14:22:46 | INFO | SMAPI | SMAPI 3.18.3 with Stardew Valley 1.5.6 (build on Android Unix |
14:22:46 | INFO | SMAPI | Mods go here: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.zane.stardewvalley/files/Mods |
14:22:47 | DEBUG | SMAPI | Waiting for game to launch... |
14:22:56 | DEBUG | SMAPI | Loading mod metadata... |
14:22:57 | DEBUG | SMAPI | Loading mods... |
14:23:19 | INFO | SMAPI | Loaded 30 mods: This section is hidden. Click here to show it. |
14:23:19 | INFO | SMAPI | Loaded 2 content packs: This section is hidden. Click here to show it. |
14:23:19 | INFO | SMAPI | Found 24 mods with warnings: |
14:23:19 | ERROR | SMAPI | Skipped mods |
14:23:19 | ERROR | SMAPI | -------------------------------------------------- |
14:23:19 | ERROR | SMAPI | These mods could not be added to your game.
14:23:19 | ERROR | SMAPI | - Paritee's Better Farm Animal Variety 3.2.4 because initialization failed:
System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
Could not resolve type with token 01000019 from typeref (expected class 'System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsBase' in assembly 'System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089')
at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <97c6c40360454c158c014ee803ea6785>:0
at System.Reflection.Assembly+<get_DefinedTypes>d__120.MoveNext () [0x0001e] in <97c6c40360454c158c014ee803ea6785>:0
at System.Linq.Enumerable+WhereEnumerableIterator`1[TSource].MoveNext () [0x0004e] in <c67c0259bb0f4859bba996e62c984d94>:0
at System.Linq.Enumerable+EnumerablePartition`1[TSource].ToArray () [0x00015] in <c67c0259bb0f4859bba996e62c984d94>:0
at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray[TSource] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source) [0x0001f] in <c67c0259bb0f4859bba996e62c984d94>:0
at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.SCore.TryLoadModEntry (StardewModdingAPI.Framework.IModMetadata metadata, System.Reflection.Assembly modAssembly, StardewModdingAPI.Mod& mod, System.String& error) [0x00034] in <a657c589ffdc433da6b7a1a6216be427>:0
at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.SCore.TryLoadMod (StardewModdingAPI.Framework.IModMetadata mod, StardewModdingAPI.Framework.IModMetadata[] mods, StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModLoading.AssemblyLoader assemblyLoader, StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Reflection.IInterfaceProxyFactory proxyFactory, StardewModdingAPI.Toolkit.Serialization.JsonHelper jsonHelper, StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ContentCoordinator contentCore, StardewModdingAPI.Toolkit.Framework.ModData.ModDatabase modDatabase, System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1[T] suppressUpdateChecks, System.Nullable`1[StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModLoading.ModFailReason]& failReason, System.String& errorReasonPhrase, System.String& errorDetails) [0x0057b] in <a657c589ffdc433da6b7a1a6216be427>:0
TypeLoadException: Could not resolve type with token 01000019 from typeref (expected class 'System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsBase' in assembly 'System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089')
Failed loading type 'System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsBase': TypeLoadException: Could not resolve type with token 01000019 from typeref (expected class 'System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsBase' in assembly 'System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089')
14:23:19 | WARN | SMAPI | Changed save serializer |
14:23:19 | WARN | SMAPI | -------------------------------------------------- |
14:23:19 | WARN | SMAPI | These mods change the save serializer. They may corrupt your save files, or make them unusable if |
14:23:19 | WARN | SMAPI | you uninstall these mods.
14:23:19 | WARN | SMAPI | - SpaceCore
14:23:19 | INFO | SMAPI | Patched game code |
14:23:19 | INFO | SMAPI | -------------------------------------------------- |
14:23:19 | INFO | SMAPI | These mods directly change the game code. They're more likely to cause errors or bugs in-game; if |
14:23:19 | INFO | SMAPI | your game has issues, try removing these first. Otherwise you can ignore this warning.
14:23:19 | INFO | SMAPI | - AchtuurCore |
14:23:19 | INFO | SMAPI | - AntiSocial NPCs |
14:23:19 | INFO | SMAPI | - Content Patcher Animations |
14:23:19 | INFO | SMAPI | - Custom Companions |
14:23:19 | INFO | SMAPI | - Custom NPC Exclusions |
14:23:19 | INFO | SMAPI | - Custom Spouse Patio |
14:23:19 | INFO | SMAPI | - CustomMusic |
14:23:19 | INFO | SMAPI | - Dynamic Game Assets |
14:23:19 | INFO | SMAPI | - Extra Map Layers |
14:23:19 | INFO | SMAPI | - Farm Type Manager |
14:23:19 | INFO | SMAPI | - Infallible Fishing |
14:23:19 | INFO | SMAPI | - Json Assets |
14:23:19 | INFO | SMAPI | - Mail Framework Mod |
14:23:19 | INFO | SMAPI | - Mobile Phone |
14:23:19 | INFO | SMAPI | - Producer Framework Mod |
14:23:19 | INFO | SMAPI | - Shop Tile Framework |
14:23:19 | INFO | SMAPI | - SpaceCore
14:23:19 | DEBUG | SMAPI | Direct system access |
14:23:19 | DEBUG | SMAPI | -------------------------------------------------- |
14:23:19 | DEBUG | SMAPI | You enabled paranoid warnings and these mods directly access the filesystem, shells/processes, or |
14:23:19 | DEBUG | SMAPI | SMAPI console. (This is usually legitimate and innocent usage; this warning is only useful for |
14:23:19 | DEBUG | SMAPI | further investigation.)
14:23:19 | DEBUG | SMAPI | - CJB Cheats Menu (files) |
14:23:19 | DEBUG | SMAPI | - Console Commands (console, shells/processes) |
14:23:19 | DEBUG | SMAPI | - Content Patcher (files) |
14:23:19 | DEBUG | SMAPI | - Custom Companions (files) |
14:23:19 | DEBUG | SMAPI | - Custom Spouse Patio (files) |
14:23:19 | DEBUG | SMAPI | - CustomMusic (files) |
14:23:19 | DEBUG | SMAPI | - Dynamic Game Assets (files) |
14:23:19 | DEBUG | SMAPI | - Json Assets (files) |
14:23:19 | DEBUG | SMAPI | - Mail Framework Mod (files) |
14:23:19 | DEBUG | SMAPI | - Mobile Phone (files) |
14:23:19 | DEBUG | SMAPI | - NPC Map Locations (files) |
14:23:19 | DEBUG | SMAPI | - Producer Framework Mod (files) |
14:23:19 | DEBUG | SMAPI | - SAAT.API (files) |
14:23:19 | DEBUG | SMAPI | - SpaceCore (files)
14:23:19 | DEBUG | SMAPI | No update keys |
14:23:19 | DEBUG | SMAPI | -------------------------------------------------- |
14:23:19 | DEBUG | SMAPI | These mods have no update keys in their manifest. SMAPI may not notify you about updates for these |
14:23:19 | DEBUG | SMAPI | mods. Consider notifying the mod authors about this problem.
14:23:19 | DEBUG | SMAPI | - Succu Queen
14:23:20 | DEBUG | SMAPI | Launching mods... |
14:23:26 | WARN | SpaceCore | GetLoadEnumeratorMethods: Found 3 transpiler targets, expected 2 |
14:23:41 | DEBUG | AntiSocial NPCs | AntiSocial Mod performing stand-alone setup. |
14:23:43 | ERROR | Dynamic Game Assets | Failed to apply 'DynamicGameAssets.Patches.CollectionsPagePatcher' patcher; some features may not work correctly. Technical details:
System.InvalidOperationException: Can't find constructor StardewValley.Menus.CollectionsPage(System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32) to patch.
at Spacechase.Shared.Patching.PatchHelper.RequireConstructor[TTarget] (System.Type[] parameters) [0x00036] in <246e8b8b02824361906e2cdae32ff779>:0
at Spacechase.Shared.Patching.BasePatcher.RequireConstructor[TTarget] (System.Type[] parameters) [0x00000] in <246e8b8b02824361906e2cdae32ff779>:0
at DynamicGameAssets.Patches.CollectionsPagePatcher.Apply (HarmonyLib.Harmony harmony, StardewModdingAPI.IMonitor monitor) [0x00000] in <246e8b8b02824361906e2cdae32ff779>:0
at Spacechase.Shared.Patching.HarmonyPatcher.Apply (StardewModdingAPI.Mod mod, Spacechase.Shared.Patching.IPatcher[] patchers) [0x00023] in <246e8b8b02824361906e2cdae32ff779>:0 |
14:23:44 | ERROR | Dynamic Game Assets | Failed to apply 'DynamicGameAssets.Patches.IClickableMenuPatcher' patcher; some features may not work correctly. Technical details:
System.InvalidOperationException: Can't find method StardewValley.Menus.IClickableMenu.drawHoverText(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch, System.Text.StringBuilder, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteFont, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.String, System.Int32, System.String[], StardewValley.Item, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32, StardewValley.CraftingRecipe, System.Collections.Generic.IList`1[[StardewValley.Item, StardewValley, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]]) to patch.
at Spacechase.Shared.Patching.PatchHelper.RequireMethod[TTarget] (System.String name, System.Type[] parameters, System.Type[] generics) [0x00037] in <246e8b8b02824361906e2cdae32ff779>:0
at Spacechase.Shared.Patching.BasePatcher.RequireMethod[TTarget] (System.String name, System.Type[] parameters, System.Type[] generics) [0x00000] in <246e8b8b02824361906e2cdae32ff779>:0
at DynamicGameAssets.Patches.IClickableMenuPatcher.Apply (HarmonyLib.Harmony harmony, StardewModdingAPI.IMonitor monitor) [0x00000] in <246e8b8b02824361906e2cdae32ff779>:0
at Spacechase.Shared.Patching.HarmonyPatcher.Apply (StardewModdingAPI.Mod mod, Spacechase.Shared.Patching.IPatcher[] patchers) [0x00023] in <246e8b8b02824361906e2cdae32ff779>:0 |
14:23:48 | INFO | Shop Tile Framework | Adding Content Packs... |
14:23:49 | DEBUG | SMAPI | Mods loaded and ready! |
14:23:49 | WARN | SMAPI | Custom NPC Exclusions uses deprecated code (IAssetLoader) and will break in the next major SMAPI update. |
14:23:49 | WARN | SMAPI | Dynamic Game Assets uses deprecated code (IAssetEditor) and will break in the next major SMAPI update. |
14:23:49 | WARN | SMAPI | Dynamic Game Assets uses deprecated code (IAssetLoader) and will break in the next major SMAPI update. |
14:23:49 | DEBUG | Custom Companions | Successfully hooked into spacechase0.JsonAssets. |
14:23:49 | DEBUG | Custom Companions | Successfully hooked into Pathoschild.ContentPatcher. |
14:23:56 | INFO | Generic Mod Config Menu | Esca.FarmTypeManager (registering for Esca.FarmTypeManager) is using deprecated code (RegisterModConfig) that will break in a future version of GMCM. |
14:23:58 | INFO | Shop Tile Framework | BFAV API not detected. This is only an issue if you're using custom BFAV animals and a custom shop that's supposed to sell them, as custom animals will not appear in those shops. |
14:23:59 | INFO | Json Assets | Loading content packs... |
14:25:12 | DEBUG | SMAPI | SaveParsed |
14:25:18 | DEBUG | SMAPI | SaveLoadedBasicInfo |
14:25:22 | DEBUG | SMAPI | SaveLoadedLocations |
14:25:22 | DEBUG | SMAPI | Preloaded |
14:25:23 | WARN | SMAPI | Custom NPC Exclusions uses deprecated code (IModHelper.Content) and will break in the next major SMAPI update. |
14:25:23 | DEBUG | SMAPI | at CustomNPCExclusions.ModEntry.get_ExclusionData () [0x00000] in <12cb56ea5cc24c6199ced7edf27661bf>:0 at CustomNPCExclusions.ModEntry.GetAllNPCExclusions (System.Boolean forceCacheUpdate) [0x00000] in <12cb56ea5cc24c6199ced7edf27661bf>:0 at CustomNPCExclusions.HarmonyPatch_SocializeQuest.SocializeQuest_loadQuestInfo (StardewValley.Quests.SocializeQuest __instance) [0x00000] in <12cb56ea5cc24c6199ced7edf27661bf>:0 at StardewValley.Quests.SocializeQuest.StardewValley.Quests.SocializeQuest.loadQuestInfo_PatchedBy<Esca.CustomNPCExclusions__SuperAardvark.AntiSocial> (StardewValley.Quests.SocializeQuest ) [0x00000] in <f85b57935ed34804b886108855fd5195>:0 |
14:25:24 | DEBUG | Custom Spouse Patio | Couldn't get spouse areas from outdoor-areas.json |
14:25:24 | DEBUG | Custom Spouse Patio | Total outdoor spouse areas: 0 |
14:25:26 | DEBUG | Custom Spouse Patio | Added default tilesheet zzz_custom_spouse_default_patio to farm map |
14:25:26 | DEBUG | Custom Spouse Patio | no custom spouse areas |
14:25:27 | WARN | SMAPI | Custom Spouse Patio uses deprecated code (IModHelper.Content) and will break in the next major SMAPI update. |
14:25:27 | DEBUG | SMAPI | at CustomSpousePatio.ModEntry.AddTileSheets () [0x00000] in <94a74268260b43f9a02b11c13fe01999>:0 at CustomSpousePatio.ModEntry.SetupSpouseAreas () [0x00000] in <94a74268260b43f9a02b11c13fe01999>:0 at CustomSpousePatio.ModEntry.GameLoop_DayStarted (System.Object sender, StardewModdingAPI.Events.DayStartedEventArgs e) [0x00000] in <94a74268260b43f9a02b11c13fe01999>:0 at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Events.ManagedEvent`1[TEventArgs].Raise (TEventArgs args) [0x00000] in <a657c589ffdc433da6b7a1a6216be427>:0 |
14:25:27 | WARN | SMAPI | Dynamic Game Assets uses deprecated code (IModHelper.Content) and will break in the next major SMAPI update. |
14:25:27 | DEBUG | SMAPI | at DynamicGameAssets.Mod.OnDayStarted (System.Object sender, StardewModdingAPI.Events.DayStartedEventArgs e) [0x00000] in <246e8b8b02824361906e2cdae32ff779>:0 at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Events.ManagedEvent`1[TEventArgs].Raise (TEventArgs args) [0x00000] in <a657c589ffdc433da6b7a1a6216be427>:0 |
14:25:27 | WARN | SMAPI | Shop Tile Framework uses deprecated code (IModHelper.Content) and will break in the next major SMAPI update. |
14:25:27 | DEBUG | SMAPI | at ShopTileFramework.Utility.ItemsUtil.UpdateObjectInfoSource () [0x00000] in <3a7b1bb88af744149b14e405abbe23f3>:0 at ShopTileFramework.ModEntry.GameLoop_SaveLoaded (System.Object sender, StardewModdingAPI.Events.SaveLoadedEventArgs e) [0x00000] in <3a7b1bb88af744149b14e405abbe23f3>:0 at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Events.ManagedEvent`1[TEventArgs].Raise (TEventArgs args) [0x00000] in <a657c589ffdc433da6b7a1a6216be427>:0 |