SMAPI log parser

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Log info

Game info:
Stardew Valley: 1.6.15 build 24356 on Microsoft Windows 11 Pro
SMAPI: 4.1.10
Folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley
Log started: 2025-03-10 17:45 UTC ({{localTimeStarted}} your time)

Installed mods: click any mod to filter show all hide all toggle content packs in list
game 1.6.15 build 24356 1 error
SMAPI 4.1.10 Pathoschild 69 errors
Alternative Textures 8.0.0
+ (AT) DustBeauty's Industrial Furniture 4.0.0
+ (AT) DustBeauty's Recolor Pack 1.0.0
+ (AT) DustBeauty's Rustic Country W&F 1.0.0
+ (AT) DustBeauty's Seasonal Fences 1.0.0
+ (AT) Dustbeauty's Seasonal Path and Flooring 1.0.0
+ (AT) Elegant Craftables 1.4.0
+ (AT) H&W Fairy Fountains Recolor 1.0.0
+ (AT) Kirby Plushies 1.0.0
+ (AT) Lively Table Decor 1.0.0
+ (AT) Lun's Paths 1.0.0
+ (AT) Medieval Themed Sheds - Vibrant Pastoral 2.1.0
+ (AT) Nano's Garden Style Craftables 1.2.0
+ (AT) Nano's Retro Style Furniture 1.1.0
+ (AT) Nostalgic Old Furniture Collection 1.3.1
+ (AT) Opulence 1.0.0
+ (AT) West Elm Furniture
+ (AT)Gintyann's Sunflower Furniture 1.0.0
+ (AT)Prophet's Rugs 1.0.0
+ AT_CottagecoreFences_VP 1.0.0
+ AT_Gwen_Paths 1.1.0
+ AT_GwenCraft_Vp 1.1.0
+ AT_Medieval_Buildings 1.0.0
+ Colourful Crystals for Alternative Textures 1.0.0
+ Greenhouse Set 1.0.1
+ IdaIda's Craftables 1.0.0
+ Lacey Rugs 1 1.0.0
+ Star Lamp 1.0.0
(+ 27 content packs)
+ Novaphene
+ Novaphene
+ DustBeauty & Zyrnathos
+ Novaphene
+ Novaphene
+ Colling and Nonu
+ Himetarts and Wildflourmods, recolored by KawaiiMuski
+ crafty121
+ KatyDTK
+ lunink
+ Shyzie
+ Nano_NotRobot
+ Nano_NotRobot
+ Stardust
+ Twinkle22
+ Atlas 1.0.0 by Atlasphere
+ Gintyann
+ Prophet
+ Gweniaczek
+ Gweniaczek
+ Gweniaczek
+ Gweniaczek
+ Azzles
+ orangeblossom
+ Idaida
+ Doxepins
+ orangeblossom
2 errors
Better Ranching 2.0.5 Urbanyeti no errors
Calcifer 0.1.0 sophie no errors
Console Commands 4.1.10 SMAPI no errors
Content Patcher 2.5.1
+ (CP) 1.6 Victy Portraits Female Spouses Re-texture 1.6.2
+ (CP) 1.6 Victy Portraits Male Spouses Re-texture 1.6.124
+ (CP) DAILY SHIRTS SET ver.2 1.0.0
+ (CP) DL HATS SET 1.0.0
+ (CP) Dustbeauty's Stardew Foliage Redone 2.0.0
+ (CP) Eve's Y2K 코디 세트♡ 0.0.1
+ (CP) Expansion Fish Redesign 3.0.0
+ (CP) Forest Garden Farm 0.6.0
+ (CP) Goddess statue Obelisk 1.1.1
+ (CP) H&W Fairy Fountains 2.0.1
+ (CP) H&W Fairy Garden Furniture 3.0.2
+ (CP) H&W Outdoor Furniture 2.0.5
+ (CP) Immersive Barns and Coops 1.0.7
+ (CP) Medieval Tiny Greenhouse 2.2.0
+ (CP) Medieval Tiny Shed 2.0.0
+ (CP) Orangeblossom's 500 kudos milestone gift 1.0.0
+ (CP) Orangeblossom's Basic Bedroom Furniture 1.0.5
+ (CP) Orangeblossom's Furniture Catalogue 1.0.2
+ (CP) Overgrown Flowery Interface 1.6.4
+ (CP) Please, Remember My Marriage 1.1.0
+ (CP) Seasonal French Doors and Windows 1.0.2
+ (CP) Sebastian's Sprites
+ (CP) SVE Claire portrait re-texture 1.0.1
+ (CP) SVE Victor portrait re-texture 1.0.1
+ (CP) The Song of the Mermaid 2.1.0
+ (CP) Victy SVE Lance portrait re-texture 1.0.1
+ (CP) Victy SVE Sophia portrait re-texture 1.0.1
+ (CP) Victy Villager portrait re-texture 1.0.1
+ (CP)Blight's funiture pack1 1.0.0
+ (CP)Mountain View Redone 1.1.0
+ (CP)Nano's Decorative Tree Furniture 1.0.0
+ (CP)Peach yogurt's Sprites 1.0.0
+ (CP)婴儿床1121 1.0.0
+ 1.4 misc recolour 1.2.1
+ Aimon's More Lively Meadowlands Farm 1.0.6
+ Bathhouse Hot Spring 1.3.1
+ Better Artisan Goods 1.2.1
+ Better Crops and Foraging 5.0.0
+ Better Fishing and Beach Foraging 1.0.0
+ Better Resources 1.2.0
+ Cornucopia - More Crops 1.5.6
+ Cornucopia - More Flowers 1.5.4
+ Cornucopia Flower Trees Retextured 1.0.0
+ Cornucopia Fruit Trees Retextured 1.0.0
+ DaisyNiko's Tilesheets 1.11.0
+ Date Night Redux 2.2.2
+ Delloti's Hairstyles_80type 0.1.2
+ DSHi Food Retexture 1.3.1
+ Elle's Town Animals 1.4.2
+ Fairy Mushroom Tree 1.0.0
+ Farm Animal Facelift 1.3.0
+ Farm Animal Facelift Shop Icons 1.0.0
+ Firefly Torch 1.0.0
+ Furniture recolor 1.6.0
+ Golden Hour Window Light 1.0.4
+ Grandpas Tools 1.3.1
+ Growable Forage and Crop Bushes 1.4.7
+ Gwens_paths 1.1.0
+ Hats Won't Mess Up Hair 1.5.0
+ Industrial Kitchen Interior 1.7.0
+ Letteas Concession Snack Icons 2.0.0
+ Medieval Unicorn Expansion 1.0.0
+ Medieval_buildings 2.2.0
+ Medieval_Craftables 2.5.0
+ Medieval_DNT 1.1.0
+ Medieval_stables 2.0.0
+ Medieval_TractorGarage 2.0.0
+ MixedBag Tilesheets 3.1.1
+ MSVE 2.8.0
+ Nicer Skill Books 1.0.0
+ Not-datable Npc Sprites 1.0.0
+ PC's Rattan Furniture 1.1.0
+ Pet Facelift 1.1.1
+ PNG Retex Helper 1.3.3
+ Prophet's Rugs 1.0.0
+ Romanceable Rasmodius Redux Revamped 1.8.55
+ Rustic Country Town Interior 1.7.0
+ Sebastians black bike 1.0.0
+ Secret Garden Terrarium 1.0.0
+ SH's Better Fishing Additions 1.2.0
+ Simple Foliage 2.1.2
+ Spacious Greenhouse 1.0.0
+ Stardew Foliage Redone Foliage Only 1.6.0
+ Stardew Valley Expanded 1.15.8
+ Taller & Cuter Victor
+ True Love Valley - A Romance Dialogue Expansion Pack 0.6.0
+ Vanilla Tweaks - Aquarium 1.1.0
+ Vanilla Tweaks - Farming 1.2.0
+ Vanilla Tweaks - Warrior 1.1.0
+ Vibrant Pastoral Expanded 2.0.2-sve
+ Vibrant Pastoral for SVE 1.0.0
+ Vibrant Pastoral Redrawn 2.0.4
+ VT - Unofficial Cornucopia Crops Seeds 1.3.0
+ VT - Unofficial Cornucopia Flowers Seeds 1.3.0
+ VT - Unofficial Growable Forage Seeds 1.3.0
+ Way Back PT 2.0.0
+ XNB Retex Helper 1.3.3
(+ 97 content packs)
+ Victy
+ Victy
+ delloti
+ delloti
+ Novaphene
+ Eve
+ Taiyokun
+ delloti
+ kyuk
+ HimeTarts and wildflourmods
+ HimeTarts and Wildflourmods
+ HimeTarts and wildflourmods
+ nuupon
+ Shyzie
+ Shyzie
+ orangeblossom
+ orangeblossom
+ orangeblossom
+ Maraluna & Mae
+ nraittanna
+ orangeblossom
+ Macchiato 1.0.0 by Macchiato
+ Victy
+ Victy
+ NayaSprites and Collingbe
+ Victy
+ Victy
+ Victy
+ blight
+ Emissaryofwind
+ Nano_NotRobot
+ Peach yogurt
+ jiaojiao
+ DustBeauty
+ Aimon111
+ Sandman53
+ cometkins
+ cometkins
+ cometkins
+ cometkins
+ Cornucopia
+ Cornucopia
+ NinTheCactus69 and cocacola1018
+ NinTheCactus69 and cocacola1018
+ DaisyNiko
+ SUPERT, AgentLyoko
+ delloti
+ 드쉬(DSHi)
+ Elle/Junimods
+ lumiepop
+ siamece
+ SeaSea
+ orangeblossom
+ IdaIda
+ Latteholn
+ Gweniaczek
+ Cornucopia
+ Gweniaczek
+ misatse1019
+ DustBeauty
+ Letteas
+ NightshadowCat
+ Gweniaczek
+ Gweniaczek
+ Gweniaczek
+ Gweniaczek
+ Gweniaczek
+ MixedBag
+ Gweniaczek
+ Forsy
+ Mimemoo
+ PlatinumCats
+ siamece
+ SabiMiyato x 'ELL
+ Prophet
+ Written by Jellonip, WerewolfMaster, haywrites, PaintedParrot
+ DustBeauty
+ SdAkuma
+ Amaryn
+ plurffle
+ Azrashar/itsanette (unofficial update by Morghoula and tophatta)
+ mintgal
+ DustBeauty
+ FlashShifter
+ Mint 1.0.0 by Mintshelle
+ linenpants
+ Tai & Airyn
+ Tai & Airyn
+ Tai & Airyn
+ grapeponta + Semisu
+ grapeponta
+ grapeponta + Semisu + poohnhi
+ MageTrash
+ MageTrash
+ MageTrash
+ Gweniaczek
+ SabiMiyato x 'ELL
3 errors
Custom Bush 1.5.2 LeFauxMatt no errors
Custom Fixed Dialogue 2.4.2 aedenthorn no errors
Custom Tokens 1.6.1 TheMightyAmondee no errors
Dynamic Reflections 3.0.0 PeacefulEnd no errors
Even Better Artisan Good Icons 1.6.6
+ EBAGI Better Artisan Goods for SVE 1.0.1
(+ 1 content packs)
Haze1nuts, 58 and Cat
+ coded by klhumphrey918, art by cometkins
no errors
Expanded Preconditions Utility 1.1.0 Cherry no errors
Farm Type Manager 1.24.0
+ Aimon's More Lively Meadowlands Farm (FTM) 1.0.6
+ Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager 1.15.8
(+ 2 content packs)
+ Aimon111
+ FlashShifter
no errors
Farmer Helper 1.0.3 Fiorbeth no errors
Fashion Sense 7.0.1
+ (FS) Coii's Hats Pack 1.4.0
+ (FS) GoblinHours Elf Ears for Fashion Sense 1.4.0
+ (FS) Harvest Collection 1.0.0
+ (FS) Lune's Sweetheart Collection 1.0.0
+ (FS) luoli Clothing Line4 1.0.0
+ (FS) Wildwood Collection 1.0.0
+ Asta Cute Rainy Season Outfit 1.1.0
+ Asta Slumber Party Outfit 1.1.0
+ b0rszcz's witchy flower dance dresses 1.0.0
+ Grace’s Dyeable Farm Clothing Collection 1.1.0
+ Kyuya's hats pack 1.0.1
+ mofamao 1.0.0
+ RRRR Magnus Earrings 1.0.0
(+ 15 content packs)
+ Coii, conversion by Icerpincess98
+ GoblinHours
+ mushlune
+ mushlune
+ luoli
+ mushlune
+ billi
+ billi
+ AstaEckahrt
+ AstaEckahrt
+ b0rszcz
+ svnshxne
+ Kyuya
+ mushlune
+ Jellonip
no errors
Generic Mod Config Menu 1.14.1 spacechase0 no errors
Happy Home Designer 2.3.0 tlitookilakin no errors
Item extensions 1.12.2 mistyspring no errors
Json Assets 1.11.9 spacechase0 no errors
Let's Move It 0.6.7 Exblosis no errors
Misc Map Actions & Properties 1.4.3 mushymato no errors
More Grass 1.2.2
+ Wildflower Grass Field 1.1.0
(+ 1 content packs)
+ DustBeauty
no errors
No Fence Decay Redux 1.2.0 EnderTedi no errors
NPC Map Locations 3.3.0 Bouhm no errors
NPC Tokens 1.0.2 siliconmodding no errors
Precise Furniture 1.1.1 Espy no errors
Save Backup 4.1.10 SMAPI no errors
SkullCavernElevator 1.6.2 lestoph no errors
Solid Foundations 3.0.0
+ (SF) Shyzie's String Lights 2.3.0
(+ 1 content packs)
+ Shyzie
no errors
SpaceCore 1.27.0 spacechase0 no errors
Stardew Valley Expanded Code 1.15.8 FlashShifter, Esca, super-aardvark, and kittycatcasey no errors
Starfish Mover and Recolor 2.1.0 Goldenrevolver no errors
Time_Notif. 1.0.0 Careless_Imm0rtal no errors
Tractor Mod 4.21.0 Pathoschild no errors
Tree Transplant(Fix) 2.0.0 LeonBlade/Siweipancc no errors
UI Info Suite 2 2.3.7 Annosz no errors
Vibrant Pastoral 2.0.4 Semisu no errors
Visible Fish 0.4.2 shekurika no errors
<invalid content packs>
+ Better Artisan Good Icons for SVE 1.0.0
+ Yellog's Dark Brown and Cream Furniture 1.0.0
(+ 2 content packs)
+ Rino
+ yewon11 and Froststar11
no errors
Filter messages:
.* aA “ ” HL
{{ filterError }}
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