SMAPI log parser

Suggested fixes

  • You don't have the Error Handler mod installed. This automatically prevents many game or mod errors. You can reinstall SMAPI to re-add it.

Log info

Game info:
Stardew Valley: 1.2.33 on Microsoft Windows 10 Home
SMAPI: 2.5.5
Log started: 2018-04-18 20:19 UTC ({{localTimeStarted}} your time)

Installed mods:
game 1.2.33 no errors
SMAPI 2.5.5 Pathoschild no errors
Advanced Location Loader 1.4.2 Entoarox 4 errors
ContentPatcher 1.3.1 Pathoschild no errors
Custom Element Handler 1.5.1 Platonymous no errors
Custom Farm Types 1.1.7 spacechase0 no errors
Custom Farming Redux 2.5.2 Platonymous no errors
Entoarox Framework 2.4 Entoarox no errors
Json Assets 1.1 spacechase0 no errors
MailFramework 1.2 Digus no errors
PyTK 0.8.3 Platonymous no errors
Seasonal Immersion 1.12 Entoarox no errors
SpaceCore 1.1.1 spacechase0 no errors
Xnb Loader 1.1.10 Entoarox no errors
[22:19:30 INFO  SMAPI] SMAPI 2.5.5 with Stardew Valley 1.2.33 on Microsoft Windows 10 Home
[22:19:30 DEBUG SMAPI] Mods go here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods
[22:19:30 TRACE SMAPI] Log started at 2018-04-18T20:19:30 UTC
[22:19:30 TRACE SMAPI] Overriding content manager...
[22:19:30 TRACE SMAPI] Starting game...
[22:19:34 TRACE SMAPI] Detecting common issues...
[22:19:34 TRACE SMAPI] Loading mod metadata...
[22:19:34 TRACE SMAPI] Loading mods...
[22:19:34 TRACE SMAPI] Loading Entoarox Framework from !EntoaroxFramework\EntoaroxFramework.dll...
[22:19:35 TRACE SMAPI]    Detected possible save serialiser change (StardewValley.SaveGame.serializer field) in assembly EntoaroxFramework.dll.
[22:19:35 WARN  SMAPI] Entoarox Framework seems to change the save serialiser. It may change your saves in such a way that they won't work without this mod in the future.
[22:19:35 TRACE SMAPI]    Detected possible save serialiser change (StardewValley.SaveGame.farmerSerializer field) in assembly EntoaroxFramework.dll.
[22:19:35 TRACE SMAPI]    Detected possible save serialiser change (StardewValley.SaveGame.locationSerializer field) in assembly EntoaroxFramework.dll.
[22:19:35 TRACE SMAPI] Loading Advanced Location Loader from AdvancedLocationLoader\AdvancedLocationLoader.dll...
[22:19:35 TRACE SMAPI]    Detected reference to StardewModdingAPI.Events.SpecialisedEvents.UnvalidatedUpdateTick event in assembly AdvancedLocationLoader.dll.
[22:19:35 WARN  SMAPI] Advanced Location Loader uses a specialised SMAPI event that may crash the game or corrupt your save file. If you encounter problems, try removing this mod first.
[22:19:35 TRACE SMAPI] Loading ContentPatcher from ContentPatcher\ContentPatcher.dll...
[22:19:35 TRACE SMAPI] Loading Custom Element Handler from CustomElementHandler\CustomElementHandler.dll...
[22:19:35 TRACE SMAPI] Loading PyTK from PyTK\PyTK.dll...
[22:19:35 TRACE SMAPI]    Detected game patcher (Harmony.HarmonyInstance type) in assembly 0Harmony.dll.
[22:19:35 WARN  SMAPI] PyTK patches the game, which may impact game stability. If you encounter problems, try removing this mod first.
[22:19:35 TRACE SMAPI]    Loading 0Harmony.dll...
[22:19:36 TRACE SMAPI]    Loading MoonSharp.Interpreter.dll...
[22:19:36 TRACE SMAPI]    Detected game patcher (Harmony.HarmonyInstance type) in assembly PyTK.dll.
[22:19:36 TRACE SMAPI]    Loading PyTK.dll...
[22:19:36 TRACE SMAPI] Loading Custom Farming Redux from CustomFarmingRedux\CustomFarmingRedux.dll...
[22:19:36 TRACE SMAPI]    Detected game patcher (Harmony.HarmonyInstance type) in assembly CustomFarmingRedux.dll.
[22:19:36 WARN  SMAPI] Custom Farming Redux patches the game, which may impact game stability. If you encounter problems, try removing this mod first.
[22:19:36 TRACE SMAPI] Loading SpaceCore from SpaceCore\SpaceCore.dll...
[22:19:36 TRACE SMAPI]    Loading TiledNet.dll...
[22:19:36 TRACE SMAPI]    Detected reference to StardewModdingAPI.Events.SpecialisedEvents.UnvalidatedUpdateTick event in assembly SpaceCore.dll.
[22:19:36 WARN  SMAPI] SpaceCore uses a specialised SMAPI event that may crash the game or corrupt your save file. If you encounter problems, try removing this mod first.
[22:19:36 TRACE SMAPI]    Detected game patcher (Harmony.HarmonyInstance type) in assembly SpaceCore.dll.
[22:19:36 WARN  SMAPI] SpaceCore patches the game, which may impact game stability. If you encounter problems, try removing this mod first.
[22:19:36 TRACE SMAPI]    Loading SpaceCore.dll...
[22:19:36 TRACE SMAPI] Loading Custom Farm Types from CustomFarmTypes\CustomFarmTypes.dll...
[22:19:36 TRACE SMAPI] Loading Json Assets from JsonAssets\JsonAssets.dll...
[22:19:36 TRACE SMAPI] Loading MailFramework from MailFrameworkMod\MailFrameworkMod.dll...
[22:19:36 TRACE SMAPI] Loading Seasonal Immersion from SeasonalImmersion\SeasonalImmersion.dll...
[22:19:36 TRACE SMAPI]    Loading Ionic.Zip.dll...
[22:19:36 TRACE SMAPI]    Loading SeasonalImmersion.dll...
[22:19:36 TRACE SMAPI] Loading Xnb Loader from XnbLoader\XnbLoader.dll...

[22:19:36 INFO  SMAPI] Loaded 12 mods:
[22:19:36 INFO  SMAPI]    Advanced Location Loader 1.4.2 by Entoarox | Get your content into stardew without replacing any xnb files.
[22:19:36 INFO  SMAPI]    ContentPatcher 1.3.1 by Pathoschild | Loads content packs which edit game data and images without changing the game files.
[22:19:36 INFO  SMAPI]    Custom Element Handler 1.5.1 by Platonymous | SaveHandler for Custom Objects
[22:19:36 INFO  SMAPI]    Custom Farm Types 1.1.7 by spacechase0 | Allow custom farm types.
[22:19:36 INFO  SMAPI]    Custom Farming Redux 2.5.2 by Platonymous | Helper Mod for Custom Machine creation.
[22:19:36 INFO  SMAPI]    Entoarox Framework 2.4 by Entoarox | A collection of API's to make modding easier
[22:19:36 INFO  SMAPI]    Json Assets 1.1 by spacechase0 | Allow custom stuff.
[22:19:36 INFO  SMAPI]    MailFramework 1.2 by Digus | Utility classes to send mail in the game.
[22:19:36 INFO  SMAPI]    PyTK 0.8.3 by Platonymous | Platonymous Toolkit
[22:19:36 INFO  SMAPI]    Seasonal Immersion 1.12 by Entoarox | Immerse yourself in a more seasonal world!
[22:19:36 INFO  SMAPI]    SpaceCore 1.1.1 by spacechase0 | ...
[22:19:36 INFO  SMAPI]    Xnb Loader 1.1.10 by Entoarox | Safely load custom xnb files without touching your Content directory!

[22:19:37 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (Entoarox.Framework.EntoaroxFrameworkAPI).
[22:19:37 TRACE SMAPI] Advanced Location Loader uses deprecated code (IModHelper.CreateTransitionalContentPack is deprecated since SMAPI 2.5).
[22:19:37 DEBUG Advanced Location Loader] Loading content pack 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\AdvancedLocationLoader\locations'...
[22:19:38 TRACE Custom Farming Redux] 0 Content Packs with 0 machines found.
[22:19:38 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (CustomFarmingRedux.CustomFarmingReduxAPI).
[22:19:38 TRACE SpaceCore] Doing prefix patch Void dayUpdate(StardewValley.GameLocation, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2):Boolean Prefix(StardewValley.TerrainFeatures.HoeDirt, StardewValley.GameLocation, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2)...
[22:19:38 TRACE SpaceCore] Doing postfix patch StardewValley.Events.FarmEvent pickFarmEvent():Void Postfix(StardewValley.Events.FarmEvent ByRef)...
[22:19:38 TRACE SpaceCore] Doing transpiler patch Void showEndOfNightStuff():System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[Harmony.CodeInstruction] Transpiler(System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator, System.Reflection.MethodBase, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[Harmony.CodeInstruction])...
[22:19:38 TRACE SpaceCore] Doing postfix patch Void doneEating():Void Postfix()...
[22:19:38 TRACE SpaceCore] Doing prefix patch Void setGraphicsForSeason():Boolean Prefix()...
[22:19:38 TRACE SpaceCore] Doing prefix patch Void drawDuringUse(Int32, Int32, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2, StardewValley.Farmer, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle, Int32, Boolean):Boolean Prefix(Int32, Int32, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2, StardewValley.Farmer, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle, Int32, Boolean)...
[22:19:38 DEBUG SpaceCore] Hijacking method "StardewValley.Game1: Void performTenMinuteClockUpdate()", replacing with "CustomFarmTypes.TypeFixes+NewGame1: Void performTenMinuteClockUpdate()".
[22:19:38 TRACE SpaceCore] Offset: 2
[22:19:38 TRACE SpaceCore] Debugger is not attached.
[22:19:38 TRACE SpaceCore] Data: 43694600=495429968 422494072=495432248
[22:19:38 TRACE SpaceCore] Done
[22:19:38 DEBUG SpaceCore] Hijacking method "StardewValley.FarmAnimal: Boolean updateWhenCurrentLocation(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime, StardewValley.GameLocation)", replacing with "CustomFarmTypes.TypeFixes+NewFarmAnimal: Boolean updateWhenCurrentLocation(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime, StardewValley.GameLocation)".
[22:19:38 TRACE SpaceCore] Done
[22:19:38 DEBUG SpaceCore] Hijacking method "StardewValley.Menus.BlueprintsMenu: Void receiveLeftClick(Int32, Int32, Boolean)", replacing with "CustomFarmTypes.TypeFixes+NewBlueprintsMenu: Void receiveLeftClick(Int32, Int32, Boolean)".
[22:19:38 TRACE SpaceCore] Done
[22:19:38 INFO  Custom Farm Types] Creating list of custom farm types...
[22:19:38 INFO  Custom Farm Types] 	Farm type: Everything (spacechase0.FarmType.Everything)
[22:19:38 INFO  Custom Farm Types] 	Farm type: Everything w/o Debris (spacechase0.FarmType.Everything.NoDebris)
[22:19:38 INFO  Custom Farm Types] 	Farm type: Forest w/o Debris (StardewValley.Farm_Foraging.NoDebris)
[22:19:38 INFO  Custom Farm Types] 	Farm type: Hill-top w/o Debris (StardewValley.Farm_Mining.NoDebris)
[22:19:38 INFO  Custom Farm Types] 	Farm type: Riverland w/o Debris (StardewValley.Farm_Fishing.NoDebris)
[22:19:38 INFO  Custom Farm Types] 	Farm type: SableFarm (Ahrnie.Sablefarm.Combat)
[22:19:38 INFO  Custom Farm Types] 	Farm type: Standard w/o Debris (StardewValley.Farm.NoDebris)
[22:19:38 INFO  Custom Farm Types] 	Farm type: Wilderness w/o Debris (StardewValley.Farm_Combat.NoDebris)
[22:19:38 INFO  Json Assets] Loading content packs...
[22:19:38 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (JsonAssets.Api).
[22:19:38 INFO  Seasonal Immersion] Loading Seasonal Immersion ContentPack...
[22:19:38 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Attempting to resolve content pack...
[22:19:38 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Content pack resolved to mode: Internal
[22:19:38 INFO  Seasonal Immersion] Using the `Seasonal Buildings` content pack, version 1.0.0 by eLe
[22:19:38 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Checking if file is seasonal: Barn
[22:19:38 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Making file seasonal: Content\Buildings\Barn.xnb
[22:19:38 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Checking if file is seasonal: Big Barn
[22:19:38 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Making file seasonal: Content\Buildings\Big Barn.xnb
[22:19:38 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Checking if file is seasonal: Big Coop
[22:19:38 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Making file seasonal: Content\Buildings\Big Coop.xnb
[22:19:38 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Checking if file is seasonal: Coop
[22:19:38 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Making file seasonal: Content\Buildings\Coop.xnb
[22:19:38 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Checking if file is seasonal: Deluxe Barn
[22:19:38 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Making file seasonal: Content\Buildings\Deluxe Barn.xnb
[22:19:38 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Checking if file is seasonal: Deluxe Coop
[22:19:38 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Making file seasonal: Content\Buildings\Deluxe Coop.xnb
[22:19:38 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Checking if file is seasonal: Earth Obelisk
[22:19:38 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Making file seasonal: Content\Buildings\Earth Obelisk.xnb
[22:19:38 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Checking if file is seasonal: Gold Clock
[22:19:38 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Making file seasonal: Content\Buildings\Gold Clock.xnb
[22:19:38 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Checking if file is seasonal: houses
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Making file seasonal: Content\Buildings\houses.xnb
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Checking if file is seasonal: Junimo Hut
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Skipping file due to being unable to find it in the bundled resource pack: spring\Junimo Hut.png
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Skipping file due to being unable to find it in the bundled resource pack: summer\Junimo Hut.png
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Skipping file due to being unable to find it in the bundled resource pack: fall\Junimo Hut.png
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Skipping file due to being unable to find it in the bundled resource pack: winter\Junimo Hut.png
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Skipping file due to there being no textures for it found: Content\Buildings\Junimo Hut.xnb
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Checking if file is seasonal: Mill
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Making file seasonal: Content\Buildings\Mill.xnb
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Checking if file is seasonal: Shed
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Making file seasonal: Content\Buildings\Shed.xnb
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Checking if file is seasonal: Silo
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Making file seasonal: Content\Buildings\Silo.xnb
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Checking if file is seasonal: Slime Hutch
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Making file seasonal: Content\Buildings\Slime Hutch.xnb
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Checking if file is seasonal: Stable
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Making file seasonal: Content\Buildings\Stable.xnb
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Checking if file is seasonal: Water Obelisk
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Making file seasonal: Content\Buildings\Water Obelisk.xnb
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Checking if file is seasonal: Well
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Making file seasonal: Content\Buildings\Well.xnb
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Checking if file is seasonal: Flooring
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Skipping file due to being unable to find it in the bundled resource pack: spring\Flooring.png
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Skipping file due to being unable to find it in the bundled resource pack: summer\Flooring.png
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Skipping file due to being unable to find it in the bundled resource pack: fall\Flooring.png
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Skipping file due to being unable to find it in the bundled resource pack: winter\Flooring.png
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Skipping file due to there being no textures for it found: Flooring.xnb
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Checking if file is seasonal: Craftables
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Skipping file due to being unable to find it in the bundled resource pack: spring\Craftables.png
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Skipping file due to being unable to find it in the bundled resource pack: summer\Craftables.png
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Skipping file due to being unable to find it in the bundled resource pack: fall\Craftables.png
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Skipping file due to being unable to find it in the bundled resource pack: winter\Craftables.png
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Skipping file due to there being no textures for it found: Craftables.xnb
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Checking if file is seasonal: Craftables_outdoor
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Skipping file due to being unable to find it in the bundled resource pack: spring\Craftables_outdoor.png
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Skipping file due to being unable to find it in the bundled resource pack: summer\Craftables_outdoor.png
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Skipping file due to being unable to find it in the bundled resource pack: fall\Craftables_outdoor.png
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Skipping file due to being unable to find it in the bundled resource pack: winter\Craftables_outdoor.png
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Skipping file due to there being no textures for it found: Craftables_outdoor.xnb
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Checking if file is seasonal: Craftables_indoor
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Skipping file due to being unable to find it in the bundled resource pack: spring\Craftables_indoor.png
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Skipping file due to being unable to find it in the bundled resource pack: summer\Craftables_indoor.png
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Skipping file due to being unable to find it in the bundled resource pack: fall\Craftables_indoor.png
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Skipping file due to being unable to find it in the bundled resource pack: winter\Craftables_indoor.png
[22:19:39 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Skipping file due to there being no textures for it found: Craftables_indoor.xnb
[22:19:39 INFO  Seasonal Immersion] ContentPack processed, found [16] seasonal files
[22:19:39 INFO  Xnb Loader] Parsing `ModContent` for files to redirect the content manager to...
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader] Looking for files and directories in \
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader] Looking for files and directories in \Animals
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader] Looking for files and directories in \Buildings
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader] Looking for files and directories in \Characters
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader] Looking for files and directories in \Characters\Dialogue
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader] Looking for files and directories in \Characters\Farmer
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader] Looking for files and directories in \Characters\Monsters
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader] Looking for files and directories in \Characters\schedules
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader] Looking for files and directories in \Data
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader] Looking for files and directories in \Data\Events
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader] Looking for files and directories in \Data\Festivals
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader] Looking for files and directories in \Data\TV
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader] Looking for files and directories in \Fonts
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader] Looking for files and directories in \LooseSprites
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader] Looking for files and directories in \LooseSprites\Lighting
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader] Looking for files and directories in \Maps
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader] Looking for files and directories in \Mines
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader] Looking for files and directories in \Minigames
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader] Looking for files and directories in \Portraits
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader] Looking for files and directories in \Strings
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader] Looking for files and directories in \TerrainFeatures
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader] Looking for files and directories in \TileSheets
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader] Redirect list:
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader]   Maps\Backwoods ~> ModContent\Maps\Backwoods.xnb
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader]   Maps\fall_outdoorsTileSheet ~> ModContent\Maps\fall_outdoorsTileSheet.xnb
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader]   Maps\fall_town ~> ModContent\Maps\fall_town.xnb
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader]   Maps\FarmHouse ~> ModContent\Maps\FarmHouse.xnb
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader]   Maps\farmhouse_tiles ~> ModContent\Maps\farmhouse_tiles.xnb
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader]   Maps\spring_outdoorsTileSheet ~> ModContent\Maps\spring_outdoorsTileSheet.xnb
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader]   Maps\spring_town ~> ModContent\Maps\spring_town.xnb
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader]   Maps\summer_outdoorsTileSheet ~> ModContent\Maps\summer_outdoorsTileSheet.xnb
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader]   Maps\summer_town ~> ModContent\Maps\summer_town.xnb
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader]   Maps\townInterior ~> ModContent\Maps\townInterior.xnb
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader]   Maps\walls_and_floors ~> ModContent\Maps\walls_and_floors.xnb
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader]   Maps\winter_outdoorsTileSheet ~> ModContent\Maps\winter_outdoorsTileSheet.xnb
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader]   Maps\winter_town ~> ModContent\Maps\winter_town.xnb
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader]   TileSheets\furniture ~> ModContent\TileSheets\furniture.xnb
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader] Requested cache invalidation for 'Maps\Backwoods'.
[22:19:39 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader] Requested cache invalidation for 'Maps\fall_outdoorsTileSheet'.
[22:19:39 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader] Requested cache invalidation for 'Maps\fall_town'.
[22:19:39 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader] Requested cache invalidation for 'Maps\FarmHouse'.
[22:19:39 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader] Requested cache invalidation for 'Maps\farmhouse_tiles'.
[22:19:39 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader] Requested cache invalidation for 'Maps\spring_outdoorsTileSheet'.
[22:19:39 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader] Requested cache invalidation for 'Maps\spring_town'.
[22:19:39 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader] Requested cache invalidation for 'Maps\summer_outdoorsTileSheet'.
[22:19:39 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader] Requested cache invalidation for 'Maps\summer_town'.
[22:19:39 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader] Requested cache invalidation for 'Maps\townInterior'.
[22:19:39 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader] Requested cache invalidation for 'Maps\walls_and_floors'.
[22:19:39 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader] Requested cache invalidation for 'Maps\winter_outdoorsTileSheet'.
[22:19:39 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader] Requested cache invalidation for 'Maps\winter_town'.
[22:19:39 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:19:39 TRACE Xnb Loader] Requested cache invalidation for 'TileSheets\furniture'.
[22:19:39 TRACE SMAPI] Entoarox Framework loaded asset 'TileSheets\furniture'.
[22:19:39 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names: TileSheets\furniture. Reloaded 1 core assets.
[22:19:39 INFO  Xnb Loader] Parsing complete, found and redirected [14] files
[22:19:39 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cached assets for new editors & loaders...
[22:19:39 TRACE SMAPI] Entoarox Framework loaded asset 'TileSheets\furniture'.
[22:19:39 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names: TileSheets\furniture. Reloaded 1 core assets.
[22:19:39 TRACE SMAPI] Context: locale set to en.
[22:19:39 INFO  SMAPI] Type 'help' for help, or 'help <cmd>' for a command's usage
[22:19:39 TRACE SMAPI] Checking for updates...
[22:19:40 TRACE SMAPI]    SMAPI okay.
[22:19:40 TRACE SMAPI]    Checking 9 mod update keys. 3 mods have no update keys: Advanced Location Loader, Entoarox Framework, Seasonal Immersion.
[22:19:40 TRACE SMAPI]    Json Assets (Nexus:1720): update error: Mod has invalid version
[22:19:42 TRACE Console.Out] Stardew version:1.2
[22:19:42 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:19:42 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets intercepted Data\CraftingRecipes.
[22:19:42 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets intercepted Data\CookingRecipes.
[22:19:42 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets intercepted Maps\springobjects.
[22:19:42 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets intercepted TileSheets\crops.
[22:19:42 TRACE Json Assets] Big craftables are now (128, 4096)
[22:19:42 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets intercepted TileSheets\Craftables.
[22:19:42 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets intercepted Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:19:42 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets intercepted Data\BigCraftablesInformation.
[22:19:42 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 7 asset names: Data\BigCraftablesInformation, Data\CookingRecipes, Data\CraftingRecipes, Data\ObjectInformation, Maps\springobjects, TileSheets\Craftables, TileSheets\crops. Reloaded 7 core assets.
[22:20:13 TRACE Console.Out] gameMode was 'titleScreenGameMode (0)', set to 'loadingMode (6)'.
[22:20:13 TRACE Console.Out] getLoadEnumerator('Rigel_167937258')
[22:20:14 TRACE SMAPI] Entoarox Framework loaded asset 'Maps\FarmHouse'.
[22:20:15 TRACE SMAPI] Entoarox Framework loaded asset 'Maps\Backwoods'.
[22:20:15 TRACE SMAPI] Entoarox Framework loaded asset 'Maps\spring_outdoorsTileSheet'.
[22:20:15 TRACE SMAPI] Entoarox Framework loaded asset 'Maps\spring_town'.
[22:20:15 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: OnBlankSave
[22:20:16 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets intercepted TileSheets\fruitTrees.
[22:20:17 TRACE SMAPI] Entoarox Framework loaded asset 'Maps\summer_outdoorsTileSheet'.
[22:20:17 TRACE SMAPI] Entoarox Framework loaded asset 'Maps\summer_town'.
[22:20:17 TRACE Console.Out] gameMode was 'loadingMode (6)', set to 'playingGameMode (3)'.
[22:20:17 DEBUG Advanced Location Loader] Applying C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\AdvancedLocationLoader\locations...
[22:20:17 ERROR Advanced Location Loader]    Can't apply warp Warp(FarmExpansion@[80,4] => Backwoods@[11,25]): location does not exist.
[22:20:17 ERROR Advanced Location Loader]    Can't apply warp Warp(FarmExpansion@[80,4] => Backwoods@[11,25]): location does not exist.
[22:20:17 ERROR Advanced Location Loader]    Can't apply warp Warp(FarmExpansion@[80,5] => Backwoods@[11,25]): location does not exist.
[22:20:17 ERROR Advanced Location Loader]    Can't apply warp Warp(FarmExpansion@[80,75] => Farm_Combat@[0,41]): location does not exist.
[22:20:17 ERROR Advanced Location Loader]    Can't apply warp Warp(FarmExpansion@[80,76] => Farm_Combat@[0,42]): location does not exist.
[22:20:17 TRACE SMAPI] Entoarox Framework loaded asset 'Maps\fall_outdoorsTileSheet'.
[22:20:17 TRACE SMAPI] Entoarox Framework loaded asset 'Maps\winter_outdoorsTileSheet'.
[22:20:17 TRACE SMAPI] Entoarox Framework loaded asset 'Maps\fall_town'.
[22:20:17 TRACE SMAPI] Entoarox Framework loaded asset 'Maps\winter_town'.
[22:20:18 DEBUG Advanced Location Loader] Patches applied!
[22:20:18 TRACE SMAPI] Context: loaded saved game 'Rigel_167937258', starting summer 9 Y1.
[22:20:18 TRACE Entoarox Framework] Unpacking custom objects...
[22:20:18 TRACE Entoarox Framework] Attempting to deserialize [0] Item instances...
[22:20:18 TRACE Entoarox Framework] Attempting to deserialize [0] global GameLocation instances...
[22:20:18 TRACE Entoarox Framework] Attempting to deserialize [0] Building instances...
[22:20:18 TRACE Entoarox Framework] Attempting to deserialize [0] TerrainFeature instances...
[22:20:18 TRACE Entoarox Framework] Unpacking complete
[22:20:18 DEBUG Custom Farm Types] Loading save data... 1 summer 9
[22:20:27 TRACE Console.Out] setGameMode( 'titleScreenGameMode (0)' )
[22:20:27 TRACE SMAPI] Context: returned to title
[22:20:27 TRACE Console.Out] CleanupReturningToTitle()
[22:20:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content manager '(generated)' disposed, disposing assets that aren't needed by any other asset loader.
[22:20:27 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 52 asset names: Maps\AdventureGuild, Maps\AnimalShop, Maps\ArchaeologyHouse, Maps\Backwoods, Maps\BathHouse_Entry, Maps\BathHouse_MensLocker, Maps\BathHouse_Pool, Maps\BathHouse_WomensLocker, Maps\Beach, Maps\Blacksmith, Maps\BugLand, Maps\BusStop, Maps\Cellar, Maps\Club, Maps\CommunityCenter_Ruins, Maps\Desert, Maps\ElliottHouse, Maps\Farm_Fishing, Maps\FarmCave, Maps\FarmHouse, Maps\FishShop, Maps\Forest, Maps\Greenhouse, Maps\HaleyHouse, Maps\HarveyRoom, Maps\Hospital, Maps\JojaMart, Maps\JoshHouse, Maps\LeahHouse, Maps\ManorHouse, Maps\Mine, Maps\Mountain, Maps\Railroad, Maps\Saloon, Maps\SamHouse, Maps\SandyHouse, Maps\ScienceHouse, Maps\SebastianRoom, Maps\SeedShop, Maps\Sewer, Maps\SkullCave, Maps\Summit, Maps\Tent, Maps\Town, Maps\Trailer, Maps\Tunnel, Maps\WitchHut, Maps\WitchSwamp, Maps\WitchWarpCave, Maps\WizardHouse, Maps\WizardHouseBasement, Maps\Woods. Reloaded 0 core assets.
[22:20:38 TRACE Console.Out] gameMode was 'titleScreenGameMode (0)', set to 'loadingMode (6)'.
[22:20:38 TRACE Console.Out] getLoadEnumerator('Drake_183743579')
[22:20:38 TRACE SMAPI] Entoarox Framework loaded asset 'Maps\FarmHouse'.
[22:20:39 TRACE SMAPI] Entoarox Framework loaded asset 'Maps\Backwoods'.
[22:20:39 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: OnBlankSave
[22:20:41 TRACE Console.Out] gameMode was 'loadingMode (6)', set to 'playingGameMode (3)'.
[22:20:41 TRACE SMAPI] Context: loaded saved game 'Drake_183743579', starting spring 1 Y1.
[22:20:41 TRACE Entoarox Framework] Unpacking custom objects...
[22:20:41 TRACE Entoarox Framework] Attempting to deserialize [0] Item instances...
[22:20:41 TRACE Entoarox Framework] Attempting to deserialize [0] global GameLocation instances...
[22:20:41 TRACE Entoarox Framework] Attempting to deserialize [0] Building instances...
[22:20:41 TRACE Entoarox Framework] Attempting to deserialize [0] TerrainFeature instances...
[22:20:41 TRACE Entoarox Framework] Unpacking complete
[22:20:41 DEBUG Custom Farm Types] Loading save data... 1 spring 1
[22:20:41 INFO  Custom Farm Types] Custom farm type Ahrnie.Sablefarm.Combat for Farm
[22:20:41 DEBUG Custom Farm Types] First day? from load
[22:20:41 DEBUG Custom Farm Types] Wallpaper: 11
[22:20:41 DEBUG Custom Farm Types] Flooring: 1
[22:20:41 DEBUG Custom Farm Types] Furniture: 1140(1368) @ {X:4 Y:4} 0
[22:20:41 DEBUG Custom Farm Types] Furniture: 30(-1) @ {X:1 Y:4} 0
[22:20:41 DEBUG Custom Farm Types] Furniture: 1630(-1) @ {X:3 Y:1} 0
[22:20:41 DEBUG Custom Farm Types] Furniture: 1630(-1) @ {X:13 Y:1} 0
[22:20:41 DEBUG Custom Farm Types] TV: 1466 {X:1 Y:6}
[22:20:41 DEBUG Custom Farm Types] Giftbox item: 472 x 15
[22:20:41 DEBUG Custom Farm Types] Giftbox item: 114 x 5
[22:20:41 DEBUG Custom Farm Types] Giftbox position: {X:3 Y:9}
[22:20:41 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Attempting to update seasonal textures...
[22:20:41 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Requested cache invalidation for 'TileSheets\Craftables'.
[22:20:41 TRACE Json Assets] Big craftables are now (128, 4096)
[22:20:41 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets intercepted TileSheets\Craftables.
[22:20:41 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names: TileSheets\Craftables. Reloaded 1 core assets.
[22:20:45 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Attempting to update seasonal textures...
[22:20:45 TRACE Seasonal Immersion] Requested cache invalidation for 'TileSheets\Craftables'.
[22:20:45 TRACE Json Assets] Big craftables are now (128, 4096)
[22:20:45 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets intercepted TileSheets\Craftables.
[22:20:45 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names: TileSheets\Craftables. Reloaded 1 core assets.
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