SMAPI log parser

Log info

Game info:
Stardew Valley: 1.6.15 build 24354 on Android Unix
SMAPI: v4.1.10.3 - 1735840167
Folder: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/abc.smapi.gameloader/files
Log started: 2025-03-03 23:47 UTC ({{localTimeStarted}} your time)

Installed mods: click any mod to filter show all hide all toggle content packs in list
game 1.6.15 build 24354 no errors
SMAPI v4.1.10.3 - 1735840167 Pathoschild 21 errors
Advanced Save Backup 1.12.1 Alpha_Omegasis no errors
AutomaticGates 2.5.4 Rakiin aKa ScheKaa no errors
Better Ranching 2.0.5 Urbanyeti no errors
CJB Cheats Menu 1.38.0 CJBok and Pathoschild no errors
CJB Item Spawner 2.5.1 CJBok and Pathoschild no errors
Content Patcher 2.5.3
+ (CP) Date Night 1.3.6
+ (CP) Please, Remember My Marriage 1.1.0
+ Convenient Town 1.1.0
+ Cuter Coops and Better Barns 1.1.0
+ DaisyNiko's Tilesheets 1.11.0
+ Earthy Interface 1.2.0
+ Earthy Recolour 1.4.4
+ Elle's Cuter Cats 1.0.0
+ Forest Meadow Farm 1.4.0
+ MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response 5.0.2
+ NatureInValleyContent 1.2.9
+ Ohodavi's Portraits for Rasmodia 1.5.0
+ Qmi's Alternate Portraits 2.1.0
+ Romanceable Rasmodia 3.2.0
+ Seasonal Cute Characters 6.0.1
+ Shortcuts in the Spiral Mine 1.0.0
+ Spouses React To Player Death 1.1.0
+ WildlifeExpandedContent 1.0.0
(+ 18 content packs)
+ SUPERT, AgentLyoko (Free Love Patch)
+ nraittanna
+ DaisyNiko
+ DaisyNiko
+ DaisyNiko
+ DaisyNiko
+ DaisyNiko
+ Elle/Junimods
+ DaisyNiko
+ MissCoriel
+ Nature
+ Original by Ohodavi, edits & adjustments by Nom0ri
+ Qmi
+ Nom0ri
+ Poltergeister with assets by various artists
+ JaneElliot
+ CasualInvidia
+ Nature, xAncAx
no errors
Cross-Mod Compatibility Tokens 1.1.2 Spiderbuttons no errors
Event Repeater 6.5.9 MissCoriel no errors
Experience Bars 1.4.5 spacechase0 no errors
Friends Forever 1.2.3 Isaac S. no errors
Mail Framework Mod 1.18.0
+ (MFM) Rasmodia Letters 1.0.0
(+ 1 content packs)
+ Nom0ri
no errors
More Grass 1.2.2 Sonozuki no errors
Multi Yield Crops 1.0.4 Cherry no errors
NPC Map Locations 3.3.0 Bouhm no errors
Part of the Community 1.2.0 Nikki864 and Brandon Marquis Markail Green (Space Baby) no errors
Save Anywhere Redux 3.3.0 Open Source no errors
SkipFishingMinigame 0.7.4 DewMods no errors
Tractor Mod 4.22.1 Pathoschild no errors
Unique Response Core 2.1.5 MissCoriel no errors
Visible Fish 0.4.2 shekurika no errors
<invalid content packs>
+ BirthdayGift 1.2.0
+ FeedTheAnimals 1.2.0
+ LoveThePets 1.2.0
+ Magical Furniture for Alternative Textures 1.0.2
+ MakeBreakfast 1.2.0
+ PetTheAnimals 1.2.0
+ RepairTheFences 1.2.0
+ WaterTheCrops 1.2.0
+ WaterTheSlimes 1.2.0
(+ 9 content packs)
+ furyx639
+ furyx639
+ furyx639
+ cometkins and wildflourmods
+ furyx639
+ furyx639
+ furyx639
+ furyx639
+ furyx639
no errors
Filter messages:
.* aA “ ” HL
{{ filterError }}
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