SMAPI log parser
Suggested fixes
Consider updating these mods to fix problems:
(AT) West Elm Furniture by Atlas 1.0.0 → 1.1.0 Bus Locations (1.6 fix by Sean) 0.0.1 → 1.2.2-unofficial.1-Xytronix Content Patcher + Frontier Farm
+ Yuriyuri's hairstyle
Happy Birthday + Happy Birthday ru-RU Translation Content Pack
Mail Framework Mod 1.18.0 → 1.19.0 Special Power Utilities 2.3.1 → 2.3.3 Stardew Valley Expanded Code 1.15.8 → 1.15.10
Log info
Stardew Valley: | 1.6.15 build 24356 on Майкрософт Windows 11 Домашняя |
SMAPI: | 4.1.10 |
Folder: | C:\Games\Stardew Valley |
Log started: | 2025-03-19 13:29 UTC ({{localTimeStarted}} your time) |
game 1.6.15 build 24356 | 1 error | ||
SMAPI 4.1.10 | Pathoschild | 63 errors | |
(DLL) Downtown Zuzu 0.9.4 | Zuzu Development Team | no errors | |
*SorryLabCore* 1.0.5 | YunHikari | no errors | |
AchtuurCore 1.3.3 | Achtuur | no errors | |
Alternative Textures 8.0.0
+ (AT) West Elm Furniture
(+ 1 content packs)
+ Atlas 1.0.0 by Atlasphere
no errors | |
Always Hay 1.0.1 | Omek97 | no errors | |
AutoGrab Truffles 1.1.1 | Frostiverse | no errors | |
Better Shipping Bin 1.4.7 | MindMeltMax | no errors | |
Bigger Backpack 7.3.0 | spacechase0, yoseiri, bcmpinc | no errors | |
Binning Skill 2.1.0 | drbirbdev | no errors | |
BirbCore 1.1.0 | drbirbdev | no errors | |
Bus Locations (1.6 fix | Sean) 0.0.1 by nanzington & Sean | no errors | |
Button's Extra Books 3.2.1 | Spiderbuttons | no errors | |
CJB Cheats Menu 1.38.0 | CJBok and Pathoschild | no errors | |
Console Commands 4.1.10 | SMAPI | no errors | |
Content Patcher 2.5.3
+ (CP) Binning Skill 2.1.0
(+ 54 content packs)
+ (CP) Button's Extra Books 3.2.1 + (CP) Downtown Zuzu 0.9.4 + (CP) East Scarp 2.4.18 + (CP) FCF Bats and Shrooms 0.1.1-unofficial + (CP) Immersive Sandy 1.0.8 + (CP) Love Festival 1.4.2 + (CP) More Transmutations 2.0.0 + (CP) Socializing Skill 2.1.1 + (CP) Walk to the Desert Redux 1.3.3 + (NPC) Rodney O'Brien 3.1.2 + Alvadeas Tilesheet 2.2.1 + Always Raining in the Valley 1.0.7 + Animated Furniture and Stuff 1.2.0 + Artisan Goods Keep Quality 1.4.7 + Beach Minecart 1.4.2 + Better Greenhouse 2.0.0 + Better Winter Star Gifts 1.0.3 + Community Center 1.3.1 + DaisyNiko's Tilesheets 1.11.0 + Dwarf Portrait Replacement 1.0.7 + East Scarp NPCs 2.4.18 + Eli & Dylan 1.2.4 + Ferngill Fashion Festival - CP 2.0.0 + Festival of the Mundane 1.1.3-unofficial.2-Dasorik + Fievel Goes East Scarp 1.2.0 + Frontier Farm 1.15.8 + Grampleton Fields 1.15.0 + Hats Won't Mess Up Hair 1.5.0 + Integrated Minecarts (CP Component) 4.5.12 + Jas expansion 1.5.8 + Juliet, Jessie and Lodging House 1.5.6 + Lavril - East Scarp NPC (King's Raid) 2.2.0 + Lumisteria Tilesheets - Indoor 1.4.0 + Lumisteria Tilesheets - Outdoor 1.4.0 + Lunna - Astray in StardewValley 3.4.14 + Lurking in the Dark 3.0.6 + Marnie Immersive 1.5.8 + More Quest 2.0.6 + NPC Jasper 1.8.4 + NPC Mr Ginger 1.6.6 + NPC Tristan 1.4.0 + Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component) 2.5.17 + Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits 1.1.3 + Romanceable Rasmodius SVE Compatible 1.6.3 + Seasonal Cute Characters 6.0.1 + Seasonal Cute Characters ES 1.0.3 + Seasonal Cute Characters SVE 3.0.0 + Shardust's Hairstyles for Content Patcher 7.0.0 + Stardew Valley Expanded 1.15.8 + The Last Smoluanu: A Dwarf Expansion 1.1.4 + Vanilla Wizard 32 Portraits 1.0.2 + Wyrd's Seasonal Mailboxes 2.0.0 + Yuriyuri's hairstyle 1.0.0 |
+ drbirbdev
+ Spiderbuttons + Zuzu Development Team + LemurKat + aedenthorn + beyondrecovery + AvalonMFX + Mammutor + drbirbdev + Tarniyar & Aeywoo + TheFrenchDodo + Alvadea + Hime Tarts + Gervig91 ~zBGEdit/CPA2SC + voiddreams + UncleArya + DoctorHadley + Bennoloth + LemurKat + DaisyNiko + LavenderSkelly + Lemurkat + Tenebrous Nova + UNA + MouseyPounds and Mr. Podunkian + DestyNova & ES Dev Team + FlashShifter + FlashShifter + misatse1019 + Jibb + Lemurkat + Lemurkat + Arknir27 + Lumisteria + Lumisteria + Rafseazz + 7thAxis + Lemurkat + KangTaeGong + Lemurkat + Lemurkat + Lemurkat + Rafseazz + Rafseazz + Written by WerewolfMaster, haywrites, PaintedParrot + Poltergeister with assets by various artists + Poltergeister + Poltergeister + Shardust + FlashShifter + Lemurkat + Buncisoup + logwyrd + snowcmpie |
no errors | |
Crop Harvest Bubbles 0.3.1 | aedenthorn & logophile | no errors | |
Custom Companions 5.0.0
+ (CC) Downtown Zuzu 0.9.4
(+ 5 content packs)
+ ARV- Maximum 1.0.7 + CustomCompanionVoid 2.2.0 + Eli & Dylan- Soot 1.2.4 + Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component) 2.5.17 |
+ Zuzu Development Team
+ Hime Tarts + Arknir27 + Tenebrous Nova + Rafseazz |
no errors | |
Destroyable Bushes 1.5.1 | Esca | no errors | |
East Scarp C# 2.4.18 | atravita | no errors | |
Eli and Dylan Code 1.2.4 | atravita | no errors | |
Expanded Preconditions Utility 1.1.0 | Cherry | no errors | |
Fall 28 Snow Day 1.9.0 | Alpha_Omegasis | no errors | |
Farm Cave Framework 0.3.7-unofficial-Sparky56p | aedenthorn | no errors | |
Farm Type Manager 1.24.0
+ (FTM) Downtown Zuzu 0.9.4
(+ 8 content packs)
+ (FTM) Walk to the Desert Redux 1.3.3 + Forage Settings East Scarp 2.4.18 + Forage Settings Fairy Pool 1.4.0 + Frontier Farm Forage Locations 1.15.8 + LASV Forage 3.4.14 + Ridgeside Village (Farm Type Manager component) 2.5.17 + Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager 1.15.8 |
+ Zuzu Development Team
+ Tarniyar & Aeywoo + Lemurkat + Lemurkat + FlashShifter + Rafseazz + Rafseazz + FlashShifter |
no errors | |
FashionFestivalSMAPI 2.0.0 | UNA | no errors | |
Festival of the Mundane 1.1.3-unofficial.3-Dasorik | MouseyPounds and Mr. Podunkian | no errors | |
Font Settings 0.15.1 | Becks723 | no errors | |
Furniture Placement Tweaks 0.1.1 | aedenthorn | no errors | |
Generic Mod Config Menu 1.14.1 | spacechase0 | no errors | |
GMCM Options 1.6.0 | Jamie Taylor | no errors | |
Happy Birthday 3.19.2
+ Happy Birthday en-US Translation Content Pack 1.4.2
(+ 2 content packs)
+ Happy Birthday ru-RU Translation Content Pack 3.19.1 |
+ Omegasis
+ Waillio |
no errors | |
Health & Stamina Regeneration 2.0.2 | Jessebot | no errors | |
Integrated Minecarts (SMAPI Component) 4.5.12 | Jibb | no errors | |
Json Assets 1.11.9 | spacechase0 | no errors | |
Love Festival 1.4.2 | AvalonMFX | no errors | |
Mail Framework Mod 1.18.0
+ (MFM) Downtown Zuzu 0.9.4
(+ 3 content packs)
+ Always Raining in the Valley MFM 1.0.7 + More Quest Mail 2.0.6 |
+ Zuzu Development Team
+ Hime Tarts + KangTaeGong |
no errors | |
Mapping Extensions and Extra Properties (MEEP) 2.4.6 | DecidedlyHuman | no errors | |
No Greenhouse Entrance Tiles 1.1.0 | idermailer | no errors | |
NPC Map Locations 3.3.0 | Bouhm | no errors | |
Passable Crops 1.1.9 | NCarigon | no errors | |
Questable Tractor Mod 1.4.2 | NermNermNerm | no errors | |
Reciprocate 1.1.1 | YunHikari | no errors | |
Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component) 2.5.17 | Rafseazz | no errors | |
Save Backup 4.1.10 | SMAPI | no errors | |
Self Serve 1.0.1 | NeverToxic | no errors | |
ShipAnything 1.3.2 | berkayylmao | no errors | |
Shop Tile Framework 1.0.11 | Cherry | no errors | |
Simple Crop Label 6.0.2 | TheMusketeer | no errors | |
Skillful Clothes 1.6.0 | LunaticShade | no errors | |
SkullCavernElevator 1.6.2 | lestoph | no errors | |
SocializingSkill 2.1.1 | drbirbdev | no errors | |
SpaceCore 1.27.0 | spacechase0 | no errors | |
Special Power Utilities 2.3.1 | Spiderbuttons | no errors | |
Stardew Travel Skill 1.4.0 | Achtuur | no errors | |
Stardew Valley Expanded Code 1.15.8 | FlashShifter, Esca, super-aardvark, and kittycatcasey | no errors | |
StardewHack 7.4.0 | bcmpinc | no errors | |
StardustCore 3.1.1 | Alpha_Omegasis | no errors | |
Tractor Mod 4.22.1 | Pathoschild | no errors | |
Train Station 2.2.0
+ (TS) Downtown Zuzu 0.9.4
(+ 1 content packs)
+ Zuzu Development Team
no errors | |
Unique Response Core 2.1.5 | MissCoriel | no errors | |
Wear More Rings 7.7.0 | bcmpinc | no errors | |
Yet Another Jump Mod 0.7.3 | aedenthorn & Dolphin Is Not a Fish | no errors |
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