name that is assigned to this storage.
[22:02:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Icon An icon to associate with the storage.
[22:02:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest Priority Chests with a higher priority will be stashed into first.
[22:02:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:16 TRACE Better Chests] Config changed: Mini-Fridge at Lon Lon Farm(10, 23)
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Enabled
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: Location
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Enabled
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Enabled
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Enabled
StorageInfoHover: Enabled

[22:02:18 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Name The name that is assigned to this storage.
[22:02:18 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Icon An icon to associate with the storage.
[22:02:18 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest Priority Chests with a higher priority will be stashed into first.
[22:02:18 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:18 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:18 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:18 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:18 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:18 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:18 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:18 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:18 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:18 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:18 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:18 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:18 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:18 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:18 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:18 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:18 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Changing to mod config page for mod furyx639.BetterChests
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests Key to open the menu for accessible chests.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Previous Chest Key to open the previous accessible chests.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Next Chest Key to open the next accessible chests.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Clear Search Key to clear the search bar.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Found Chest Key to open the menu for the nearest found chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Crafting Button Key to open the crafting menu for accessible chests.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash Items Button Key to stash items into accessible chests.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Up Key to scroll up in expanded inventory menus.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Down Key to scroll down in expanded inventory menus.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Page Key to scroll inventory one page at a time.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Key to lock an item so that the item in it will not be transferred or stashed.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Info Key to show or hide chest info.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Collect Items Key to toggle collecting items from the ground.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Search Key to show or hide the search bar.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Key to transfer items into or out of a chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Reverse Key to reverse the direction of item transfer
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Copy Copy the current selection
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Paste Paste into the current selection
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chest Show Arrows Show arrows on the screen to access the next and previous chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Limit Limits the number of chests that can be carried at once.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Amount The amount of slowness applied when carrying chests above the limit.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Limit The number of chests that can be carried before the slowness effect is applied.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hue Steps The number of steps in the hue color picker.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Saturation Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lightness Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hsl Color Picker Placement The placement of the HSL color picker.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Prevent an item from being transferred or stashed.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Hold Lock item key must be held down to lock an item.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Method The filter method used when searching for an item.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Items Determines the info that will be shown when hovering over storages.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Menu Items Determines the info that will be shown in the storage menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Better Chests] Config changed:
AccessChestsShowArrows: True
CarryChestLimit: 3
CarryChestSlowAmount: -1
CarryChestSlowLimit: 1
HslColorPickerHueSteps: 29
HslColorPickerSaturationSteps: 29
HslColorPickerLightnessSteps: 29
HslColorPickerPlacement: Right
LockItem: Default
LockItemHold: True
SearchItemsMethod: GrayedOut
StorageInfoHoverItems: Icon, Name, Type, Capacity, TotalValue
StorageInfoMenuItems: Type, Location, Position, Inventory, TotalItems, UniqueItems, TotalValue
AccessChests: V
AccessNextChest: RightTrigger
AccessPreviousChest: LeftTrigger
ClearSearch: Escape
ConfigureChest: End
LockSlot: LeftAlt
OpenCrafting: K
OpenFoundChest: LeftShift + Enter, RightShift + Enter
ScrollDown: DPadDown
ScrollPage: LeftShift, RightShift
ScrollUp: DPadUp
StashItems: OemPipe
ToggleCollectItems: LeftControl + Space, RightControl + Space
ToggleInfo: LeftShift + OemQuestion, RightShift + OemQuestion
ToggleSearch: LeftControl + F, RightControl + F
TransferItems: LeftShift, RightShift
TransferItemsReverse: LeftAlt, RightAlt

Default Options
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Disabled
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Enabled
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Enabled
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Enabled
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Enabled
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Enabled
StorageInfoHover: Enabled

BigCraftables: 130
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 232
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 256
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 213
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Large
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 248
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigStoneChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 165
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 208
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 216
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Junimo Hut
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Mill
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Shipping Bin
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Locations: FarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Locations: IslandFarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 704
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 709
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 714
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 719
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: GrayJojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: WizardDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JunimoDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: RetroDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2304
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2312
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2322
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2400
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2414
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JungleTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: CCFishTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

[22:02:57 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/BigCraftables'.
[22:02:57 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (BC) cache.
[22:02:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/BigCraftables
[22:02:57 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:02:57 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:02:57 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/BigCraftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/BigCraftables).
[22:02:57 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'.
[22:02:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Buildings
[22:02:57 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[22:02:57 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Buildings.
[22:02:57 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Buildings).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Buildings).
[22:02:57 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'.
[22:02:57 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Locations).
Propagated 0 core assets ().
[22:02:57 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Furniture'.
[22:02:57 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (F) cache.
[22:02:57 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Furniture).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Furniture).
[22:02:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Furniture
[22:02:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Locations
[22:02:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations.
[22:02:57 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Locations.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests Key to open the menu for accessible chests.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Previous Chest Key to open the previous accessible chests.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Next Chest Key to open the next accessible chests.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Clear Search Key to clear the search bar.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Found Chest Key to open the menu for the nearest found chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Crafting Button Key to open the crafting menu for accessible chests.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash Items Button Key to stash items into accessible chests.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Up Key to scroll up in expanded inventory menus.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Down Key to scroll down in expanded inventory menus.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Page Key to scroll inventory one page at a time.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Key to lock an item so that the item in it will not be transferred or stashed.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Info Key to show or hide chest info.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Collect Items Key to toggle collecting items from the ground.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Search Key to show or hide the search bar.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Key to transfer items into or out of a chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Reverse Key to reverse the direction of item transfer
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Copy Copy the current selection
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Paste Paste into the current selection
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chest Show Arrows Show arrows on the screen to access the next and previous chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Limit Limits the number of chests that can be carried at once.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Amount The amount of slowness applied when carrying chests above the limit.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Limit The number of chests that can be carried before the slowness effect is applied.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hue Steps The number of steps in the hue color picker.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Saturation Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lightness Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hsl Color Picker Placement The placement of the HSL color picker.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Prevent an item from being transferred or stashed.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Hold Lock item key must be held down to lock an item.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Method The filter method used when searching for an item.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Items Determines the info that will be shown when hovering over storages.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Menu Items Determines the info that will be shown in the storage menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:02:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:02:57 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/BigCraftables'.
[22:02:57 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (BC) cache.
[22:02:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/BigCraftables
[22:02:57 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:02:57 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:02:57 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/BigCraftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/BigCraftables).
[22:02:57 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'.
[22:02:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Buildings
[22:02:57 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[22:02:57 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Buildings.
[22:02:57 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Buildings).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Buildings).
[22:02:57 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'.
[22:02:57 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Locations).
Propagated 0 core assets ().
[22:02:57 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Furniture'.
[22:02:57 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (F) cache.
[22:02:57 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Furniture).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Furniture).
[22:02:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Furniture
[22:02:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Locations
[22:02:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations.
[22:02:57 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Locations.
[22:02:58 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 900...
[22:02:58 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 900. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:03:07 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 910...
[22:03:07 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 910. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:03:10 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Changing to mod config page for mod furyx639.BetterChests
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests Key to open the menu for accessible chests.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Previous Chest Key to open the previous accessible chests.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Next Chest Key to open the next accessible chests.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Clear Search Key to clear the search bar.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently held chest.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Found Chest Key to open the menu for the nearest found chest.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Crafting Button Key to open the crafting menu for accessible chests.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash Items Button Key to stash items into accessible chests.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Up Key to scroll up in expanded inventory menus.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Down Key to scroll down in expanded inventory menus.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Page Key to scroll inventory one page at a time.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Key to lock an item so that the item in it will not be transferred or stashed.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Info Key to show or hide chest info.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Collect Items Key to toggle collecting items from the ground.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Search Key to show or hide the search bar.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Key to transfer items into or out of a chest.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Reverse Key to reverse the direction of item transfer
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Copy Copy the current selection
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Paste Paste into the current selection
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chest Show Arrows Show arrows on the screen to access the next and previous chest.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Limit Limits the number of chests that can be carried at once.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Amount The amount of slowness applied when carrying chests above the limit.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Limit The number of chests that can be carried before the slowness effect is applied.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hue Steps The number of steps in the hue color picker.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Saturation Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lightness Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hsl Color Picker Placement The placement of the HSL color picker.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Prevent an item from being transferred or stashed.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Hold Lock item key must be held down to lock an item.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Method The filter method used when searching for an item.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Items Determines the info that will be shown when hovering over storages.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Menu Items Determines the info that will be shown in the storage menu.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:24 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:24 TRACE Better Chests] Config changed:
AccessChestsShowArrows: True
CarryChestLimit: 3
CarryChestSlowAmount: -1
CarryChestSlowLimit: 1
HslColorPickerHueSteps: 29
HslColorPickerSaturationSteps: 29
HslColorPickerLightnessSteps: 29
HslColorPickerPlacement: Right
LockItem: Default
LockItemHold: True
SearchItemsMethod: GrayedOut
StorageInfoHoverItems: Icon, Name, Type, Capacity, TotalValue
StorageInfoMenuItems: Type, Location, Position, Inventory, TotalItems, UniqueItems, TotalValue
AccessChests: V
AccessNextChest: RightTrigger
AccessPreviousChest: LeftTrigger
ClearSearch: Escape
ConfigureChest: End
LockSlot: LeftAlt
OpenCrafting: K
OpenFoundChest: LeftShift + Enter, RightShift + Enter
ScrollDown: DPadDown
ScrollPage: LeftShift, RightShift
ScrollUp: DPadUp
StashItems: OemPipe
ToggleCollectItems: LeftControl + Space, RightControl + Space
ToggleInfo: LeftShift + OemQuestion, RightShift + OemQuestion
ToggleSearch: LeftControl + F, RightControl + F
TransferItems: LeftShift, RightShift
TransferItemsReverse: LeftAlt, RightAlt

Default Options
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Disabled
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Enabled
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Enabled
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Enabled
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Enabled
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Enabled
StorageInfoHover: Enabled

BigCraftables: 130
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 232
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 256
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 213
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Large
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 248
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigStoneChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 165
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 208
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 216
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

Buildings: Junimo Hut
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Mill
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Shipping Bin
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Locations: FarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Locations: IslandFarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 704
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 709
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 714
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 719
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: GrayJojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: WizardDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JunimoDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: RetroDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2304
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2312
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2322
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2400
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2414
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JungleTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: CCFishTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

[22:03:24 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/BigCraftables'.
[22:03:24 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (BC) cache.
[22:03:24 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/BigCraftables
[22:03:24 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:03:24 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:03:24 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/BigCraftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/BigCraftables).
[22:03:24 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'.
[22:03:24 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Buildings
[22:03:24 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[22:03:24 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Buildings.
[22:03:24 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Buildings).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Buildings).
[22:03:24 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'.
[22:03:24 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Locations).
Propagated 0 core assets ().
[22:03:24 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Furniture'.
[22:03:24 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (F) cache.
[22:03:24 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Furniture).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Furniture).
[22:03:24 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Furniture
[22:03:24 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Locations
[22:03:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations.
[22:03:24 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Locations.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests Key to open the menu for accessible chests.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Previous Chest Key to open the previous accessible chests.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Next Chest Key to open the next accessible chests.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Clear Search Key to clear the search bar.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently held chest.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Found Chest Key to open the menu for the nearest found chest.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Crafting Button Key to open the crafting menu for accessible chests.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash Items Button Key to stash items into accessible chests.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Up Key to scroll up in expanded inventory menus.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Down Key to scroll down in expanded inventory menus.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Page Key to scroll inventory one page at a time.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Key to lock an item so that the item in it will not be transferred or stashed.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Info Key to show or hide chest info.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Collect Items Key to toggle collecting items from the ground.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Search Key to show or hide the search bar.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Key to transfer items into or out of a chest.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Reverse Key to reverse the direction of item transfer
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Copy Copy the current selection
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Paste Paste into the current selection
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chest Show Arrows Show arrows on the screen to access the next and previous chest.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Limit Limits the number of chests that can be carried at once.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Amount The amount of slowness applied when carrying chests above the limit.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Limit The number of chests that can be carried before the slowness effect is applied.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hue Steps The number of steps in the hue color picker.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Saturation Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lightness Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hsl Color Picker Placement The placement of the HSL color picker.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Prevent an item from being transferred or stashed.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Hold Lock item key must be held down to lock an item.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Method The filter method used when searching for an item.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Items Determines the info that will be shown when hovering over storages.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Menu Items Determines the info that will be shown in the storage menu.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:25 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/BigCraftables'.
[22:03:25 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (BC) cache.
[22:03:25 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/BigCraftables
[22:03:25 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:03:25 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:03:25 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/BigCraftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/BigCraftables).
[22:03:25 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'.
[22:03:25 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Buildings
[22:03:25 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[22:03:25 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Buildings.
[22:03:25 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Buildings).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Buildings).
[22:03:25 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'.
[22:03:25 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Locations).
Propagated 0 core assets ().
[22:03:25 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Furniture'.
[22:03:25 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (F) cache.
[22:03:25 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Furniture).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Furniture).
[22:03:25 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Furniture
[22:03:25 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Locations
[22:03:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations.
[22:03:25 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Locations.
[22:03:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Changing to mod config page for mod furyx639.BetterChests
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests Key to open the menu for accessible chests.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Previous Chest Key to open the previous accessible chests.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Next Chest Key to open the next accessible chests.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Clear Search Key to clear the search bar.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently held chest.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Found Chest Key to open the menu for the nearest found chest.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Crafting Button Key to open the crafting menu for accessible chests.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash Items Button Key to stash items into accessible chests.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Up Key to scroll up in expanded inventory menus.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Down Key to scroll down in expanded inventory menus.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Page Key to scroll inventory one page at a time.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Key to lock an item so that the item in it will not be transferred or stashed.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Info Key to show or hide chest info.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Collect Items Key to toggle collecting items from the ground.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Search Key to show or hide the search bar.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Key to transfer items into or out of a chest.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Reverse Key to reverse the direction of item transfer
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Copy Copy the current selection
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Paste Paste into the current selection
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chest Show Arrows Show arrows on the screen to access the next and previous chest.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Limit Limits the number of chests that can be carried at once.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Amount The amount of slowness applied when carrying chests above the limit.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Limit The number of chests that can be carried before the slowness effect is applied.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hue Steps The number of steps in the hue color picker.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Saturation Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lightness Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hsl Color Picker Placement The placement of the HSL color picker.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Prevent an item from being transferred or stashed.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Hold Lock item key must be held down to lock an item.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Method The filter method used when searching for an item.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Items Determines the info that will be shown when hovering over storages.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Menu Items Determines the info that will be shown in the storage menu.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:03:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:03:53 TRACE Better Chests] Config changed:
AccessChestsShowArrows: True
CarryChestLimit: 3
CarryChestSlowAmount: -1
CarryChestSlowLimit: 1
HslColorPickerHueSteps: 29
HslColorPickerSaturationSteps: 29
HslColorPickerLightnessSteps: 29
HslColorPickerPlacement: Right
LockItem: Default
LockItemHold: True
SearchItemsMethod: GrayedOut
StorageInfoHoverItems: Icon, Name, Type, Capacity, TotalValue
StorageInfoMenuItems: Type, Location, Position, Inventory, TotalItems, UniqueItems, TotalValue
AccessChests: V
AccessNextChest: RightTrigger
AccessPreviousChest: LeftTrigger
ClearSearch: Escape
ConfigureChest: End
LockSlot: LeftAlt
OpenCrafting: K
OpenFoundChest: LeftShift + Enter, RightShift + Enter
ScrollDown: DPadDown
ScrollPage: LeftShift, RightShift
ScrollUp: DPadUp
StashItems: OemPipe
ToggleCollectItems: LeftControl + Space, RightControl + Space
ToggleInfo: LeftShift + OemQuestion, RightShift + OemQuestion
ToggleSearch: LeftControl + F, RightControl + F
TransferItems: LeftShift, RightShift
TransferItemsReverse: LeftAlt, RightAlt

Default Options
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Disabled
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Enabled
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Enabled
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Enabled
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Enabled
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Enabled
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

BigCraftables: 130
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 232
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 256
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 213
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Large
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 248
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigStoneChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 165
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 208
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 216
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

Buildings: Junimo Hut
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Mill
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Shipping Bin
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Locations: FarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Locations: IslandFarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 704
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 709
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 714
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 719
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: GrayJojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: WizardDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JunimoDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: RetroDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2304
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2312
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2322
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2400
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2414
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JungleTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: CCFishTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

[22:03:53 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/BigCraftables'.
[22:03:53 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (BC) cache.
[22:03:53 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/BigCraftables
[22:03:53 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:03:53 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:03:53 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/BigCraftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/BigCraftables).
[22:03:53 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'.
[22:03:53 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Buildings
[22:03:53 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[22:03:53 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Buildings.
[22:03:53 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Buildings).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Buildings).
[22:03:53 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'.
[22:03:53 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Locations).
Propagated 0 core assets ().
[22:03:53 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Furniture'.
[22:03:53 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (F) cache.
[22:03:53 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Furniture).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Furniture).
[22:03:53 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Furniture
[22:03:53 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Locations
[22:03:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations.
[22:03:53 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Locations.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests Key to open the menu for accessible chests.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Previous Chest Key to open the previous accessible chests.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Next Chest Key to open the next accessible chests.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Clear Search Key to clear the search bar.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Found Chest Key to open the menu for the nearest found chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Crafting Button Key to open the crafting menu for accessible chests.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash Items Button Key to stash items into accessible chests.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Up Key to scroll up in expanded inventory menus.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Down Key to scroll down in expanded inventory menus.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Page Key to scroll inventory one page at a time.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Key to lock an item so that the item in it will not be transferred or stashed.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Info Key to show or hide chest info.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Collect Items Key to toggle collecting items from the ground.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Search Key to show or hide the search bar.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Key to transfer items into or out of a chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Reverse Key to reverse the direction of item transfer
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Copy Copy the current selection
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Paste Paste into the current selection
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chest Show Arrows Show arrows on the screen to access the next and previous chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Limit Limits the number of chests that can be carried at once.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Amount The amount of slowness applied when carrying chests above the limit.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Limit The number of chests that can be carried before the slowness effect is applied.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hue Steps The number of steps in the hue color picker.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Saturation Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lightness Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hsl Color Picker Placement The placement of the HSL color picker.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Prevent an item from being transferred or stashed.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Hold Lock item key must be held down to lock an item.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Method The filter method used when searching for an item.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Items Determines the info that will be shown when hovering over storages.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Menu Items Determines the info that will be shown in the storage menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Better Chests] Config changed:
AccessChestsShowArrows: True
CarryChestLimit: 3
CarryChestSlowAmount: -1
CarryChestSlowLimit: 1
HslColorPickerHueSteps: 29
HslColorPickerSaturationSteps: 29
HslColorPickerLightnessSteps: 29
HslColorPickerPlacement: Right
LockItem: Default
LockItemHold: True
SearchItemsMethod: GrayedOut
StorageInfoHoverItems: Icon, Name, Type, Capacity, TotalValue
StorageInfoMenuItems: Type, Location, Position, Inventory, TotalItems, UniqueItems, TotalValue
AccessChests: V
AccessNextChest: RightTrigger
AccessPreviousChest: LeftTrigger
ClearSearch: Escape
ConfigureChest: End
LockSlot: LeftAlt
OpenCrafting: K
OpenFoundChest: LeftShift + Enter, RightShift + Enter
ScrollDown: DPadDown
ScrollPage: LeftShift, RightShift
ScrollUp: DPadUp
StashItems: OemPipe
ToggleCollectItems: LeftControl + Space, RightControl + Space
ToggleInfo: LeftShift + OemQuestion, RightShift + OemQuestion
ToggleSearch: LeftControl + F, RightControl + F
TransferItems: LeftShift, RightShift
TransferItemsReverse: LeftAlt, RightAlt

Default Options
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Disabled
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Enabled
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Enabled
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Enabled
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Enabled
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Enabled
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

BigCraftables: 130
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 232
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 256
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 213
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Large
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 248
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigStoneChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 165
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 208
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 216
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

Buildings: Junimo Hut
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Mill
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Shipping Bin
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Locations: FarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

Locations: IslandFarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 704
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 709
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 714
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 719
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: GrayJojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: WizardDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JunimoDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: RetroDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2304
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2312
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2322
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2400
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2414
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JungleTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: CCFishTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

[22:04:19 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/BigCraftables'.
[22:04:19 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (BC) cache.
[22:04:19 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/BigCraftables
[22:04:19 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:04:19 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:04:19 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/BigCraftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/BigCraftables).
[22:04:19 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'.
[22:04:19 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Buildings
[22:04:19 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[22:04:19 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Buildings.
[22:04:19 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Buildings).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Buildings).
[22:04:19 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'.
[22:04:19 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Locations).
Propagated 0 core assets ().
[22:04:19 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Furniture'.
[22:04:19 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (F) cache.
[22:04:19 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Furniture).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Furniture).
[22:04:19 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Furniture
[22:04:19 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Locations
[22:04:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations.
[22:04:19 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Locations.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests Key to open the menu for accessible chests.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Previous Chest Key to open the previous accessible chests.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Next Chest Key to open the next accessible chests.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Clear Search Key to clear the search bar.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Found Chest Key to open the menu for the nearest found chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Crafting Button Key to open the crafting menu for accessible chests.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash Items Button Key to stash items into accessible chests.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Up Key to scroll up in expanded inventory menus.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Down Key to scroll down in expanded inventory menus.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Page Key to scroll inventory one page at a time.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Key to lock an item so that the item in it will not be transferred or stashed.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Info Key to show or hide chest info.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Collect Items Key to toggle collecting items from the ground.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Search Key to show or hide the search bar.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Key to transfer items into or out of a chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Reverse Key to reverse the direction of item transfer
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Copy Copy the current selection
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Paste Paste into the current selection
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chest Show Arrows Show arrows on the screen to access the next and previous chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Limit Limits the number of chests that can be carried at once.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Amount The amount of slowness applied when carrying chests above the limit.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Limit The number of chests that can be carried before the slowness effect is applied.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hue Steps The number of steps in the hue color picker.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Saturation Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lightness Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hsl Color Picker Placement The placement of the HSL color picker.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Prevent an item from being transferred or stashed.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Hold Lock item key must be held down to lock an item.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Method The filter method used when searching for an item.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Items Determines the info that will be shown when hovering over storages.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Menu Items Determines the info that will be shown in the storage menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:04:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:04:19 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/BigCraftables'.
[22:04:19 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (BC) cache.
[22:04:19 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/BigCraftables
[22:04:19 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:04:19 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:04:19 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/BigCraftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/BigCraftables).
[22:04:19 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'.
[22:04:19 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Buildings
[22:04:19 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[22:04:19 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Buildings.
[22:04:19 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Buildings).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Buildings).
[22:04:19 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'.
[22:04:19 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Locations).
Propagated 0 core assets ().
[22:04:19 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Furniture'.
[22:04:19 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (F) cache.
[22:04:19 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Furniture).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Furniture).
[22:04:19 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Furniture
[22:04:19 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Locations
[22:04:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations.
[22:04:19 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Locations.
[22:04:24 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 920...
[22:04:24 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 920. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:04:37 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 930...
[22:04:37 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 930. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:04:37 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:04:37 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[22:04:38 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:04:45 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 940...
[22:04:45 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 940. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:04:47 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Animals/horse
[22:04:47 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading spacechase0.SpaceCore/CropExtensionData
[22:04:47 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/CropExtensionData'.
[22:04:53 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 950...
[22:04:53 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 950. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:05:41 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1000...
[22:05:41 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1000. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:06:02 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Changing to mod config page for mod furyx639.BetterChests
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests Key to open the menu for accessible chests.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Previous Chest Key to open the previous accessible chests.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Next Chest Key to open the next accessible chests.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Clear Search Key to clear the search bar.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Found Chest Key to open the menu for the nearest found chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Crafting Button Key to open the crafting menu for accessible chests.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash Items Button Key to stash items into accessible chests.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Up Key to scroll up in expanded inventory menus.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Down Key to scroll down in expanded inventory menus.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Page Key to scroll inventory one page at a time.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Key to lock an item so that the item in it will not be transferred or stashed.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Info Key to show or hide chest info.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Collect Items Key to toggle collecting items from the ground.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Search Key to show or hide the search bar.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Key to transfer items into or out of a chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Reverse Key to reverse the direction of item transfer
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Copy Copy the current selection
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Paste Paste into the current selection
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chest Show Arrows Show arrows on the screen to access the next and previous chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Limit Limits the number of chests that can be carried at once.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Amount The amount of slowness applied when carrying chests above the limit.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Limit The number of chests that can be carried before the slowness effect is applied.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hue Steps The number of steps in the hue color picker.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Saturation Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lightness Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hsl Color Picker Placement The placement of the HSL color picker.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Prevent an item from being transferred or stashed.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Hold Lock item key must be held down to lock an item.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Method The filter method used when searching for an item.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Items Determines the info that will be shown when hovering over storages.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Menu Items Determines the info that will be shown in the storage menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Better Chests] Config changed:
AccessChestsShowArrows: True
CarryChestLimit: 3
CarryChestSlowAmount: -1
CarryChestSlowLimit: 1
HslColorPickerHueSteps: 29
HslColorPickerSaturationSteps: 29
HslColorPickerLightnessSteps: 29
HslColorPickerPlacement: Right
LockItem: Default
LockItemHold: True
SearchItemsMethod: GrayedOut
StorageInfoHoverItems: Icon, Name, Type, Capacity, TotalValue
StorageInfoMenuItems: Type, Location, Position, Inventory, TotalItems, UniqueItems, TotalValue
AccessChests: V
AccessNextChest: RightTrigger
AccessPreviousChest: LeftTrigger
ClearSearch: Escape
ConfigureChest: End
LockSlot: LeftAlt
OpenCrafting: K
OpenFoundChest: LeftShift + Enter, RightShift + Enter
ScrollDown: DPadDown
ScrollPage: LeftShift, RightShift
ScrollUp: DPadUp
StashItems: OemPipe
ToggleCollectItems: LeftControl + Space, RightControl + Space
ToggleInfo: LeftShift + OemQuestion, RightShift + OemQuestion
ToggleSearch: LeftControl + F, RightControl + F
TransferItems: LeftShift, RightShift
TransferItemsReverse: LeftAlt, RightAlt

Default Options
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Disabled
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Enabled
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Enabled
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Enabled
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Enabled
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Enabled
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

BigCraftables: 130
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 232
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 256
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 213
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Large
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 248
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigStoneChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 165
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 208
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 216
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

Buildings: Junimo Hut
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Mill
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Shipping Bin
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Locations: FarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

Locations: IslandFarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 704
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 709
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 714
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 719
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: GrayJojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: WizardDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JunimoDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: RetroDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2304
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2312
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2322
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2400
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2414
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JungleTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: CCFishTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

[22:06:19 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/BigCraftables'.
[22:06:19 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (BC) cache.
[22:06:19 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/BigCraftables
[22:06:19 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:06:19 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:06:19 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/BigCraftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/BigCraftables).
[22:06:19 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'.
[22:06:19 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Buildings
[22:06:19 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[22:06:19 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Buildings.
[22:06:19 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Buildings).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Buildings).
[22:06:19 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'.
[22:06:19 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Locations).
Propagated 0 core assets ().
[22:06:19 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Furniture'.
[22:06:19 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (F) cache.
[22:06:19 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Furniture).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Furniture).
[22:06:19 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Furniture
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests Key to open the menu for accessible chests.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Previous Chest Key to open the previous accessible chests.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Next Chest Key to open the next accessible chests.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Clear Search Key to clear the search bar.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Found Chest Key to open the menu for the nearest found chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Crafting Button Key to open the crafting menu for accessible chests.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash Items Button Key to stash items into accessible chests.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Up Key to scroll up in expanded inventory menus.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Down Key to scroll down in expanded inventory menus.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Page Key to scroll inventory one page at a time.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Key to lock an item so that the item in it will not be transferred or stashed.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Info Key to show or hide chest info.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Collect Items Key to toggle collecting items from the ground.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Search Key to show or hide the search bar.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Key to transfer items into or out of a chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Reverse Key to reverse the direction of item transfer
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Copy Copy the current selection
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Paste Paste into the current selection
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chest Show Arrows Show arrows on the screen to access the next and previous chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Limit Limits the number of chests that can be carried at once.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Amount The amount of slowness applied when carrying chests above the limit.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Limit The number of chests that can be carried before the slowness effect is applied.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hue Steps The number of steps in the hue color picker.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Saturation Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lightness Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hsl Color Picker Placement The placement of the HSL color picker.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Prevent an item from being transferred or stashed.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Hold Lock item key must be held down to lock an item.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Method The filter method used when searching for an item.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Items Determines the info that will be shown when hovering over storages.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Menu Items Determines the info that will be shown in the storage menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:06:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:06:19 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/BigCraftables'.
[22:06:19 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (BC) cache.
[22:06:19 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/BigCraftables
[22:06:19 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:06:19 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:06:19 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/BigCraftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/BigCraftables).
[22:06:19 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'.
[22:06:19 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Buildings
[22:06:19 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[22:06:19 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Buildings.
[22:06:19 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Buildings).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Buildings).
[22:06:19 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'.
[22:06:19 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:06:19 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Furniture'.
[22:06:19 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (F) cache.
[22:06:19 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Furniture).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Furniture).
[22:06:19 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Furniture
[22:06:28 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1010...
[22:06:28 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1010. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:06:40 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Changing to mod config page for mod Pathoschild.ChestsAnywhere
[22:06:48 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Show hover tooltips Whether to show the chest name in a tooltip when you point at a chest.
[22:06:48 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Enable shipping bin Whether to enable access to the shipping bin.
[22:06:48 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Add organize player items button Whether to add an 'organize' button in chest UIs for the player inventory.
[22:06:48 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Range The range at which chests are accessible through the menu.
[22:06:48 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle UI The keys which show or hide the chest UI.
[22:06:48 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Edit chest The keys which edit the options for the current chest.
[22:06:48 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort items The keys which sort items in the current chest.
[22:06:48 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: previous chest The keys which navigate to the previous chest while the menu is open.
[22:06:48 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: next chest The keys which navigate to the next chest while the menu is open.
[22:06:48 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: previous category The keys which navigate to the previous category while the menu is open.
[22:06:48 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: next category The keys which navigate to the next category while the menu is open.
[22:06:48 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hold to scroll categories The keys which, when held, enable scrolling the category dropdown with the mouse scroll wheel.
[22:06:48 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hold to scroll chests The keys which, when held, enable scrolling the chests dropdown with the mouse scroll wheel.
[22:06:48 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Mines and Skull Cavern Whether to disable accessing chests while in the mines or Skull Cavern.
[22:06:48 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Custom location names The internal names (as shown by the Debug Mode mod) for locations from which to disable accessing chests. You can list multiple with commas.
[22:06:54 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Show hover tooltips Whether to show the chest name in a tooltip when you point at a chest.
[22:06:54 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Enable shipping bin Whether to enable access to the shipping bin.
[22:06:54 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Add organize player items button Whether to add an 'organize' button in chest UIs for the player inventory.
[22:06:54 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Range The range at which chests are accessible through the menu.
[22:06:54 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle UI The keys which show or hide the chest UI.
[22:06:54 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Edit chest The keys which edit the options for the current chest.
[22:06:54 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort items The keys which sort items in the current chest.
[22:06:54 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: previous chest The keys which navigate to the previous chest while the menu is open.
[22:06:54 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: next chest The keys which navigate to the next chest while the menu is open.
[22:06:54 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: previous category The keys which navigate to the previous category while the menu is open.
[22:06:54 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: next category The keys which navigate to the next category while the menu is open.
[22:06:54 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hold to scroll categories The keys which, when held, enable scrolling the category dropdown with the mouse scroll wheel.
[22:06:54 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hold to scroll chests The keys which, when held, enable scrolling the chests dropdown with the mouse scroll wheel.
[22:06:54 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Mines and Skull Cavern Whether to disable accessing chests while in the mines or Skull Cavern.
[22:06:54 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Custom location names The internal names (as shown by the Debug Mode mod) for locations from which to disable accessing chests. You can list multiple with commas.
[22:07:01 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Changing to mod config page for mod furyx639.BetterChests
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests Key to open the menu for accessible chests.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Previous Chest Key to open the previous accessible chests.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Next Chest Key to open the next accessible chests.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Clear Search Key to clear the search bar.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently held chest.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Found Chest Key to open the menu for the nearest found chest.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Crafting Button Key to open the crafting menu for accessible chests.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash Items Button Key to stash items into accessible chests.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Up Key to scroll up in expanded inventory menus.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Down Key to scroll down in expanded inventory menus.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Page Key to scroll inventory one page at a time.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Key to lock an item so that the item in it will not be transferred or stashed.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Info Key to show or hide chest info.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Collect Items Key to toggle collecting items from the ground.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Search Key to show or hide the search bar.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Key to transfer items into or out of a chest.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Reverse Key to reverse the direction of item transfer
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Copy Copy the current selection
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Paste Paste into the current selection
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chest Show Arrows Show arrows on the screen to access the next and previous chest.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Limit Limits the number of chests that can be carried at once.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Amount The amount of slowness applied when carrying chests above the limit.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Limit The number of chests that can be carried before the slowness effect is applied.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hue Steps The number of steps in the hue color picker.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Saturation Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lightness Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hsl Color Picker Placement The placement of the HSL color picker.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Prevent an item from being transferred or stashed.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Hold Lock item key must be held down to lock an item.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Method The filter method used when searching for an item.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Items Determines the info that will be shown when hovering over storages.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Menu Items Determines the info that will be shown in the storage menu.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:07:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:07:22 TRACE Better Chests] Config changed:
AccessChestsShowArrows: True
CarryChestLimit: 3
CarryChestSlowAmount: -1
CarryChestSlowLimit: 1
HslColorPickerHueSteps: 29
HslColorPickerSaturationSteps: 29
HslColorPickerLightnessSteps: 29
HslColorPickerPlacement: Right
LockItem: Default
LockItemHold: True
SearchItemsMethod: GrayedOut
StorageInfoHoverItems: Icon, Name, Type, Capacity, TotalValue
StorageInfoMenuItems: Type, Location, Position, Inventory, TotalItems, UniqueItems, TotalValue
AccessChests: V
AccessNextChest: RightTrigger
AccessPreviousChest: LeftTrigger
ClearSearch: Escape
ConfigureChest: End
LockSlot: LeftAlt
OpenCrafting: K
OpenFoundChest: LeftShift + Enter, RightShift + Enter
ScrollDown: DPadDown
ScrollPage: LeftShift, RightShift
ScrollUp: DPadUp
StashItems: OemPipe
ToggleCollectItems: LeftControl + Space, RightControl + Space
ToggleInfo: LeftShift + OemQuestion, RightShift + OemQuestion
ToggleSearch: LeftControl + F, RightControl + F
TransferItems: LeftShift, RightShift
TransferItemsReverse: LeftAlt, RightAlt

Default Options
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Disabled
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Enabled
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Enabled
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Enabled
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Enabled
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

BigCraftables: 130
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 232
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 256
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 213
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Large
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 248
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigStoneChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 165
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 208
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 216
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

Buildings: Junimo Hut
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Mill
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Shipping Bin
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Locations: FarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

Locations: IslandFarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 704
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 709
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 714
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 719
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: GrayJojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: WizardDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JunimoDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: RetroDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2304
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2312
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2322
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2400
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2414
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JungleTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: CCFishTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

[22:07:22 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/BigCraftables'.
[22:07:22 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (BC) cache.
[22:07:22 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/BigCraftables
[22:07:22 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:07:22 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:07:22 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/BigCraftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/BigCraftables).
[22:07:22 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'.
[22:07:22 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Buildings
[22:07:22 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[22:07:22 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Buildings.
[22:07:22 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Buildings).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Buildings).
[22:07:22 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'.
[22:07:22 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:07:22 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Furniture'.
[22:07:22 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (F) cache.
[22:07:22 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Furniture).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Furniture).
[22:07:22 TRACE Better Chests] Activating feature AccessChest
[22:07:22 TRACE Better Chests] Deactivating feature InventoryTabs
[22:07:22 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Furniture
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests Key to open the menu for accessible chests.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Previous Chest Key to open the previous accessible chests.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Next Chest Key to open the next accessible chests.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Clear Search Key to clear the search bar.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently held chest.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Found Chest Key to open the menu for the nearest found chest.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Crafting Button Key to open the crafting menu for accessible chests.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash Items Button Key to stash items into accessible chests.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Up Key to scroll up in expanded inventory menus.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Down Key to scroll down in expanded inventory menus.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Page Key to scroll inventory one page at a time.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Key to lock an item so that the item in it will not be transferred or stashed.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Info Key to show or hide chest info.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Collect Items Key to toggle collecting items from the ground.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Search Key to show or hide the search bar.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Key to transfer items into or out of a chest.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Reverse Key to reverse the direction of item transfer
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Copy Copy the current selection
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Paste Paste into the current selection
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chest Show Arrows Show arrows on the screen to access the next and previous chest.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Limit Limits the number of chests that can be carried at once.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Amount The amount of slowness applied when carrying chests above the limit.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Limit The number of chests that can be carried before the slowness effect is applied.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hue Steps The number of steps in the hue color picker.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Saturation Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lightness Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hsl Color Picker Placement The placement of the HSL color picker.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Prevent an item from being transferred or stashed.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Hold Lock item key must be held down to lock an item.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Method The filter method used when searching for an item.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Items Determines the info that will be shown when hovering over storages.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Menu Items Determines the info that will be shown in the storage menu.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:08:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:08:22 TRACE Better Chests] Config changed:
AccessChestsShowArrows: True
CarryChestLimit: 3
CarryChestSlowAmount: -1
CarryChestSlowLimit: 1
HslColorPickerHueSteps: 29
HslColorPickerSaturationSteps: 29
HslColorPickerLightnessSteps: 29
HslColorPickerPlacement: Right
LockItem: Default
LockItemHold: True
SearchItemsMethod: GrayedOut
StorageInfoHoverItems: Icon, Name, Type, Capacity, TotalValue
StorageInfoMenuItems: Type, Location, Position, Inventory, TotalItems, UniqueItems, TotalValue
AccessChests: V
AccessNextChest: RightTrigger
AccessPreviousChest: LeftTrigger
ClearSearch: Escape
ConfigureChest: End
LockSlot: LeftAlt
OpenCrafting: K
OpenFoundChest: LeftShift + Enter, RightShift + Enter
ScrollDown: DPadDown
ScrollPage: LeftShift, RightShift
ScrollUp: DPadUp
StashItems: OemPipe
ToggleCollectItems: LeftControl + Space, RightControl + Space
ToggleInfo: LeftShift + OemQuestion, RightShift + OemQuestion
ToggleSearch: LeftControl + F, RightControl + F
TransferItems: LeftShift, RightShift
TransferItemsReverse: LeftAlt, RightAlt

Default Options
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Disabled
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Enabled
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Enabled
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Enabled
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Enabled
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

BigCraftables: 130
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 232
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 256
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 213
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Large
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 248
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigStoneChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 165
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 208
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 216
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

Buildings: Junimo Hut
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Mill
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Shipping Bin
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Locations: FarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

Locations: IslandFarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 704
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 709
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 714
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 719
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: GrayJojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: WizardDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JunimoDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: RetroDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2304
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2312
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2322
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2400
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2414
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JungleTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: CCFishTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

[22:08:22 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/BigCraftables'.
[22:08:22 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (BC) cache.
[22:08:22 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/BigCraftables
[22:08:22 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:08:22 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:08:22 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/BigCraftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/BigCraftables).
[22:08:22 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'.
[22:08:22 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Buildings
[22:08:22 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[22:08:22 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Buildings.
[22:08:22 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Buildings).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Buildings).
[22:08:22 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'.
[22:08:22 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:08:22 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Furniture'.
[22:08:22 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (F) cache.
[22:08:22 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Furniture).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Furniture).
[22:08:22 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Furniture
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests Key to open the menu for accessible chests.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Previous Chest Key to open the previous accessible chests.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Next Chest Key to open the next accessible chests.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Clear Search Key to clear the search bar.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently held chest.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Found Chest Key to open the menu for the nearest found chest.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Crafting Button Key to open the crafting menu for accessible chests.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash Items Button Key to stash items into accessible chests.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Up Key to scroll up in expanded inventory menus.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Down Key to scroll down in expanded inventory menus.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Page Key to scroll inventory one page at a time.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Key to lock an item so that the item in it will not be transferred or stashed.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Info Key to show or hide chest info.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Collect Items Key to toggle collecting items from the ground.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Search Key to show or hide the search bar.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Key to transfer items into or out of a chest.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Reverse Key to reverse the direction of item transfer
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Copy Copy the current selection
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Paste Paste into the current selection
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chest Show Arrows Show arrows on the screen to access the next and previous chest.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Limit Limits the number of chests that can be carried at once.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Amount The amount of slowness applied when carrying chests above the limit.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Limit The number of chests that can be carried before the slowness effect is applied.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hue Steps The number of steps in the hue color picker.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Saturation Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lightness Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hsl Color Picker Placement The placement of the HSL color picker.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Prevent an item from being transferred or stashed.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Hold Lock item key must be held down to lock an item.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Method The filter method used when searching for an item.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Items Determines the info that will be shown when hovering over storages.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Menu Items Determines the info that will be shown in the storage menu.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:09:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:09:21 TRACE Better Chests] Config changed:
AccessChestsShowArrows: True
CarryChestLimit: 3
CarryChestSlowAmount: -1
CarryChestSlowLimit: 1
HslColorPickerHueSteps: 29
HslColorPickerSaturationSteps: 29
HslColorPickerLightnessSteps: 29
HslColorPickerPlacement: Right
LockItem: Default
LockItemHold: True
SearchItemsMethod: GrayedOut
StorageInfoHoverItems: Icon, Name, Type, Capacity, TotalValue
StorageInfoMenuItems: Type, Location, Position, Inventory, TotalItems, UniqueItems, TotalValue
AccessChests: V
AccessNextChest: RightTrigger
AccessPreviousChest: LeftTrigger
ClearSearch: Escape
ConfigureChest: End
LockSlot: LeftAlt
OpenCrafting: K
OpenFoundChest: LeftShift + Enter, RightShift + Enter
ScrollDown: DPadDown
ScrollPage: LeftShift, RightShift
ScrollUp: DPadUp
StashItems: OemPipe
ToggleCollectItems: LeftControl + Space, RightControl + Space
ToggleInfo: LeftShift + OemQuestion, RightShift + OemQuestion
ToggleSearch: LeftControl + F, RightControl + F
TransferItems: LeftShift, RightShift
TransferItemsReverse: LeftAlt, RightAlt

Default Options
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Disabled
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Enabled
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Enabled
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Enabled
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Enabled
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

BigCraftables: 130
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 232
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 256
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 213
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Large
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 248
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigStoneChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 165
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 208
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 216
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

Buildings: Junimo Hut
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Mill
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Shipping Bin
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Enabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Locations: FarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

Locations: IslandFarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 704
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 709
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 714
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 719
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: GrayJojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: WizardDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JunimoDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: RetroDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2304
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2312
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2322
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2400
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2414
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JungleTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: CCFishTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

[22:09:21 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/BigCraftables'.
[22:09:21 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (BC) cache.
[22:09:21 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/BigCraftables
[22:09:21 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:09:21 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:09:21 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/BigCraftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/BigCraftables).
[22:09:21 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'.
[22:09:21 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Buildings
[22:09:21 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[22:09:21 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Buildings.
[22:09:21 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Buildings).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Buildings).
[22:09:21 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'.
[22:09:21 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:09:21 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Furniture'.
[22:09:21 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (F) cache.
[22:09:21 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Furniture).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Furniture).
[22:09:21 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Furniture
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests Key to open the menu for accessible chests.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Previous Chest Key to open the previous accessible chests.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Next Chest Key to open the next accessible chests.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Clear Search Key to clear the search bar.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Found Chest Key to open the menu for the nearest found chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Crafting Button Key to open the crafting menu for accessible chests.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash Items Button Key to stash items into accessible chests.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Up Key to scroll up in expanded inventory menus.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Down Key to scroll down in expanded inventory menus.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Page Key to scroll inventory one page at a time.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Key to lock an item so that the item in it will not be transferred or stashed.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Info Key to show or hide chest info.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Collect Items Key to toggle collecting items from the ground.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Search Key to show or hide the search bar.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Key to transfer items into or out of a chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Reverse Key to reverse the direction of item transfer
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Copy Copy the current selection
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Paste Paste into the current selection
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chest Show Arrows Show arrows on the screen to access the next and previous chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Limit Limits the number of chests that can be carried at once.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Amount The amount of slowness applied when carrying chests above the limit.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Limit The number of chests that can be carried before the slowness effect is applied.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hue Steps The number of steps in the hue color picker.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Saturation Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lightness Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hsl Color Picker Placement The placement of the HSL color picker.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Prevent an item from being transferred or stashed.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Hold Lock item key must be held down to lock an item.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Method The filter method used when searching for an item.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Items Determines the info that will be shown when hovering over storages.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Menu Items Determines the info that will be shown in the storage menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Better Chests] Config changed:
AccessChestsShowArrows: True
CarryChestLimit: 3
CarryChestSlowAmount: -1
CarryChestSlowLimit: 1
HslColorPickerHueSteps: 29
HslColorPickerSaturationSteps: 29
HslColorPickerLightnessSteps: 29
HslColorPickerPlacement: Right
LockItem: Default
LockItemHold: True
SearchItemsMethod: GrayedOut
StorageInfoHoverItems: Icon, Name, Type, Capacity, TotalValue
StorageInfoMenuItems: Type, Location, Position, Inventory, TotalItems, UniqueItems, TotalValue
AccessChests: V
AccessNextChest: RightTrigger
AccessPreviousChest: LeftTrigger
ClearSearch: Escape
ConfigureChest: End
LockSlot: LeftAlt
OpenCrafting: K
OpenFoundChest: LeftShift + Enter, RightShift + Enter
ScrollDown: DPadDown
ScrollPage: LeftShift, RightShift
ScrollUp: DPadUp
StashItems: OemPipe
ToggleCollectItems: LeftControl + Space, RightControl + Space
ToggleInfo: LeftShift + OemQuestion, RightShift + OemQuestion
ToggleSearch: LeftControl + F, RightControl + F
TransferItems: LeftShift, RightShift
TransferItemsReverse: LeftAlt, RightAlt

Default Options
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Disabled
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Enabled
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Enabled
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Enabled
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Enabled
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

BigCraftables: 130
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 232
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 256
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 213
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Large
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 248
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigStoneChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 165
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 208
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 216
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

Buildings: Junimo Hut
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Mill
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Shipping Bin
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Enabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Locations: FarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

Locations: IslandFarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 704
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 709
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 714
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 719
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: GrayJojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: WizardDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JunimoDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: RetroDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2304
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2312
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2322
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2400
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2414
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JungleTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: CCFishTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

[22:11:23 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/BigCraftables'.
[22:11:23 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (BC) cache.
[22:11:23 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/BigCraftables
[22:11:23 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:11:23 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:11:23 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/BigCraftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/BigCraftables).
[22:11:23 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'.
[22:11:23 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Buildings
[22:11:23 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[22:11:23 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Buildings.
[22:11:23 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Buildings).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Buildings).
[22:11:23 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'.
[22:11:23 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:11:23 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Furniture'.
[22:11:23 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (F) cache.
[22:11:23 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Furniture).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Furniture).
[22:11:23 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Furniture
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests Key to open the menu for accessible chests.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Previous Chest Key to open the previous accessible chests.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Next Chest Key to open the next accessible chests.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Clear Search Key to clear the search bar.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Found Chest Key to open the menu for the nearest found chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Crafting Button Key to open the crafting menu for accessible chests.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash Items Button Key to stash items into accessible chests.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Up Key to scroll up in expanded inventory menus.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Down Key to scroll down in expanded inventory menus.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Page Key to scroll inventory one page at a time.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Key to lock an item so that the item in it will not be transferred or stashed.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Info Key to show or hide chest info.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Collect Items Key to toggle collecting items from the ground.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Search Key to show or hide the search bar.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Key to transfer items into or out of a chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Reverse Key to reverse the direction of item transfer
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Copy Copy the current selection
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Paste Paste into the current selection
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chest Show Arrows Show arrows on the screen to access the next and previous chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Limit Limits the number of chests that can be carried at once.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Amount The amount of slowness applied when carrying chests above the limit.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Limit The number of chests that can be carried before the slowness effect is applied.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hue Steps The number of steps in the hue color picker.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Saturation Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lightness Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hsl Color Picker Placement The placement of the HSL color picker.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Prevent an item from being transferred or stashed.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Hold Lock item key must be held down to lock an item.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Method The filter method used when searching for an item.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Items Determines the info that will be shown when hovering over storages.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Menu Items Determines the info that will be shown in the storage menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:11:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:11:23 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/BigCraftables'.
[22:11:23 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (BC) cache.
[22:11:23 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/BigCraftables
[22:11:23 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:11:23 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:11:23 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/BigCraftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/BigCraftables).
[22:11:23 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'.
[22:11:23 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Buildings
[22:11:23 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[22:11:23 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Buildings.
[22:11:23 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Buildings).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Buildings).
[22:11:23 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'.
[22:11:23 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:11:23 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Furniture'.
[22:11:23 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (F) cache.
[22:11:23 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Furniture).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Furniture).
[22:11:23 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Furniture
[22:11:24 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Locations
[22:11:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations.
[22:11:24 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Locations.
[22:11:40 INFO  Better Chests] ConfigureChest: Configuring Big Chest at Lon Lon Farm(35, 40)
[22:12:06 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Name The name that is assigned to this storage.
[22:12:06 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Icon An icon to associate with the storage.
[22:12:06 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chest Priority Chests with a higher priority will be accessed first.
[22:12:06 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest Priority Chests with a higher priority will be stashed into first.
[22:12:06 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:12:06 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:12:06 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:12:06 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:12:06 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:12:06 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:12:06 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:12:06 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:12:06 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:12:06 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:12:06 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:12:06 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:12:06 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:12:06 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:12:06 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:12:06 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:12:06 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:12:06 TRACE Better Chests] Config changed: Big Chest at Lon Lon Farm(35, 40)
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

[22:12:09 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Name The name that is assigned to this storage.
[22:12:09 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Icon An icon to associate with the storage.
[22:12:09 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chest Priority Chests with a higher priority will be accessed first.
[22:12:09 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest Priority Chests with a higher priority will be stashed into first.
[22:12:09 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:12:09 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:12:09 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:12:09 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:12:09 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:12:09 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:12:09 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:12:09 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:12:09 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:12:09 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:12:09 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:12:09 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:12:09 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:12:09 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:12:09 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:12:09 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:12:09 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:12:13 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Changing to mod config page for mod furyx639.BetterChests
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests Key to open the menu for accessible chests.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Previous Chest Key to open the previous accessible chests.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Next Chest Key to open the next accessible chests.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Clear Search Key to clear the search bar.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently held chest.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Found Chest Key to open the menu for the nearest found chest.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Crafting Button Key to open the crafting menu for accessible chests.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash Items Button Key to stash items into accessible chests.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Up Key to scroll up in expanded inventory menus.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Down Key to scroll down in expanded inventory menus.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Page Key to scroll inventory one page at a time.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Key to lock an item so that the item in it will not be transferred or stashed.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Info Key to show or hide chest info.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Collect Items Key to toggle collecting items from the ground.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Search Key to show or hide the search bar.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Key to transfer items into or out of a chest.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Reverse Key to reverse the direction of item transfer
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Copy Copy the current selection
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Paste Paste into the current selection
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chest Show Arrows Show arrows on the screen to access the next and previous chest.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Limit Limits the number of chests that can be carried at once.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Amount The amount of slowness applied when carrying chests above the limit.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Limit The number of chests that can be carried before the slowness effect is applied.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hue Steps The number of steps in the hue color picker.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Saturation Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lightness Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hsl Color Picker Placement The placement of the HSL color picker.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Prevent an item from being transferred or stashed.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Hold Lock item key must be held down to lock an item.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Method The filter method used when searching for an item.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Items Determines the info that will be shown when hovering over storages.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Menu Items Determines the info that will be shown in the storage menu.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:13:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:13:19 TRACE Better Chests] Config changed:
AccessChestsShowArrows: True
CarryChestLimit: 3
CarryChestSlowAmount: -1
CarryChestSlowLimit: 1
HslColorPickerHueSteps: 29
HslColorPickerSaturationSteps: 29
HslColorPickerLightnessSteps: 29
HslColorPickerPlacement: Right
LockItem: Default
LockItemHold: True
SearchItemsMethod: GrayedOut
StorageInfoHoverItems: Icon, Name, Type, Capacity, TotalValue
StorageInfoMenuItems: Type, Location, Position, Inventory, TotalItems, UniqueItems, TotalValue
AccessChests: V
AccessNextChest: RightTrigger
AccessPreviousChest: LeftTrigger
ClearSearch: Escape
ConfigureChest: End
LockSlot: LeftAlt
OpenCrafting: K
OpenFoundChest: LeftShift + Enter, RightShift + Enter
ScrollDown: DPadDown
ScrollPage: LeftShift, RightShift
ScrollUp: DPadUp
StashItems: OemPipe
ToggleCollectItems: LeftControl + Space, RightControl + Space
ToggleInfo: LeftShift + OemQuestion, RightShift + OemQuestion
ToggleSearch: LeftControl + F, RightControl + F
TransferItems: LeftShift, RightShift
TransferItemsReverse: LeftAlt, RightAlt

Default Options
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Disabled
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Enabled
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Disabled
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Enabled
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

BigCraftables: 130
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 232
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 256
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 213
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Large
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 248
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigStoneChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 165
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 208
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 216
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

Buildings: Junimo Hut
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Mill
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Shipping Bin
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Enabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Locations: FarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

Locations: IslandFarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 704
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 709
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 714
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 719
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: GrayJojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: WizardDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JunimoDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: RetroDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2304
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2312
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2322
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2400
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2414
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JungleTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: CCFishTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

[22:13:19 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/BigCraftables'.
[22:13:19 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (BC) cache.
[22:13:19 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/BigCraftables
[22:13:19 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:13:19 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:13:19 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/BigCraftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/BigCraftables).
[22:13:19 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'.
[22:13:19 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Buildings
[22:13:19 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[22:13:19 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Buildings.
[22:13:19 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Buildings).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Buildings).
[22:13:19 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'.
[22:13:19 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Locations).
Propagated 0 core assets ().
[22:13:19 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Furniture'.
[22:13:19 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (F) cache.
[22:13:19 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Furniture).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Furniture).
[22:13:19 TRACE Better Chests] Deactivating feature CollectItems
[22:13:19 TRACE Better Chests] Unpatching collect with Debris_collect_transpiler.
[22:13:19 TRACE Better Chests] Deactivating feature SortInventory
[22:13:19 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Furniture
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests Key to open the menu for accessible chests.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Previous Chest Key to open the previous accessible chests.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Next Chest Key to open the next accessible chests.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Clear Search Key to clear the search bar.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Found Chest Key to open the menu for the nearest found chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Crafting Button Key to open the crafting menu for accessible chests.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash Items Button Key to stash items into accessible chests.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Up Key to scroll up in expanded inventory menus.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Down Key to scroll down in expanded inventory menus.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Page Key to scroll inventory one page at a time.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Key to lock an item so that the item in it will not be transferred or stashed.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Info Key to show or hide chest info.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Collect Items Key to toggle collecting items from the ground.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Search Key to show or hide the search bar.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Key to transfer items into or out of a chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Reverse Key to reverse the direction of item transfer
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Copy Copy the current selection
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Paste Paste into the current selection
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chest Show Arrows Show arrows on the screen to access the next and previous chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Limit Limits the number of chests that can be carried at once.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Amount The amount of slowness applied when carrying chests above the limit.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Limit The number of chests that can be carried before the slowness effect is applied.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hue Steps The number of steps in the hue color picker.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Saturation Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lightness Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hsl Color Picker Placement The placement of the HSL color picker.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Prevent an item from being transferred or stashed.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Hold Lock item key must be held down to lock an item.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Method The filter method used when searching for an item.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Items Determines the info that will be shown when hovering over storages.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Menu Items Determines the info that will be shown in the storage menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Better Chests] Config changed:
AccessChestsShowArrows: True
CarryChestLimit: 3
CarryChestSlowAmount: -1
CarryChestSlowLimit: 1
HslColorPickerHueSteps: 29
HslColorPickerSaturationSteps: 29
HslColorPickerLightnessSteps: 29
HslColorPickerPlacement: Right
LockItem: Default
LockItemHold: True
SearchItemsMethod: GrayedOut
StorageInfoHoverItems: Icon, Name, Type, Capacity, TotalValue
StorageInfoMenuItems: Type, Location, Position, Inventory, TotalItems, UniqueItems, TotalValue
AccessChests: V
AccessNextChest: RightTrigger
AccessPreviousChest: LeftTrigger
ClearSearch: Escape
ConfigureChest: End
LockSlot: LeftAlt
OpenCrafting: K
OpenFoundChest: LeftShift + Enter, RightShift + Enter
ScrollDown: DPadDown
ScrollPage: LeftShift, RightShift
ScrollUp: DPadUp
StashItems: OemPipe
ToggleCollectItems: LeftControl + Space, RightControl + Space
ToggleInfo: LeftShift + OemQuestion, RightShift + OemQuestion
ToggleSearch: LeftControl + F, RightControl + F
TransferItems: LeftShift, RightShift
TransferItemsReverse: LeftAlt, RightAlt

Default Options
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Disabled
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Enabled
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Disabled
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Enabled
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

BigCraftables: 130
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 232
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 256
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 213
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Large
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 248
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigStoneChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 165
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 208
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 216
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

Buildings: Junimo Hut
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Mill
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Shipping Bin
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Enabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: 36
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Locations: FarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

Locations: IslandFarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 704
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 709
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 714
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 719
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: GrayJojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: WizardDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JunimoDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: RetroDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2304
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2312
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2322
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2400
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2414
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JungleTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: CCFishTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

[22:18:05 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/BigCraftables'.
[22:18:05 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (BC) cache.
[22:18:05 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/BigCraftables
[22:18:05 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:18:05 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:18:05 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/BigCraftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/BigCraftables).
[22:18:05 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'.
[22:18:05 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Buildings
[22:18:05 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[22:18:05 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Buildings.
[22:18:05 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Buildings).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Buildings).
[22:18:05 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'.
[22:18:05 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:18:05 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Furniture'.
[22:18:05 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (F) cache.
[22:18:05 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Furniture).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Furniture).
[22:18:05 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Furniture
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests Key to open the menu for accessible chests.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Previous Chest Key to open the previous accessible chests.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Next Chest Key to open the next accessible chests.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Clear Search Key to clear the search bar.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Found Chest Key to open the menu for the nearest found chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Crafting Button Key to open the crafting menu for accessible chests.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash Items Button Key to stash items into accessible chests.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Up Key to scroll up in expanded inventory menus.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Down Key to scroll down in expanded inventory menus.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Page Key to scroll inventory one page at a time.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Key to lock an item so that the item in it will not be transferred or stashed.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Info Key to show or hide chest info.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Collect Items Key to toggle collecting items from the ground.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Search Key to show or hide the search bar.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Key to transfer items into or out of a chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Reverse Key to reverse the direction of item transfer
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Copy Copy the current selection
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Paste Paste into the current selection
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chest Show Arrows Show arrows on the screen to access the next and previous chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Limit Limits the number of chests that can be carried at once.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Amount The amount of slowness applied when carrying chests above the limit.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Limit The number of chests that can be carried before the slowness effect is applied.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hue Steps The number of steps in the hue color picker.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Saturation Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lightness Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hsl Color Picker Placement The placement of the HSL color picker.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Prevent an item from being transferred or stashed.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Hold Lock item key must be held down to lock an item.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Method The filter method used when searching for an item.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Items Determines the info that will be shown when hovering over storages.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Menu Items Determines the info that will be shown in the storage menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:18:05 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:18:05 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/BigCraftables'.
[22:18:05 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (BC) cache.
[22:18:05 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/BigCraftables
[22:18:05 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:18:05 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:18:05 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/BigCraftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/BigCraftables).
[22:18:05 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'.
[22:18:05 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Buildings
[22:18:05 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[22:18:05 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Buildings.
[22:18:05 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Buildings).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Buildings).
[22:18:05 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'.
[22:18:05 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:18:05 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Furniture'.
[22:18:05 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (F) cache.
[22:18:05 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Furniture).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Furniture).
[22:18:05 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Furniture
[22:18:06 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Locations
[22:18:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations.
[22:18:06 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Locations.
[22:18:08 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1020...
[22:18:08 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1020. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:18:21 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1030...
[22:18:21 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1030. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:18:22 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:18:22 TRACE game] Warping to Greenhouse
[22:18:22 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:18:22 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Greenhouse
[22:18:23 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:18:23 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[22:18:24 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:18:31 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1040...
[22:18:31 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1040. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:18:33 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:18:33 TRACE game] Warping to BusStop
[22:18:34 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:18:38 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:18:38 TRACE game] Warping to Town
[22:18:39 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:18:39 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/Movies
[22:18:39 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Town-Theater
[22:18:41 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1050...
[22:18:41 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1050. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:18:48 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1100...
[22:18:48 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1100. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:18:52 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/Billboard
[22:18:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Billboard (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[22:18:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Billboard (for the 'Vintage Interface v2 - 1.6 fix' content pack).
[22:19:00 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1110...
[22:19:00 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1110. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:19:05 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/SpecialOrdersBoard
[22:19:05 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/SpecialOrdersBoard (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[22:19:59 INFO  Better Chests] ConfigureChest: Configuring An unknown storage type. at Community Center(38, 9)
[22:20:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Name The name that is assigned to this storage.
[22:20:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Icon An icon to associate with the storage.
[22:20:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chest Priority Chests with a higher priority will be accessed first.
[22:20:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest Priority Chests with a higher priority will be stashed into first.
[22:20:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:20:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:20:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:20:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:20:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:20:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:20:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:20:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:20:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:20:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:20:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:20:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:20:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:20:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:20:16 TRACE Better Chests] Config changed: An unknown storage type. at Community Center(38, 9)
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Lowest
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

[22:20:24 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1120...
[22:20:24 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1120. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:20:30 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:20:30 TRACE game] Warping to HaleyHouse
[22:20:31 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:20:33 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1130...
[22:20:33 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1130. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:20:39 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:39 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:39 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:39 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:39 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:39 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:40 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:40 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:40 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:40 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:40 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:40 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:40 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:40 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:40 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:40 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:40 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:40 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:40 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:40 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:40 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:40 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:40 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:40 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:40 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:40 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:40 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:40 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:40 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:40 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:41 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:41 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:41 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:41 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:41 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:41 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:41 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:41 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:41 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:41 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:41 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:41 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:41 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:41 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:41 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:41 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:41 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1140...
[22:20:41 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1140. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:20:42 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:42 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:42 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:42 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:42 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:42 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:42 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:42 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:42 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:42 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:42 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:42 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:42 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:42 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:42 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:42 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:42 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:42 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:42 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:43 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:43 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:43 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:43 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:43 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:43 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:43 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:43 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:43 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:43 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:43 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[22:20:51 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1150...
[22:20:51 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1150. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:20:53 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:20:53 TRACE game] Warping to Town
[22:20:53 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:20:53 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/Movies
[22:20:54 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:20:54 TRACE game] Warping to HaleyHouse
[22:20:55 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:20:56 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:20:56 TRACE game] Warping to Town
[22:20:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:20:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/Movies
[22:21:02 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1200...
[22:21:02 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1200. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:21:05 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:21:05 TRACE game] Warping to ManorHouse
[22:21:06 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:21:07 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/PrizeTicketMenu
[22:21:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/PrizeTicketMenu (for the 'Vintage Interface v2 - 1.6 fix' content pack).
[22:21:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1210...
[22:21:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1210. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:21:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Changing to mod config page for mod furyx639.BetterChests
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests Key to open the menu for accessible chests.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Previous Chest Key to open the previous accessible chests.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Next Chest Key to open the next accessible chests.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Clear Search Key to clear the search bar.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Found Chest Key to open the menu for the nearest found chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Crafting Button Key to open the crafting menu for accessible chests.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash Items Button Key to stash items into accessible chests.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Up Key to scroll up in expanded inventory menus.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Down Key to scroll down in expanded inventory menus.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Page Key to scroll inventory one page at a time.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Key to lock an item so that the item in it will not be transferred or stashed.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Info Key to show or hide chest info.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Collect Items Key to toggle collecting items from the ground.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Search Key to show or hide the search bar.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Key to transfer items into or out of a chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Reverse Key to reverse the direction of item transfer
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Copy Copy the current selection
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Paste Paste into the current selection
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chest Show Arrows Show arrows on the screen to access the next and previous chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Limit Limits the number of chests that can be carried at once.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Amount The amount of slowness applied when carrying chests above the limit.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Limit The number of chests that can be carried before the slowness effect is applied.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hue Steps The number of steps in the hue color picker.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Saturation Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lightness Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hsl Color Picker Placement The placement of the HSL color picker.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Prevent an item from being transferred or stashed.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Hold Lock item key must be held down to lock an item.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Method The filter method used when searching for an item.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Items Determines the info that will be shown when hovering over storages.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Menu Items Determines the info that will be shown in the storage menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Better Chests] Config changed:
AccessChestsShowArrows: True
CarryChestLimit: 3
CarryChestSlowAmount: -1
CarryChestSlowLimit: 1
HslColorPickerHueSteps: 29
HslColorPickerSaturationSteps: 29
HslColorPickerLightnessSteps: 29
HslColorPickerPlacement: Right
LockItem: Default
LockItemHold: True
SearchItemsMethod: GrayedOut
StorageInfoHoverItems: Icon, Name, Type, Capacity, TotalValue
StorageInfoMenuItems: Type, Location, Position, Inventory, TotalItems, UniqueItems, TotalValue
AccessChests: V
AccessNextChest: RightTrigger
AccessPreviousChest: LeftTrigger
ClearSearch: Escape
ConfigureChest: End
LockSlot: LeftAlt
OpenCrafting: K
OpenFoundChest: LeftShift + Enter, RightShift + Enter
ScrollDown: DPadDown
ScrollPage: LeftShift, RightShift
ScrollUp: DPadUp
StashItems: OemPipe
ToggleCollectItems: LeftControl + Space, RightControl + Space
ToggleInfo: LeftShift + OemQuestion, RightShift + OemQuestion
ToggleSearch: LeftControl + F, RightControl + F
TransferItems: LeftShift, RightShift
TransferItemsReverse: LeftAlt, RightAlt

Default Options
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Disabled
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Enabled
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Disabled
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Enabled
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

BigCraftables: 130
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 232
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 256
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 213
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Large
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 248
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigStoneChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 165
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 208
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 216
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

Buildings: Junimo Hut
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Mill
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Shipping Bin
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Enabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: 36
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Locations: FarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

Locations: IslandFarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 704
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 709
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 714
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 719
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: GrayJojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: WizardDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JunimoDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: RetroDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2304
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2312
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2322
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2400
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2414
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JungleTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: CCFishTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

[22:22:49 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/BigCraftables'.
[22:22:49 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (BC) cache.
[22:22:49 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/BigCraftables
[22:22:49 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:22:49 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:22:49 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/BigCraftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/BigCraftables).
[22:22:49 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'.
[22:22:49 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Buildings
[22:22:49 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[22:22:49 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Buildings.
[22:22:49 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Buildings).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Buildings).
[22:22:49 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'.
[22:22:49 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Locations).
Propagated 0 core assets ().
[22:22:49 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Furniture'.
[22:22:49 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (F) cache.
[22:22:49 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Furniture).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Furniture).
[22:22:49 TRACE Better Chests] Deactivating feature AccessChest
[22:22:49 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Furniture
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests Key to open the menu for accessible chests.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Previous Chest Key to open the previous accessible chests.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Next Chest Key to open the next accessible chests.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Clear Search Key to clear the search bar.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Found Chest Key to open the menu for the nearest found chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Crafting Button Key to open the crafting menu for accessible chests.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash Items Button Key to stash items into accessible chests.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Up Key to scroll up in expanded inventory menus.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Down Key to scroll down in expanded inventory menus.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Page Key to scroll inventory one page at a time.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Key to lock an item so that the item in it will not be transferred or stashed.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Info Key to show or hide chest info.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Collect Items Key to toggle collecting items from the ground.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Search Key to show or hide the search bar.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Key to transfer items into or out of a chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Reverse Key to reverse the direction of item transfer
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Copy Copy the current selection
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Paste Paste into the current selection
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chest Show Arrows Show arrows on the screen to access the next and previous chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Limit Limits the number of chests that can be carried at once.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Amount The amount of slowness applied when carrying chests above the limit.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Limit The number of chests that can be carried before the slowness effect is applied.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hue Steps The number of steps in the hue color picker.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Saturation Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lightness Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hsl Color Picker Placement The placement of the HSL color picker.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Prevent an item from being transferred or stashed.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Hold Lock item key must be held down to lock an item.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Method The filter method used when searching for an item.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Items Determines the info that will be shown when hovering over storages.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Menu Items Determines the info that will be shown in the storage menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:22:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:22:49 TRACE Better Chests] Config changed:
AccessChestsShowArrows: True
CarryChestLimit: 3
CarryChestSlowAmount: -1
CarryChestSlowLimit: 1
HslColorPickerHueSteps: 29
HslColorPickerSaturationSteps: 29
HslColorPickerLightnessSteps: 29
HslColorPickerPlacement: Right
LockItem: Default
LockItemHold: True
SearchItemsMethod: GrayedOut
StorageInfoHoverItems: Icon, Name, Type, Capacity, TotalValue
StorageInfoMenuItems: Type, Location, Position, Inventory, TotalItems, UniqueItems, TotalValue
AccessChests: V
AccessNextChest: RightTrigger
AccessPreviousChest: LeftTrigger
ClearSearch: Escape
ConfigureChest: End
LockSlot: LeftAlt
OpenCrafting: K
OpenFoundChest: LeftShift + Enter, RightShift + Enter
ScrollDown: DPadDown
ScrollPage: LeftShift, RightShift
ScrollUp: DPadUp
StashItems: OemPipe
ToggleCollectItems: LeftControl + Space, RightControl + Space
ToggleInfo: LeftShift + OemQuestion, RightShift + OemQuestion
ToggleSearch: LeftControl + F, RightControl + F
TransferItems: LeftShift, RightShift
TransferItemsReverse: LeftAlt, RightAlt

Default Options
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Disabled
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Enabled
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Disabled
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Enabled
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

BigCraftables: 130
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 232
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 256
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 213
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Large
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 248
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigStoneChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 165
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 208
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 216
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

Buildings: Junimo Hut
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Mill
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Shipping Bin
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Enabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: 36
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Locations: FarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

Locations: IslandFarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 704
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 709
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 714
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 719
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: GrayJojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: WizardDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JunimoDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: RetroDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2304
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2312
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2322
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2400
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2414
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JungleTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: CCFishTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

[22:22:49 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/BigCraftables'.
[22:22:49 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (BC) cache.
[22:22:49 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/BigCraftables
[22:22:49 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:22:49 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/BigCraftables.
[22:22:49 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/BigCraftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/BigCraftables).
[22:22:49 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'.
[22:22:49 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Buildings
[22:22:49 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[22:22:49 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Buildings.
[22:22:49 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Buildings).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Buildings).
[22:22:49 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'.
[22:22:49 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:22:49 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Furniture'.
[22:22:49 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (F) cache.
[22:22:49 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Furniture).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Furniture).
[22:22:49 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Furniture
[22:22:52 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:22:52 TRACE game] Warping to Town
[22:22:53 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Locations
[22:22:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations.
[22:22:53 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Locations.
[22:22:53 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:22:53 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/Movies
[22:23:00 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1220...
[22:23:00 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1220. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:23:13 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:23:13 TRACE game] Warping to Blacksmith
[22:23:14 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:23:14 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Blacksmith
[22:23:14 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:23:14 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Clint
[22:23:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Clint (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:23:14 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Clint
[22:23:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Clint (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:23:14 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Clint, Portraits/Clint).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Clint, Portraits/Clint).
[22:23:20 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Strings/Locations
[22:23:22 TRACE Json Assets] Adding objects for shop IDs 'Clint', 'ClintUpgrade'.
[22:23:22 TRACE Json Assets] Event: AddedItemsToShop
[22:23:25 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:23:25 TRACE game] Warping to Town
[22:23:26 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:23:26 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/Movies
[22:23:26 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:23:26 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Clint
[22:23:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Clint (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:23:26 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Clint
[22:23:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Clint (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:23:26 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Clint, Portraits/Clint).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Clint, Portraits/Clint).
[22:23:28 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1230...
[22:23:28 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1230. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:23:35 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1240...
[22:23:35 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1240. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:23:43 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1250...
[22:23:43 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1250. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:23:43 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:23:43 TRACE game] Warping to BusStop
[22:23:43 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:23:48 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:23:48 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[22:23:49 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:23:52 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1300...
[22:23:52 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1300. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:23:57 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:23:57 TRACE game] Warping to IslandSouth
[22:23:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:23:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/ParrotPlatform
[22:23:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/parrots
[22:23:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/parrots (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack).
[22:23:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/WillysBoat
[22:23:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/WillysBoat (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:23:57 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:23:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Kent
[22:23:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Kent (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:23:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Kent
[22:23:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Kent (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:23:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Vincent
[22:23:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Vincent (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:23:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Vincent
[22:23:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Vincent (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:23:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Lewis
[22:23:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Lewis (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:23:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Lewis
[22:23:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Lewis (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:23:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Demetrius
[22:23:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Demetrius (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:23:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Jas
[22:23:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Jas (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:23:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Jas
[22:23:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Jas (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:23:57 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 9 asset names (Characters/Jas, Characters/Kent, Characters/Lewis, Characters/Vincent, Portraits/Demetrius, Portraits/Jas, Portraits/Kent, Portraits/Lewis, Portraits/Vincent).
Propagated 9 core assets (Characters/Jas, Characters/Kent, Characters/Lewis, Characters/Vincent, Portraits/Demetrius, Portraits/Jas, Portraits/Kent, Portraits/Lewis, Portraits/Vincent).
[22:23:59 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:23:59 TRACE game] Warping to IslandWest
[22:24:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:24:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/parrots
[22:24:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/parrots (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack).
[22:24:00 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/SandDuggy
[22:24:03 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1310...
[22:24:03 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1310. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:24:06 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TerrainFeatures/tree_palm2
[22:24:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TerrainFeatures/tree_palm2 (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[22:24:10 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1320...
[22:24:10 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1320. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:25:54 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1330...
[22:25:54 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1330. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:25:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TerrainFeatures/tree8_summer
[22:25:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TerrainFeatures/tree8_summer (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[22:25:59 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:25:59 TRACE game] Warping to QiNutRoom
[22:25:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:25:59 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:25:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Kent
[22:25:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Kent (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:25:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Kent
[22:25:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Kent (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:25:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Vincent
[22:25:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Vincent (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:25:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Vincent
[22:25:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Vincent (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:25:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Lewis
[22:25:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Lewis (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:25:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Lewis
[22:25:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Lewis (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:25:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Demetrius
[22:25:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Demetrius (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:25:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Jas
[22:25:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Jas (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:25:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Jas
[22:25:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Jas (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:25:59 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 9 asset names (Characters/Jas, Characters/Kent, Characters/Lewis, Characters/Vincent, Portraits/Demetrius, Portraits/Jas, Portraits/Kent, Portraits/Lewis, Portraits/Vincent).
Propagated 9 core assets (Characters/Jas, Characters/Kent, Characters/Lewis, Characters/Vincent, Portraits/Demetrius, Portraits/Jas, Portraits/Kent, Portraits/Lewis, Portraits/Vincent).
[22:26:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Strings/Lexicon
[22:26:06 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1340...
[22:26:06 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1340. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:26:06 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:26:06 TRACE game] Warping to IslandWest
[22:26:07 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:26:07 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/parrots
[22:26:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/parrots (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack).
[22:26:07 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/SandDuggy
[22:26:07 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:26:07 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Kent
[22:26:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Kent (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:26:07 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Kent
[22:26:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Kent (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:26:07 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Vincent
[22:26:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Vincent (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:26:07 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Vincent
[22:26:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Vincent (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:26:07 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Lewis
[22:26:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Lewis (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:26:07 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Lewis
[22:26:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Lewis (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:26:07 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Demetrius
[22:26:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Demetrius (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:26:07 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Jas
[22:26:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Jas (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:26:07 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Jas
[22:26:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Jas (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:26:07 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 9 asset names (Characters/Jas, Characters/Kent, Characters/Lewis, Characters/Vincent, Portraits/Demetrius, Portraits/Jas, Portraits/Kent, Portraits/Lewis, Portraits/Vincent).
Propagated 9 core assets (Characters/Jas, Characters/Kent, Characters/Lewis, Characters/Vincent, Portraits/Demetrius, Portraits/Jas, Portraits/Kent, Portraits/Lewis, Portraits/Vincent).
[22:26:15 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1350...
[22:26:15 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1350. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:26:22 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1400...
[22:26:22 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1400. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:26:29 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:26:29 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[22:26:29 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:26:29 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:26:29 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Kent
[22:26:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Kent (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:26:29 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Kent
[22:26:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Kent (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:26:29 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Vincent
[22:26:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Vincent (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:26:29 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Vincent
[22:26:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Vincent (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:26:29 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Lewis
[22:26:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Lewis (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:26:29 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Lewis
[22:26:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Lewis (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:26:29 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Demetrius
[22:26:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Demetrius (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:26:29 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Jas
[22:26:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Jas (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:26:29 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Jas
[22:26:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Jas (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:26:29 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 9 asset names (Characters/Jas, Characters/Kent, Characters/Lewis, Characters/Vincent, Portraits/Demetrius, Portraits/Jas, Portraits/Kent, Portraits/Lewis, Portraits/Vincent).
Propagated 9 core assets (Characters/Jas, Characters/Kent, Characters/Lewis, Characters/Vincent, Portraits/Demetrius, Portraits/Jas, Portraits/Kent, Portraits/Lewis, Portraits/Vincent).
[22:26:31 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1410...
[22:26:31 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1410. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:26:39 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1420...
[22:26:39 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1420. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:26:46 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1430...
[22:26:46 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1430. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:27:19 INFO  Better Chests] ConfigureChest: Configuring Auto-Grabber at Lon Lon Farm(3, 12)
[22:27:48 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Name The name that is assigned to this storage.
[22:27:48 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Icon An icon to associate with the storage.
[22:27:48 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest Priority Chests with a higher priority will be stashed into first.
[22:27:48 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:27:48 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:27:48 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:27:48 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:27:48 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:27:48 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:27:48 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:27:48 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:27:48 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:27:48 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:27:48 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:27:48 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:27:48 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:27:48 TRACE Better Chests] Config changed: Auto-Grabber at Lon Lon Farm(3, 12)
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Enabled
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

[22:27:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Name The name that is assigned to this storage.
[22:27:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Icon An icon to associate with the storage.
[22:27:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest Priority Chests with a higher priority will be stashed into first.
[22:27:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[22:27:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[22:27:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[22:27:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[22:27:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[22:27:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[22:27:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[22:27:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:27:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[22:27:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[22:27:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[22:27:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[22:27:49 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[22:27:56 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1440...
[22:27:56 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1440. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:28:09 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Changing to mod config page for mod Pathoschild.ChestsAnywhere
[22:28:15 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Show hover tooltips Whether to show the chest name in a tooltip when you point at a chest.
[22:28:15 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Enable shipping bin Whether to enable access to the shipping bin.
[22:28:15 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Add organize player items button Whether to add an 'organize' button in chest UIs for the player inventory.
[22:28:15 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Range The range at which chests are accessible through the menu.
[22:28:15 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle UI The keys which show or hide the chest UI.
[22:28:15 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Edit chest The keys which edit the options for the current chest.
[22:28:15 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort items The keys which sort items in the current chest.
[22:28:15 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: previous chest The keys which navigate to the previous chest while the menu is open.
[22:28:15 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: next chest The keys which navigate to the next chest while the menu is open.
[22:28:15 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: previous category The keys which navigate to the previous category while the menu is open.
[22:28:15 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: next category The keys which navigate to the next category while the menu is open.
[22:28:15 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hold to scroll categories The keys which, when held, enable scrolling the category dropdown with the mouse scroll wheel.
[22:28:15 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hold to scroll chests The keys which, when held, enable scrolling the chests dropdown with the mouse scroll wheel.
[22:28:15 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Mines and Skull Cavern Whether to disable accessing chests while in the mines or Skull Cavern.
[22:28:15 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Custom location names The internal names (as shown by the Debug Mode mod) for locations from which to disable accessing chests. You can list multiple with commas.
[22:28:17 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Changing to mod config page for mod furyx639.BetterChests
[22:28:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Changing to mod config page for mod Pathoschild.ChestsAnywhere
[22:28:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Show hover tooltips Whether to show the chest name in a tooltip when you point at a chest.
[22:28:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Enable shipping bin Whether to enable access to the shipping bin.
[22:28:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Add organize player items button Whether to add an 'organize' button in chest UIs for the player inventory.
[22:28:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Range The range at which chests are accessible through the menu.
[22:28:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle UI The keys which show or hide the chest UI.
[22:28:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Edit chest The keys which edit the options for the current chest.
[22:28:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort items The keys which sort items in the current chest.
[22:28:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: previous chest The keys which navigate to the previous chest while the menu is open.
[22:28:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: next chest The keys which navigate to the next chest while the menu is open.
[22:28:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: previous category The keys which navigate to the previous category while the menu is open.
[22:28:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: next category The keys which navigate to the next category while the menu is open.
[22:28:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hold to scroll categories The keys which, when held, enable scrolling the category dropdown with the mouse scroll wheel.
[22:28:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hold to scroll chests The keys which, when held, enable scrolling the chests dropdown with the mouse scroll wheel.
[22:28:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Mines and Skull Cavern Whether to disable accessing chests while in the mines or Skull Cavern.
[22:28:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Custom location names The internal names (as shown by the Debug Mode mod) for locations from which to disable accessing chests. You can list multiple with commas.
[22:28:38 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1450...
[22:28:38 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1450. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:28:38 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:28:38 TRACE game] Warping to Coop75d241f8-de8a-4cd9-b393-15c131d7eb9d
[22:28:39 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:28:39 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Deluxe Coop
[22:28:45 TRACE CJB Item Spawner] Received menu open key.
[22:28:45 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/FishPondData
[22:28:45 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/joja_furniture
[22:28:45 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/retro_furniture
[22:28:53 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1500...
[22:28:53 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1500. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:29:11 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:29:11 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[22:29:12 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:29:15 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:29:15 TRACE game] Warping to Barn604799c2-96c3-4a13-9902-ee13a2948c81
[22:29:15 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:29:15 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Deluxe Barn
[22:29:20 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1510...
[22:29:20 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1510. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:29:40 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1520...
[22:29:40 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1520. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:29:47 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1530...
[22:29:47 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1530. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:29:48 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:29:48 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[22:29:49 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:29:51 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:29:51 TRACE game] Warping to Coop75d241f8-de8a-4cd9-b393-15c131d7eb9d
[22:29:52 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:29:52 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Deluxe Coop
[22:29:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Changing to mod config page for mod Pathoschild.ChestsAnywhere
[22:30:27 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Show hover tooltips Whether to show the chest name in a tooltip when you point at a chest.
[22:30:27 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Enable shipping bin Whether to enable access to the shipping bin.
[22:30:27 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Add organize player items button Whether to add an 'organize' button in chest UIs for the player inventory.
[22:30:27 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Range The range at which chests are accessible through the menu.
[22:30:27 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle UI The keys which show or hide the chest UI.
[22:30:27 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Edit chest The keys which edit the options for the current chest.
[22:30:27 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort items The keys which sort items in the current chest.
[22:30:27 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: previous chest The keys which navigate to the previous chest while the menu is open.
[22:30:27 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: next chest The keys which navigate to the next chest while the menu is open.
[22:30:27 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: previous category The keys which navigate to the previous category while the menu is open.
[22:30:27 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: next category The keys which navigate to the next category while the menu is open.
[22:30:27 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hold to scroll categories The keys which, when held, enable scrolling the category dropdown with the mouse scroll wheel.
[22:30:27 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hold to scroll chests The keys which, when held, enable scrolling the chests dropdown with the mouse scroll wheel.
[22:30:27 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Mines and Skull Cavern Whether to disable accessing chests while in the mines or Skull Cavern.
[22:30:27 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Custom location names The internal names (as shown by the Debug Mode mod) for locations from which to disable accessing chests. You can list multiple with commas.
[22:30:38 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1540...
[22:30:38 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1540. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:30:39 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/SecretNotesImages
[22:30:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/SecretNotesImages (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:30:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/SecretNotesImages (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[22:30:39 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1920 Height:1080}
[22:32:54 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Changing to mod config page for mod Pathoschild.ChestsAnywhere
[22:33:14 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Show hover tooltips Whether to show the chest name in a tooltip when you point at a chest.
[22:33:14 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Enable shipping bin Whether to enable access to the shipping bin.
[22:33:14 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Add organize player items button Whether to add an 'organize' button in chest UIs for the player inventory.
[22:33:14 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Range The range at which chests are accessible through the menu.
[22:33:14 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle UI The keys which show or hide the chest UI.
[22:33:14 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Edit chest The keys which edit the options for the current chest.
[22:33:14 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort items The keys which sort items in the current chest.
[22:33:14 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: previous chest The keys which navigate to the previous chest while the menu is open.
[22:33:14 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: next chest The keys which navigate to the next chest while the menu is open.
[22:33:14 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: previous category The keys which navigate to the previous category while the menu is open.
[22:33:14 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: next category The keys which navigate to the next category while the menu is open.
[22:33:14 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hold to scroll categories The keys which, when held, enable scrolling the category dropdown with the mouse scroll wheel.
[22:33:14 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hold to scroll chests The keys which, when held, enable scrolling the chests dropdown with the mouse scroll wheel.
[22:33:14 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Mines and Skull Cavern Whether to disable accessing chests while in the mines or Skull Cavern.
[22:33:14 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Custom location names The internal names (as shown by the Debug Mode mod) for locations from which to disable accessing chests. You can list multiple with commas.
[22:33:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Changing to mod config page for mod Pathoschild.ChestsAnywhere
[22:33:30 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Show hover tooltips Whether to show the chest name in a tooltip when you point at a chest.
[22:33:30 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Enable shipping bin Whether to enable access to the shipping bin.
[22:33:30 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Add organize player items button Whether to add an 'organize' button in chest UIs for the player inventory.
[22:33:30 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Range The range at which chests are accessible through the menu.
[22:33:30 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle UI The keys which show or hide the chest UI.
[22:33:30 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Edit chest The keys which edit the options for the current chest.
[22:33:30 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort items The keys which sort items in the current chest.
[22:33:30 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: previous chest The keys which navigate to the previous chest while the menu is open.
[22:33:30 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: next chest The keys which navigate to the next chest while the menu is open.
[22:33:30 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: previous category The keys which navigate to the previous category while the menu is open.
[22:33:30 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: next category The keys which navigate to the next category while the menu is open.
[22:33:30 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hold to scroll categories The keys which, when held, enable scrolling the category dropdown with the mouse scroll wheel.
[22:33:30 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hold to scroll chests The keys which, when held, enable scrolling the chests dropdown with the mouse scroll wheel.
[22:33:30 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Mines and Skull Cavern Whether to disable accessing chests while in the mines or Skull Cavern.
[22:33:30 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Custom location names The internal names (as shown by the Debug Mode mod) for locations from which to disable accessing chests. You can list multiple with commas.
[22:33:32 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1550...
[22:33:32 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1550. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:33:41 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:33:41 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[22:33:41 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:33:43 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1600...
[22:33:43 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1600. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:33:54 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:33:54 TRACE game] Warping to Coop75d241f8-de8a-4cd9-b393-15c131d7eb9d
[22:33:55 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:33:55 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Deluxe Coop
[22:34:08 TRACE CJB Item Spawner] Received menu open key, but a 'ItemGrabMenu' menu is already open.
[22:34:14 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:34:14 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[22:34:15 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:34:17 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:34:17 TRACE game] Warping to Barn604799c2-96c3-4a13-9902-ee13a2948c81
[22:34:17 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:34:17 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Deluxe Barn
[22:34:19 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1610...
[22:34:19 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1610. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:34:32 TRACE CJB Item Spawner] Received menu open key, but a 'ItemGrabMenu' menu is already open.
[22:34:33 TRACE CJB Item Spawner] Received menu open key, but a 'ItemGrabMenu' menu is already open.
[22:34:40 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/SecretNotesImages
[22:34:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/SecretNotesImages (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:34:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/SecretNotesImages (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[22:34:40 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1920 Height:1080}
[22:34:47 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:34:47 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[22:34:48 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:34:50 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1620...
[22:34:50 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1620. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:34:50 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:34:50 TRACE game] Warping to Barn604799c2-96c3-4a13-9902-ee13a2948c81
[22:34:51 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:34:51 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Deluxe Barn
[22:34:53 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:34:53 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[22:34:54 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:34:56 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:34:56 TRACE game] Warping to Coop75d241f8-de8a-4cd9-b393-15c131d7eb9d
[22:34:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:34:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Deluxe Coop
[22:35:01 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:35:01 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[22:35:02 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:35:04 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1630...
[22:35:04 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1630. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:35:27 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1640...
[22:35:27 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1640. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:35:35 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:35:35 TRACE game] Warping to Coop75d241f8-de8a-4cd9-b393-15c131d7eb9d
[22:35:35 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:35:35 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Deluxe Coop
[22:35:36 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1650...
[22:35:36 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1650. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:35:45 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1700...
[22:35:45 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1700. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:35:49 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:35:49 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[22:35:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:35:51 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:35:51 TRACE game] Warping to Barn604799c2-96c3-4a13-9902-ee13a2948c81
[22:35:52 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:35:52 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Deluxe Barn
[22:35:56 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1710...
[22:35:56 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1710. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:36:00 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:36:00 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[22:36:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:36:14 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Changing to mod config page for mod Pathoschild.ChestsAnywhere
[22:36:29 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Show hover tooltips Whether to show the chest name in a tooltip when you point at a chest.
[22:36:29 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Enable shipping bin Whether to enable access to the shipping bin.
[22:36:29 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Add organize player items button Whether to add an 'organize' button in chest UIs for the player inventory.
[22:36:29 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Range The range at which chests are accessible through the menu.
[22:36:29 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle UI The keys which show or hide the chest UI.
[22:36:29 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Edit chest The keys which edit the options for the current chest.
[22:36:29 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort items The keys which sort items in the current chest.
[22:36:29 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: previous chest The keys which navigate to the previous chest while the menu is open.
[22:36:29 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: next chest The keys which navigate to the next chest while the menu is open.
[22:36:29 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: previous category The keys which navigate to the previous category while the menu is open.
[22:36:29 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: next category The keys which navigate to the next category while the menu is open.
[22:36:29 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hold to scroll categories The keys which, when held, enable scrolling the category dropdown with the mouse scroll wheel.
[22:36:29 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hold to scroll chests The keys which, when held, enable scrolling the chests dropdown with the mouse scroll wheel.
[22:36:29 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Mines and Skull Cavern Whether to disable accessing chests while in the mines or Skull Cavern.
[22:36:29 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Custom location names The internal names (as shown by the Debug Mode mod) for locations from which to disable accessing chests. You can list multiple with commas.
[22:36:37 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1720...
[22:36:37 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1720. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:36:38 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Changing to mod config page for mod Pathoschild.ChestsAnywhere
[22:36:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Show hover tooltips Whether to show the chest name in a tooltip when you point at a chest.
[22:36:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Enable shipping bin Whether to enable access to the shipping bin.
[22:36:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Add organize player items button Whether to add an 'organize' button in chest UIs for the player inventory.
[22:36:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Range The range at which chests are accessible through the menu.
[22:36:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle UI The keys which show or hide the chest UI.
[22:36:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Edit chest The keys which edit the options for the current chest.
[22:36:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort items The keys which sort items in the current chest.
[22:36:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: previous chest The keys which navigate to the previous chest while the menu is open.
[22:36:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: next chest The keys which navigate to the next chest while the menu is open.
[22:36:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: previous category The keys which navigate to the previous category while the menu is open.
[22:36:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: next category The keys which navigate to the next category while the menu is open.
[22:36:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hold to scroll categories The keys which, when held, enable scrolling the category dropdown with the mouse scroll wheel.
[22:36:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hold to scroll chests The keys which, when held, enable scrolling the chests dropdown with the mouse scroll wheel.
[22:36:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Mines and Skull Cavern Whether to disable accessing chests while in the mines or Skull Cavern.
[22:36:56 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Custom location names The internal names (as shown by the Debug Mode mod) for locations from which to disable accessing chests. You can list multiple with commas.
[22:37:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/SecretNotesImages
[22:37:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/SecretNotesImages (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:37:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/SecretNotesImages (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[22:37:01 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1920 Height:1080}
[22:38:42 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:38:42 TRACE game] Warping to Barn604799c2-96c3-4a13-9902-ee13a2948c81
[22:38:42 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:38:42 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Deluxe Barn
[22:38:55 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1730...
[22:38:55 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1730. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:39:04 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1740...
[22:39:04 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1740. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:39:11 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1750...
[22:39:11 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1750. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:39:16 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:39:16 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[22:39:17 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:39:22 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1800...
[22:39:22 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1800. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:39:27 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:39:27 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[22:39:27 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:39:31 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1810...
[22:39:31 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1810. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:39:40 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1820...
[22:39:40 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1820. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:39:44 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Day is ending. Processing save data and object expiration settings.
[22:39:44 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Object check complete. Removing 0 missing/expired objects from save data.
[22:39:44 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'NewDay' task...
[22:39:45 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/GiantCrops
[22:39:45 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/GiantCrops.
[22:39:45 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Mods/Esca.EMP/FishLocations
[22:39:45 TRACE SMAPI] Esca's Modding Plugins loaded asset 'Mods/Esca.EMP/FishLocations'.
[22:39:45 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/Raccoon
[22:39:45 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/schedules/MrsRaccoon
[22:39:45 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/MrsRaccoon
[22:39:45 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: ChooseNightlyFarmEvent
[22:39:45 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: ShowNightEndMenus
[22:39:45 DEBUG SpaceCore] Doing skill menus
[22:39:45 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[22:39:45 TRACE SMAPI] Context: before save.
[22:39:45 TRACE SpaceCore] Saving custom data
[22:39:53 TRACE game] SaveGame.Save() called.
[22:39:53 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Save' task...
[22:39:53 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Strings/Events
[22:39:53 TRACE game] Saving without compression...
[22:39:55 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[22:39:55 TRACE game] SaveGame.Save() completed without exceptions.
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/summer23
[22:39:58 TRACE SMAPI] Context: after save, starting summer 23 Y2.
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/FarmCave
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Blacksmith
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/BeachNightMarket
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/BugLand
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Desert
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Club
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/WizardHouseBasement
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/AdventureGuild
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/WitchSwamp
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/WitchHut
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/WitchWarpCave
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Summit
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/BathHouse_Entry
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/BathHouse_MensLocker
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/BathHouse_WomensLocker
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/JojaMart
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Greenhouse
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/SkullCave
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Tunnel
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/MermaidHouse
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Submarine
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/MovieTheater
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandSouthEast
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandSouthEastCave
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandEast
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandWestCave1
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandNorthCave1
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandFieldOffice
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/CaptainRoom
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandShrine
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandFarmCave
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Caldera
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/LeoTreeHouse
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/MasteryCave
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/LewisBasement
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar2
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar3
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar4
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar5
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar6
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar7
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar8
[22:39:58 TRACE Event Lookup] repopulation took 4ms
[22:39:58 DEBUG Shop Tile Framework] Refreshing stock for all custom shops...
[22:39:58 DEBUG Shop Tile Framework] Generating stock for JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Updating JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 WARN  game] Unknown precondition for event -5005: JojaMember
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cheese Broccoflower" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Smothered Garlic Potatoes" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 WARN  game] Unknown precondition for event -5005: JojaMember
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Broccoflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cauliflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Corn (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cranberry (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Melon (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Parsnip (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Poppy (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Potato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Pumpkin (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Radish (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Sweet Joja Berry Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tomato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tulip (Joja) Bulbs" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Wheat (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Winterstar Fruit (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 WARN  game] Unknown precondition for event -5005: JojaMember
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Broccoflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cauliflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Corn (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cranberry (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Melon (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Parsnip (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Poppy (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Potato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Pumpkin (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Radish (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Sweet Joja Berry Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tomato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tulip (Joja) Bulbs" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Wheat (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Winterstar Fruit (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 WARN  game] Unknown precondition for event -5005: JojaMember
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Broccoflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cauliflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Corn (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cranberry (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Melon (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Parsnip (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Poppy (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Potato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Pumpkin (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Radish (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Sweet Joja Berry Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tomato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tulip (Joja) Bulbs" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Wheat (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Winterstar Fruit (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 WARN  game] Unknown precondition for event -5005: JojaMember
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Broccoflower (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cauliflower (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Corn (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cranberry (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Melon (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Parsnip (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Poppy (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Potato (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Pumpkin (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Radish (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Sweet Joja Berry" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tomato (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tulip (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Wheat (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Winterstar Fruit (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 WARN  game] Unknown precondition for event -5005: JojaMember
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Broccoflower (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cauliflower (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Corn (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cranberry (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Melon (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Parsnip (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Poppy (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Potato (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Pumpkin (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Radish (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Sweet Joja Berry" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tomato (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tulip (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Wheat (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Winterstar Fruit (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 WARN  game] Unknown precondition for event -5005: JojaMember
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Broccoflower (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cauliflower (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Corn (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cranberry (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Melon (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Parsnip (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Poppy (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Potato (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Pumpkin (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Radish (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Sweet Joja Berry" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tomato (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tulip (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Wheat (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Winterstar Fruit (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[22:39:58 DEBUG Shop Tile Framework] Generating stock for ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Updating ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Broccoflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cauliflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Corn (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cranberry (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Melon (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Parsnip (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Poppy (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Potato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Pumpkin (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Radish (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Sweet Joja Berry Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tomato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tulip (Joja) Bulbs" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Wheat (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Winterstar Fruit (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Broccoflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cauliflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Corn (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cranberry (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Melon (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Parsnip (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Poppy (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Potato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Pumpkin (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Radish (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Sweet Joja Berry Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tomato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tulip (Joja) Bulbs" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Wheat (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Winterstar Fruit (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Broccoflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cauliflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Corn (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cranberry (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Melon (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Parsnip (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Poppy (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Potato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Pumpkin (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Radish (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Sweet Joja Berry Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tomato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tulip (Joja) Bulbs" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Wheat (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Winterstar Fruit (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Large Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Large Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Large Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Large Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Large Goat Milk" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Large Goat Milk" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Joja Apricrop" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Joja Cherry Cute" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Joja Dwarf Orange" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Joja Peatree" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Joja Applemini" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:58 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Joja Pominiature" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[22:39:59 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:39:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/birds
[22:39:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/birds (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack).
[22:39:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/Cursors2
[22:39:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors2 (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[22:39:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors2 (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack).
[22:39:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors2 (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[22:39:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors2 (for the 'Vintage Interface v2 - 1.6 fix' content pack).
[22:39:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Minigames/TitleButtons
[22:39:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Minigames/TitleButtons (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack).
[22:39:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Minigames/TitleButtons (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[22:39:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/parrots
[22:39:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/parrots (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack).
[22:39:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/critters
[22:39:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/critters (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack).
[22:39:59 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 5 asset names (LooseSprites/birds, LooseSprites/Cursors2, LooseSprites/parrots, Minigames/TitleButtons, TileSheets/critters).
Propagated 5 core assets (LooseSprites/birds, LooseSprites/Cursors2, LooseSprites/parrots, Minigames/TitleButtons, TileSheets/critters).
[22:39:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/TV/CookingChannel
[22:39:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Raccoon
[22:39:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/MrsRaccoon
[22:39:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Gunther
[22:39:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Marlon
[22:39:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Birdie
[22:39:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Fizz
[22:39:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Leo
[22:39:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Gus_Beach
[22:39:59 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Abigail_Beach
[22:39:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Abigail_Beach (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:39:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Day is starting. Loading config data.
[22:39:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Beginning file loading process...
[22:39:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All available content packs checked.
[22:39:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Loading files from FarmTypeManager/data
[22:39:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Validating data from FarmTypeManager/data
[22:39:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking for duplicate UniqueAreaIDs...
[22:39:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Assigning new UniqueAreaIDs to any blanks or duplicates...
[22:39:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Validation complete for data from FarmTypeManager/data
[22:39:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking file conditions...
[22:39:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] FarmTypeManager/data farm data loaded successfully.
[22:39:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking for saved objects that went missing overnight.
[22:39:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Missing objects: 0. Respawned: 0. Not respawned due to obstructions: 0. Skipped due to missing maps: 0. Skipped due to missing item types: 0.
[22:39:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting forage generation for this file: FarmTypeManager/data/LonLon_370981025.json
[22:39:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation is disabled for this file.
[22:39:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All files and content packs checked. Forage generation process complete.
[22:39:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting large object generation for this file: FarmTypeManager/data/LonLon_370981025.json
[22:39:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Large object generation is disabled for this file.
[22:39:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All files and content packs checked. Large object generation process complete.
[22:39:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting ore generation for this file: FarmTypeManager/data/LonLon_370981025.json
[22:39:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Ore generation is disabled for this file.
[22:39:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All files and content packs checked. Ore spawn process complete.
[22:39:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting monster generation for this file: FarmTypeManager/data/LonLon_370981025.json
[22:39:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster generation is disabled for this file.
[22:39:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All files and content packs checked. Monster generation process complete.
[22:39:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 600...
[22:39:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 600. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:40:12 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 610...
[22:40:12 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 610. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:40:20 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:40:20 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[22:40:21 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:40:26 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 620...
[22:40:26 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 620. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:40:29 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:40:29 TRACE game] Warping to Coop75d241f8-de8a-4cd9-b393-15c131d7eb9d
[22:40:29 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:40:29 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Deluxe Coop
[22:42:56 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 630...
[22:42:56 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 630. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:42:57 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:42:57 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[22:42:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:43:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/SecretNotesImages
[22:43:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/SecretNotesImages (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:43:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/SecretNotesImages (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[22:43:01 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1920 Height:1080}
[22:56:44 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 640...
[22:56:44 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 640. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:56:51 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 650...
[22:56:51 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 650. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:56:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 700...
[22:56:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 700. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:57:16 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/letterBG
[22:57:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/letterBG (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[22:57:22 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 710...
[22:57:22 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 710. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:57:29 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 720...
[22:57:29 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 720. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:57:36 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 730...
[22:57:36 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 730. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:57:43 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 740...
[22:57:43 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 740. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:57:49 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:57:49 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[22:57:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:57:52 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 750...
[22:57:52 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 750. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:57:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 800...
[22:57:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 800. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:58:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/Mannequins
[22:58:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Farmer/farmer_girl_mannequin_cursed
[22:58:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Farmer/farmer_girl_mannequin_cursed (for the '(CP) GH's Peach Body type (female)' content pack).
[22:58:01 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Farmer/shoeColors
[22:58:07 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 810...
[22:58:07 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 810. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:58:14 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 820...
[22:58:14 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 820. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:58:20 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:58:20 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[22:58:21 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:58:24 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 830...
[22:58:24 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 830. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:58:27 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TerrainFeatures/mystic_tree
[22:58:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TerrainFeatures/mystic_tree (for the 'VPR Temporary Fix for 1.6' content pack).
[22:58:40 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 840...
[22:58:40 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 840. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:58:48 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 850...
[22:58:48 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 850. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:58:55 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 900...
[22:58:55 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 900. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:59:02 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 910...
[22:59:02 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 910. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:59:10 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 920...
[22:59:10 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 920. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:59:14 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Maru_Hospital
[22:59:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Maru_Hospital (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:59:14 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Maru_Hospital
[22:59:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Maru_Hospital (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:59:17 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 930...
[22:59:17 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 930. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:59:26 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 940...
[22:59:26 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 940. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:59:33 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 950...
[22:59:33 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 950. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:59:40 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1000...
[22:59:40 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1000. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:59:43 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:59:43 TRACE game] Warping to IslandSouth
[22:59:43 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:59:43 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/parrots
[22:59:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/parrots (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack).
[22:59:43 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/WillysBoat
[22:59:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/WillysBoat (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[22:59:45 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:59:45 TRACE game] Warping to IslandWest
[22:59:46 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[22:59:46 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/parrots
[22:59:46 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/parrots (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack).
[22:59:46 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/SandDuggy
[22:59:51 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1010...
[22:59:51 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1010. Total objects spawned: 0.
[22:59:56 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:59:56 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[22:59:57 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[23:00:00 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1020...
[23:00:00 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1020. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:00:05 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[23:00:05 TRACE game] Warping to Forest
[23:00:06 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[23:00:08 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1030...
[23:00:08 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1030. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:00:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1040...
[23:00:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1040. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:00:20 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[23:00:20 TRACE game] Warping to Town
[23:00:20 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[23:00:20 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/Movies
[23:00:27 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1050...
[23:00:27 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1050. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:00:31 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/SecretNotesImages
[23:00:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/SecretNotesImages (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:00:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/SecretNotesImages (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[23:00:31 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1920 Height:1080}
[23:00:46 TRACE CJB Cheats Menu] Received menu open key.
[23:00:52 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1100...
[23:00:52 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1100. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:01:02 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1110...
[23:01:02 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1110. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:01:09 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1120...
[23:01:09 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1120. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:01:17 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1130...
[23:01:17 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1130. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:01:20 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[23:01:20 TRACE game] Warping to Mountain
[23:01:21 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[23:01:21 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Mountain-BridgeFixed
[23:01:21 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Maps/Mountain_Shortcuts
[23:01:26 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1140...
[23:01:26 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1140. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:01:29 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[23:01:29 TRACE game] Warping to Railroad
[23:01:30 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[23:01:35 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1150...
[23:01:35 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1150. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:01:39 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[23:01:39 TRACE game] Warping to Mountain
[23:01:40 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[23:01:44 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1200...
[23:01:44 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1200. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:01:44 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Abigail_Beach
[23:01:44 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Abigail_Beach (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:01:44 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Abigail_Beach
[23:01:44 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Abigail_Beach (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:01:52 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1210...
[23:01:52 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1210. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:01:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1220...
[23:01:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1220. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:02:06 TRACE CJB Cheats Menu] Received menu open key.
[23:02:17 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1230...
[23:02:17 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1230. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:02:24 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1240...
[23:02:24 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1240. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:02:51 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/SecretNotesImages
[23:02:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/SecretNotesImages (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:02:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/SecretNotesImages (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[23:02:51 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1920 Height:1080}
[23:07:49 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1250...
[23:07:49 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1250. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:08:04 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1300...
[23:08:04 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1300. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:08:12 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1310...
[23:08:12 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1310. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:08:50 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1320...
[23:08:50 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1320. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:09:05 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1330...
[23:09:05 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1330. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:09:22 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1340...
[23:09:22 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1340. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:09:29 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1350...
[23:09:29 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1350. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:09:45 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1400...
[23:09:45 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1400. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:09:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1410...
[23:09:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1410. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:10:07 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1420...
[23:10:07 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1420. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:10:33 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1920 Height:1080}
[23:10:38 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1430...
[23:10:38 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1430. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:10:53 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1440...
[23:10:53 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1440. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:11:14 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1450...
[23:11:14 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1450. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:11:23 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1500...
[23:11:23 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1500. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:11:31 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1510...
[23:11:31 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1510. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:11:54 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1520...
[23:11:54 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1520. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:12:01 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1530...
[23:12:01 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1530. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:12:08 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1540...
[23:12:08 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1540. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:12:27 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1550...
[23:12:27 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1550. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:12:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1600...
[23:12:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1600. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:12:50 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1610...
[23:12:50 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1610. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:13:20 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1620...
[23:13:20 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1620. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:13:40 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1630...
[23:13:40 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1630. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:13:49 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1640...
[23:13:49 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1640. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:14:05 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1650...
[23:14:05 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1650. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:14:05 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1920 Height:1080}
[23:15:26 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1700...
[23:15:26 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1700. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:15:42 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1710...
[23:15:42 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1710. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:15:44 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[23:15:44 TRACE game] Warping to Town
[23:15:45 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[23:15:45 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/Movies
[23:15:50 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1720...
[23:15:50 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1720. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:15:58 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1730...
[23:15:58 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1730. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:17:23 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Changing to mod config page for mod furyx639.BetterChests
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests Key to open the menu for accessible chests.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Previous Chest Key to open the previous accessible chests.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Next Chest Key to open the next accessible chests.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Clear Search Key to clear the search bar.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Found Chest Key to open the menu for the nearest found chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Crafting Button Key to open the crafting menu for accessible chests.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash Items Button Key to stash items into accessible chests.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Up Key to scroll up in expanded inventory menus.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Down Key to scroll down in expanded inventory menus.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Page Key to scroll inventory one page at a time.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Key to lock an item so that the item in it will not be transferred or stashed.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Info Key to show or hide chest info.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Collect Items Key to toggle collecting items from the ground.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Search Key to show or hide the search bar.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Key to transfer items into or out of a chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Reverse Key to reverse the direction of item transfer
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Copy Copy the current selection
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Paste Paste into the current selection
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chest Show Arrows Show arrows on the screen to access the next and previous chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Limit Limits the number of chests that can be carried at once.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Amount The amount of slowness applied when carrying chests above the limit.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Limit The number of chests that can be carried before the slowness effect is applied.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hue Steps The number of steps in the hue color picker.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Saturation Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lightness Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hsl Color Picker Placement The placement of the HSL color picker.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Prevent an item from being transferred or stashed.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Hold Lock item key must be held down to lock an item.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Method The filter method used when searching for an item.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Items Determines the info that will be shown when hovering over storages.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Menu Items Determines the info that will be shown in the storage menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Better Chests] Config changed:
AccessChestsShowArrows: True
CarryChestLimit: 3
CarryChestSlowAmount: -1
CarryChestSlowLimit: 1
HslColorPickerHueSteps: 29
HslColorPickerSaturationSteps: 29
HslColorPickerLightnessSteps: 29
HslColorPickerPlacement: Right
LockItem: Default
LockItemHold: True
SearchItemsMethod: GrayedOut
StorageInfoHoverItems: Icon, Name, Type, Capacity, TotalValue
StorageInfoMenuItems: Type, Location, Position, Inventory, TotalItems, UniqueItems, TotalValue
AccessChests: V
AccessNextChest: RightTrigger
AccessPreviousChest: LeftTrigger
ClearSearch: Escape
ConfigureChest: End
LockSlot: LeftAlt
OpenCrafting: K
OpenFoundChest: LeftShift + Enter, RightShift + Enter
ScrollDown: DPadDown
ScrollPage: LeftShift, RightShift
ScrollUp: DPadUp
StashItems: OemPipe
ToggleCollectItems: LeftControl + Space, RightControl + Space
ToggleInfo: LeftShift + OemQuestion, RightShift + OemQuestion
ToggleSearch: LeftControl + F, RightControl + F
TransferItems: LeftShift, RightShift
TransferItemsReverse: LeftAlt, RightAlt

Default Options
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Disabled
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Enabled
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Disabled
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Enabled
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

BigCraftables: 130
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 232
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 256
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 213
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Large
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 248
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigStoneChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 165
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 208
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 216
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

Buildings: Junimo Hut
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Mill
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Shipping Bin
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Enabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: 36
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Locations: FarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

Locations: IslandFarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 704
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 709
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 714
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 719
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: GrayJojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: WizardDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JunimoDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: RetroDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2304
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2312
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2322
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2400
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2414
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JungleTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: CCFishTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

[23:17:34 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/BigCraftables'.
[23:17:34 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (BC) cache.
[23:17:34 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/BigCraftables
[23:17:34 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/BigCraftables.
[23:17:34 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/BigCraftables.
[23:17:34 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/BigCraftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/BigCraftables).
[23:17:34 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'.
[23:17:34 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Buildings
[23:17:34 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[23:17:34 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Buildings.
[23:17:34 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Buildings).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Buildings).
[23:17:34 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'.
[23:17:34 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Locations).
Propagated 0 core assets ().
[23:17:34 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Furniture'.
[23:17:34 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (F) cache.
[23:17:34 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Furniture).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Furniture).
[23:17:34 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Furniture
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests Key to open the menu for accessible chests.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Previous Chest Key to open the previous accessible chests.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Next Chest Key to open the next accessible chests.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Clear Search Key to clear the search bar.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Found Chest Key to open the menu for the nearest found chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Crafting Button Key to open the crafting menu for accessible chests.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash Items Button Key to stash items into accessible chests.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Up Key to scroll up in expanded inventory menus.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Down Key to scroll down in expanded inventory menus.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Page Key to scroll inventory one page at a time.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Key to lock an item so that the item in it will not be transferred or stashed.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Info Key to show or hide chest info.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Collect Items Key to toggle collecting items from the ground.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Search Key to show or hide the search bar.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Key to transfer items into or out of a chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Reverse Key to reverse the direction of item transfer
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Copy Copy the current selection
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Paste Paste into the current selection
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chest Show Arrows Show arrows on the screen to access the next and previous chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Limit Limits the number of chests that can be carried at once.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Amount The amount of slowness applied when carrying chests above the limit.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Limit The number of chests that can be carried before the slowness effect is applied.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hue Steps The number of steps in the hue color picker.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Saturation Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lightness Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hsl Color Picker Placement The placement of the HSL color picker.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Prevent an item from being transferred or stashed.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Hold Lock item key must be held down to lock an item.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Method The filter method used when searching for an item.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Items Determines the info that will be shown when hovering over storages.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Menu Items Determines the info that will be shown in the storage menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:17:34 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:17:34 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/BigCraftables'.
[23:17:34 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (BC) cache.
[23:17:34 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/BigCraftables
[23:17:34 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/BigCraftables.
[23:17:34 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/BigCraftables.
[23:17:34 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/BigCraftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/BigCraftables).
[23:17:34 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'.
[23:17:34 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Buildings
[23:17:34 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[23:17:34 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Buildings.
[23:17:34 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Buildings).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Buildings).
[23:17:34 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'.
[23:17:34 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[23:17:34 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Furniture'.
[23:17:34 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (F) cache.
[23:17:34 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Furniture).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Furniture).
[23:17:34 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Furniture
[23:17:42 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1740...
[23:17:42 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1740. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:17:49 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1750...
[23:17:49 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1750. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:17:52 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[23:17:52 TRACE game] Warping to BusStop
[23:17:52 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Locations
[23:17:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations.
[23:17:52 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Locations.
[23:17:52 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[23:17:57 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[23:17:57 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[23:17:58 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[23:17:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1800...
[23:17:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1800. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:18:08 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1810...
[23:18:08 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1810. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:18:18 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1820...
[23:18:18 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1820. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:18:21 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Changing to mod config page for mod furyx639.BetterChests
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests Key to open the menu for accessible chests.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Previous Chest Key to open the previous accessible chests.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Next Chest Key to open the next accessible chests.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Clear Search Key to clear the search bar.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently held chest.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Found Chest Key to open the menu for the nearest found chest.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Crafting Button Key to open the crafting menu for accessible chests.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash Items Button Key to stash items into accessible chests.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Up Key to scroll up in expanded inventory menus.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Down Key to scroll down in expanded inventory menus.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Page Key to scroll inventory one page at a time.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Key to lock an item so that the item in it will not be transferred or stashed.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Info Key to show or hide chest info.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Collect Items Key to toggle collecting items from the ground.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Search Key to show or hide the search bar.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Key to transfer items into or out of a chest.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Reverse Key to reverse the direction of item transfer
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Copy Copy the current selection
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Paste Paste into the current selection
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chest Show Arrows Show arrows on the screen to access the next and previous chest.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Limit Limits the number of chests that can be carried at once.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Amount The amount of slowness applied when carrying chests above the limit.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Limit The number of chests that can be carried before the slowness effect is applied.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hue Steps The number of steps in the hue color picker.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Saturation Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lightness Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hsl Color Picker Placement The placement of the HSL color picker.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Prevent an item from being transferred or stashed.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Hold Lock item key must be held down to lock an item.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Method The filter method used when searching for an item.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Items Determines the info that will be shown when hovering over storages.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Menu Items Determines the info that will be shown in the storage menu.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:35 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:35 TRACE Better Chests] Config changed:
AccessChestsShowArrows: True
CarryChestLimit: 3
CarryChestSlowAmount: -1
CarryChestSlowLimit: 1
HslColorPickerHueSteps: 29
HslColorPickerSaturationSteps: 29
HslColorPickerLightnessSteps: 29
HslColorPickerPlacement: Right
LockItem: Default
LockItemHold: True
SearchItemsMethod: GrayedOut
StorageInfoHoverItems: Icon, Name, Type, Capacity, TotalValue
StorageInfoMenuItems: Type, Location, Position, Inventory, TotalItems, UniqueItems, TotalValue
AccessChests: V
AccessNextChest: RightTrigger
AccessPreviousChest: LeftTrigger
ClearSearch: Escape
ConfigureChest: End
LockSlot: LeftAlt
OpenCrafting: K
OpenFoundChest: LeftShift + Enter, RightShift + Enter
ScrollDown: DPadDown
ScrollPage: LeftShift, RightShift
ScrollUp: DPadUp
StashItems: OemPipe
ToggleCollectItems: LeftControl + Space, RightControl + Space
ToggleInfo: LeftShift + OemQuestion, RightShift + OemQuestion
ToggleSearch: LeftControl + F, RightControl + F
TransferItems: LeftShift, RightShift
TransferItemsReverse: LeftAlt, RightAlt

Default Options
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Disabled
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Enabled
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Disabled
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Enabled
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

BigCraftables: 130
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 232
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 256
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 213
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Large
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 248
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigStoneChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 165
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 208
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 216
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

Buildings: Junimo Hut
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Mill
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Shipping Bin
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Enabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: 36
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Locations: FarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

Locations: IslandFarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 704
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 709
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 714
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 719
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: GrayJojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: WizardDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JunimoDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: RetroDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2304
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2312
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2322
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2400
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2414
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JungleTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: CCFishTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

[23:18:35 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/BigCraftables'.
[23:18:35 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (BC) cache.
[23:18:35 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/BigCraftables
[23:18:35 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/BigCraftables.
[23:18:35 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/BigCraftables.
[23:18:35 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/BigCraftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/BigCraftables).
[23:18:35 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'.
[23:18:35 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Buildings
[23:18:35 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[23:18:35 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Buildings.
[23:18:35 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Buildings).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Buildings).
[23:18:35 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'.
[23:18:35 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Locations).
Propagated 0 core assets ().
[23:18:35 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Furniture'.
[23:18:35 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (F) cache.
[23:18:35 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Furniture).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Furniture).
[23:18:35 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Furniture
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests Key to open the menu for accessible chests.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Previous Chest Key to open the previous accessible chests.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Next Chest Key to open the next accessible chests.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Clear Search Key to clear the search bar.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently held chest.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Found Chest Key to open the menu for the nearest found chest.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Crafting Button Key to open the crafting menu for accessible chests.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash Items Button Key to stash items into accessible chests.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Up Key to scroll up in expanded inventory menus.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Down Key to scroll down in expanded inventory menus.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Page Key to scroll inventory one page at a time.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Key to lock an item so that the item in it will not be transferred or stashed.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Info Key to show or hide chest info.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Collect Items Key to toggle collecting items from the ground.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Search Key to show or hide the search bar.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Key to transfer items into or out of a chest.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Reverse Key to reverse the direction of item transfer
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Copy Copy the current selection
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Paste Paste into the current selection
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chest Show Arrows Show arrows on the screen to access the next and previous chest.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Limit Limits the number of chests that can be carried at once.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Amount The amount of slowness applied when carrying chests above the limit.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Limit The number of chests that can be carried before the slowness effect is applied.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hue Steps The number of steps in the hue color picker.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Saturation Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lightness Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hsl Color Picker Placement The placement of the HSL color picker.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Prevent an item from being transferred or stashed.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Hold Lock item key must be held down to lock an item.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Method The filter method used when searching for an item.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Items Determines the info that will be shown when hovering over storages.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Menu Items Determines the info that will be shown in the storage menu.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:18:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:18:36 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/BigCraftables'.
[23:18:36 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (BC) cache.
[23:18:36 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/BigCraftables
[23:18:36 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/BigCraftables.
[23:18:36 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/BigCraftables.
[23:18:36 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/BigCraftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/BigCraftables).
[23:18:36 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'.
[23:18:36 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Buildings
[23:18:36 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[23:18:36 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Buildings.
[23:18:36 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Buildings).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Buildings).
[23:18:36 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'.
[23:18:36 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[23:18:36 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Furniture'.
[23:18:36 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (F) cache.
[23:18:36 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Furniture).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Furniture).
[23:18:36 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Furniture
[23:18:42 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Changing to mod config page for mod furyx639.BetterChests
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests Key to open the menu for accessible chests.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Previous Chest Key to open the previous accessible chests.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Next Chest Key to open the next accessible chests.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Clear Search Key to clear the search bar.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Found Chest Key to open the menu for the nearest found chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Crafting Button Key to open the crafting menu for accessible chests.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash Items Button Key to stash items into accessible chests.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Up Key to scroll up in expanded inventory menus.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Down Key to scroll down in expanded inventory menus.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Page Key to scroll inventory one page at a time.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Key to lock an item so that the item in it will not be transferred or stashed.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Info Key to show or hide chest info.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Collect Items Key to toggle collecting items from the ground.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Search Key to show or hide the search bar.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Key to transfer items into or out of a chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Reverse Key to reverse the direction of item transfer
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Copy Copy the current selection
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Paste Paste into the current selection
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chest Show Arrows Show arrows on the screen to access the next and previous chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Limit Limits the number of chests that can be carried at once.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Amount The amount of slowness applied when carrying chests above the limit.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Limit The number of chests that can be carried before the slowness effect is applied.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hue Steps The number of steps in the hue color picker.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Saturation Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lightness Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hsl Color Picker Placement The placement of the HSL color picker.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Prevent an item from being transferred or stashed.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Hold Lock item key must be held down to lock an item.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Method The filter method used when searching for an item.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Items Determines the info that will be shown when hovering over storages.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Menu Items Determines the info that will be shown in the storage menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Better Chests] Config changed:
AccessChestsShowArrows: True
CarryChestLimit: 3
CarryChestSlowAmount: -1
CarryChestSlowLimit: 1
HslColorPickerHueSteps: 29
HslColorPickerSaturationSteps: 29
HslColorPickerLightnessSteps: 29
HslColorPickerPlacement: Right
LockItem: Default
LockItemHold: True
SearchItemsMethod: GrayedOut
StorageInfoHoverItems: Icon, Name, Type, Capacity, TotalValue
StorageInfoMenuItems: Type, Location, Position, Inventory, TotalItems, UniqueItems, TotalValue
AccessChests: V
AccessNextChest: RightTrigger
AccessPreviousChest: LeftTrigger
ClearSearch: Escape
ConfigureChest: End
LockSlot: LeftAlt
OpenCrafting: K
OpenFoundChest: LeftShift + Enter, RightShift + Enter
ScrollDown: DPadDown
ScrollPage: LeftShift, RightShift
ScrollUp: DPadUp
StashItems: OemPipe
ToggleCollectItems: LeftControl + Space, RightControl + Space
ToggleInfo: LeftShift + OemQuestion, RightShift + OemQuestion
ToggleSearch: LeftControl + F, RightControl + F
TransferItems: LeftShift, RightShift
TransferItemsReverse: LeftAlt, RightAlt

Default Options
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Disabled
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Enabled
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Disabled
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Enabled
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

BigCraftables: 130
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 232
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 256
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 213
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Large
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 248
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigStoneChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 165
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 208
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 216
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

Buildings: Junimo Hut
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Mill
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Shipping Bin
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: 36
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Disabled
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Disabled
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

Locations: FarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

Locations: IslandFarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 704
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 709
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 714
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 719
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: GrayJojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: WizardDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JunimoDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: RetroDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2304
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2312
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2322
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2400
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2414
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JungleTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: CCFishTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

[23:19:20 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/BigCraftables'.
[23:19:20 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (BC) cache.
[23:19:20 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/BigCraftables
[23:19:20 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/BigCraftables.
[23:19:20 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/BigCraftables.
[23:19:20 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/BigCraftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/BigCraftables).
[23:19:20 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'.
[23:19:20 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Buildings
[23:19:20 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[23:19:20 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Buildings.
[23:19:20 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Buildings).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Buildings).
[23:19:20 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'.
[23:19:20 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[23:19:20 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Furniture'.
[23:19:20 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (F) cache.
[23:19:20 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Furniture).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Furniture).
[23:19:20 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Furniture
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests Key to open the menu for accessible chests.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Previous Chest Key to open the previous accessible chests.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Next Chest Key to open the next accessible chests.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Clear Search Key to clear the search bar.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Found Chest Key to open the menu for the nearest found chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Crafting Button Key to open the crafting menu for accessible chests.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash Items Button Key to stash items into accessible chests.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Up Key to scroll up in expanded inventory menus.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Down Key to scroll down in expanded inventory menus.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Page Key to scroll inventory one page at a time.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Key to lock an item so that the item in it will not be transferred or stashed.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Info Key to show or hide chest info.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Collect Items Key to toggle collecting items from the ground.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Search Key to show or hide the search bar.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Key to transfer items into or out of a chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Reverse Key to reverse the direction of item transfer
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Copy Copy the current selection
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Paste Paste into the current selection
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chest Show Arrows Show arrows on the screen to access the next and previous chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Limit Limits the number of chests that can be carried at once.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Amount The amount of slowness applied when carrying chests above the limit.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Limit The number of chests that can be carried before the slowness effect is applied.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hue Steps The number of steps in the hue color picker.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Saturation Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lightness Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hsl Color Picker Placement The placement of the HSL color picker.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Prevent an item from being transferred or stashed.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Hold Lock item key must be held down to lock an item.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Method The filter method used when searching for an item.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Items Determines the info that will be shown when hovering over storages.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Menu Items Determines the info that will be shown in the storage menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:19:20 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:19:20 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/BigCraftables'.
[23:19:20 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (BC) cache.
[23:19:20 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/BigCraftables
[23:19:20 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/BigCraftables.
[23:19:20 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/BigCraftables.
[23:19:20 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/BigCraftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/BigCraftables).
[23:19:20 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'.
[23:19:20 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Buildings
[23:19:20 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[23:19:20 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Buildings.
[23:19:20 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Buildings).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Buildings).
[23:19:20 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'.
[23:19:20 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[23:19:20 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Furniture'.
[23:19:20 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (F) cache.
[23:19:20 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Furniture).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Furniture).
[23:19:20 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Furniture
[23:19:29 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Locations
[23:19:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations.
[23:19:29 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Locations.
[23:19:39 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/SecretNotesImages
[23:19:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/SecretNotesImages (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:19:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/SecretNotesImages (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[23:19:39 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1920 Height:1080}
[23:19:44 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1830...
[23:19:44 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1830. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:19:51 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1840...
[23:19:51 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1840. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:19:55 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1920 Height:1080}
[23:19:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1850...
[23:19:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1850. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:20:09 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1900...
[23:20:09 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1900. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:20:10 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1920 Height:1080}
[23:20:14 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1920 Height:1080}
[23:20:24 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1910...
[23:20:24 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1910. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:20:27 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[23:20:27 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[23:20:27 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[23:20:33 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1920...
[23:20:33 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1920. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:20:36 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Day is ending. Processing save data and object expiration settings.
[23:20:36 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Object check complete. Removing 0 missing/expired objects from save data.
[23:20:36 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'NewDay' task...
[23:20:36 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/MrsRaccoon
[23:20:37 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: ChooseNightlyFarmEvent
[23:20:37 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: ShowNightEndMenus
[23:20:37 DEBUG SpaceCore] Doing skill menus
[23:20:37 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[23:20:37 TRACE SMAPI] Context: before save.
[23:20:37 TRACE SpaceCore] Saving custom data
[23:20:45 TRACE game] SaveGame.Save() called.
[23:20:45 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Save' task...
[23:20:45 TRACE game] Saving without compression...
[23:20:46 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[23:20:46 TRACE game] SaveGame.Save() completed without exceptions.
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/summer24
[23:20:50 TRACE SMAPI] Context: after save, starting summer 24 Y2.
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/FarmCave
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Blacksmith
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/BeachNightMarket
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/BugLand
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Desert
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Club
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/WizardHouseBasement
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/AdventureGuild
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/WitchSwamp
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/WitchHut
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/WitchWarpCave
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Summit
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/BathHouse_Entry
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/BathHouse_MensLocker
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/BathHouse_WomensLocker
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/JojaMart
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Greenhouse
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/SkullCave
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Tunnel
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/MermaidHouse
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Submarine
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/MovieTheater
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandSouthEast
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandSouthEastCave
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandEast
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandWestCave1
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandNorthCave1
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandFieldOffice
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/CaptainRoom
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandShrine
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandFarmCave
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Caldera
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/LeoTreeHouse
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/MasteryCave
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/LewisBasement
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar2
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar3
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar4
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar5
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar6
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar7
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar8
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] repopulation took 4ms
[23:20:50 DEBUG Shop Tile Framework] Refreshing stock for all custom shops...
[23:20:50 DEBUG Shop Tile Framework] Generating stock for JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Updating JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 WARN  game] Unknown precondition for event -5005: JojaMember
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cheese Broccoflower" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Smothered Garlic Potatoes" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 WARN  game] Unknown precondition for event -5005: JojaMember
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Broccoflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cauliflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Corn (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cranberry (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Melon (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Parsnip (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Poppy (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Potato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Pumpkin (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Radish (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Sweet Joja Berry Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tomato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tulip (Joja) Bulbs" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Wheat (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Winterstar Fruit (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 WARN  game] Unknown precondition for event -5005: JojaMember
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Broccoflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cauliflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Corn (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cranberry (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Melon (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Parsnip (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Poppy (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Potato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Pumpkin (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Radish (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Sweet Joja Berry Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tomato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tulip (Joja) Bulbs" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Wheat (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Winterstar Fruit (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 WARN  game] Unknown precondition for event -5005: JojaMember
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Broccoflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cauliflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Corn (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cranberry (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Melon (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Parsnip (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Poppy (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Potato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Pumpkin (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Radish (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Sweet Joja Berry Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tomato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tulip (Joja) Bulbs" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Wheat (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Winterstar Fruit (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 WARN  game] Unknown precondition for event -5005: JojaMember
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Broccoflower (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cauliflower (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Corn (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cranberry (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Melon (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Parsnip (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Poppy (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Potato (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Pumpkin (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Radish (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Sweet Joja Berry" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tomato (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tulip (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Wheat (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Winterstar Fruit (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 WARN  game] Unknown precondition for event -5005: JojaMember
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Broccoflower (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cauliflower (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Corn (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cranberry (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Melon (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Parsnip (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Poppy (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Potato (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Pumpkin (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Radish (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Sweet Joja Berry" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tomato (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tulip (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Wheat (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Winterstar Fruit (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 WARN  game] Unknown precondition for event -5005: JojaMember
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Broccoflower (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cauliflower (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Corn (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cranberry (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Melon (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Parsnip (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Poppy (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Potato (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Pumpkin (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Radish (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Sweet Joja Berry" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tomato (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tulip (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Wheat (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Winterstar Fruit (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:20:50 DEBUG Shop Tile Framework] Generating stock for ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Updating ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Broccoflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cauliflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Corn (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cranberry (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Melon (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Parsnip (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Poppy (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Potato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Pumpkin (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Radish (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Sweet Joja Berry Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tomato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tulip (Joja) Bulbs" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Wheat (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Winterstar Fruit (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Broccoflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cauliflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Corn (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cranberry (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Melon (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Parsnip (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Poppy (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Potato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Pumpkin (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Radish (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Sweet Joja Berry Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tomato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tulip (Joja) Bulbs" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Wheat (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Winterstar Fruit (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Broccoflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cauliflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Corn (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cranberry (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Melon (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Parsnip (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Poppy (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Potato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Pumpkin (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Radish (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Sweet Joja Berry Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tomato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tulip (Joja) Bulbs" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Wheat (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Winterstar Fruit (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Large Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Large Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Large Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Large Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Large Goat Milk" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Large Goat Milk" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Joja Apricrop" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Joja Cherry Cute" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Joja Dwarf Orange" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Joja Peatree" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Joja Applemini" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Joja Pominiature" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:20:50 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/birds
[23:20:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/birds (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack).
[23:20:50 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/Cursors
[23:20:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'VPR Temporary Fix for 1.6' content pack).
[23:20:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[23:20:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Elle's Cat Replacements' content pack).
[23:20:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Elle's New Barn Animals' content pack).
[23:20:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Elle's New Coop Animals' content pack).
[23:20:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'grapeponta's Vanilla Interiors' content pack).
[23:20:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Elle's Seasonal Buildings' content pack).
[23:20:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:20:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack).
[23:20:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[23:20:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Vintage Interface v2 - 1.6 fix' content pack).
[23:20:53 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/Cursors2
[23:20:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors2 (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[23:20:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors2 (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack).
[23:20:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors2 (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[23:20:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors2 (for the 'Vintage Interface v2 - 1.6 fix' content pack).
[23:20:53 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Minigames/TitleButtons
[23:20:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Minigames/TitleButtons (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack).
[23:20:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Minigames/TitleButtons (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[23:20:53 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/GemBird
[23:20:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/GemBird (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack).
[23:20:53 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/parrots
[23:20:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/parrots (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack).
[23:20:53 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/critters
[23:20:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/critters (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack).
[23:20:53 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 7 asset names (LooseSprites/birds, LooseSprites/Cursors, LooseSprites/Cursors2, LooseSprites/GemBird, LooseSprites/parrots, Minigames/TitleButtons, TileSheets/critters).
Propagated 7 core assets (LooseSprites/birds, LooseSprites/Cursors, LooseSprites/Cursors2, LooseSprites/GemBird, LooseSprites/parrots, Minigames/TitleButtons, TileSheets/critters).
[23:20:53 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/TV/CookingChannel
[23:20:53 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Raccoon
[23:20:53 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/MrsRaccoon
[23:20:53 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Gunther
[23:20:53 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Marlon
[23:20:53 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Birdie
[23:20:53 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Fizz
[23:20:53 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Haley_Beach
[23:20:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Haley_Beach (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:20:53 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Pierre_Beach
[23:20:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Pierre_Beach (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:20:53 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Day is starting. Loading config data.
[23:20:53 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Beginning file loading process...
[23:20:53 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All available content packs checked.
[23:20:53 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Loading files from FarmTypeManager/data
[23:20:53 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Validating data from FarmTypeManager/data
[23:20:53 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking for duplicate UniqueAreaIDs...
[23:20:53 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Assigning new UniqueAreaIDs to any blanks or duplicates...
[23:20:53 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Validation complete for data from FarmTypeManager/data
[23:20:53 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking file conditions...
[23:20:53 TRACE Farm Type Manager] FarmTypeManager/data farm data loaded successfully.
[23:20:53 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking for saved objects that went missing overnight.
[23:20:53 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Missing objects: 0. Respawned: 0. Not respawned due to obstructions: 0. Skipped due to missing maps: 0. Skipped due to missing item types: 0.
[23:20:53 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting forage generation for this file: FarmTypeManager/data/LonLon_370981025.json
[23:20:53 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation is disabled for this file.
[23:20:53 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All files and content packs checked. Forage generation process complete.
[23:20:53 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting large object generation for this file: FarmTypeManager/data/LonLon_370981025.json
[23:20:53 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Large object generation is disabled for this file.
[23:20:53 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All files and content packs checked. Large object generation process complete.
[23:20:53 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting ore generation for this file: FarmTypeManager/data/LonLon_370981025.json
[23:20:53 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Ore generation is disabled for this file.
[23:20:53 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All files and content packs checked. Ore spawn process complete.
[23:20:53 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting monster generation for this file: FarmTypeManager/data/LonLon_370981025.json
[23:20:53 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster generation is disabled for this file.
[23:20:53 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All files and content packs checked. Monster generation process complete.
[23:20:53 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 600...
[23:20:53 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 600. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:20:56 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/furnitureFront
[23:20:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/furnitureFront (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[23:20:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/furnitureFront (for the 'grapeponta's Vanilla Interiors' content pack).
[23:21:10 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 610...
[23:21:10 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 610. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:21:19 TRACE game] Applied action [IncrementStat blessingOfWaters 3] from buff 'statue_of_blessings_3'.
[23:21:23 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 620...
[23:21:23 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 620. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:21:24 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[23:21:24 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[23:21:25 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[23:21:31 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 630...
[23:21:31 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 630. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:21:39 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 640...
[23:21:39 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 640. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:21:48 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 650...
[23:21:48 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 650. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:21:56 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 700...
[23:21:56 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 700. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:22:03 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 710...
[23:22:03 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 710. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:22:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[23:22:09 TRACE game] Warping to Coop75d241f8-de8a-4cd9-b393-15c131d7eb9d
[23:22:09 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[23:22:09 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Deluxe Coop
[23:22:12 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 720...
[23:22:12 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 720. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:22:21 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[23:22:21 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[23:22:21 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[23:22:23 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[23:22:23 TRACE game] Warping to Barn604799c2-96c3-4a13-9902-ee13a2948c81
[23:22:24 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[23:22:24 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Deluxe Barn
[23:22:32 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[23:22:32 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[23:22:32 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[23:22:35 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 730...
[23:22:35 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 730. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:22:46 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 740...
[23:22:46 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 740. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:22:53 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 750...
[23:22:53 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 750. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:23:17 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 800...
[23:23:17 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 800. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:23:24 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 810...
[23:23:24 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 810. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:23:52 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 820...
[23:23:52 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 820. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:24:31 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/SecretNotesImages
[23:24:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/SecretNotesImages (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:24:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/SecretNotesImages (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[23:24:31 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1920 Height:1080}
[23:24:35 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 830...
[23:24:35 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 830. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:24:43 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Changing to mod config page for mod furyx639.BetterChests
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests Key to open the menu for accessible chests.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Previous Chest Key to open the previous accessible chests.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Next Chest Key to open the next accessible chests.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Clear Search Key to clear the search bar.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Found Chest Key to open the menu for the nearest found chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Crafting Button Key to open the crafting menu for accessible chests.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash Items Button Key to stash items into accessible chests.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Up Key to scroll up in expanded inventory menus.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Down Key to scroll down in expanded inventory menus.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Page Key to scroll inventory one page at a time.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Key to lock an item so that the item in it will not be transferred or stashed.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Info Key to show or hide chest info.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Collect Items Key to toggle collecting items from the ground.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Search Key to show or hide the search bar.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Key to transfer items into or out of a chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Reverse Key to reverse the direction of item transfer
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Copy Copy the current selection
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Paste Paste into the current selection
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chest Show Arrows Show arrows on the screen to access the next and previous chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Limit Limits the number of chests that can be carried at once.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Amount The amount of slowness applied when carrying chests above the limit.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Limit The number of chests that can be carried before the slowness effect is applied.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hue Steps The number of steps in the hue color picker.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Saturation Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lightness Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hsl Color Picker Placement The placement of the HSL color picker.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Prevent an item from being transferred or stashed.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Hold Lock item key must be held down to lock an item.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Method The filter method used when searching for an item.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Items Determines the info that will be shown when hovering over storages.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Menu Items Determines the info that will be shown in the storage menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Better Chests] Config changed:
AccessChestsShowArrows: True
CarryChestLimit: 3
CarryChestSlowAmount: -1
CarryChestSlowLimit: 1
HslColorPickerHueSteps: 29
HslColorPickerSaturationSteps: 29
HslColorPickerLightnessSteps: 29
HslColorPickerPlacement: Right
LockItem: Default
LockItemHold: True
SearchItemsMethod: GrayedOut
StorageInfoHoverItems: Icon, Name, Type, Capacity, TotalValue
StorageInfoMenuItems: Type, Location, Position, Inventory, TotalItems, UniqueItems, TotalValue
AccessChests: V
AccessNextChest: RightTrigger
AccessPreviousChest: LeftTrigger
ClearSearch: Escape
ConfigureChest: End
LockSlot: LeftAlt
OpenCrafting: K
OpenFoundChest: LeftShift + Enter, RightShift + Enter
ScrollDown: DPadDown
ScrollPage: LeftShift, RightShift
ScrollUp: DPadUp
StashItems: OemPipe
ToggleCollectItems: LeftControl + Space, RightControl + Space
ToggleInfo: LeftShift + OemQuestion, RightShift + OemQuestion
ToggleSearch: LeftControl + F, RightControl + F
TransferItems: LeftShift, RightShift
TransferItemsReverse: LeftAlt, RightAlt

Default Options
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Disabled
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Enabled
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Disabled
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Enabled
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

BigCraftables: 130
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 232
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 256
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 213
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Large
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 248
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: 36
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigStoneChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 165
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 208
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 216
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

Buildings: Junimo Hut
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Mill
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Shipping Bin
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: 36
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Disabled
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Disabled
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

Locations: FarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

Locations: IslandFarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 704
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 709
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 714
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 719
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: GrayJojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: WizardDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JunimoDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: RetroDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2304
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2312
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2322
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2400
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2414
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JungleTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: CCFishTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

[23:25:52 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/BigCraftables'.
[23:25:52 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (BC) cache.
[23:25:52 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/BigCraftables
[23:25:52 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/BigCraftables.
[23:25:52 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/BigCraftables.
[23:25:52 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/BigCraftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/BigCraftables).
[23:25:52 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'.
[23:25:52 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Buildings
[23:25:52 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[23:25:52 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Buildings.
[23:25:52 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Buildings).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Buildings).
[23:25:52 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'.
[23:25:52 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Locations).
Propagated 0 core assets ().
[23:25:52 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Furniture'.
[23:25:52 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (F) cache.
[23:25:52 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Furniture).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Furniture).
[23:25:52 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Furniture
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests Key to open the menu for accessible chests.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Previous Chest Key to open the previous accessible chests.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Next Chest Key to open the next accessible chests.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Clear Search Key to clear the search bar.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Found Chest Key to open the menu for the nearest found chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Crafting Button Key to open the crafting menu for accessible chests.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash Items Button Key to stash items into accessible chests.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Up Key to scroll up in expanded inventory menus.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Down Key to scroll down in expanded inventory menus.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Page Key to scroll inventory one page at a time.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Key to lock an item so that the item in it will not be transferred or stashed.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Info Key to show or hide chest info.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Collect Items Key to toggle collecting items from the ground.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Search Key to show or hide the search bar.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Key to transfer items into or out of a chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Reverse Key to reverse the direction of item transfer
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Copy Copy the current selection
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Paste Paste into the current selection
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chest Show Arrows Show arrows on the screen to access the next and previous chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Limit Limits the number of chests that can be carried at once.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Amount The amount of slowness applied when carrying chests above the limit.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Limit The number of chests that can be carried before the slowness effect is applied.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hue Steps The number of steps in the hue color picker.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Saturation Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lightness Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hsl Color Picker Placement The placement of the HSL color picker.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Prevent an item from being transferred or stashed.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Hold Lock item key must be held down to lock an item.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Method The filter method used when searching for an item.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Items Determines the info that will be shown when hovering over storages.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Menu Items Determines the info that will be shown in the storage menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:25:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:25:52 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/BigCraftables'.
[23:25:52 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (BC) cache.
[23:25:52 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/BigCraftables
[23:25:52 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/BigCraftables.
[23:25:52 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/BigCraftables.
[23:25:52 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/BigCraftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/BigCraftables).
[23:25:52 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'.
[23:25:52 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Buildings
[23:25:52 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[23:25:52 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Buildings.
[23:25:52 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Buildings).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Buildings).
[23:25:52 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'.
[23:25:52 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[23:25:52 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Furniture'.
[23:25:52 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (F) cache.
[23:25:52 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Furniture).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Furniture).
[23:25:52 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Furniture
[23:25:54 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 840...
[23:25:54 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 840. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:26:03 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 850...
[23:26:03 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 850. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:26:06 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[23:26:06 TRACE game] Warping to Greenhouse
[23:26:06 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Locations
[23:26:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations.
[23:26:06 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Locations.
[23:26:06 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[23:26:06 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Greenhouse
[23:26:11 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 900...
[23:26:11 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 900. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:26:41 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/SecretNotesImages
[23:26:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/SecretNotesImages (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:26:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/SecretNotesImages (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[23:26:41 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1920 Height:1080}
[23:27:13 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[23:27:13 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[23:27:14 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[23:27:19 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 910...
[23:27:19 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 910. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:27:23 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[23:27:23 TRACE game] Warping to IslandSouth
[23:27:23 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[23:27:23 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/parrots
[23:27:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/parrots (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack).
[23:27:23 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/WillysBoat
[23:27:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/WillysBoat (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:27:25 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[23:27:25 TRACE game] Warping to IslandWest
[23:27:26 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[23:27:26 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/parrots
[23:27:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/parrots (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack).
[23:27:26 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/SandDuggy
[23:27:29 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 920...
[23:27:29 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 920. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:27:37 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 930...
[23:27:37 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 930. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:27:44 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 940...
[23:27:44 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 940. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:27:51 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 950...
[23:27:51 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 950. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:28:06 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1000...
[23:28:06 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1000. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:28:22 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1010...
[23:28:22 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1010. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:28:54 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1020...
[23:28:54 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1020. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:29:01 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1030...
[23:29:01 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1030. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:29:09 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1040...
[23:29:09 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1040. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:29:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1050...
[23:29:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1050. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:29:36 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1100...
[23:29:36 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1100. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:29:45 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1110...
[23:29:45 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1110. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:30:00 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1120...
[23:30:00 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1120. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:30:07 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1130...
[23:30:07 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1130. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:30:07 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[23:30:07 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Kent
[23:30:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Kent (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:30:07 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Kent
[23:30:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Kent (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:30:07 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Vincent
[23:30:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Vincent (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:30:07 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Vincent
[23:30:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Vincent (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:30:07 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Lewis
[23:30:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Lewis (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:30:07 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Lewis
[23:30:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Lewis (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:30:07 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Demetrius
[23:30:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Demetrius (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:30:07 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Jas
[23:30:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Jas (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:30:07 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Jas
[23:30:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Jas (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:30:07 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 9 asset names (Characters/Jas, Characters/Kent, Characters/Lewis, Characters/Vincent, Portraits/Demetrius, Portraits/Jas, Portraits/Kent, Portraits/Lewis, Portraits/Vincent).
Propagated 9 core assets (Characters/Jas, Characters/Kent, Characters/Lewis, Characters/Vincent, Portraits/Demetrius, Portraits/Jas, Portraits/Kent, Portraits/Lewis, Portraits/Vincent).
[23:30:35 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1140...
[23:30:35 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1140. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:30:50 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1150...
[23:30:50 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1150. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:31:08 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Haley_Beach
[23:31:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Haley_Beach (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:31:08 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Haley_Beach
[23:31:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Haley_Beach (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:31:08 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1200...
[23:31:08 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1200. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:31:10 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Pierre_Beach
[23:31:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Pierre_Beach (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:31:10 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Pierre_Beach
[23:31:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Pierre_Beach (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:31:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1210...
[23:31:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1210. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:31:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1220...
[23:31:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1220. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:31:50 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1230...
[23:31:50 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1230. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:31:57 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1240...
[23:31:57 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1240. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:32:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1250...
[23:32:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1250. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:32:37 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1300...
[23:32:37 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1300. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:33:01 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1310...
[23:33:01 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1310. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:33:08 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1320...
[23:33:08 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1320. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:33:23 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1330...
[23:33:23 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1330. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:33:31 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1340...
[23:33:31 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1340. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:33:52 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1350...
[23:33:52 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1350. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:34:07 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1400...
[23:34:07 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1400. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:34:22 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1410...
[23:34:22 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1410. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:34:30 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1420...
[23:34:30 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1420. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:34:37 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1430...
[23:34:37 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1430. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:34:44 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1440...
[23:34:44 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1440. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:35:10 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1450...
[23:35:10 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1450. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:35:29 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1500...
[23:35:29 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1500. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:35:36 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1510...
[23:35:36 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1510. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:35:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1520...
[23:35:59 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1520. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:36:14 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1530...
[23:36:14 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1530. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:36:22 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1540...
[23:36:22 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1540. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:36:50 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1550...
[23:36:50 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1550. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:36:57 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1600...
[23:36:57 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1600. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:37:04 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1610...
[23:37:04 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1610. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:37:20 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1620...
[23:37:20 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1620. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:37:27 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1630...
[23:37:27 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1630. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:37:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1640...
[23:37:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1640. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:37:41 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1650...
[23:37:41 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1650. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:37:49 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1700...
[23:37:49 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1700. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:38:25 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Changing to mod config page for mod Pathoschild.ChestsAnywhere
[23:38:28 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Changing to mod config page for mod furyx639.BetterChests
[23:38:30 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Changing to mod config page for mod leclair.bettercrafting
[23:40:16 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Changing to mod config page for mod furyx639.BetterChests
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests Key to open the menu for accessible chests.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Previous Chest Key to open the previous accessible chests.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Next Chest Key to open the next accessible chests.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Clear Search Key to clear the search bar.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently held chest.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Found Chest Key to open the menu for the nearest found chest.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Crafting Button Key to open the crafting menu for accessible chests.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash Items Button Key to stash items into accessible chests.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Up Key to scroll up in expanded inventory menus.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Down Key to scroll down in expanded inventory menus.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Page Key to scroll inventory one page at a time.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Key to lock an item so that the item in it will not be transferred or stashed.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Info Key to show or hide chest info.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Collect Items Key to toggle collecting items from the ground.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Search Key to show or hide the search bar.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Key to transfer items into or out of a chest.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Reverse Key to reverse the direction of item transfer
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Copy Copy the current selection
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Paste Paste into the current selection
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chest Show Arrows Show arrows on the screen to access the next and previous chest.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Limit Limits the number of chests that can be carried at once.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Amount The amount of slowness applied when carrying chests above the limit.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Limit The number of chests that can be carried before the slowness effect is applied.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hue Steps The number of steps in the hue color picker.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Saturation Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lightness Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hsl Color Picker Placement The placement of the HSL color picker.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Prevent an item from being transferred or stashed.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Hold Lock item key must be held down to lock an item.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Method The filter method used when searching for an item.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Items Determines the info that will be shown when hovering over storages.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Menu Items Determines the info that will be shown in the storage menu.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:40:52 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:40:52 TRACE Better Chests] Config changed:
AccessChestsShowArrows: True
CarryChestLimit: 3
CarryChestSlowAmount: -1
CarryChestSlowLimit: 1
HslColorPickerHueSteps: 29
HslColorPickerSaturationSteps: 29
HslColorPickerLightnessSteps: 29
HslColorPickerPlacement: Right
LockItem: Default
LockItemHold: True
SearchItemsMethod: GrayedOut
StorageInfoHoverItems: Icon, Name, Type, Capacity, TotalValue
StorageInfoMenuItems: Type, Location, Position, Inventory, TotalItems, UniqueItems, TotalValue
AccessChests: V
AccessNextChest: RightTrigger
AccessPreviousChest: LeftTrigger
ClearSearch: Escape
ConfigureChest: End
LockSlot: LeftAlt
OpenCrafting: K
OpenFoundChest: LeftShift + Enter, RightShift + Enter
ScrollDown: DPadDown
ScrollPage: LeftShift, RightShift
ScrollUp: DPadUp
StashItems: OemPipe
ToggleCollectItems: LeftControl + Space, RightControl + Space
ToggleInfo: LeftShift + OemQuestion, RightShift + OemQuestion
ToggleSearch: LeftControl + F, RightControl + F
TransferItems: LeftShift, RightShift
TransferItemsReverse: LeftAlt, RightAlt

Default Options
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Disabled
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Enabled
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Disabled
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Enabled
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

BigCraftables: 130
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 232
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 256
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 213
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Large
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 248
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: 36
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigStoneChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 165
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 208
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 216
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

Buildings: Junimo Hut
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Mill
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Shipping Bin
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: 36
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Disabled
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Disabled
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

Locations: FarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

Locations: IslandFarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 704
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 709
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 714
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 719
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: GrayJojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: WizardDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JunimoDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: RetroDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2304
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2312
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2322
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2400
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2414
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JungleTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: CCFishTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

[23:40:52 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/BigCraftables'.
[23:40:52 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (BC) cache.
[23:40:52 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/BigCraftables
[23:40:52 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/BigCraftables.
[23:40:52 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/BigCraftables.
[23:40:52 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/BigCraftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/BigCraftables).
[23:40:52 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'.
[23:40:52 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Buildings
[23:40:52 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[23:40:52 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Buildings.
[23:40:52 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Buildings).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Buildings).
[23:40:52 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'.
[23:40:52 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Locations).
Propagated 0 core assets ().
[23:40:52 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Furniture'.
[23:40:52 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (F) cache.
[23:40:52 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Furniture).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Furniture).
[23:40:52 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Furniture
[23:40:52 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Locations
[23:40:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations.
[23:40:52 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Locations.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests Key to open the menu for accessible chests.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Previous Chest Key to open the previous accessible chests.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Next Chest Key to open the next accessible chests.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Clear Search Key to clear the search bar.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently held chest.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Found Chest Key to open the menu for the nearest found chest.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Crafting Button Key to open the crafting menu for accessible chests.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash Items Button Key to stash items into accessible chests.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Up Key to scroll up in expanded inventory menus.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Down Key to scroll down in expanded inventory menus.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Page Key to scroll inventory one page at a time.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Key to lock an item so that the item in it will not be transferred or stashed.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Info Key to show or hide chest info.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Collect Items Key to toggle collecting items from the ground.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Search Key to show or hide the search bar.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Key to transfer items into or out of a chest.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Reverse Key to reverse the direction of item transfer
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Copy Copy the current selection
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Paste Paste into the current selection
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chest Show Arrows Show arrows on the screen to access the next and previous chest.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Limit Limits the number of chests that can be carried at once.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Amount The amount of slowness applied when carrying chests above the limit.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Limit The number of chests that can be carried before the slowness effect is applied.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hue Steps The number of steps in the hue color picker.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Saturation Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lightness Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hsl Color Picker Placement The placement of the HSL color picker.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Prevent an item from being transferred or stashed.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Hold Lock item key must be held down to lock an item.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Method The filter method used when searching for an item.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Items Determines the info that will be shown when hovering over storages.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Menu Items Determines the info that will be shown in the storage menu.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:19 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:19 TRACE Better Chests] Config changed:
AccessChestsShowArrows: True
CarryChestLimit: 3
CarryChestSlowAmount: -1
CarryChestSlowLimit: 1
HslColorPickerHueSteps: 29
HslColorPickerSaturationSteps: 29
HslColorPickerLightnessSteps: 29
HslColorPickerPlacement: Right
LockItem: Default
LockItemHold: True
SearchItemsMethod: GrayedOut
StorageInfoHoverItems: Icon, Name, Type, Capacity, TotalValue
StorageInfoMenuItems: Type, Location, Position, Inventory, TotalItems, UniqueItems, TotalValue
AccessChests: V
AccessNextChest: RightTrigger
AccessPreviousChest: LeftTrigger
ClearSearch: Escape
ConfigureChest: End
LockSlot: LeftAlt
OpenCrafting: K
OpenFoundChest: LeftShift + Enter, RightShift + Enter
ScrollDown: DPadDown
ScrollPage: LeftShift, RightShift
ScrollUp: DPadUp
StashItems: OemPipe
ToggleCollectItems: LeftControl + Space, RightControl + Space
ToggleInfo: LeftShift + OemQuestion, RightShift + OemQuestion
ToggleSearch: LeftControl + F, RightControl + F
TransferItems: LeftShift, RightShift
TransferItemsReverse: LeftAlt, RightAlt

Default Options
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Disabled
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Enabled
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Disabled
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Enabled
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

BigCraftables: 130
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 232
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 256
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 213
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Large
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 248
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: 36
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: BigStoneChest
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 165
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 208
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

BigCraftables: 216
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Enabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

Buildings: Junimo Hut
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Mill
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Disabled
CarryChest: Disabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Disabled
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Disabled
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Buildings: Shipping Bin
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Disabled
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Disabled
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChest: Disabled
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Disabled
OpenHeldChest: Disabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: 36
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Disabled
SortInventory: Disabled
StashToChest: Disabled
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Disabled
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

Locations: FarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Disabled

Locations: IslandFarmHouse
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: World
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Enabled
CarryChest: Enabled
CategorizeChest: Disabled
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Disabled
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Enabled
CookFromChest: World
CraftFromChest: Location
CraftFromChestDistance: -1
HslColorPicker: Disabled
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Enabled
ResizeChest: Medium
ResizeChestCapacity: -1
SearchItems: Disabled
ShopFromChest: Enabled
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Location
StashToChestDistance: -1
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 704
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 709
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 714
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 719
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: GrayJojaDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: WizardDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JunimoDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: RetroDresser
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2304
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2312
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2322
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2400
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: 2414
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: JungleTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

Furniture: CCFishTank
Display Name: An unknown storage type.
AccessChest: Default
AccessChestPriority: 0
AutoOrganize: Default
CarryChest: Default
CategorizeChest: Default
CategorizeChestBlockItems: Default
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks: Default
ChestFinder: Default
CollectItems: Default
ConfigureChest: Default
CookFromChest: Default
CraftFromChest: Default
CraftFromChestDistance: 0
HslColorPicker: Default
InventoryTabs: Default
OpenHeldChest: Default
ResizeChest: Default
ResizeChestCapacity: 0
SearchItems: Default
ShopFromChest: Default
SortInventory: Default
StashToChest: Default
StashToChestDistance: 0
StashToChestPriority: Default
StorageInfo: Default
StorageInfoHover: Default

[23:41:19 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/BigCraftables'.
[23:41:19 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (BC) cache.
[23:41:19 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/BigCraftables
[23:41:19 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/BigCraftables.
[23:41:19 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/BigCraftables.
[23:41:19 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/BigCraftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/BigCraftables).
[23:41:19 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'.
[23:41:19 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Buildings
[23:41:19 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[23:41:19 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Buildings.
[23:41:19 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Buildings).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Buildings).
[23:41:19 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'.
[23:41:19 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Locations).
Propagated 0 core assets ().
[23:41:19 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Furniture'.
[23:41:19 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (F) cache.
[23:41:19 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Furniture).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Furniture).
[23:41:19 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Furniture
[23:41:19 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Locations
[23:41:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations.
[23:41:19 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Locations.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests Key to open the menu for accessible chests.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Previous Chest Key to open the previous accessible chests.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Next Chest Key to open the next accessible chests.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Clear Search Key to clear the search bar.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently held chest.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Found Chest Key to open the menu for the nearest found chest.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Crafting Button Key to open the crafting menu for accessible chests.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash Items Button Key to stash items into accessible chests.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Up Key to scroll up in expanded inventory menus.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Down Key to scroll down in expanded inventory menus.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Scroll Page Key to scroll inventory one page at a time.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Key to lock an item so that the item in it will not be transferred or stashed.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Info Key to show or hide chest info.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Collect Items Key to toggle collecting items from the ground.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle Search Key to show or hide the search bar.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Key to transfer items into or out of a chest.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Transfer Items Reverse Key to reverse the direction of item transfer
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Copy Copy the current selection
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Paste Paste into the current selection
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chest Show Arrows Show arrows on the screen to access the next and previous chest.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Limit Limits the number of chests that can be carried at once.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Amount The amount of slowness applied when carrying chests above the limit.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Slow Limit The number of chests that can be carried before the slowness effect is applied.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hue Steps The number of steps in the hue color picker.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Saturation Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lightness Steps The number of steps in the saturation color picker.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hsl Color Picker Placement The placement of the HSL color picker.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Prevent an item from being transferred or stashed.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Lock Item Hold Lock item key must be held down to lock an item.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Method The filter method used when searching for an item.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Items Determines the info that will be shown when hovering over storages.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Menu Items Determines the info that will be shown in the storage menu.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Access Chests The default range that chests can be remotely accessed from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Auto Organize Automatically stash items into higher priority chests each night.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Carry Chest Allows chests placed in the world to be picked up with their items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Categorize Chest Assign categories to chests which are used for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Chest Finder Search for any chest containing the item you're looking for.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Collect Items Allows chests in player inventory to collect items dropped on the ground (uses categories).
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Configure Chest Configure the currently facing or held chest.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Cook From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely cooked from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Craft From Chest The default range that chests can be remotely crafted from.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving HSL Color Picker Adds an HSL Color Picker for selecting the chest color.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Inventory Tabs Adds tabs to the inventory menu for organizing items.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Open Held Chest Open a currently held Chest and access its contents.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Allow chests to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Resize Chest Menu Allow chest menus to have a customized number of item slots.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Search Items Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest inventory menu.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Shop from Chest Allows chest items to be used when shopping.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory Sort inventory by a configurable sorting method
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort Inventory By The method used to sort the inventory.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Stash to Chest The default range that chests can be remotely stashed into.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Display stats about the relevant storage.
[23:41:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Storage Info Hover Display stats about the relevant storage when hovering over it.
[23:41:22 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/BigCraftables'.
[23:41:22 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (BC) cache.
[23:41:22 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/BigCraftables
[23:41:22 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/BigCraftables.
[23:41:22 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/BigCraftables.
[23:41:22 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/BigCraftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/BigCraftables).
[23:41:22 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'.
[23:41:22 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Buildings
[23:41:22 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[23:41:22 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Buildings.
[23:41:22 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Buildings).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Buildings).
[23:41:22 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'.
[23:41:22 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Locations).
Propagated 0 core assets ().
[23:41:22 TRACE Better Chests] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Furniture'.
[23:41:22 TRACE Better Crafting] [ItemCacheManager] Clearing (F) cache.
[23:41:22 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Furniture).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Furniture).
[23:41:22 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Furniture
[23:41:22 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Locations
[23:41:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations.
[23:41:22 TRACE SMAPI] Better Chests edited Data/Locations.
[23:41:31 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1710...
[23:41:31 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1710. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:41:38 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1720...
[23:41:38 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1720. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:41:46 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1730...
[23:41:46 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1730. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:41:54 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1740...
[23:41:54 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1740. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:42:35 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1750...
[23:42:35 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1750. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:42:37 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Changing to mod config page for mod Pathoschild.ChestsAnywhere
[23:42:43 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Show hover tooltips Whether to show the chest name in a tooltip when you point at a chest.
[23:42:43 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Enable shipping bin Whether to enable access to the shipping bin.
[23:42:43 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Add organize player items button Whether to add an 'organize' button in chest UIs for the player inventory.
[23:42:43 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Range The range at which chests are accessible through the menu.
[23:42:43 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle UI The keys which show or hide the chest UI.
[23:42:43 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Edit chest The keys which edit the options for the current chest.
[23:42:43 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort items The keys which sort items in the current chest.
[23:42:43 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: previous chest The keys which navigate to the previous chest while the menu is open.
[23:42:43 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: next chest The keys which navigate to the next chest while the menu is open.
[23:42:43 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: previous category The keys which navigate to the previous category while the menu is open.
[23:42:43 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: next category The keys which navigate to the next category while the menu is open.
[23:42:43 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hold to scroll categories The keys which, when held, enable scrolling the category dropdown with the mouse scroll wheel.
[23:42:43 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hold to scroll chests The keys which, when held, enable scrolling the chests dropdown with the mouse scroll wheel.
[23:42:43 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Mines and Skull Cavern Whether to disable accessing chests while in the mines or Skull Cavern.
[23:42:43 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Custom location names The internal names (as shown by the Debug Mode mod) for locations from which to disable accessing chests. You can list multiple with commas.
[23:42:53 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Changing to mod config page for mod Pathoschild.ChestsAnywhere
[23:42:55 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Show hover tooltips Whether to show the chest name in a tooltip when you point at a chest.
[23:42:55 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Enable shipping bin Whether to enable access to the shipping bin.
[23:42:55 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Add organize player items button Whether to add an 'organize' button in chest UIs for the player inventory.
[23:42:55 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Range The range at which chests are accessible through the menu.
[23:42:55 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle UI The keys which show or hide the chest UI.
[23:42:55 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Edit chest The keys which edit the options for the current chest.
[23:42:55 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort items The keys which sort items in the current chest.
[23:42:55 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: previous chest The keys which navigate to the previous chest while the menu is open.
[23:42:55 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: next chest The keys which navigate to the next chest while the menu is open.
[23:42:55 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: previous category The keys which navigate to the previous category while the menu is open.
[23:42:55 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: next category The keys which navigate to the next category while the menu is open.
[23:42:55 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hold to scroll categories The keys which, when held, enable scrolling the category dropdown with the mouse scroll wheel.
[23:42:55 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hold to scroll chests The keys which, when held, enable scrolling the chests dropdown with the mouse scroll wheel.
[23:42:55 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Mines and Skull Cavern Whether to disable accessing chests while in the mines or Skull Cavern.
[23:42:55 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Custom location names The internal names (as shown by the Debug Mode mod) for locations from which to disable accessing chests. You can list multiple with commas.
[23:43:05 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1800...
[23:43:05 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1800. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:43:07 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[23:43:07 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[23:43:07 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[23:43:07 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[23:43:07 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Kent
[23:43:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Kent (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:43:07 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Kent
[23:43:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Kent (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:43:07 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Vincent
[23:43:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Vincent (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:43:07 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Vincent
[23:43:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Vincent (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:43:07 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Lewis
[23:43:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Lewis (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:43:07 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Lewis
[23:43:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Lewis (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:43:07 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Demetrius
[23:43:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Demetrius (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:43:07 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Portraits/Jas
[23:43:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Jas (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:43:07 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Jas
[23:43:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Jas (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:43:07 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 9 asset names (Characters/Jas, Characters/Kent, Characters/Lewis, Characters/Vincent, Portraits/Demetrius, Portraits/Jas, Portraits/Kent, Portraits/Lewis, Portraits/Vincent).
Propagated 9 core assets (Characters/Jas, Characters/Kent, Characters/Lewis, Characters/Vincent, Portraits/Demetrius, Portraits/Jas, Portraits/Kent, Portraits/Lewis, Portraits/Vincent).
[23:43:17 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/SecretNotesImages
[23:43:17 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/SecretNotesImages (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:43:17 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/SecretNotesImages (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[23:43:17 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1920 Height:1080}
[23:43:22 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1810...
[23:43:22 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1810. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:43:29 TRACE CJB Cheats Menu] Received menu open key.
[23:43:39 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1820...
[23:43:39 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1820. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:43:46 TRACE CJB Cheats Menu] Received menu open key.
[23:44:03 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1830...
[23:44:03 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1830. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:44:04 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[23:44:04 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[23:44:05 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[23:44:12 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1840...
[23:44:12 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1840. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:44:23 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1850...
[23:44:23 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1850. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:44:33 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1900...
[23:44:33 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1900. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:44:33 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/SecretNotesImages
[23:44:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/SecretNotesImages (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:44:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/SecretNotesImages (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[23:44:33 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1920 Height:1080}
[23:46:31 TRACE CJB Cheats Menu] Received menu open key.
[23:46:32 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Mods/CJBok.CheatsMenu/WarpSections
[23:46:32 TRACE SMAPI] CJB Cheats Menu loaded asset 'Mods/CJBok.CheatsMenu/WarpSections'.
[23:46:32 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Mods/CJBok.CheatsMenu/Warps
[23:46:32 TRACE SMAPI] CJB Cheats Menu loaded asset 'Mods/CJBok.CheatsMenu/Warps'.
[23:46:33 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[23:46:33 TRACE game] Warping to Mountain
[23:46:34 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[23:46:35 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[23:46:35 TRACE game] Warping to ScienceHouse
[23:46:35 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[23:46:37 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[23:46:37 TRACE game] Warping to Mountain
[23:46:37 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[23:46:39 TRACE CJB Cheats Menu] Received menu open key.
[23:46:40 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[23:46:40 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[23:46:41 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[23:46:42 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[23:46:42 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[23:46:43 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[23:46:48 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 1910...
[23:46:48 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 1910. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:46:52 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Day is ending. Processing save data and object expiration settings.
[23:46:52 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Object check complete. Removing 0 missing/expired objects from save data.
[23:46:52 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'NewDay' task...
[23:46:52 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/MrsRaccoon
[23:46:52 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: ChooseNightlyFarmEvent
[23:46:52 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: ShowNightEndMenus
[23:46:52 DEBUG SpaceCore] Doing skill menus
[23:46:52 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[23:46:52 TRACE SMAPI] Context: before save.
[23:46:52 TRACE SpaceCore] Saving custom data
[23:47:00 TRACE game] SaveGame.Save() called.
[23:47:00 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Save' task...
[23:47:00 TRACE game] Saving without compression...
[23:47:01 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[23:47:01 TRACE game] SaveGame.Save() completed without exceptions.
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/summer25
[23:47:04 TRACE SMAPI] Context: after save, starting summer 25 Y2.
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/FarmCave
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Blacksmith
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/BeachNightMarket
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/BugLand
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Desert
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Club
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/WizardHouseBasement
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/AdventureGuild
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/WitchSwamp
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/WitchHut
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/WitchWarpCave
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Summit
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/BathHouse_Entry
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/BathHouse_MensLocker
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/BathHouse_WomensLocker
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/JojaMart
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Greenhouse
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/SkullCave
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Tunnel
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/MermaidHouse
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Submarine
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/MovieTheater
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandSouthEast
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandSouthEastCave
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandEast
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandWestCave1
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandNorthCave1
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandFieldOffice
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/CaptainRoom
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandShrine
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/IslandFarmCave
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Caldera
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/LeoTreeHouse
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/MasteryCave
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/LewisBasement
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar2
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar3
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar4
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar5
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar6
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar7
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Cellar8
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] repopulation took 3ms
[23:47:04 DEBUG Shop Tile Framework] Refreshing stock for all custom shops...
[23:47:04 DEBUG Shop Tile Framework] Generating stock for JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Updating JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 WARN  game] Unknown precondition for event -5005: JojaMember
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cheese Broccoflower" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Smothered Garlic Potatoes" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 WARN  game] Unknown precondition for event -5005: JojaMember
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Broccoflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cauliflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Corn (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cranberry (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Melon (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Parsnip (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Poppy (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Potato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Pumpkin (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Radish (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Sweet Joja Berry Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tomato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tulip (Joja) Bulbs" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Wheat (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Winterstar Fruit (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 WARN  game] Unknown precondition for event -5005: JojaMember
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Broccoflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cauliflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Corn (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cranberry (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Melon (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Parsnip (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Poppy (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Potato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Pumpkin (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Radish (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Sweet Joja Berry Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tomato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tulip (Joja) Bulbs" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Wheat (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Winterstar Fruit (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 WARN  game] Unknown precondition for event -5005: JojaMember
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Broccoflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cauliflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Corn (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cranberry (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Melon (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Parsnip (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Poppy (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Potato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Pumpkin (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Radish (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Sweet Joja Berry Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tomato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tulip (Joja) Bulbs" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Wheat (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Winterstar Fruit (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 WARN  game] Unknown precondition for event -5005: JojaMember
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Broccoflower (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cauliflower (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Corn (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cranberry (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Melon (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Parsnip (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Poppy (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Potato (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Pumpkin (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Radish (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Sweet Joja Berry" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tomato (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tulip (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Wheat (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Winterstar Fruit (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 WARN  game] Unknown precondition for event -5005: JojaMember
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Broccoflower (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cauliflower (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Corn (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cranberry (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Melon (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Parsnip (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Poppy (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Potato (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Pumpkin (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Radish (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Sweet Joja Berry" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tomato (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tulip (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Wheat (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Winterstar Fruit (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 WARN  game] Unknown precondition for event -5005: JojaMember
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Broccoflower (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cauliflower (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Corn (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cranberry (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Melon (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Parsnip (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Poppy (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Potato (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Pumpkin (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Radish (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Sweet Joja Berry" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tomato (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tulip (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Wheat (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Winterstar Fruit (Joja)" could not be added to the shop JojaClearanceSection
[23:47:04 WARN  game] Unknown precondition for event -5005: JojaMember
[23:47:04 DEBUG Shop Tile Framework] Generating stock for ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Updating ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Broccoflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cauliflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Corn (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cranberry (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Melon (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Parsnip (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Poppy (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Potato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Pumpkin (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Radish (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Sweet Joja Berry Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tomato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tulip (Joja) Bulbs" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Wheat (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Winterstar Fruit (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Broccoflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cauliflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Corn (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cranberry (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Melon (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Parsnip (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Poppy (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Potato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Pumpkin (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Radish (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Sweet Joja Berry Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tomato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tulip (Joja) Bulbs" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Wheat (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Winterstar Fruit (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Broccoflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cauliflower (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Corn (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Cranberry (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Melon (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Parsnip (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Poppy (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Potato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Pumpkin (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Radish (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Sweet Joja Berry Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tomato (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Tulip (Joja) Bulbs" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Wheat (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Winterstar Fruit (Joja) Seeds" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Large Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Large Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Large Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Large Brown Egg" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Large Goat Milk" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Large Goat Milk" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Joja Apricrop" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Joja Cherry Cute" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Joja Dwarf Orange" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Joja Peatree" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Joja Applemini" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Object with the name or ID "Joja Pominiature" could not be added to the shop ShanesJojaShop
[23:47:04 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/birds
[23:47:04 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/birds (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack).
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/Cursors2
[23:47:04 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors2 (for the 'Vibrant Pastoral Recolor' content pack).
[23:47:04 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors2 (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack).
[23:47:04 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors2 (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[23:47:04 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors2 (for the 'Vintage Interface v2 - 1.6 fix' content pack).
[23:47:04 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Minigames/TitleButtons
[23:47:04 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Minigames/TitleButtons (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack).
[23:47:05 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Minigames/TitleButtons (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[23:47:05 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading LooseSprites/parrots
[23:47:05 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/parrots (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack).
[23:47:05 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/critters
[23:47:05 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/critters (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack).
[23:47:05 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 5 asset names (LooseSprites/birds, LooseSprites/Cursors2, LooseSprites/parrots, Minigames/TitleButtons, TileSheets/critters).
Propagated 5 core assets (LooseSprites/birds, LooseSprites/Cursors2, LooseSprites/parrots, Minigames/TitleButtons, TileSheets/critters).
[23:47:05 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/TV/CookingChannel
[23:47:05 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Raccoon
[23:47:05 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/MrsRaccoon
[23:47:05 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Gunther
[23:47:05 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Marlon
[23:47:05 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Birdie
[23:47:05 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Dialogue/Fizz
[23:47:05 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Sam_Beach
[23:47:05 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Sam_Beach (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:47:05 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Pierre_Beach
[23:47:05 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Pierre_Beach (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:47:05 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Characters/Penny_Beach
[23:47:05 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Penny_Beach (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:47:05 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Day is starting. Loading config data.
[23:47:05 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Beginning file loading process...
[23:47:05 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All available content packs checked.
[23:47:05 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Loading files from FarmTypeManager/data
[23:47:05 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Validating data from FarmTypeManager/data
[23:47:05 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking for duplicate UniqueAreaIDs...
[23:47:05 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Assigning new UniqueAreaIDs to any blanks or duplicates...
[23:47:05 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Validation complete for data from FarmTypeManager/data
[23:47:05 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking file conditions...
[23:47:05 TRACE Farm Type Manager] FarmTypeManager/data farm data loaded successfully.
[23:47:05 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking for saved objects that went missing overnight.
[23:47:05 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Missing objects: 0. Respawned: 0. Not respawned due to obstructions: 0. Skipped due to missing maps: 0. Skipped due to missing item types: 0.
[23:47:05 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting forage generation for this file: FarmTypeManager/data/LonLon_370981025.json
[23:47:05 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation is disabled for this file.
[23:47:05 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All files and content packs checked. Forage generation process complete.
[23:47:05 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting large object generation for this file: FarmTypeManager/data/LonLon_370981025.json
[23:47:05 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Large object generation is disabled for this file.
[23:47:05 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All files and content packs checked. Large object generation process complete.
[23:47:05 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting ore generation for this file: FarmTypeManager/data/LonLon_370981025.json
[23:47:05 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Ore generation is disabled for this file.
[23:47:05 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All files and content packs checked. Ore spawn process complete.
[23:47:05 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting monster generation for this file: FarmTypeManager/data/LonLon_370981025.json
[23:47:05 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster generation is disabled for this file.
[23:47:05 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All files and content packs checked. Monster generation process complete.
[23:47:05 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 600...
[23:47:05 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 600. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:47:10 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/TV/TipChannel
[23:47:21 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 610...
[23:47:21 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 610. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:47:31 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 620...
[23:47:31 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 620. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:47:31 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[23:47:31 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[23:47:31 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[23:47:46 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 630...
[23:47:46 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 630. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:47:54 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 640...
[23:47:54 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 640. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:48:01 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 650...
[23:48:01 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 650. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:48:09 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 700...
[23:48:09 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 700. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:48:10 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/SecretNotesImages
[23:48:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/SecretNotesImages (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:48:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/SecretNotesImages (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[23:48:10 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1920 Height:1080}
[23:48:15 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[23:48:15 TRACE game] Warping to Coop75d241f8-de8a-4cd9-b393-15c131d7eb9d
[23:48:15 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[23:48:15 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Deluxe Coop
[23:48:20 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[23:48:20 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[23:48:21 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[23:48:23 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[23:48:23 TRACE game] Warping to Barn604799c2-96c3-4a13-9902-ee13a2948c81
[23:48:24 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[23:48:24 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Events/Deluxe Barn
[23:48:27 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 710...
[23:48:27 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 710. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:48:28 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[23:48:28 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[23:48:29 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading Data/Festivals/FestivalDates
[23:48:41 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 720...
[23:48:41 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 720. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:48:48 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 730...
[23:48:48 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 730. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:49:04 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 740...
[23:49:04 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 740. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:49:12 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 750...
[23:49:12 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 750. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:49:19 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 800...
[23:49:19 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 800. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:49:46 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 810...
[23:49:46 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 810. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:49:55 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Changing to mod config page for mod Pathoschild.ChestsAnywhere
[23:49:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Show hover tooltips Whether to show the chest name in a tooltip when you point at a chest.
[23:49:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Enable shipping bin Whether to enable access to the shipping bin.
[23:49:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Add organize player items button Whether to add an 'organize' button in chest UIs for the player inventory.
[23:49:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Range The range at which chests are accessible through the menu.
[23:49:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle UI The keys which show or hide the chest UI.
[23:49:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Edit chest The keys which edit the options for the current chest.
[23:49:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort items The keys which sort items in the current chest.
[23:49:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: previous chest The keys which navigate to the previous chest while the menu is open.
[23:49:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: next chest The keys which navigate to the next chest while the menu is open.
[23:49:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: previous category The keys which navigate to the previous category while the menu is open.
[23:49:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: next category The keys which navigate to the next category while the menu is open.
[23:49:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hold to scroll categories The keys which, when held, enable scrolling the category dropdown with the mouse scroll wheel.
[23:49:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hold to scroll chests The keys which, when held, enable scrolling the chests dropdown with the mouse scroll wheel.
[23:49:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Mines and Skull Cavern Whether to disable accessing chests while in the mines or Skull Cavern.
[23:49:57 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Custom location names The internal names (as shown by the Debug Mode mod) for locations from which to disable accessing chests. You can list multiple with commas.
[23:49:58 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Changing to mod config page for mod Pathoschild.ChestsAnywhere
[23:49:59 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Show hover tooltips Whether to show the chest name in a tooltip when you point at a chest.
[23:49:59 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Enable shipping bin Whether to enable access to the shipping bin.
[23:49:59 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Add organize player items button Whether to add an 'organize' button in chest UIs for the player inventory.
[23:49:59 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Range The range at which chests are accessible through the menu.
[23:49:59 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Toggle UI The keys which show or hide the chest UI.
[23:49:59 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Edit chest The keys which edit the options for the current chest.
[23:49:59 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Sort items The keys which sort items in the current chest.
[23:49:59 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: previous chest The keys which navigate to the previous chest while the menu is open.
[23:49:59 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: next chest The keys which navigate to the next chest while the menu is open.
[23:49:59 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: previous category The keys which navigate to the previous category while the menu is open.
[23:49:59 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Navigate: next category The keys which navigate to the next category while the menu is open.
[23:49:59 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hold to scroll categories The keys which, when held, enable scrolling the category dropdown with the mouse scroll wheel.
[23:49:59 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Hold to scroll chests The keys which, when held, enable scrolling the chests dropdown with the mouse scroll wheel.
[23:49:59 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Mines and Skull Cavern Whether to disable accessing chests while in the mines or Skull Cavern.
[23:49:59 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] saving Custom location names The internal names (as shown by the Debug Mode mod) for locations from which to disable accessing chests. You can list multiple with commas.
[23:50:03 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 820...
[23:50:03 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 820. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:50:28 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 830...
[23:50:28 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 830. Total objects spawned: 0.
[23:50:30 TRACE Event Lookup] Loading TileSheets/SecretNotesImages
[23:50:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/SecretNotesImages (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack).
[23:50:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/SecretNotesImages (for the 'Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP)' content pack).
[23:50:30 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1920 Height:1080}
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