SMAPI log parser
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Raw log
[1/29/2025 6:54:47 PM][Debug][Program.Main: Line 75]
-- Startup Data --
Time: 1/29/2025 6:54:47 PM
OS: [Windows] Microsoft Windows 10.0.26100
Settings Directory: C:\Users\trave\AppData\Roaming\Stardrop\Data
Active Directory: C:\Users\trave\Downloads\Stardrop-win-x64\Stardrop
Version: v1.2.1
[1/29/2025 6:54:47 PM][Debug][Program.Main: Line 76] Started with the following arguments:
[1/29/2025 6:54:47 PM][Debug][Translation.LoadTranslations: Line 117] Loaded language de
[1/29/2025 6:54:47 PM][Debug][Translation.LoadTranslations: Line 117] Loaded language default
[1/29/2025 6:54:47 PM][Debug][Translation.LoadTranslations: Line 117] Loaded language es
[1/29/2025 6:54:47 PM][Debug][Translation.LoadTranslations: Line 117] Loaded language fr
[1/29/2025 6:54:47 PM][Debug][Translation.LoadTranslations: Line 117] Loaded language hu
[1/29/2025 6:54:47 PM][Debug][Translation.LoadTranslations: Line 117] Loaded language it
[1/29/2025 6:54:47 PM][Debug][Translation.LoadTranslations: Line 117] Loaded language pt
[1/29/2025 6:54:47 PM][Debug][Translation.LoadTranslations: Line 117] Loaded language ru
[1/29/2025 6:54:47 PM][Debug][Translation.LoadTranslations: Line 117] Loaded language th
[1/29/2025 6:54:47 PM][Debug][Translation.LoadTranslations: Line 117] Loaded language tr
[1/29/2025 6:54:47 PM][Debug][Translation.LoadTranslations: Line 117] Loaded language uk
[1/29/2025 6:54:47 PM][Debug][Translation.LoadTranslations: Line 117] Loaded language zh
[OpenGL] Unable to initialize EGL-based rendering: 'System.DllNotFoundException: Dll was not found.
at Avalonia.OpenGL.Angle.AngleEglInterface.EGL_GetProcAddress(String proc)
at Avalonia.OpenGL.Angle.AngleEglInterface.LoadAngle() in /_/src/Avalonia.OpenGL/Angle/AngleEglInterface.cs:line 21
at Avalonia.OpenGL.Angle.AngleEglInterface..ctor() in /_/src/Avalonia.OpenGL/Angle/AngleEglInterface.cs:line 12
at Avalonia.OpenGL.Angle.AngleWin32EglDisplay..ctor() in /_/src/Avalonia.OpenGL/Angle/AngleWin32EglDisplay.cs:line 65
at Avalonia.Win32.Win32GlManager.<>c.<Initialize>b__0_1() in /_/src/Windows/Avalonia.Win32/Win32GlManager.cs:line 25
at Avalonia.OpenGL.Egl.EglPlatformOpenGlInterface.TryCreate(Func`1 displayFactory) in /_/src/Avalonia.OpenGL/Egl/EglPlatformOpenGlInterface.cs:line 34'
LogHost: Initializing to normal mode (.cctor)
[1/29/2025 6:54:48 PM][Debug][Translation.LoadTranslations: Line 117] Loaded language de
[1/29/2025 6:54:48 PM][Debug][Translation.LoadTranslations: Line 117] Loaded language default
[1/29/2025 6:54:48 PM][Debug][Translation.LoadTranslations: Line 117] Loaded language es
[1/29/2025 6:54:48 PM][Debug][Translation.LoadTranslations: Line 117] Loaded language fr
[1/29/2025 6:54:48 PM][Debug][Translation.LoadTranslations: Line 117] Loaded language hu
[1/29/2025 6:54:48 PM][Debug][Translation.LoadTranslations: Line 117] Loaded language it
[1/29/2025 6:54:48 PM][Debug][Translation.LoadTranslations: Line 117] Loaded language pt
[1/29/2025 6:54:48 PM][Debug][Translation.LoadTranslations: Line 117] Loaded language ru
[1/29/2025 6:54:48 PM][Debug][Translation.LoadTranslations: Line 117] Loaded language th
[1/29/2025 6:54:48 PM][Debug][Translation.LoadTranslations: Line 117] Loaded language tr
[1/29/2025 6:54:48 PM][Debug][Translation.LoadTranslations: Line 117] Loaded language uk
[1/29/2025 6:54:48 PM][Debug][Translation.LoadTranslations: Line 117] Loaded language zh
[1/29/2025 6:54:48 PM][Debug][App.Initialize: Line 39] Loaded theme Dark
[1/29/2025 6:54:48 PM][Debug][App.Initialize: Line 39] Loaded theme Light
[1/29/2025 6:54:48 PM][Debug][App.Initialize: Line 39] Loaded theme Solarized-Lite
[1/29/2025 6:54:48 PM][Debug][App.Initialize: Line 39] Loaded theme Stardrop
[Binding] Error in binding to 'Avalonia.Controls.NativeMenuItem'.'Command': 'Null value in expression '{empty}' at ''.' (NativeMenuItem #51661689)
[Binding] Error in binding to 'Avalonia.Controls.DataGridTemplateColumn'.'IsVisible': 'Null value in expression '{empty}' at ''.' (DataGridTemplateColumn #1460811)
[Binding] Error in binding to 'Avalonia.Controls.DataGridTemplateColumn'.'IsVisible': 'Null value in expression '{empty}' at ''.' (DataGridTemplateColumn #27225733)
[1/29/2025 6:54:48 PM][Debug][MainWindow.CheckForModUpdates: Line 1784] Attempting to check for mod updates via cache
[1/29/2025 6:54:48 PM][Debug][MainWindow..ctor: Line 197] Initialization complete!
[1/29/2025 6:54:49 PM][Debug][MainWindow.MainWindow_Opened: Line 282] Setting window size according to settings: 1152x592 (240, 140)
[1/29/2025 6:54:50 PM][Debug][MainWindow.CheckForModUpdates: Line 1962] Mod update check via cache completed without error
[1/29/2025 6:54:51 PM][Debug][MainWindow.CheckForNexusConnection: Line 1978] Attempting to check for Nexus Mods connection (Has valid client: False)