SMAPI log parser
Suggested fixes
- You don't have the Error Handler mod installed. This automatically prevents many game or mod errors. You can reinstall SMAPI to re-add it.
Log info
Stardew Valley: | 1.3.33 on Microsoft Windows 10 Pro |
SMAPI: | 2.10.2 |
Folder: | |
Log started: | 2019-02-12 01:17 UTC ({{localTimeStarted}} your time) |
game 1.3.33 | no errors | ||
SMAPI 2.10.2 | Pathoschild | no errors | |
[DW]EvenMoreDeepWoods 2.0 | Max Vollmer | no errors | |
All Professions 1.4.2 | cantorsdust | no errors | |
Animal Chooser 1.3.1-unofficial.2-pathoschild | stokastic | no errors | |
Animal Social Menu 1.0.1 | spacechase0 | no errors | |
Archaeology House Content Management Helper 1.3 | Felix-Dev | no errors | |
ArtifactSystemFixed 1.0.1 | Ilyaki | no errors | |
Automate 1.11.1 | Pathoschild | no errors | |
Baby Gender Interface 1.2.2 | f4iTh | no errors | |
BeeHouseFix 1.1 | KirbyLink | no errors | |
Better Artisan Good Icons 1.4.3
+ PPJA Default Better Artisan Goods Icon Pack 1.1
(+ 1 content packs)
+ ProjectPopulateJsonAssets
no errors | |
Better Ranching 1.7.1 | Urbanyeti | no errors | |
Better Rarecrows 1.0 | EpicBellyFlop45 | no errors | |
Better RNG 2.7.1 | Zoryn | no errors | |
Better Shop Menu 1.0.2 | spacechase0 | no errors | |
BetterSkullCavernFalling 1.0.1 | Max Vollmer | no errors | |
BusLocations 1.0.6-unofficial.1-pathoschild
+ [BL] Desert 1.0.6-unofficial.1-pathoschild
(+ 1 content packs)
+ Hootless
no errors | |
Carry Chest 1.2.3 | spacechase0 | no errors | |
Chests Anywhere 1.15 | Pathoschild | no errors | |
CJB Cheats Menu 1.18.3 | CJ Bok | no errors | |
CJB Item Spawner 1.11.2 | CJ Bok | no errors | |
Combat Controls 1.1.4 | DJ-STLN | no errors | |
Console Commands 2.10.2 | SMAPI | no errors | |
Content Patcher 1.6.3
+ Ace Buildings Expanded Tilesheets 1.0
(+ 24 content packs)
+ Ace Expanded Cellars Acerbicon 4.5.2 + Ace's Vanilla Decor House and Cabin 3.1.6 + Babies Take After Spouse v1 1.3 + Better TV Dialogue 1.0.1 + Burnt Sienna Wood and Gold Craftables 1.0 + Burnt Sienna Wood and Gold Shipping Bin & Mailbox 1.0 + Burnt Sienna Wood Mushroom Boxes 1.0 + Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion for All Friend-able Characters for Content Patcher 1.2.5 + Eemie's Just A New Map Recolour - CP Conversion 1.3.1 + Elle's Critter and Butterfly Replacements 1.2 + Elle's Junimo Huts 1.0 + Elle's New Barn Animals 1.0 + Elle's New Coop Animals 1.0 + Elle's New Horses 1.3 + Elle's Seasonal Buildings 1.0 + Elle's Seasonal Multiplayer Cabins 1.0 + Elle's Seasonal Shane Coop Replacement 1.0 + FixedHatMouse 1.0.2 + Longhair Cat Replacements for ContentPatcher 1.0 + MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response 2.0 + Ran's Harvest Goddess 1.1.5 + Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher 1.2.6 + Shane's New Job |
+ Acerbicon
+ Acerbicon + Acerbicon + lakoria + TNT + SchrodingersKit + SchrodingersKit + SchrodingersKit + gizzymo + minervamaga and eemiestardew + Elle/Junimods + Elle/Junimods + Elle/Junimods + Elle/Junimods + Elle/Junimods + Elle/Junimods + Elle/Junimods + Elle/Junimods + thingwithwings + Korokos & eLe + MissCoriel + Ran + Tanpoponoko & Various Contributors + Ran 1.1 by Ran |
no errors | |
Custom Farming Automate Bridge 2.10.10 | Platonymous | no errors | |
Custom Farming Redux 2.10.10 | Platonymous | no errors | |
Custom Furniture 0.9.1
+ Barfy's Home Decor 1.4
(+ 2 content packs)
+ Eemie's Classy New Interior 1.0 |
+ barfyscorpion and sylveonne
+ eemiestardew and amariel |
no errors | |
Data Layers 1.5 | Pathoschild | no errors | |
Deep Woods 1.5-beta.1 | Max Vollmer | no errors | |
Deluxe Auto-Grabber 2.5.2-unofficial.2-pathoschild | stokastic | no errors | |
Desert Obelisk 1.5 | Cat | no errors | |
Empty Hands 1.1 | Quicksilver Fox | no errors | |
Entoarox Framework 2.4.2 | Entoarox | no errors | |
Experience Bars 1.2 | spacechase0 | no errors | |
Fast Animations 1.6.2 | Pathoschild | no errors | |
Geode Info Menu 1.4 | Cat | no errors | |
Grass Adjustor 1.0 | Jellypowered | no errors | |
Health Bars 2.7.1 | Zoryn | no errors | |
HoldToBreakGeodes 1.2 | Cat | no errors | |
Horse Whistle Mod 1.2.2 | icepuente | no errors | |
JoysOfEfficiency 1.2.10 | punyo | no errors | |
Json Assets 1.3.1 | spacechase0 | no errors | |
kisekae 2.1.2-unofficial.1-f4ith | Kabigon | no errors | |
Lookup Anything 1.21 | Pathoschild | no errors | |
Magic 0.1.6 | spacechase0 | no errors | |
Mail Order Pigs 1.1.1-unofficial.3-pathoschild | jwdred | no errors | |
More Rings 1.0.3 | spacechase0, ParadigmNomad (sprites) | no errors | |
NoCheatShortCuts 3.0.3 | kulcris | no errors | |
NPC Map Locations 2.3.1 | Bouhm | no errors | |
PelicanFiber 3.1.1-unofficial.4-pathoschild | jwdred | no errors | |
Pony Weight Loss Program 0.8.2 | BadNetCode | no errors | |
Portraiture 1.6.6 | Platonymous | no errors | |
Prairie King Made Easy 1.0.1-unofficial.2-pathoschild | Mucchan | no errors | |
Prismatic Tools 1.7.1-unofficial.6-pathoschild | stokastic | no errors | |
PyTK 1.6.3 | Platonymous | no errors | |
Rotate Toolbar 1.3.2 | Pathoschild | no errors | |
Save Backup 2.10.2 | SMAPI | no errors | |
ScaleUp 1.0.1 | Platonymous | no errors | |
ScrollToBlank 1.2 | Caraxian | no errors | |
Seed Bag 1.2.7 | Platonymous | no errors | |
Seed Catalogue 1.0.3 | spacechase0 | no errors | |
Self Service 0.3.3 | Jarvie.K | no errors | |
SiloReport 0.0.1 | bogie5464 | no errors | |
SkullCavernElevator 1.2.3 | lestoph | no errors | |
Smart Cursor 1.1.1-unofficial.1-pathoschild | stokastic | no errors | |
SpaceCore 1.2.5 | spacechase0 | no errors | |
Spawn Monsters 2.1 | Berisan | no errors | |
Sprint Sprint Sprint 1.0.3 | Jessebot | no errors | |
Stack Everything 2.13 | Cat | no errors | |
StackSplitX 1.5-beta-unofficial.1-phantomgamers | tstaples (aka Catman) | no errors | |
StardewHack 1.0 | bcmpinc | no errors | |
TMXLoader 1.6.3
+ Ran's Goddess Garden 1.1.5
(+ 1 content packs)
+ Ran
no errors | |
Tool Geodes 1.1.4 | spacechase0 | no errors | |
Tool-Upgrade Delivery Service 1.2 | Felix-Dev | no errors | |
Tractor Mod 4.7.3
+ Paritee's John Deere 1.0
(+ 1 content packs)
+ Paritee
no errors | |
UI Info Suite 1.7.23 | Cdaragorn | no errors | |
Vertical Toolbar 1.3.5-unofficial.3-pathoschild | Brandon Marquis Markail Green (Space Baby) | no errors | |
Wear More Rings 1.4 | bcmpinc | no errors |
[09:17:49 INFO SMAPI] SMAPI 2.10.2 with Stardew Valley 1.3.33 on Microsoft Windows 10 Pro [09:17:49 DEBUG SMAPI] Mods go here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods [09:17:49 TRACE SMAPI] Log started at 2019-02-12T01:17:49 UTC [09:17:50 DEBUG SMAPI] Starting game... [09:17:54 TRACE game] setGameMode( 'titleScreenGameMode (0)' ) [09:17:54 TRACE game] Steam logged on: True [09:17:54 TRACE game] Initializing GalaxySDK [09:17:54 TRACE game] Requesting Steam app ticket [09:17:54 TRACE SMAPI] Detecting common issues... [09:17:54 TRACE SMAPI] Loading mod metadata... [09:17:54 TRACE SMAPI] Loading mods... [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] All Professions (AllProfessions\AllProfessions.dll)... [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] Animal Chooser (AnimalChooser\AnimalChooser.dll)... [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore (SpaceCore\SpaceCore.dll)... [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] Loading TiledNet.dll... [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher (Harmony.HarmonyInstance type) in assembly SpaceCore.dll. [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] Loading SpaceCore.dll... [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] Animal Social Menu (AnimalSocialMenu\AnimalSocialMenu.dll)... [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] Archaeology House Content Management Helper (ArchaeologyHouseContentManagementHelper\ArchaeologyHouseContentManagementHelper.dll)... [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher (Harmony.HarmonyInstance type) in assembly ArchaeologyHouseContentManagementHelper.dll. [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] Loading ArchaeologyHouseContentManagementHelper.dll... [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] ArtifactSystemFixed (ArtifactSystemFixed\ArtifactSystemFixed.dll)... [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher (Harmony.HarmonyInstance type) in assembly ArtifactSystemFixed.dll. [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] Loading ArtifactSystemFixed.dll... [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] Automate (Automate\Automate.dll)... [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] Baby Gender Interface (BabyGenderInterface\BabyGenderInterface.dll)... [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] BeeHouseFix (BeeHouseFix\beehousefix.dll)... [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher (Harmony.HarmonyInstance type) in assembly BeeHouseFix.dll. [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] Loading beehousefix.dll... [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher (ContentPatcher\ContentPatcher.dll)... [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] Better TV Dialogue (Better TV Dialogue 1.0.1) [content pack]... [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] Better Artisan Good Icons (BetterArtisanGoodIcons\BetterArtisanGoodIcons.dll)... [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher (Harmony.HarmonyInstance type) in assembly BetterArtisanGoodIcons.dll. [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] Loading BetterArtisanGoodIcons.dll... [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] Better Ranching (BetterRanching\BetterRanching.dll)... [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] Better Rarecrows (BetterRareCrows\BetterRarecrows.dll)... [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher (Harmony.HarmonyInstance type) in assembly BetterRarecrows.dll. [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] Loading BetterRarecrows.dll... [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] Better RNG (BetterRNG\BetterRNG.dll)... [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] Better Shop Menu (BetterShopMenu\BetterShopMenu.dll)... [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] BetterSkullCavernFalling (BetterSkullCavernFalling\BetterSkullCavernFalling.dll)... [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] BusLocations (BusLocations\BusLocations.dll)... [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] Carry Chest (CarryChest\CarryChest.dll)... [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK (PyTK\PyTK.dll)... [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] Loading MoonSharp.Interpreter.dll... [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] Loading NCalc.dll... [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] Loading DotNetZip.dll... [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher (Harmony.HarmonyInstance type) in assembly PyTK.dll. [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] Loading PyTK.dll... [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Farming Redux (CustomFarmingRedux\CustomFarmingRedux.dll)... [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Farming Automate Bridge (CFAutomate\CFAutomate.dll)... [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] Chests Anywhere (ChestsAnywhere\ChestsAnywhere.dll)... [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] CJB Cheats Menu (CJBCheatsMenu\CJBCheatsMenu.dll)... [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] CJB Item Spawner (CJBItemSpawner\CJBItemSpawner.dll)... [09:17:55 TRACE SMAPI] Combat Controls (CombatControls\CombatControls.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Console Commands (ConsoleCommands\ConsoleCommands.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Furniture (CustomFurniture\CustomFurniture.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher (Harmony.HarmonyInstance type) in assembly CustomFurniture.dll. [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Loading CustomFurniture.dll... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Data Layers (DataLayers\DataLayers.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Deep Woods (DeepWoodsMod\DeepWoodsMod.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Loading MaxVollmer.StardewValley.DeepWoodsMod.API.dll... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Loading DeepWoodsMod.dll... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Deluxe Auto-Grabber (DeluxeGrabber\DeluxeGrabber.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Desert Obelisk (DesertObelisk\DesertObelisk.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Elle's Seasonal Buildings (Elle's Buildings [Seasonal] [Elle's Palette]) [content pack]... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Elle's Seasonal Multiplayer Cabins (Elle's Cabins [Seasonal] [Elle's Palette]) [content pack]... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Elle's Critter and Butterfly Replacements (Elle's Critter and Butterfly Replacements) [content pack]... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Elle's Junimo Huts (Elle's Junimo Huts [Seasonal] [Elle's Palette]) [content pack]... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Elle's Seasonal Shane Coop Replacement (Elle's Shane's Coop [Seasonal] [Elle's Palette]) [content pack]... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Empty Hands (EmptyHands\EmptyHands.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Entoarox Framework (EntoaroxFramework\EntoaroxFramework.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Detected possible save serialiser change (StardewValley.SaveGame.serializer field) in assembly EntoaroxFramework.dll. [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Detected possible save serialiser change (StardewValley.SaveGame.farmerSerializer field) in assembly EntoaroxFramework.dll. [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Detected possible save serialiser change (StardewValley.SaveGame.locationSerializer field) in assembly EntoaroxFramework.dll. [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Experience Bars (ExperienceBars\ExperienceBars.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Fast Animations (FastAnimations\FastAnimations.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Geode Info Menu (GeodeInfoMenu\GeodeInfoMenu.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Grass Adjustor (GrassChance\GrassChance.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Health Bars (HealthBars\HealthBars.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] HoldToBreakGeodes (HoldToBreakGeodes\HoldToBreakGeodes.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Horse Whistle Mod (HorseWhistle\HorseWhistle.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] JoysOfEfficiency (JoysOfEfficiency\JoysOfEfficiency.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher (Harmony.HarmonyInstance type) in assembly JoysOfEfficiency.dll. [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Loading JoysOfEfficiency.dll... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets (JsonAssets\JsonAssets.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher (Harmony.HarmonyInstance type) in assembly JsonAssets.dll. [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Loading JsonAssets.dll... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] kisekae (Kisekae\kisekae.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Lookup Anything (LookupAnything\LookupAnything.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Magic (Magic\Magic.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Mail Order Pigs (MailOrderPigs\MailOrderPigs.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] More Rings (MoreRings\MoreRings.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] NoCheatShortCuts (NoCheatShortCuts\NoCheatShortCuts.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] NPC Map Locations (NPCMapLocations\NPCMapLocations.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod (TractorMod\TractorMod.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Paritee's John Deere (Paritee's John Deere Tractor) [content pack]... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] PelicanFiber (PelicanFiber\PelicanFiber.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Pony Weight Loss Program (PonyWeightLossProgram\PonyWeightLossProgram.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Portraiture (Portraiture\Portraiture.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher (Harmony.HarmonyInstance type) in assembly Portraiture.dll. [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Loading Portraiture.dll... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Prairie King Made Easy (PrairieKingMadeEasy\PrairieKingMadeEasy.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools (PrismaticTools\PrismaticTools.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher (Harmony.HarmonyInstance type) in assembly PrismaticTools.dll. [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Loading PrismaticTools.dll... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Rotate Toolbar (RotateToolbar\RotateToolbar.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Save Backup (SaveBackup\SaveBackup.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] ScaleUp (ScaleUp\ScaleUp.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher (Harmony.HarmonyInstance type) in assembly ScaleUp.dll. [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Loading ScaleUp.dll... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] ScrollToBlank (ScrollToBlank\ScrollToBlank.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Seed Bag (SeedBag\SeedBag.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Seed Catalogue (SeedCatalogue\SeedCatalogue.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Self Service (SelfService\SelfService.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] SiloReport (SiloReport\SiloReport.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] SkullCavernElevator (SkullCavernElevator\SkullCavernElevator.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Smart Cursor (SmartCursor\SmartCursor.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Spawn Monsters (Spawn Monsters\Spawn Monsters.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Sprint Sprint Sprint (Sprint\Sprint.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Stack Everything (StackEverything\StackEverything.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher (Harmony.HarmonyInstance type) in assembly StackEverything.dll. [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Loading StackEverything.dll... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] StackSplitX (StackSplitX\StackSplitX.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] StardewHack (StardewHack\StardewHack.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher (Harmony.HarmonyInstance type) in assembly StardewHack.dll. [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Loading StardewHack.dll... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader (TMXLoader\TMXLoader.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher (Harmony.HarmonyInstance type) in assembly TMXLoader.dll. [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Loading TMXLoader.dll... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Tool Geodes (ToolGeodes\ToolGeodes.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher (Harmony.HarmonyInstance type) in assembly ToolGeodes.dll. [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Loading ToolGeodes.dll... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Tool-Upgrade Delivery Service (ToolUpgradeDeliveryService\ToolUpgradeDeliveryService.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] UI Info Suite (UI Info Suite\UIInfoSuite.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Vertical Toolbar (VerticalToolbar\VerticalToolbar.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Wear More Rings (WearMoreRings\WearMoreRings.dll)... [09:17:56 TRACE SMAPI] Rewriting WearMoreRings.dll for OS... [09:17:57 TRACE SMAPI] PPJA Default Better Artisan Goods Icon Pack ([BAGI] PPJA Default Icon Pack) [content pack]... [09:17:57 TRACE SMAPI] [BL] Desert ([BL] Desert) [content pack]... [09:17:57 TRACE SMAPI] Barfy's Home Decor ([CF] Barfy's Decor) [content pack]... [09:17:57 TRACE SMAPI] Eemie's Classy New Interior ([CF] Eemie's Classy New Furniture) [content pack]... [09:17:57 TRACE SMAPI] Ace Buildings Expanded Tilesheets ([CP] Ace Buildings Expanded Tilesheets) [content pack]... [09:17:57 TRACE SMAPI] Ace Expanded Cellars Acerbicon ([CP] Ace Expanded Cellars - Acerbicon) [content pack]... [09:17:57 TRACE SMAPI] Ace's Vanilla Decor House and Cabin ([CP] Ace's House Vanilla) [content pack]... [09:17:57 TRACE SMAPI] Babies Take After Spouse v1 ([CP] Babies Take After Spouse v1) [content pack]... [09:17:57 TRACE SMAPI] Burnt Sienna Wood and Gold Craftables ([CP] Burnt Sienna Wood and Gold Craftables) [content pack]... [09:17:57 TRACE SMAPI] Burnt Sienna Wood and Gold Shipping Bin & Mailbox ([CP] Burnt Sienna Wood and Gold Shipping Bin & Mailbox) [content pack]... [09:17:57 TRACE SMAPI] Burnt Sienna Wood Mushroom Boxes ([CP] Burnt Sienna Wood Mushroom Boxes) [content pack]... [09:17:57 TRACE SMAPI] Eemie's Just A New Map Recolour - CP Conversion ([CP] Eemie's Map Recolors) [content pack]... [09:17:57 TRACE SMAPI] Elle's New Barn Animals ([CP] Elle's New Barn Animals) [content pack]... [09:17:57 TRACE SMAPI] Elle's New Coop Animals ([CP] Elle's New Coop Animals) [content pack]... [09:17:57 TRACE SMAPI] Elle's New Horses ([CP] Elle's New Horses) [content pack]... [09:17:57 TRACE SMAPI] FixedHatMouse ([CP] Fixed Hat Mouse) [content pack]... [09:17:57 TRACE SMAPI] Longhair Cat Replacements for ContentPatcher ([CP] Longhair Cat Replacements) [content pack]... [09:17:57 TRACE SMAPI] Ran's Harvest Goddess ([CP] Ran's Harvest Goddess 1.1.5) [content pack]... [09:17:57 TRACE SMAPI] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher ([CP] Seasonal Villager Outfits) [content pack]... [09:17:57 TRACE SMAPI] Shane's New Job by Ran ([CP] Shane's New Job by Ran 1.1.0) [content pack]... [09:17:57 TRACE SMAPI] Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion for All Friend-able Characters for Content Patcher ([CP] Stardew Valley Dialogue Expansion) [content pack]... [09:17:57 TRACE SMAPI] MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response ([CP]UniqueDatingResponses) [content pack]... [09:17:57 TRACE SMAPI] [DW]EvenMoreDeepWoods ([DW]EvenMoreDeepWoods\EvenMoreDeepWoods.dll)... [09:17:57 TRACE SMAPI] Loading EvenMoreDeepWoods.dll... [09:17:57 TRACE SMAPI] Ran's Goddess Garden ([TMX] Ran's Goddess Garden) [content pack]... [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Loaded 77 mods: [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] [DW]EvenMoreDeepWoods 2.0 by Max Vollmer | Adds seasonal foragables and a few more things for clearings to the DeepWoods. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] All Professions 1.4.2 by cantorsdust | Gives you all possible professions when you level up, instead of just the one chosen. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Animal Chooser 1.3.1-unofficial.2-pathoschild by stokastic | Allows manual selection of animal colour for cows and chickens [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Animal Social Menu 1.0.1 by spacechase0 | Social menu for animals. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Archaeology House Content Management Helper 1.3 by Felix-Dev | Improves management of the Library/Museum. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] ArtifactSystemFixed 1.0.1 by Ilyaki | Fixes bugs with the artifact system, and replaces the RNG drop system with weighted probabilities. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Automate 1.11.1 by Pathoschild | Lets you automate crafting machines, fruit trees, and more by connecting them to chests. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Baby Gender Interface 1.2.2 by f4iTh | Lets you choose the gender of babies as they're born. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] BeeHouseFix 1.1 by KirbyLink | Fixes bug preventing top/bottom right tiles of bee house radius to not be checked for flowers. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Better Artisan Good Icons 1.4.3 by Cat | Makes jelly, pickles, wine, juice, and honey icons be based on the fruit, vegetable, or flower used to make them. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Better Ranching 1.7.1 by Urbanyeti | Prevents failed milk/shear attempts and displays when animals can be milked/sheared and petted. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Better Rarecrows 1.0 by EpicBellyFlop45 | Once all rarecrows have been placed, you will not get crows anywhere on the farm [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Better RNG 2.7.1 by Zoryn | Makes the game's randomness more random. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Better Shop Menu 1.0.2 by spacechase0 | Adds buttons to filter shops by category, and sort by item name or price. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] BetterSkullCavernFalling 1.0.1 by Max Vollmer | Replaces the disruptive 'you've fallen x levels' popups with non-disruptive HUD messages. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] BusLocations 1.0.6-unofficial.1-pathoschild by Hootless | A framework that lets modders dynamically add new locations for the bus to go to. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Carry Chest 1.2.3 by spacechase0 | Carry chests with their contents. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Chests Anywhere 1.15 by Pathoschild | Access your chests from anywhere and organise them your way. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] CJB Cheats Menu 1.18.3 by CJ Bok | Simple in-game cheats menu! [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] CJB Item Spawner 1.11.2 by CJ Bok | Simple in-game item spawner! [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Combat Controls 1.1.4 by DJ-STLN | A fix to the game controls that turns the character in the direction of your MouseClick. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Console Commands 2.10.2 by SMAPI | Adds SMAPI console commands that let you manipulate the game. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Content Patcher 1.6.3 by Pathoschild | Loads content packs which edit game data and images without changing the game files. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Custom Farming Automate Bridge 2.10.10 by Platonymous | Allows Custom Farming to work with Automate [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Custom Farming Redux 2.10.10 by Platonymous | Mod for Custom Machine creation. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Custom Furniture 0.9.1 by Platonymous | Helper Mod for Custom Furniture creation. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Data Layers 1.5 by Pathoschild | Overlays the world with visual data like accessibility, bee/Junimo/scarecrow/sprinkler coverage, etc. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Deep Woods 1.5-beta.1 by Max Vollmer | Adds an explorable forest to the secret woods. How deep does it go? [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Deluxe Auto-Grabber 2.5.2-unofficial.2-pathoschild by stokastic | Allows use of autograbber for coops, crops, and forage [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Desert Obelisk 1.5 by Cat | Adds a desert obelisk that warps you to the desert! [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Empty Hands 1.1 by Quicksilver Fox | Don't want to scare off people by swinging your scythe under their noses? Keep your hands empty! [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Entoarox Framework 2.4.2 by Entoarox | A collection of APIs to make modding easier. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Experience Bars 1.2 by spacechase0 | Shows experience bars in the top-left corner. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Fast Animations 1.6.2 by Pathoschild | Speeds up many animations in the game (configurable via config.json). [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Geode Info Menu 1.4 by Cat | Press the activation key to open up a menu with information about future geode openings! [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Grass Adjustor 1.0 by Jellypowered | Configurable Grass Growth [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Health Bars 2.7.1 by Zoryn | Shows monster health bars. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] HoldToBreakGeodes 1.2 by Cat | Hold left click/<gamepad key> to continuously break geodes. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Horse Whistle Mod 1.2.2 by icepuente | Press V to call your horse to any outdoor location with an audible whistle. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] JoysOfEfficiency 1.2.10 by punyo | Utility set to make gameplay more efficient [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Json Assets 1.3.1 by spacechase0 | Allow custom stuff. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] kisekae 2.1.2-unofficial.1-f4ith by Kabigon | Modified version (works with SDV 1.3) of GetDressed which that lets you edit your character's appearance. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Lookup Anything 1.21 by Pathoschild | View metadata about anything by pressing a button. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Magic 0.1.6 by spacechase0 | Magic! [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Mail Order Pigs 1.1.1-unofficial.3-pathoschild by jwdred | Order animals over the internet! [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] More Rings 1.0.3 by spacechase0, ParadigmNomad (sprites) | Adds more ring types. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] NoCheatShortCuts 3.0.3 by kulcris | Shortcuts without cheating [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] NPC Map Locations 2.3.1 by Bouhm | Shows NPCs and farmers on the map. Uses a modified map page for accurate tracking. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] PelicanFiber 3.1.1-unofficial.4-pathoschild by jwdred | Order stuff over the internet, and save all kinds of money! [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Pony Weight Loss Program 0.8.2 by BadNetCode | Allows horses to pass vertically through single tile openings [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Portraiture 1.6.6 by Platonymous | Helper Mod for Portraits. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Prairie King Made Easy 1.0.1-unofficial.2-pathoschild by Mucchan | Adds cheat options for the 'Journey of the Prairie King' minigame. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Prismatic Tools 1.7.1-unofficial.6-pathoschild by stokastic | Adds prismatic tools and sprinklers to the game. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] PyTK 1.6.3 by Platonymous | Platonymous Toolkit [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Rotate Toolbar 1.3.2 by Pathoschild | Rotate the toolbar by pressing a button. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Save Backup 2.10.2 by SMAPI | Automatically backs up all your saves once per day into its folder. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] ScaleUp 1.0.1 by Platonymous | Allows adding higher resolution textures via ContentPatcher [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] ScrollToBlank 1.2 by Caraxian | Allow Scrolling to Blank Slots on Hotbar. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Seed Bag 1.2.7 by Platonymous | Adds a Seed Bag to the Game [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Seed Catalogue 1.0.3 by spacechase0 | A shopping catalogue for out-of-season seeds. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Self Service 0.3.3 by Jarvie.K | allows you to buy stuff while shop is open, with or without someone at the counter [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] SiloReport 0.0.1 by bogie5464 | Daily report in chat of how much hay left [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] SkullCavernElevator 1.2.3 by lestoph | Elevator for the Skull Cavern [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Smart Cursor 1.1.1-unofficial.1-pathoschild by stokastic | Allows smart targeting of adjacent 8 tiles [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] SpaceCore 1.2.5 by spacechase0 | Required by a few mods. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Spawn Monsters 2.1 by Berisan | Spawn any monster you want, anywhere you want! [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Sprint Sprint Sprint 1.0.3 by Jessebot | Configurable keybinds for sprinting and walking [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Stack Everything 2.13 by Cat | Lets you stack BigCraftables (scarecrows, furnaces, casks, etc), Furniture, and Wallpapers up to 999. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] StackSplitX 1.5-beta-unofficial.1-phantomgamers by tstaples (aka Catman) | Custom Stack splitting. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] StardewHack 1.0 by bcmpinc | Library mod used by my other mods. Doesn't do much on its own. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] TMXLoader 1.6.3 by Platonymous | Load TMX Maps into the Game [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Tool Geodes 1.1.4 by spacechase0 | Apply geodes to tools for special effects. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Tool-Upgrade Delivery Service 1.2 by Felix-Dev | Clint sends you a mail when he finished upgrading your tool. Tool included. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Tractor Mod 4.7.3 by Pathoschild | Lets you buy a tractor to more efficiently work with crops, clear twigs and rocks, etc. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] UI Info Suite 1.7.23 by Cdaragorn | Adds a lot of useful information to the user interface. This is based on Demiacle's excellent UIModSuite. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Vertical Toolbar 1.3.5-unofficial.3-pathoschild by Brandon Marquis Markail Green (Space Baby) | Enables an extra vertical bar [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Wear More Rings 1.4 by bcmpinc | Adds 4 additional ring slots to your inventory. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Loaded 30 content packs: [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] [BL] Desert 1.0.6-unofficial.1-pathoschild by Hootless | for BusLocations | Example content pack for BusLocations, which adds the Desert as a destination. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Ace Buildings Expanded Tilesheets 1.0 by Acerbicon | for Content Patcher | Loads the Tilesheets for all of my building mods [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Ace Expanded Cellars Acerbicon 4.5.2 by Acerbicon | for Content Patcher [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Ace's Vanilla Decor House and Cabin 3.1.6 by Acerbicon | for Content Patcher | Modifies the interior of the player house. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Babies Take After Spouse v1 1.3 by lakoria | for Content Patcher | Changes the baby and toddler spritesheets based on your spouse. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Barfy's Home Decor 1.4 by barfyscorpion and sylveonne | for Custom Furniture | A CF pack containing barfy's furniture replacements. Converted from an XNB mod by sylveonne. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Better TV Dialogue 1.0.1 by TNT | for Content Patcher | Changes the TV dialogue, to contain more enthusiasm, or to change from the original text [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Burnt Sienna Wood and Gold Craftables 1.0 by SchrodingersKit | for Content Patcher | Recolors craftables with a rich burnt sienna and gold palette, akin to the chest you find in the mines [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Burnt Sienna Wood and Gold Shipping Bin & Mailbox 1.0 by SchrodingersKit | for Content Patcher | Recolors the shipping bin and mailbox to match my Burnt Sienna Wood and Gold set~ [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Burnt Sienna Wood Mushroom Boxes 1.0 by SchrodingersKit | for Content Patcher | Recolors the mushroom box from green to a burnt sienna wood [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion for All Friend-able Characters for Content Patcher 1.2.5 by gizzymo | for Content Patcher | Adds about 2400 new lines of dialogue across all 33 characters who have a heart level - Content Patcher version [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Eemie's Classy New Interior 1.0 by eemiestardew and amariel | for Custom Furniture | A CF pack containing eemie's classy new interior furniture, converted by amariel [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Eemie's Just A New Map Recolour - CP Conversion 1.3.1 by minervamaga and eemiestardew | for Content Patcher | A conversion of Eemie's map palette mod [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Elle's Critter and Butterfly Replacements 1.2 by Elle/Junimods | for Content Patcher | Replaces everything in critters.xnb! [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Elle's Junimo Huts 1.0 by Elle/Junimods | for Content Patcher | A replacement for your junimo huts! [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Elle's New Barn Animals 1.0 by Elle/Junimods | for Content Patcher | A CP replacement for all your barn animals! [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Elle's New Coop Animals 1.0 by Elle/Junimods | for Content Patcher | A CP replacement for all your coop animals! [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Elle's New Horses 1.3 by Elle/Junimods | for Content Patcher | A CP replacement for your horse! [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Elle's Seasonal Buildings 1.0 by Elle/Junimods | for Content Patcher | A replacement for all buildings on your farm for each season! [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Elle's Seasonal Multiplayer Cabins 1.0 by Elle/Junimods | for Content Patcher | A replacement for all multiplayer cabins for each season! [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Elle's Seasonal Shane Coop Replacement 1.0 by Elle/Junimods | for Content Patcher | A replacement for the coop Shane builds when you're married! [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] FixedHatMouse 1.0.2 by thingwithwings | for Content Patcher | Gives the Hat Mouse a better, nicer home, just like they deserve [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Longhair Cat Replacements for ContentPatcher 1.0 by Korokos & eLe | for Content Patcher | A collection of longhair cat replacements for ContentPatcher [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response 2.0 by MissCoriel | for Content Patcher | Adds unique dialogue to static dialogue. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Paritee's John Deere 1.0 by Paritee | for Tractor Mod | Replaces the default tractor skin with a John Deere tractor skin [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] PPJA Default Better Artisan Goods Icon Pack 1.1 by ProjectPopulateJsonAssets | for Better Artisan Good Icons | A collection of artisan good sprites that match the PPJA Icon Pack collection for the default crops. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Ran's Goddess Garden 1.1.5 by Ran | for TMXLoader | Spouse Room for Harvest Goddess [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Ran's Harvest Goddess 1.1.5 by Ran | for Content Patcher | Custom NPC replacement for the wizard [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher 1.2.6 by Tanpoponoko & Various Contributors | for Content Patcher | Changes what the villagers wear to match the season. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Shane's New Job by Ran 1.1 by Ran | for Content Patcher | Give Shane a new job after Joja [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Found 26 mods with warnings: [09:17:57 WARN SMAPI] Changed save serialiser [09:17:57 WARN SMAPI] -------------------------------------------------- [09:17:57 WARN SMAPI] These mods change the save serialiser. They may corrupt your save files, or make them unusable if [09:17:57 WARN SMAPI] you uninstall these mods. [09:17:57 WARN SMAPI] - Entoarox Framework [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] Patched game code [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] -------------------------------------------------- [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] These mods directly change the game code. They're more likely to cause errors or bugs in-game; if [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] your game has issues, try removing these first. Otherwise you can ignore this warning. [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] - SpaceCore [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] - Archaeology House Content Management Helper [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] - ArtifactSystemFixed [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] - BeeHouseFix [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] - Better Artisan Good Icons [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] - Better Rarecrows [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] - PyTK [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] - Custom Furniture [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] - JoysOfEfficiency [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] - Json Assets [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] - Portraiture [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] - Prismatic Tools [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] - ScaleUp [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] - Stack Everything [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] - StardewHack [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] - TMXLoader [09:17:57 INFO SMAPI] - Tool Geodes [09:17:57 DEBUG SMAPI] No update keys [09:17:57 DEBUG SMAPI] -------------------------------------------------- [09:17:57 DEBUG SMAPI] These mods have no update keys in their manifest. SMAPI may not notify you about updates for these [09:17:57 DEBUG SMAPI] mods. Consider notifying the mod authors about this problem. [09:17:57 DEBUG SMAPI] - Grass Adjustor [09:17:57 DEBUG SMAPI] - ScrollToBlank [09:17:57 DEBUG SMAPI] - PPJA Default Better Artisan Goods Icon Pack [09:17:57 DEBUG SMAPI] - Burnt Sienna Wood and Gold Craftables [09:17:57 DEBUG SMAPI] - Burnt Sienna Wood and Gold Shipping Bin & Mailbox [09:17:57 DEBUG SMAPI] - Burnt Sienna Wood Mushroom Boxes [09:17:57 DEBUG SMAPI] - Longhair Cat Replacements for ContentPatcher [09:17:57 DEBUG SMAPI] - [DW]EvenMoreDeepWoods [09:17:57 TRACE All Professions] Using a custom data.json file (MD5 hash: 96ce300a1594352b936e70e41f1355df). [09:17:57 TRACE SpaceCore] Doing prefix patch Void dayUpdate(StardewValley.GameLocation, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2):Boolean Prefix(StardewValley.TerrainFeatures.HoeDirt, StardewValley.GameLocation, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2)... [09:17:57 TRACE SpaceCore] Doing postfix patch StardewValley.Events.FarmEvent pickFarmEvent():Void Postfix(StardewValley.Events.FarmEvent ByRef)... [09:17:57 TRACE SpaceCore] Doing transpiler patch Void <showEndOfNightStuff>b__519_0():System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[Harmony.CodeInstruction] Transpiler(System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator, System.Reflection.MethodBase, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[Harmony.CodeInstruction])... [09:17:57 TRACE SpaceCore] Doing postfix patch Void doneEating():Void Postfix(StardewValley.Farmer)... [09:17:57 TRACE SpaceCore] Doing prefix patch Void drawDuringUse(Int32, Int32, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2, StardewValley.Farmer, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle, Int32, Boolean):Boolean Prefix(Int32, Int32, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2, StardewValley.Farmer, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle, Int32, Boolean)... [09:17:57 TRACE SpaceCore] Doing prefix patch Void processIncomingMessage(StardewValley.Network.IncomingMessage):Boolean Prefix(StardewValley.Multiplayer, StardewValley.Network.IncomingMessage)... [09:17:57 TRACE SpaceCore] Doing prefix patch Boolean performAction(System.String, StardewValley.Farmer, xTile.Dimensions.Location):Boolean Prefix(StardewValley.GameLocation, System.String, StardewValley.Farmer, xTile.Dimensions.Location)... [09:17:57 TRACE SpaceCore] Doing prefix patch Void performTouchAction(System.String, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2):Boolean Prefix(StardewValley.GameLocation, System.String, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2)... [09:17:57 TRACE SpaceCore] Doing postfix patch Void sendServerIntroductionview parsed log | download